Can I allow the extension user to choose matching domains? - google-chrome-extension

Can I allow the domain matching for my extension to be user configurable?
I'd like to let my users choose when the extension runs.

To implement customizable "match patterns" for content scripts, the Content script need to be executed in by the background page using the chrome.tabs.executeScript method (after detecting a page load using the chrome.tabs.onUpdated event listener).
Because the match pattern check is not exposed in any API, you have to create the method yourself. It is implemented in, and the specification is available at match patterns.
Here's an example of a parser:
* #param String input A match pattern
* #returns null if input is invalid
* #returns String to be passed to the RegExp constructor */
function parse_match_pattern(input) {
if (typeof input !== 'string') return null;
var match_pattern = '(?:^'
, regEscape = function(s) {return s.replace(/[[^$.|?*+(){}\\]/g, '\\$&');}
, result = /^(\*|https?|file|ftp|chrome-extension):\/\//.exec(input);
// Parse scheme
if (!result) return null;
input = input.substr(result[0].length);
match_pattern += result[1] === '*' ? 'https?://' : result[1] + '://';
// Parse host if scheme is not `file`
if (result[1] !== 'file') {
if (!(result = /^(?:\*|(\*\.)?([^\/*]+))(?=\/)/.exec(input))) return null;
input = input.substr(result[0].length);
if (result[0] === '*') { // host is '*'
match_pattern += '[^/]+';
} else {
if (result[1]) { // Subdomain wildcard exists
match_pattern += '(?:[^/]+\\.)?';
// Append host (escape special regex characters)
match_pattern += regEscape(result[2]);
// Add remainder (path)
match_pattern += input.split('*').map(regEscape).join('.*');
match_pattern += '$)';
return match_pattern;
Example: Run content script on pages which match the pattern
In the example below, the array is hard-coded. In practice, you would store the match patterns in an array using localStorage or
// Example: Parse a list of match patterns:
var patterns = ['*://*/*', '*exampleofinvalid*', 'file://*'];
// Parse list and filter(exclude) invalid match patterns
var parsed =
.filter(function(pattern){return pattern !== null});
// Create pattern for validation:
var pattern = new RegExp(parsed.join('|'));
// Example of filtering:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
if (changeInfo.status === 'complete') {
var url = tab.url.split('#')[0]; // Exclude URL fragments
if (pattern.test(url)) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
file: 'contentscript.js'
// or: code: '<JavaScript code here>'
// Other valid options: allFrames, runAt
To get this to work, you need to request the following permissions in the manifest file:
"tabs" - To enable the necessary tabs API.
"<all_urls>" - To be able to use chrome.tabs.executeScript to execute a content script in a specific page.
A fixed list of permissions
If the set of match patterns is fixed (ie. the user cannot define new ones, only toggle patterns), "<all_urls>" can be replaced with this set of permissions. You may even use optional permissions to reduce the initial number of requested permissions (clearly explained in the documentation of chrome.permissions).


Is there a regex to be able to match two url's , one that has a wildcard and one that doesn't?

I am writing a program in Nodejs with the following scenarios.
I have an array of url's that include wildcards, such as the following:
Secondly, I have an incoming redirect url that I need to validate matches what is in the array of url's above. I was wondering if there was a way using Regex or anything else that I can use something like arr.includes(incomingRedirectUrl) and compare the two.
I can match non-wildcard url's using array.includes(incomingRedirectUrl), but when it comes to matching the array that has wildcards, I cannot think of a solution.
For example, should work because it matches the first url in the above example, only replacing the "*" with the x.
Is there a way I can achieve this? Or do I have to break down the url's using something like slice at the "*" to compare the two?
Thanks in advance for any help.
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].indexOf('*') !== -1) {
} else {
***Note, the reason I check noWildcardArr first is because most of the validate redirect url's do not contain wildcard
if (noWildcardArr.includes(incomingRedirectUrl)) {
//Validated correct url, proceed with the next part of my code (this part already works)
} else if (wildcardArr.includes(incomingRedirectUrl)) {
//need to figure out this logic here, not sure if the above is possible without formatting wildcardArr but url should be validated if url matches with wildcard
} else {
log.error('authorize: Bad Request - Invalid Redirect URL');
context.res = {
status: 400,
body: 'Bad Request - Invalid Redirect URL',
You could compile your URL array into proper regex and then iterate over them to see if it matches. Similar to something like a web framework would do that allows URL path parameters such as /users/:id.
function makeMatcher(urls) {
const compiled = => {
// regex escape the url but dont escape *
let exp = url.replace(/[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
// replace * with .+ for the wildcard
exp = exp.replaceAll('*', '.+');
// the expression is used to create the match function
return new RegExp(`^${exp}$`);
// return the match function, which returns true, on the first match,
// or false, if there is no match at all
return function match(url) {
return compiled.find(regex => url.match(regex)) == undefined ?
false :
const matches = makeMatcher([
// these 2 should match
// this one not

Netsuite: how to add a custom link to the Nav Bar or Header

Is there any way to customize the Nav Bar or the Header to have a custom link?
The use-case is that I have a JIRA issue collector that is driven by javascript. I would like the user to provide feedback from the page they are having issues. However, any solution I can come up with so far takes the user away from the current page.
Example of what I have that takes the user away:
I currently have a Suitelet that is in one of the menus. That Suitelet invokes javascript but even then the user is taken away.
I have a workflow on the case record that calls some Javascript Javascript in one of the UI-based action's conditions is invoked. Similar to #1 but on the case record.
I'm thinking I'm going to need to create and public a chrome extension for my company's domain just to get a pervasive bit of javascript to run for all pages...seems like a sledgehammer.
I hope someone can prove me wrong, but as far as I am aware there is no way to natively inject Javascript or anything into the NetSuite header/navbar - they don't offer customisation to the header/navbar.
I've resorted to creating a Userscript that I load through the Violent Monkey extension for Chrome or Firefox.
Example Userscript Template
// ==UserScript==
// #name NetSuite Mods (Example)
// #namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// #match **
// #include **
// #grant GM_addStyle
// #version 1.0
// #author Kane Shaw -
// #description 6/11/2020, 6:25:20 PM
// ==/UserScript==
// Get access to some commonly used NLAPI functions without having to use "unsafeWindow.nlapi..." in our code
// You can add more of these if you need access to more of the functions contained on the NetSuite page
nlapiSetFieldText = unsafeWindow.nlapiSetFieldText;
nlapiSetFieldValue = unsafeWindow.nlapiSetFieldValue;
nlapiGetFieldText = unsafeWindow.nlapiGetFieldText;
nlapiGetFieldValue = unsafeWindow.nlapiGetFieldValue;
nlapiSearchRecord = unsafeWindow.nlapiSearchRecord;
nlobjSearchFilter = unsafeWindow.nlobjSearchFilter;
nlapiLookupField = unsafeWindow.nlapiLookupField;
nlapiLoadRecord = unsafeWindow.nlapiLoadRecord;
nlapiSubmitRecord = unsafeWindow.nlapiSubmitRecord;
GM_pageTransformations = {};
* The entrypoint for our userscript
function GM_main(jQuery) {
// We want to execute these on every NetSuite page
// Here we build a function name from the path (page being accessed on the NetSuite domain)
var path = location.pathname;
if(path.indexOf('.')>-1) path = path.substr(0,path.indexOf('.'));
path = toCamelCase(path,'/');
// Now we check if a page "GM_pageTransformations" function exists with a matching name
if(GM_pageTransformations[path]) {
console.log('Executing GM_pageTransformations for '+path);
} else {
console.log('No GM_pageTransformations for '+path);
* Changes the header on all pages
GM_pageTransformations['header'] = function() {
// For example, lets make the header background red
GM_addStyle('#ns_header, #ns_header * { background: red !important; }');
* Provides useful browser/tab titles for each NetSuite page
GM_pageTransformations['browsertitle'] = function() {
var title = jQuery('.uir-page-title-secondline').text().trim();
var title2 = jQuery('.uir-page-title-firstline').text().trim();
var title3 = jQuery('.ns-dashboard-detail-name').text().trim();
if(title != '') {
document.title = title+(title2 ? ': '+title2 : '')+(title3 ? ': '+title3 : '');
} else if(title2 != '') {
document.title = title2+(title3 ? ': '+title3 : '');
} else if(title3 != '') {
document.title = title3;
* Changes app center card pages (dashboard pages)
GM_pageTransformations['appCenterCard'] = function() {
// For example, lets make add a new heading text on all Dashboard pages
jQuery('#ns-dashboard-page').prepend('<h1>My New Dashboard Title</h1>');
* Convert a given string into camelCase, or CamelCase
* #param {String} string - The input stirng
* #param {String} delimter - The delimiter that seperates the words in the input string (default " ")
* #param {Boolean} capitalizeFirstWord - Wheater or not to capitalize the first word (default false)
function toCamelCase(string, delimiter, capitalizeFirstWord) {
if(!delimiter) delimiter = ' ';
var pieces = string.split(delimiter);
string = '';
for (var i=0; i<pieces.length; i++) {
if(pieces[i].length == 0) continue;
string += pieces[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + pieces[i].slice(1);
if(!capitalizeFirstWord) string= string.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+string.slice(1);
return string;
// ===============
* Check if we already have a local copy of jQuery, or if we need to fetch it from a 3rd-party server
if (typeof GM_info !== "undefined") {
console.log("Running with local copy of jQuery!");
else {
console.log ("fetching jQuery from some 3rd-party server.");
add_jQuery(GM_main, "1.9.0");
* Add the jQuery into our page for our userscript to use
function add_jQuery(callbackFn, jqVersion) {
var jqVersion = jqVersion || "1.9.0";
var D = document;
var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
scriptNode.src = ''
+ jqVersion
+ '/jquery.min.js'
scriptNode.addEventListener ("load", function () {
var scriptNode = D.createElement ("script");
scriptNode.textContent =
'var gm_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict (true);\n'
+ '(' + callbackFn.toString () + ')(gm_jQuery);'
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
}, false);
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
You can copy and paste that code as-is into a new Userscript and it will do the following:
Make Browser tabs/windows have useful titles (shows order numbers, customer names, vendor names etc - not just "Sales Order")
Change the header background to red (as an example)
Add a new heading to the top of all "Dashboard" pages that says "My New Dashboard Title" (as an example)

How to provide custom names for page view events in Azure App Insights?

By default App Insights use page title as event name. Having dynamic page names, like "Order 32424", creates insane amount of event types.
Documentation on the matter says to use trackEvent method, but there are no examples.
appInsights.trackEvent("Edit button clicked", { "Source URL": "" })
What is the best approach? It would be perfect to have some sort of map/filter which would allow to modify event name for some pages to the shared name, like "Order 23424" => "Order", at the same time to leave most pages as they are.
You should be able to leverage telemetry initializer approach to replace certain pattern in the event name with the more "common" version of that name.
Here is the example from Application Insights JS SDK GitHub on how to modify pageView's data before it's sent out. With the slight modification you may use it to change event names based on their appearance:
window.appInsights = appInsights;
// Add telemetry initializer
appInsights.queue.push(function () {
appInsights.context.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) {
var telemetryItem =;
// To check the telemetry item’s type:
if ( === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageView.envelopeType) {
// this statement removes url from all page view documents
telemetryItem.url = "URL CENSORED";
// To set custom properties: = || {};["globalProperty"] = "boo";
// To set custom metrics:
telemetryItem.measurements = telemetryItem.measurements || {};
telemetryItem.measurements["globalMetric"] = 100;
// end
With help of Dmitry Matveev I've came with the following final code:
var appInsights = window.appInsights;
if (appInsights && appInsights.queue) {
function adjustPageName(item) {
var name ="AppName", "");
if (name.indexOf("Order") !== -1)
return "Order";
if (name.indexOf("Product") !== -1)
return "Shop";
// And so on...
return name;
// Add telemetry initializer
appInsights.queue.push(function () {
appInsights.context.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) {
var telemetryItem =;
// To check the telemetry item’s type:
if ( === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageView.envelopeType || === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageViewPerformance.envelopeType) {
// Do not track admin pages
if ("Admin") !== -1)
return false; = adjustPageName(telemetryItem);
Why this code is important? Because App Insights use page titles by default as Name for PageView, so you would have hundreds and thousands of different events, like "Order 123132" which would make further analysis (funnel, flows, events) meaningless.
Key highlights:
var name ="AppName", ""); If you put your App/Product name in title, you probably want to remove it from you event name, because it would just repeat itself everywhere.
appInsights && appInsights.queue you should check for appInsights.queue because for some reason it can be not defined and it would cause an error.
if ("Admin") !== -1) return false; returning false will cause event to be not recorded at all. There certain events/pages you most likely do not want to track, like admin part of website.
There are two types of events which use page title as event name: PageView
and PageViewPerformance. It makes sense to modify both of them.
Here's one work-around, if you're using templates to render your /orders/12345 pages:
appInsights.trackPageView({name: TEMPLATE_NAME });
Another option, perhaps better suited for a SPA with react-router:
const Tracker = () => {
let {pathname} = useLocation();
pathname = pathname.replace(/([/]orders[/])([^/]+), "$1*"); // handle /orders/NN/whatever
pathname = pathname.replace(/([/]foo[/]bar[/])([^/]+)(.*)/, "$1*"); // handle /foo/bar/NN/whatever
useEffect(() => {
appInsights.trackPageView({uri: pathname});
}, [pathname]);
return null;

Reverse matching Express routes to database entries

I'm trying to build a sort of database-based ACL for my Express application. I currently have a Permissions table in the database that contains something like that:
Resource: *
Method: *
RoleID: 1
isAllowed: true
Resource: /users
Method: GET
RoleID: 2
isAllowed: false
Resource: /users/id/*
Method: GET
RoleID: 2
isAllowed: true
My aim is to build a middleware that checks on the request object and allows or denies the route based on the rules in the database. My practical problem is, how do I match, say /users/id/1 with the database entry /users/id/*? If I use the database entry as the basis for my regex, then /users/id/1 is clearly matched, however, I don't think it's practical to pull and test ALL database entries for each request. What do you think would be the best approach to obtain the right rule from the database based on the requested URL?
Thanks for your time!
OK, after a bit of thinking and research, I've discovered that you can use regular expressions in MySQL queries, so I've come up with this middleware (I'm using Sequelize):
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
// If a wildcard is in place, skip the rest
return models.Permissions.findAll({
where: {
resource: '*',
GID: req.session.role,
isAllowed: 1
}).then(function (result) {
if (result[0]) {
return next()
// If the URL contains more than one element, replace the last item with [item, *]
// to match eventual wildcards in the database entries
let urlItems = req.url.split('/').filter(Boolean)
let url = req.url
if (urlItems.length > 1) {
let lastItem = '[' + urlItems[urlItems.length - 1] + ', *]'
url = req.url.split('/')
url[url.length - 1] = lastItem
url = url.join('/')
let query = 'SELECT * FROM Permissions '
query += 'WHERE resource RLIKE "^' + url + '?$" '
query += 'AND GID = ' + req.session.role
return models.sequelize.query(query, {
type: models.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
}).then(function (result) {
let policy = result[0]
function return403 () {
// Forbid everything by default
if (!policy) {
let methods = policy.method.toUpperCase().split(' ')
// Forbid all methods which are not allowed
if (policy.method === '*' || methods.includes(req.method)) {
if (!policy.isAllowed) {
// When other methods are explicitly allowed, forbid everything else
if (policy.method !== '*' && !methods.includes(req.method) && policy.isAllowed) {
// Standard behaviour: allow explicitly allowed methods (or *) that are allowed.

jQuery: check if text exists in another element

Using jQuery, I want to check if the text of a link I'm clicking is present in another element on the page. The text in the other element is added dynamically and isn't present on the page initially.
So far I have this:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:has(" + seed + ")")){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
But for some reason, I always get the "already have it" alert even if the text of the #results a link isn't present in the #seeds <div>. What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: using :contains instead of :has, as suggested, works for the most part...except if #seeds contains a string that's a superset of the text in the #results anchor.
For example, if #seeds contains the text Americana and the #results anchor's text is America, I will still get the "already have it" alert. I want the alert to appear only for an exact match. Is this possible?
You can use :contains() instead of :has():
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
This checks if the #seeds element contains the text that the link clicked contains.
If you want to find any elements that are descendants of the #seeds element:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds").find(":contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
Here is a demo:
Notice that I am checking the length of the returned set of elements, if there are no elements then zero will be returned and the if statement will resolve to false, if there are any elements then it will resolve truthily.
Also note that :contains() is case-sensitive:
If you are using jQuery 1.4.2 or greater then you can use .delegate() rather than .live(). The main benefit to .delegate() is that you can select your root element. So if for instance, #results, is always present in the DOM then you can use it as the root element rather than the document element (which is what .live() does):
//it's this easy to change to `.delegate()`
$("#results").delegate("a", "click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds").find(":contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
If #results is added to the DOM dynamically then you can find it's parent and use it as the root element (... as long as it persists in the DOM).
If you want to only match the exact text of the link then you can iterate through the descendant elements of the #results element and check the text of each element:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text(),
found = false;
$.each($('#seeds').find('*'), function () {
if ($(this).text() == seed) {
found = true;
if (found){
alert("already have it");
else {
alert('that\'s new');
return false;
Here is a demo:
You can also use RegExp to match the value:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var regexp = new RegExp("^(" + $(this).text() + ")$", "i"),
found = false;
$.each($('#seeds').find('*'), function () {
if ($(this).text().search(regexp) > -1) {
found = true;
if (found){
alert("already have it");
else {
alert('that\'s new');
return false;
Here is a demo:
The important part here is the creation of the RegExp: var regexp = new RegExp("^(" + $(this).text() + ")$", "i"). Notice the i flag which sets the RegExp to search case-insensitive. Also the ^ matches the beginning of the string and $ matches the end, so this look to see if the current text being checked is the exact same string as the search term (except that it's case-insensitive).
Use :contains() instead of :has() and check for length property because jQuery always gives an object.
:has(selector) takes selector as input and looks for element which match selector where as :contains(text) takes the text to check for within elements text content and select them.
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
