Potential duplicate records: None in CRM 2011 - dynamics-crm-2011

I have a duplicate detection rule to check for contacts with the same last name and the same first two letters of the first name, case insensitive. I have checked the box to exclude inactive matching records and I have done no direct database manipulation.
To test the duplicate detection, I created a contact with my name and saved it. I then created a lead with the same last name and Mike instead of Michael for the first name. When I try to qualify that lead and create a contact from it I get a dialog titled Duplicates Detected, but in the bottom where the found duplicates should be it says "Potential duplicate records: None".
This article ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2693711 ) is the only thing I've found that seems to address the issue, but it doesn't solve my problem.
Edited to add: I discovered that if I trigger the duplicate detection rule by directly creating a new Contact as opposed to qualifying a Lead, it works correctly and it shows the matched possible duplicates. I'd still like to get it working when qualifying a Lead, however.

Sounds buggy to me, it really should show the user which record(s) are clashing.
However, I would come at the problem a different way - create a duplicate detection rule on Leads that look for matches against last name and first name on Contacts, so this would warn the user much earlier that there might be a conflict. E-mail address would always be a good indicator too, although it depends on your processes as to whether you would have captured that information at this early stage.
(likewise if you do B2B you may want to dupe check Leads against Accounts by company name)
Why waste all that time filling out details on a Lead only to find that it was already in the system as a qualified contact or account when you try to qualify it?


CalDAV: Deleting entry by attribute or UID

I am a network admin not a software developer and confronted with the following issue:
A user has five (here SOGo) CalDAV calendars and "Outlook CalDAV Synchronizer" has distributed all events homogenize over all calendars.
Creating an export/backup of one duplicate item reveals that "Outlook Synchronizer" adds special attributes to the not wanted duplicate entries that the original entry does not have like:
PRODID:-//ddaysoftware.com//NONSGML DDay.iCal 1.0//EN
TZNAME:Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit
Is there a way to delete all calendar entries containing i.e. the X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS attribute? With sogo-tools backup I can identify and create the according ics file but I don't know how to use it for deleting the according entry in the calendar.
I took a look into
but have no idea how to convert these examples into a working script. Perhaps there are possibilities at a "higher level" to solve this problem?

PXFormula and SumCalc not calculating correctly (doubling value of field)

Where does the code that makes a PX Formula work exist? I at first assumed it was a SQL Trigger, but I can't seem to find it there. This is why I ask....
I've added a custom field to the SO, called usrSpeedyTotalExt2. I'm trying to get that to sum the SOLine.CuryLineAmt. I added attributes to the SOLine DAC to append the follwing:
[PXFormula(null, typeof(SumCalc<SOOrderExt.usrSpeedyTotalExt2>))]
This seemed to work, but know I'm fining that the value is consistently twice as high as it should be. I've got a second field that's doing the exact same thing.
What's increasingly odd is that I had the same problem with the field, and I thought I had done something wrong so I deleted the PXFormula, created a new field and then added the PX Formula to populate the new field. As such, there shouldn't be any code populating the old field, but strangely it's populated, so there must b e some business logic that's stuck and somehow still populating it.
Any thoughts on how I track this down?
I believe that I figured out the problem...I think that the code may have been imported and published on more than one company, then published from the proper company to multiple tenants.
My fix was to go to the live company, un-publish all, then go back to the company the customizations live in and publish to the appropriate tenants. It would appear that now I'm only getting the proper totals. IDK how that might have happened, but at least it appears to be fixed.

Controlling an NSArrayController and Core data relations

I am new to stackoverflow because I almost never ask questions in forums as there are plenty of questions out there already answered. However my head is about to explode from trying to figure out how to do this app.
First I do this using XCode 4.5.2 for OSX 10.8 deployment of a personal (that is for my use only) double entry accounting software.
Each accounting entry consists of a header of various text fields such as the entry date, a serial number, etc. which I created an Entity called "Entry". Also each such entry has multiple lines such as the various accounts related to that entry, amounts, etc. called an Entity "EntryLine" linked in the model nice and easy.
The thing is that I intended to use text field for the basic header info and below it a linked Table View for each of the line. Being an accounting software there are several checks (validations) that I need to make and I need full control of what is going on. Already tried binding two array controllers, one for each entity and linking the two and saving them to the sqlite file but to no avail!
Now I have an app with just the header up and running by manually getting and setting the info in the top text fields as I please and saving them to the file. But I have no idea how to do the part with the Entry Lines in the Table view. Can I do that manually too or is it better to do bindings through an array controller?
Also tried already with array controller but I get "Table View Cell" when I add a new line in the table. Any ideas on that?
In the Table View there is also an "Account Name" part that is NOT part of the EntryLine entity but my intention is to obtain this information from another entity called "Account" that stores the Account Number and Account Name. On input of the account number that is, the app would skip the name field and move to particulars for input but also bring up the name of the account already inputted. Is this even possible?
Sorry for being a bit vague in my questions but I come from routine program oriented languages and not object oriented one, though I have some Java experience. Any help would be appreciated. No screenshot sorry as I am not yet allowed:(

NameLookup does not pull Phone number

I have 2 fields that looks for username, the gets the email address and phone number from user's person document.
Creator_Email: #NameLookup([NoUpdate]; #UserName; "OfficePhoneNumber")
Creator_Ext: #NameLookup([NoUpdate]; #UserName; "OfficePhoneNumber")
The problem is there is one user reported that the extension did not pull out. It came out blank
I have checked on the person document and the phone number is there
the email address pull out correctly, but when I tested changing the first letter of first and last name to lower case (ie. Test.User#domain.com to test.user#domain.com), the field that pulls the email address still show up with Upper case.
I have tried to take the user.id and test it on a different PC and the problem persists.
Any idea why this happens? I know there are 2 address books set up in the company and that is not ideal but I have checked the 2 address books and make sure all the needed information are there.
The #NameLookup formula does a look up to a hidden view on the database, and sometimes you run into a situation where the index for that view isn't up-to-date. You can go to the database and press CTRL+SHIFT+F9 to rebuild all the views, or you can try to use the FORCEUPDATE flag in your formula.
I think you'll find that the #NameLookup call is finding people who have created entries for themselves in their personal address books. If those entries are incomplete, the lookups will fail to find the missing fields.
The #NameLookup will use the parameter...
Go to /File/Preferences/Location then is the current location find the Server Tab and check that you defined Domino Directory server (if empty user search on local)
Check also in the Mail tab, Recipient Name lookup that could "stop after first march" or exhaustively search ALL the names known on the client.
In #NameLookup you can also use [NoUpdate]:[Exhaustive]
be aware as mention before that view may be not up to date, that caching can occurs in the #NameLookup.
In place of this, I suggest to use:
#DbLookup("":"";YourServer:"names.nsf" ; "($VIMPeople)" ; #Name([ABBREVIATE] ;#UserName) ; "OfficePhoneNumber");

resetting "Issue ID" in Sharepoint site

I designed a site in share point. There is a column called "Issue ID (linked to item)" in ALL Issues view. I am using this column to list and identify the items which are created by employees. It increases by 1 as a new issue is created. Unfortunately, I have to reset this ID to 1 because during the test period I created and deleted blank issues. Although they were deleted, the share point increasing Issue ID from the last deleted issue (89).
Is there an easy way to do this? how can I reset this auto number? I need to reset this counter as soon as possible without any risk...
Do you kindly help me? I would be glad if you explain it in detail.
Thank you,
If your Issues list wasn't heavily customized and nor referenced by GUID in any custom code, the simplest and most supported option would be to recreate it with the same name after deletion as a customized template you could have saved without contents from list settings page before deleting or as a standard Issues list.
