Node reference to show only author of node - drupal-6

I have create two content types as Game and Video. Now in the Video I have created 1 field type as node reference that will be referring to the Game type.
Now suppose I have 2 users as user1 and user2 on my site. User1 has created following contents-
Game1(Content Type Game) Game2(Content Type Game) Game3(Content Type Game)
And User 2 has following contents- Game4(Content Type Game) Game5(Content Type Game)
Now suppose User1 is going to create one Video content type. There on the node reference selected list I just want to see Game1,2&3. But it is displaying all Games.
How can I solve it.
Thanks in advance.

Node reference fields have a facility where you can use a View to set the list of available nodes for reference instead of selecting just a content type.
That is your best bet here.
You'll want to create a View (for this purpose) that takes an argument. That argument will be a user argument. The tricky bit will be how to set the value of that argument. You want to use the options available to set the argument even when it's not present. You might be able to set it as the logged in user, or, you might have to make a Video Creation (node form) on the users profile page and pick the argument value based on the URL. You might also be able to set that field based on emitting links that contain the user's UID.


MS PowerApps Deep Linking

I'm passing a parameter to a PowerApp through the calling URL called ID, i.e.
When the app launches I want it to jump from BrowseScreen1 which lists all the Business Cases and go straight to the Business Case with the matching ID (a field from a SharePoint list).
I'm brand new to PowerApps but pretty sure what I need to do is called Deep Linking and I found this tutorial and having read the comments to the article I'm trying to apply it to the OnStart property of BrowseScreen1. I don't really understand how the navigation link in the tutorial is constructed so I'm sure I'm using the wrong Navigation parameters as it always launches the first record in the list ignoring anything to do with the ID. I'm using:
None,{ID:LookUp('Full Business Case For Review'.ID, ID =
'Full Business Case For Review' is the name of the Sharepoint list and ID is a unique field that gets assigned to each list item.
The tutorial doesn't mention having to change anything on the detail screen but I've also wondered if I need to perhaps change the item properties there as they are currently:
I'm feeling out of my depth and would really appreciate some help on this!
Yes, you need to change the Item property in the detail screen. This is because there is currently no way to select an item in a gallery programmatically in PowerApps.
I normally get around this by using a global variable to store the current item, so you can set BrowseSreen1.OnStart to this
Set(CurrentItem, LookUp('Full Business Case For Review'.ID, ID = Value(Param("ID"))));
Navigate(DetailScreen1, None)
This will store the item with ID equal to your parameter as a record type variable.
You also need to change the OnSelect property of your BrowseGallery1's template or whichever control is used to navigate to the detail screen. It will need to be something like this
Set(CurrentItem, ThisItem); Navigate(DetailScreen1, None)
Finally set the Item property in the detail screen simply to this

How to refer same DataTable across different features in cucumber-jvm?

In one of step definitions I have created a function say “someFunction” that takes a DataTable, which has been defined in my feature file Feature1.
Given: User enters the following data
#Given(“^User enters the following data$”)
public void someFunction(DataTable input){
Now in another feature file “Feature2.feature”, one of my scenario needs to use same step i.e. call someFunction. I know I can use the same step definition but does that mean that I would have to redefine same DataTable input in Feature2 file.
If not, how would I do it?
Please note that I understand the Backgound keyword and its use, but if I say I need to keep these scenarios in different feature files, how should this be done?
You'll have to duplicate the common background. Since duplication is unwanted, you should consider giving a name/title to the resulting state that is represented by that common background and create a single given step that can be re-used. Something like "Given: the user has entered valid contact data" or "Given: the shopping cart has 3 items" (where any 3 will do).

sequence diagram for android application that uses NFC

The below diagram is based on an android application. When the application loads the user is given 3 button to select add, update and Search. On click on add button the user is given an option to add a new user or add a new item. When the user selects the add item option he enters the required data. Once the data is entered the system check if all the values are entered is correct. if it is correct it is saved if not the user is asked to re-enter the values.One the data is saved the user is asked to write the asset id to an NFC tag.
The same process is applied for update section.
In the search the user is given 2 option to either search the asset through text or by tapping the NFC device onto the NFC tag to search the desired item from the database.
I wanted to know if the sequence diagram I have done is correct.
I would remove the Choose an Option messages. The machine does not trigger anything at the actor. It's the actor who decides. So the initial message always comes from the actor.
The Return Result is implicit with the dotted line. Instead describe what is being returned.
Finally (and most important) you do not use objects but classes in your SD. Always (!) use objects since its an object which communicates, not a class.

Accessing custom user profile fields in CCK

I'm probably going about this the wrong way but...
I’ve added a field to the User Profile called profile_real_name which is required by the user. Is there a way to access the details in CCK?
For example in CCK when creating a new field I can access the user’s username with the ‘User reference’ Field type and setting the ‘Widget type’ to ‘Autocomplete text field’. Can I do the same with my real name field?
Many thanks
The problem is that Users are not a part of the node system and therefore fields cannot be mapped to Users using only Core code.
CCK doesn't have a way to manipulate and add fields to profile.
There is one solution to this: nodeprofile (Drupal 5). This module creates a node type for users, so each user effectively has one node that is associated with it. You can then add fields to this new content type and manipulate them how you wish.
There is also a module, content_profile, for Drupal 6 which does the same.

Drupal6: How to handle node links in user profile attributes?

One of the fields in my user profiles is a list of nodes. (This list is generated automatically, based on other data on the site.) Currently, it displays like this:
nid1, nid2, nid3
I want it to look like this:
$nid1->title, $nid2->title, $nid3->title
where each title is a link to its node. What is the best way to do this? I tried filling the field with links generated by l(), but the html gets filtered out.
Also, when using l(), is there a way to say: create a link to the node with $nid, no matter where it happens to be located at runtime?
Concerning the first question:
The field values of a profile list are run through ´check_plain()inprofile_view_field()`, so you can only get markup in there after they got loaded, which leaves you with at least two options, depending on where you want to alter the output:
Implement hook_user() and, on the 'view' operation, modify the field values in the $account->content array (Make sure that your modules weight is below that of the profile module or the values will not be in there yet).
Add your own preprocess functions for all templates where the fields are used and make your adjustments there. On first sight, these should be the following, but the list might be incomplete:
yourModule_preprocess_profile_block() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_profile_listing() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_user_profile_item() (user module)
As for the second question:
Also, when using l(), is there a way
to say: create a link to the node with
$nid, no matter where it happens to be
located at runtime?
I do not understand what you mean by "no matter where it happens to be located at runtime". Anything that is not covered by the following?
l('SomeTitle', 'node/' . $nid)
