Extra newline characters between items in a drop down menu - nsis

I am creating a installer using the nsis installer. In that installer I need to put a drop down menu for currency selection.
The text file which I am using is not being properly inserted, the newline character that I am using to separate the currencies is actually taking a character in the installer, while for the license page I am using the same extension for the text file which I am putting there and it is working fine over there.
How to filter out those extra characters?

Without a sample file I had to guess what the actual problem is, hopefully its just the newlines:
Page custom mycustompage
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include TextFunc.nsh
Function mycustompage
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0
; I don't have a list of things so I generate one on the fly for this example:
!tempfile MYLIST
!appendfile "${MYLIST}" "Foo$\r"
!appendfile "${MYLIST}" "Bar$\r$\n"
!appendfile "${MYLIST}" "Baz$\n"
File "/oname=$pluginsdir\thelist.txt" "${MYLIST}" ; include list in installer
!delfile "${MYLIST}"
${NSD_CreateDropList} 10u 10u 50% 100% ""
Pop $0
FileOpen $1 "$pluginsdir\thelist.txt" r
FileRead $1 $2
IfErrors endloop
${TrimNewLines} $2 $2
StrCmp $2 "" loop ; skip empty line
${NSD_CB_AddString} $0 $2
goto loop


nsis read directory from txt files?

I am trying read the directory from text file but it did't working!
the test.txt is a two lines file ,a line per directory.
anyone can help me?
; example1.nsi
; This script is perhaps one of the simplest NSIs you can make. All of the
; optional settings are left to their default settings. The installer simply
; prompts the user asking them where to install, and drops a copy of example1.nsi
; there.
; The name of the installer
Name "Example1"
; The file to write
OutFile "example1.exe"
; The default installation directory
InstallDir $DESKTOP
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
RequestExecutionLevel admin
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include FileFunc.nsh
ShowInstDetails show
; Pages
Function .onInit
; The stuff to install
Section "" ;No components page, name is not important
FileOpen $0 "test.txt" r
;FileSeek $4 1000 ; we want to start reading at the 1000th byte
FileRead $0 $1 ; we read until the end of line (including carriage return and new line) and save it to $1
FileRead $0 $2
;FileRead $4 $2 10 ; read 10 characters from the next line
FileClose $0 ; and close the file
DetailPrint $1
DetailPrint $2
CopyFiles $1 "D:\Desktop\taobao"
; Set output path to the installation directory.
SectionEnd ; end the section
FileOpen $0 "test.txt" r is problematic for two reasons.
You are not using a full path.
I'm assuming this file does not already exist on the end-users machine. You probably need to extract it from the installer before you can read it.
Another problem is that FileRead includes the newline characters in the returned string and you must remove them if you don't need them. Newline characters are not valid in paths on Windows.
; Create simple text file for this example:
!delfile /nonfatal "myexample.txt"
!appendfile "myexample.txt" "Hello$\r$\n"
!appendfile "myexample.txt" "W o r l d$\r$\n"
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
${StrTrimNewLines} ; Tell StrFunc.nsh to define this function for us
SetOutPath $InstDir
InitPluginsDir ; Make sure $PluginsDir exists (it is automatically deleted by the installer when it quits)
File "/oname=$PluginsDir\data.txt" "myexample.txt" ; Extract our myexample.txt file to $PluginsDir\data.txt
FileOpen $0 "$PluginsDir\data.txt" r
FileRead $0 $1
${StrTrimNewLines} $1 $1
FileRead $0 $2
${StrTrimNewLines} $2 $2
FileClose $0
DetailPrint "Line 1=$1"
DetailPrint "Line 2=$2"

Creating shortcut to console application in NSIS with particular font

I have an NSIS script which can create a shortcut to an application with CreateShortCut.
The application that the shortcut points to is a console application, but one which works much better if there is something other than the default font chosen. Of course, the user can be told to follow instructions like https://www.isunshare.com/windows-10/change-font-and-font-size-in-windows-10-command-prompt.html to change to a different font on the shortcut, but my quetsion is whether that can be automated in NSIS? That is, check if a particular font is available and then have the shortcut start a console with that font.
If that is impossible in NSIS for a particular shortcut, is there a way to give users the option to have a system-wide change to the font used in all terminals?
The CreateShortcut instruction only supports basic shortcut properties, it does not support console properties set by IShellLinkDataList.
Setting the NT_CONSOLE_PROPS data has two issues:
It is all or nothing, you have to set the size, color and edit options in addition to the font.
Ideally you should provide the "index of the font in the system's console font table" but that index is not really documented and I don't know how to map from a font name to the index.
If you still want to do it then you must use the System plug-in:
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include Win\COM.nsh ; NSIS v3
!define /ifndef LF_FACESIZE 32
!define /ifndef NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG 0xA0000002
StrCpy $R1 "$Desktop\MyApp.lnk" ; .Lnk path
StrCpy $R3 "Consolas" ; Font name
StrCpy $R5 i0x36 ; tmPitchAndFamily?
StrCpy $R6 400 ; "The weight can range from 100 to 1000, in multiples of 100. For example, the normal weight is 400, while 700 is bold"
StrCpy $R7 0xc0000 ; dwFontSize packed COORD
StrCpy $R8 0x200060 ; dwWindowSize packed COORD
System::Call '*(&l4,i${NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG}, i0xf50007,i0x3e70050,i$R8,i0x0,i0x0,i0x0,i$R7,i$R5,i$R6, &w${LF_FACESIZE}"$R3", i0x19,i0x0,i0x1,i0x1,i0x1,i0x32,i0x4,i0x1,i0x0,i0x800000,i0x8000,i0x808000,i0x80,i0x800080,i0x8080,i0xc0c0c0,i0x808080,i0xff0000,i0xff00,i0xffff00,i0xff,i0xff00ff,i0xffff,i0xffffff)p.R2'
!insertmacro ComHlpr_CreateInProcInstance ${CLSID_ShellLink} ${IID_IShellLink} r0 ""
${If} $0 P<> 0
${IShellLink::SetPath} $0 '("%COMSPEC%").r1'
${IShellLink::SetArguments} $0 '("/k echo HelloWorld").r2'
${If} $1 = 0
${AndIf} $2 = 0
${IUnknown::QueryInterface} $0 '("${IID_IShellLinkDataList}",.r1)'
${If} $1 P<> 0
${IShellLinkDataList::AddDataBlock} $1 '(pR2).r2'
${IUnknown::Release} $1 ""
${IUnknown::QueryInterface} $0 '("${IID_IPersistFile}",.r1)'
${If} $1 P<> 0
${IPersistFile::Save} $1 '("$R1",1).r2'
${IUnknown::Release} $1 ""
${IUnknown::Release} $0 ""
System::Free $R2 ; Free NT_CONSOLE_PROPS

Find a string pattern in a file from an NSIS script

In an NSIS installer script, I'm trying to check if a given httpd.conf file contains the following line :
Include "c:\xxx\yyy.conf"
If so, then my installer script would not append it to the file, otherwise, it would append it.
I've come through {LineFind} but not sure this really makes what i'm trying to achieve.
What could be the simplest way to do a kind of "grep" on a text file from an NSIS script ?
Thank you !
Here is a sample for searching for a given line into a file, using the LogicLib for ease of syntax. The search is stopped as soon as the line is found. This sample works on the sample script itself:
# find.nsi : sample for LineFind from TextFunc.nsh
!include "textfunc.nsh"
!include "logiclib.nsh"
OutFile "find.exe"
!define lookfor `Section` ;will find
;!define lookfor `Sectionn` ;will not find
Var found
StrCpy $found 0
${LineFind} "find.nsi" "/NUL" "1:-1" "GrepFunc"
${if} $found = 1
MessageBox MB_OK "string found"
MessageBox MB_OK "string NOT found"
Function GrepFunc
${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
DetailPrint "test for line $R8 `$R9`"
${if} $R9 == "${lookfor}"
StrCpy $found 1 ;set flag
Push "StopLineFind" ;stop find
Push 0 ;ignore -> continue

Move property value into text box using NSIS script

I have created nsi file for my java project.I have created a Textbox and gave as default value.My problem is running the exe file it displays textbox with default value.If the user wants to modify the value in text box that should be Written in property file.I have tried following lines code
InstallOptions::dialog "$PLUGINSDIR\sample.ini"
ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\sample.ini" "Field 1" State
${ConfigWrite} "$INSTDIR\resource\conf.properties" "AGENT.HOST" "=$0" $R0
But the modified values will be affected in property file.I dont know why this isnot reflected? can anyone help me?
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include TextFunc.nsh
Function pageConfig
# For this example I generate the page directly with the precompiler, you probably want to use a real .ini file.
!tempfile SRCINI
!appendfile "${SRCINI}" "[Settings]$\nNumFields=1$\n"
!appendfile "${SRCINI}" "[Field 1]$\n"
!appendfile "${SRCINI}" "Type=Text$\n"
!appendfile "${SRCINI}" "Left=10$\nRight=100$\nTop=10$\nBottom=24"
File "/oname=$PluginsDir\cfgpage.ini" "${SRCINI}"
!delfile "${SRCINI}"
${ConfigRead} "$INSTDIR\resource\conf.properties" "AGENT.HOST=" $0
${If} ${Errors}
StrCpy $0 "DefaultHost.com"
WriteIniStr "$PluginsDir\cfgpage.ini" "Field 1" "State" $0
InstallOptions::dialog "$PluginsDir\cfgpage.ini"
Pop $0
Function pageLeaveConfig
ReadINIStr $0 "$PluginsDir\cfgpage.ini" "Field 1" State
${If} $0 == ""
MessageBox mb_iconstop "Please provide a host..."
${ConfigWrite} "$INSTDIR\resource\conf.properties" "AGENT.HOST=" "$0" $1
Page custom pageConfig pageLeaveConfig

Reading a text file into a text box using nsdialog? NSIS

I am new to NSIS scripting installer. I need to create a TextBox with Multiline support, in Custom page. Need to read a text file and set the text content to TextBox. Please find my code block below:
StrCpy $3 ""
FileOpen $4 "C:\Users\Surya\Desktop\Installer\License.txt" r
FileRead $4 $1
StrCpy $3 "$3$1" ; append the line and copy it to another variable
IfErrors +1 loop
FileClose $4
${NSD_SetText} $ctrlTextBox "$3"
The above code able to read only 8119 characters only, but my file contains 30,000+ characters.
Please help me to read the large file and set the content to TextBox.
Thank You
You can fill a textbox with a little bit of text at the time (inside your loop) if you use EM_SETSEL (twice) to move the caret to the end and then use EM_REPLACESEL to append text.
If you can use a rich edit box instead then use some code I wrote a long time ago, you can find the forum thread here...
As long as the textbox is empty when you begin you don't have to deal with the caret:
function custcreate
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0
nsDialogs::CreateControl ${__NSD_Text_CLASS} ${__NSD_Text_STYLE}|${ES_MULTILINE}|${WS_VSCROLL}|${ES_READONLY} ${__NSD_Text_EXSTYLE} 0 0 100% 50u ""
Pop $0
FileOpen $4 ${__FILE__}" r
FileRead $4 $1
SendMessage $0 ${EM_REPLACESEL} 0 "STR:$1"
IfErrors +1 loop
FileClose $4
