How get row index of <ace:dataTable> in every row? - jsf

In searching I found that we can do something with rowStateVar or rowIndex attributes of <ace:datatable>, but how?
I tried using <h:outputText value="#{myDataTableVar.rowIndex}"> but it shows an error message that myDataTableVar has no property rowIndex.

For a component library independent way, just use UIData#getRowIndex() as every component library specific datatable extends from this base component.
In the below example, x: can be anything: standard JSF h:, ICEfaces ice: or ace:, PrimeFaces p:, RichFaces rich:, etc.
<x:dataTable binding="#{table}" ...>
Note: the binding="#{table}" is as-is! You don't need to bind it to some managed bean property.

I found the solution <ace:datatable id='tbl' rowIndexVar="row"> and then just print like that <h:outputtext value="#{row}">Very simple

First, set varStatus:
<ice:dataTable varStatus="status">
An then, inside that dataTable, use:


How to do conditional update on a component

I have a JSF composite component which renders only some parts based on the attribute cc.attrs.list passed to it.
In one of the components I want to update a set of other components based on the attribute. So something like this:
<p:ajax event="dialogReturn" listener="#{cc.listener}"
update="#{cc.attrs.id2}_input #{cc.attrs.id2}_resultTable"/>
The problem is that the resultTable is not rendered all the time and when the resultTable is not there, I get an exception Cannot find component with expression "id_resultTable", which is not surprising. So my idea was to create a variable which will contain id of the attribute or empty String like this:
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.list}">
<ui:param name="updateTable" value="#{cc.attrs.id2}_resultTable"/>
<ui:param name="updateTable" value=""/>
and then do the ajax update like this:
<p:ajax event="dialogReturn" listener="#{cc.listener}"
update="#{cc.attrs.id2}_input #{updateTable}"/>
The problem is, that the #{updateTable} variable is always an empty String(I've tried to put it as a content of outputText) and I have no idea why.
You can just omit the ui:param and do the check directly in the p:ajax:
<p:ajax event="dialogReturn" listener="#{cc.listener}"
update="#{cc.attrs.id2}_input #{cc.attrs.list ? cc.attrs.id2.concat('_resultTable') : ''}"/>
A problem with the c:if-approach could be, that when you update this section via ajax the condition is not re-checked as JSTL-tags are evaluated at view build time. Have a look at JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? for further information.
This is not really a solution, but I've done a workaround for the problem which works. I've added h:panelGroup with id around the table and I'm updating this instead of the table.

How to access object methods using dataTable in JSF?

I'm working with LastFM api, let's say I have a class called Artist which I call in this dataTable:
<h:dataTable var="artist" value="#{personEAO.topArtists}" >
<h:column>Artist : #{} </h:column>
Artit have a field which refers to his picture :
Which works fine, but how do I call this method in my jsf page using dataTable ?
I searched around for Javadocs, but I couldn't find them anywhere. The answer depends on what kind of constant ImageSize.LARGE is.
If ImageSize is an enum, just do:
<h:graphicImage value="#{artist.getImageURL('LARGE')}" />
But if it isn't and is thus a public static constant, then one of the ways is to wrap it in some helper bean which returns exactly that:
<h:graphicImage value="#{artist.getImageURL(someHelperBean.ImageSize_LARGE)}" />
I of course assume that your environment supports EL 2.2.

JSF 2: duplicate IDs inside p:dataList

i have a list of billable services per client and i'm trying to build a table where the user can select which ones shall actually be billed:
<p:dataList value="#{billController.billings}" var="billings">
<p:dataTable value='#{billings.billablesDataModel}' var='item' selection="#{billings.toBill}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
the problem is, that all the dataTables are rendered with the same ID attribute (j_idt9:j_idt13:0:j_idt14) which is automatically assigned by JSF. i'm suspecting this is causing that the selection doesn't work. (the backing bean billings.toBill is not updated/stays empty.)
i was trying to set the ID attribute of the dataTable manually like this:
<p:dataTable id="#{}" ...>
however, i get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Empty id attribute is not allowed
(#{} is definitely set to the unique client's ID as i get the right output from an h:outputText for debug purposes.)
can you help me fixing this?
i'm using JSF Mojarra 2.1.1 and PrimeFaces 3.2 on a Tomcat 6.
You need to use p:column for content of datalist as documented in user's guide.
What if you loop over billController.billings via ui:repeat and not via p:dataList:
<ui:repeat var="billings" value="#{billController.billings}">
<p:dataTable value="#{billings.billablesDataModel}" var="item" selection="#{billings.toBill}">

JSF Primefaces TabView problems

I asked this in the PF Forum but no one seems to want to answer so I though I'd try my luck here.
I have a ui:repeat that is not being updated correctly after an Ajax call when it is within a TabView.
Simple scenario is I have a ui:repeat pointing at an ArrayList (ArrayList contains simple pojos with a String). Within this I have an h:inputText whose value is the pojo's String getter/setter. The ui:repeat is contained within a h:panelGroup. I use a p:commandButton to run an action to update the ArrayList (just add a couple of objects to it a Math.random value for the String) and then update the h:panelGroup. The updated values in the ArrayList are not reflecting in the ui:repeat input fields. This only appears to be affecting input fields as outputText fields do update correctly. Also if I do the same for a p:dataTable the input field are updated correctly. If I remove the Tabview and Tab tags it works fine.
As it works when removing the Tabs I can only assume this is a bug and not designed to work like this. If someone could please confirm if this is so or if there is a viable work around. I need to use a ui:repeat as my fields are not in a tabular format. This has only occurred since migrating from PF 2.2. I'm currently on PF 3.1, Weblogic 10.3.4 and Mojarra 2.0.4
<p:tab title="Test">
<h:form prependId="false">
<p:commandButton id="testStringCheck"
value="Test String Check"
<h:panelGroup id="testPanel" layout="block">
<ui:repeat value="#{testBean.voList}" var="entry">
<h:outputText value="#{entry.randomString}"/>
<p:inputText style="display:block;"
As a workaround I've used a p:datagrid instead of a ui:repeat. This achieves the look I had in the the ui:repeat so I'm happy. Hopefully this bug will be fixed on future releases.
This is something of a bug in Primefaces commandButton. See the following thread:
You can try replacing
<p:commandLink id="testStringCheck" ... update="#form" />
With an <h:commandLink>
<h:commandLink id="testStringCheck" render="#form"/>
Also from the above link here is an interesting method that somebody posted that enables you to correctly find the correct clientId to update.
temp solution: insert outside h:panelGroup:
<p:outputPanel defered="true" delay="1" ..>
and update outputPanel instead of panelGroup
Or use a datalist component instead of ui:repeat.
One more, i'm not sure but you can try, so update class instead id:
<h:panelGroup id="testPanel" layout="block" styleClass="testPanelCl" ../>
and update : #(.testPanelCl), don't forget id of panelGroup, without id JSF can not update by class

c:forEach - ui:include - dataTable issue

I have some code like:
<ui:param name="orderItemsList" value="#{appPortfolioBomBean.orderItemsByVdcMap[vdc.internalId]}" />
and the component I include contains a datable which renders some value based on orderItemsList parameter.
The problem is that the dataTable is rendered only for the LAST item from <c:forEach>...
Do you see what I am doing wrong? I am sure is something about jsf/jstl tags but cannot find out... I've tried to use ui:repeat instead of c:forEach but the same issue occurs
Try UI repeat instead
<ui:repeat value="${bean.list} var="variableName">
<!--YOUR CODE ->
Solution found:
I'm using icefaces and for this specific issue they recommends:
Yes, I've seen the same problem with ui:repeat and dataTable.
Try to replace ui:repeat with <ice:panelSeries>.
Replaced and it works!
