Do RequireJS modules "inherit" dependencies? - requirejs

If I have a module that requires an application namespace, e.g.:
define(["app"], function(App){
... and the namespace requires libraries used by all of my modules, e.g.:
define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone"], function($, _, Backbone){
... then all of my modules have access to the libraries required by the namespace, i.e. I can use $, _, and Backbone.
I like this behavior because I can avoid being repetitious, but I suspect that I'm cheating somehow, and that I should require libraries in each module.
Can anyone set me straight here?

Yeah, that's kinda hacky. You only have access to jQuery, underscore and backbone because they're also defined onto the global scope. Backbone and undersocre aren't real AMD module, they have to use a shim config. jQuery declare himself on the global scope and as an AMD module so it works everywhere.
So, yes it work like that, but it's not optimal. Real AMD module (non-shimmed) won't work this way as they need to be passed in the define functions arguments, and you won't be able to pull only one module to test it in a separate environment, etc. This way, you cannot load different versions of a scripts to work with different module/app section/page.
The goal of AMD is to bring modularity to your code so every module declare it's own dependencies and will work out of the box it without relying on the global scope (which is a good thing to prevent name collision and conflict with third party/other dev working on the same project).
If you find it's redundant to redeclare everytime your base dependencie, create a boilerplate file that you just copy/paste when creating another module (it's better than nothing). And, maybe some command line tools can build AMD module wrapper for you.
Soooo, yes it works, but it won't scale if your project ever get bigger or need to be updated pieces by pieces.
Hope this help !

good news for the above answer: underscore 1.6.0 now is wrapped as a amd module :)
see "lib.chartjs" for exporting globals in not amd wrapped "shimmed" javascript libraries
paths: {
"moment": "PATH_TO/js/moment/2.5.0/moment.min",
"underscore": "PATH_TO/js/underscore/1.6.0/underscore",
"jquery": "PATH_TO/js/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min",
"lib.jssignals": "PATH_TO/js/jssignals/1.0.0-268/signals.min",
// WORKAROUND : jQuery plugins + shims
"lib.jquery.address": "PATH_TO/js/jqueryaddress/1.6/jquery-address"
"lib.chartjs": "PATH_TO/js/chartjs/0.2/Chart.min",
shim: {
"lib.jquery.address": {deps: ["jquery"]},
"lib.jquery.bootstrap": {deps: ["jquery"]},
"lib.chartjs": {deps: ["jquery"], exports: "Chart"},


What is the best way to configure an AMD/Require.js module before it is loaded into other modules?

Currently I am using Marionette which registers itself as an AMD module called "marionette". Before it gets loaded into other modules, I want to set some configurations on it. My only thought as of now is to do this:
// configuredMarionette.js
define(["marionette"], function(Marionette) {
// modify Marionette here
return Marionette;
Then, in each of my modules that need marionette, I set "configuredMarionette" as the dependency instead of "marionette" so that I get the configured version. Is there any other way around this that is cleaner?
It may be more useful if you rename 'configuredMarionette' to 'marionette' and use 'orignalMarionette' for original one.
It will be easy to use any other module which has a dependency to 'marionette' to use configured one.

Re-declaring libraries as dependencies within every single module

I'm working on the project that uses require.js and I was faced with a simple question about declaring libraries as dependencies within every single modules. I saw many examples with require.js and in every of them libraries like Backbone, jquery, underscore etc was declared in every module. And it would be fine if your application consists of only couple of modules. But if your application has 40-50 modules it becomes a bit tedious to define jquery every single time.
On the other hand we can load all libraries into the require() this way:
// Just an example
paths: {
jquery: '../bower_components/jquery/jquery',
underscore: '../bower_components/underscore/underscore',
backbone: '../bower_components/backbone/backbone'
require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'], function () {
], function (App) {
var app = new App();
And then we can use Backbone, '_' and '$' into the App without declaring them as dependencies.
So I'm trying to understand why we should define them every time. Is it just a strict adherence to the Module pattern or something else?
Having your libraries passed in as arguments to your require factory function is a form of dependency injection. Now, depending on exactly how AMD-friendly your library dependencies are, you may even be able to use several different versions of the library at once in an application. Writing your modules in this way with explicit library dependencies can allow you future flexibility of mixing modules which require jQuery 1.8 and jQuery 2.0, for instance. A different jQuery version can be passed to each module.
When you don’t define all your dependencies explicitly every time, then you’re relying on the global variable (window.$ or window._) created as a side effect of loading the library. In that case, all the modules have to depend on the same version of the library.

Require.js Optimizer incorrectly ordering shim dependencies

I have a web application that uses Require in order to load dependencies. I have a set of JS libraries that are included using the Require config.shim object.
Two such example libraries are:
shim: {
"libs/leaflet": {
exports: "L"
"libs/leaflet-dvf": {
deps: ["libs/leaflet"],
exports: "L"
The second library, leaflet-dvf requires the first, leaflet. The second is a plugin to the first that depends on the global scope variable L that the first library defines.
When I run the application using Require normally, everything works fine. I can include either library from the shim, and everything works great. No problems.
The problem comes when I run this code through the Require r.js Optimizer. The Optimizer, when it builds the single optimized JS file, will incorrectly order the dependencies. In the built file, the leaflet-dvf code will come before the leaflet code. This causes a JS runtime error because the dependant plugin cannot find the L global scope variable that is required.
My build config looks like:
baseUrl: "../js",
paths: {
"requireLib": "../js/libs/require"
include: ["requireLib"],
name: "Main",
out: "bin/Main-built.js",
optimize: "none",
wrapShim: true
When I run the Optimizer, using Rhino, it builds my output file. In the Main-built.js file, the code for the plugin will come before the required library. This causes an L undefined error.
How do I get the Optimizer to respect the dependency order of my Shims, in order to properly order the library files in my Optimized JS file?
I had a similar problem a while back with knockout extensions and shim didn't work correctly. This is how we solved it.
Create a module called: leafletLib
return leaflet;
LeafletLib has the main library and all of the extensions. On modules that have leaflet or leaflet-dvf as a dependancy you call leafletLib. It is kind of hacky but it might work for you.

Typescript/RequireJS having issues with an MVC application

I have the following code in Visual Studio, in an MVC application;
export class ViewModel {
// view model code
Now, I have downloaded requirejs, and set the build mode for typescript to AMD type, so that its output looks such as....
define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {
And so on ...
So then I declare my app/config.js file like so;
baseUrl: '/scripts/bin'
And I try to load this up, I have requirejs loaded into the scripts, and attempt to call it...
require(['models/ViewModel'], function (viewModel) {
And I am simply told that it is an invalid call. No other details. The path that it shows is completely correct, too. Is there some kind of additional configuration required? The requirejs documentation is extremely vague about this.
This turned out to have nothing to do with requirejs, but instead had to do with IIS.
By default, IIS has a rule known as hiddenSegments. It does not allow you to bring in any code from a folder with bin in the path. I simply renamed the folder from bin to something else, and it worked fine.
Using require.js with TypeScript is a combination of your .html, require.config, module exports and imports.
For a step-by-step guide on moving from CommonJs TypeScript to AMD and require.js, have a look here.
Have fun.
The TypeScript compiler doesn't have any knowledge of your require.config - so when you use paths relative to that baseUrl they look invalid to the compiler.
Until something is done to bridge that slight mismatch (i.e. make the compiler super-clever so it can look for require.config sections and use them to check paths) it is easier not to set a baseUrl and use the full path in your import statements:
import vm = require('./scripts/bin/models/ViewModel');
Are you sure that the require call is done with [] and not just
require('models/ViewModel', function (viewModel) { // this is an error
See :

Using require.js with 3rd party javascript libraries

I'm just starting to use require.js and think it's great. However, I would like to use it as much as possible instead of dealing with <script> tags in my HTML files.
To that end, is it possible to work with a 3rd party library that doesn't have any define modules in it? This may be asking much I realize but is there a way to call...
require(["3rd_party"], function(3rd) {
...where 3rd_party.js is a script located in a js folder that require knows to look in? I know require has mapping libraries, things like require-jquery but wasn't sure if it's possible to use it out of the box with older utility libraries that weren't built with it in mind.
RequireJS 2.1.0 added the shim config element which allows using non-AMD 3rd party libraries like AMD modules.
In your case it would be something like:
shim: {
'3rd_party': {
exports: '{the-global-name}' // what variable does the library
// export to the global scope?
This mechanism makes custom-build library wrappers like "require-jquery" pretty much obsolete.
More details in the RequireJS docs
