Writing to Google Docs Spreadsheets using Apps Script - web

I'm trying to integrate Apps Script into my website's (not a Google Site) order page so that a user's order can be written to a Google Doc spreadsheet. I don't know how to go about this because the Apps Script documentation says Apps Script can only be developed and embedded in Google Sites Pages. Is there a way I can achieve this even though my site isn't a Google Site?
I'll appreciate any help at all very much, thanks in advance.

You can write a regular HTML form (not in Apps Script) and set method='post' action='the script url'. That will invoke your script with the data from the form passed into the doGet as parameters.

You can create a data capture spreadsheet, and create a Form for it. You can "clone" the form (field names and form action) into your web site.
Your spreadsheet can have an onFormSubmit action (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/understanding_events) which does whatever you need with the submitted data.


How to edit a page in the SharePoint?

I have some custom codes in form of HTML which I wanted to add to the SharePoint. I find out there are two ways to do it, one is using the SharePoint Designer and the other one is uploading the page. However, this is local SharePoint in my Windows Server and I want to modify the page locally because I have limitation when using the Designer and Upload page. I also don't want to add a new page and I would like to modify the current page using my own code.
Are you able to help me out?
Edit the page> insert the Embed Code web part to add custom HTML codes:
More information for your reference:

Automation within browser to export HTML elements in an XML file

I have an online store on a marketplace that provides a back-office which features a section that lists all my customers. The problem is that I can't export their contact, I have to copy/paste their info one by one which can be very time consuming. So I was wondering if there was a way to automate this task within my browser. Since their contact is a HTML list, I'd like to target the specific tags and export them into a compiled XML file.
Is this possible at all?
Thank you all for your input but it seems out of my reach in term of knowledge. So I've decided to hire a freelancer to perform this task for me.
Selenium might be an option but you didn't provide to many details about the html. Does the page has a rest api? If yes maybe you can call it as json and parse it.

Passing Parameters into Google Site Iframe Gadget

I'm trying to embed multiple items into a (new version) google site that take a parameter from another embed.
Is there any way to do this in new (not classic) google sites?
For more background:
We have one Tableau workbook that includes parameters the user can select. These selected parameters drive a handful of other unrelated Tableau workbooks and SSRS reports, all of which need to be on the same page.
It doesn't matter whether the user can select their parameters on the first page and then get driven to a second page with all the additional workbooks or whether the workbooks are all on the same page.
New Google Sites insert content from other site feature requires a URL but at this time there is no way to take a parameter from another inserted content.
As usual there is no official documentation on the official help about not available features. The related help article is Add text, images, & other content.

How do I insert a Google Document into a Google Site using Google Apps Script

Using Google Apps Script, how can I accomplish the same as "Insert" -> "Document" within the Google Sites Editor?
Using GAS, I can obtain the URL and/or the ID of a document, but I cannot create the equivalent of an embedded Google Document within a Google Site Page.
I have been able to insert an <iframe>, but that assumes that the document has been published as a web-document.
I can copy the html from an existing page and using replace() substitute a different ID, but that only appears to work if the original page gadget has borders and title turned on.
I think the approach you mentioned should work. Have a 'template' page with a dummy Google Document inserted in it and then use Apps Script to replace the dummy with your document. Can you put in some code around the replace you have.

Google docs : does it exist some models in HTML or other webformat to publish a spreadsheet?

I've tested the API of Google to interact with Google doc (Calendar, Spreadsheet, etc) and everything runs correctly. However, I wonder if there is a framework that implements some model in HTML or an other web format to publish/visualize a calendar or a spreadsheet within a web page. My goal is to integrate a spreadsheet/calendar into a web page and then a user can modify the values of this spreadsheet/calendar.
Does it exist something similar to my request?
For spreadsheets, the Google answer Publishing: Embedding a spreadsheet in your blog or webpage explains what you have to do. Especially the last sentence is important:
If you want to embed a form in a
website or blog, click the More
Actions button at the top of the
editor, and select the 'Embed' option
from the drop-down menu.
But don't forget all the steps listed above this.
For Google Calendar, there's Embed on your Website - Google Calendar, another answer from Google, that even contains a slideshow that shows what you have to do.
