How to run hrtimer handler in softirq context? - linux

I have found this tutorial about hrtimer:
I believe the way it uses will run the callback handler in hardirq context,right? But it also said "One interesting aspect is the ability to define the execution context of the callback function (such as in softirq or hardiirq context)"
I have checked the hrtimer.h file but it's really not that intuitive. Does anyone know how to run it in softirq context? Is it similiar to run it in hardirq?

This information is regarding an old kernel - in recent releases this feature have been removed to reduce the code complexity and avoid bugs. Now hrtimer always runs in hardirq context with disabled IRQs.
One possible approach is to use a tasklet_hrtimer
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
struct tasklet_hrtimer mytimer;
enum hrtimer_restart callback(struct hrtimer *t) {
struct tasklet_hrtimer *mytime=container_of(t,struct tasklet_hrtimer,timer);
In the example above you should replace clock, mode and time with appropriate values.
If you want to pass data to your callback, then you have to embed the tasklet_hrtimer variable in some struct of yours and use the container_of trick to get to your data.
Not quite apparently, your struct will contain a tasklet_hrtimer, which will contain a hrtimer struct. When you get a pointer to the inner most element and you know that it have a fixed offset from the parent element, you can get to the parent.


Can I block a new process execution using Kprobe?

Kprobe has a pre-handler function vaguely documented as followed:
User's pre-handler (kp->pre_handler)::
#include <linux/kprobes.h>
#include <linux/ptrace.h>
int pre_handler(struct kprobe *p, struct pt_regs *regs);
Called with p pointing to the kprobe associated with the breakpoint,
and regs pointing to the struct containing the registers saved when
the breakpoint was hit. Return 0 here unless you're a Kprobes geek.
I was wondering if one can use this function (or any other Kprobe feature) to prevent a process from being executed \ forked.
As documented in the kernel documentation, you can change the execution path by changing the appropriate register (e.g., IP register in x86):
Changing Execution Path
Since kprobes can probe into a running kernel code, it can change the
register set, including instruction pointer. This operation requires
maximum care, such as keeping the stack frame, recovering the execution
path etc. Since it operates on a running kernel and needs deep knowledge
of computer architecture and concurrent computing, you can easily shoot
your foot.
If you change the instruction pointer (and set up other related
registers) in pre_handler, you must return !0 so that kprobes stops
single stepping and just returns to the given address.
This also means post_handler should not be called anymore.
Note that this operation may be harder on some architectures which use
TOC (Table of Contents) for function call, since you have to setup a new
TOC for your function in your module, and recover the old one after
returning from it.
So you might be able to block a process' execution by jumping over some code. I wouldn't recommend it; you're more likely to cause a kernel crash than to succeed in stopping the execution of a new process.
seccomp-bpf is probably better suited for your use case. This StackOverflow answer gives you all the information you need to leverage seccomp-bpf.

Alternate to setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thread_id, priority)

Given - Thread id of a thread.
Requirement - Set Linux priority of the thread id.
Constraint - Cant use setpriority()
I have tried to use below
pthread_setschedprio(pthread_t thread, int prio);
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);
Both the above APIs use pthread_t as an argument. I am not able to construct (typecast) pthread_t from thread id. I understand converting this is not possible due to different types.
Is there a way to still accomplish this ?
Some aspects of the pthread_setschedprio interface are available for plain thread IDs with the sched_setparam function (declared in <thread.h>). The sched_setparam manual page says that the process is affected (which is the POSIX-mandated behavior), but on Linux, it's actually the thread of that ID.
Keep in mind that calling sched_setparam directly may break the behavior expected from PI mutexes and other synchronization primitives because the direct call does not perform the additional bookkeeping performed by the pthread_* functions.

Safe global state for signal handling

I am toying around with Rust and various UNIX libraries. A use-case that I have right now is that I want to react to POSIX signals. To keep things reasonable I want to create an abstraction over the signal handling so that the rest of my program doesn't have to worry about them as much.
Let's call the abstraction SignalHandler:
struct SignalHandler {
pub signals: Arc<Vec<libc::c_int>>,
I would like this signals vector to be filled with all the signals that are received. My real state is more complicated, but let's use this vector as an example.
I want the API to behave like this:
// ← No signals are being captured
let Some(h) = SignalHandler::try_create();
// ← Signals are added to h.signals
// Only one signal handler can be active at a time per process
assert_eq!(None, SignalHandler::try_create());
// ← Signals are added to h.signals
// ← No signals are being captured
The problem is that registering a signal handler (e.g. using the nix crate) requires a pointer to a C function:
use nix::sys::signal;
let action = signal::SigAction::new(handle_signal, signal::SockFlag::empty(), signal::SigSet::empty());
signal::sigaction(signal::SIGINT, &action);
I can't pass the signals vector to the handle_signal function, since it needs to have the C ABI and thus can't be a closure. I would like to give out a Weak<_> pointer to that function somehow. This probably means using global state.
So the question is: what data structure should I use for global state that can either be "unset" (i.e. no signals vector) or atomically "set" to some mutable state that I initialize in try_create?
For this type of global state, I would recommend using the lazy_static crate. You can use a macro to define a lazily-evaluated, mutable global reference. You may be able to get a way with a global Option<T> variable with that.
That is one problem with this situation though. A big issue you will run into is that it is hard to do what you want only inside of a signal handler. Since a signal handler must be re-entrant, any type of locks are out as well as any memory allocation (unless the memory allocator used is also re-entrant). That means an Arc<Mutex<Vec<T>>> type or something similar will not work. You potentially already know and are dealing with that in some way though.
Depending on your needs, I might point you towards the chan_signal crate, which is an abstraction over signals which uses a thread and the sigwait syscall to receive signals.
Hope that helps, another interesting resource to look at would be the signalfd function which creates a file descriptor to enqueue signals on. The nix crate has a binding to that as well.

pthread concepts in linux

I have some questions about pthreads in linux:
Is it the case that pthread_t is it a datatype similar to int and char indicating we are defining a thread?
If so, how much size does it take? 2 bytes or 4 bytes?
Does the compiler allocate memory to pthread_t thread1 immediately after that statement or does it wait until it a pthread_create() call?
How does one set the thread attributes, and what is their typical use?
Can one only pass more than one argument in the pthread_create() call? If so, how?
I have lots of things on my mind like this. Please also feel free to suggest any good sites or documents to read.
Answering the questions one by one, though not necessarily in the same order:
Is pthread_t a data type similar to int or char, indicating we are defining a thread ? Does the compiler allocate memory to pthread_t thread1 immediately after that sentence or does it wait until it finds the pthread_create() call
pthread_t is a type similar to int and it's created when you define it, not when you call pthread_create. In the snippet:
pthread_t tid;
int x = pthread_create (&tid, blah, blah, blah);
it's the first line that creates the variable, although it doesn't hold anything useful until the return from pthread_create.
How much size does a pthread_t take, 2 bytes or 4 bytes?
You shouldn't care how much space it takes, any more than you should care how much space is taken by a FILE structure. You should just use the structure as intended. If you really want to know, then sizeof is your friend.
Any good information about how to set the thread attributes?
If you want to use anything other than default attributes, you have to create an attributes variable first and then pass that to the pthread_create call.
Can we only pass one argument in the pthread_create function to the function? Can't we send 2 or 3 arguments in the pthread_create() function to the called thread?
While you're only allowed to pass one extra parameter to the thread , there's nothing stopping you from making this one parameter a pointer to a structure holding a hundred different things.
If you're looking for information on how to use pthreads, there's plenty of stuff at the end of a Google search but I still prefer the dead-tree version myself:
how much size does it take
pthread_t uses sizeof pthread_t bytes.
and we can only pass one argument in the pthread_create to the function not more than one? cant we send 2 or 3 arguments in the pthread_create() function to the called thread?
All you need is one argument. All you get is one argument. It's a void * so you can pass a pointer to whatever you want. Such as a structure containing multiple values.
i have lots of things on my mind like this suggest any good sites or documents to read
Have a look at the pthread man pages, online or in your shell of choice (man pthread, man pthread_create, etc.). I started out reading some basic lecture slides (here's the sequel).
pthread_t could be any number of bytes. It could be a char, an int, a pointer, or a struct... But you neither need to know nor to care. If you need the size for allocation purposes, you use sizeof(pthread_t). The only type of variable you can assign it to is another pthread_t.
The compiler may or may not allocate the resources associated with the thread when you define a pthread_t. Again, you do not need to know nor to care, because you are required to call pthread_join (or pthread_detach) on any thread you create. As long as you follow the rules, the system will make sure it does not leak memory (or any other resource).
Attributes are admittedly a bit clumsy. They are held in an pthread_attr_t object, which again could be represented as an integer, pointer, or entire struct. You have to initialize it with pthread_attr_init and destroy it with pthread_attr_destroy. Between those two, you use various pthread_attr_... calls to set or clear attributes, and then you can pass it as part of one or more pthread_create calls to set the attributes of the new threads.
Different implementations can and will handle all of these things differently.
LLNL has a decent set of introductory information.
Look into pthread.h file to get more information. On my system, pthread_t is defined as an unsigned long int. But I guess this is platform dependent, since it is defined into bits/pthreadtype.h.

Using sigprocmask to implement locks

I'm implementing user threads in Linux kernel 2.4, and I'm using ualarm to invoke context switches between the threads.
We have a requirement that our thread library's functions should be uninterruptable by the context switching mechanism for threads, so I looked into blocking signals and learned that using sigprocmask is the standard way to do this.
However, it looks like I need to do quite a lot to implement this:
sigset_t new_set, old_set;
sigaddset(&new_set, SIGALRM);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new_set, &old_set);
This blocks SIGALARM but it does this with 3 function invocations! A lot can happen in the time it takes for these functions to run, including the signal being sent.
The best idea I had to mitigate this was temporarily disabling ualarm, like this:
sigset_t new_set, old_set;
sigaddset(&new_set, SIGALRM);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new_set, &old_set);
ualarm(time, 0);
Which is fine except that this feels verbose. Isn't there a better way to do this?
As WhirlWind points out, the signal set functions are quite lightweight and may even be implemented as macros; and you can also just keep around a signal set that contains only SIGALRM and re-use that.
Regardless, it doesn't actually matter if the signal happens during the sigaddset() or sigemptyset() calls - the new_set and old_set variable are (presumably) thread-local, and the critical section isn't entered until after sigprocmask() returns.
You'll find that sigemptyset() and sigaddset() in signals.h are just macros or inline functions, so they execute inline in your code. Just use a stack variable when you call them.
However, why don't you do this in a single-threaded startup section of your code? I also doubt the function call to sigprocmask will be atomic. Blocking signals does not mean your code will be uninterruptible.
By the way, I'm not sure how you're using ualarm, but if you're not catching or ignoring SIGALARM when you call it the first time, you'll probably kill your process.
sigprocmask() is the only function that goes to kernel level and actually changes the signal masking status. The other functions are just manipulation functions for setting up the mask before calling sigprocmask or passing the set to another signal related function.
