Does heroku support Express 3.0? - node.js

I'm trying to deploy a node.js application to heroku, and get an error:
Installing dependencies with npm
npm ERR! Error: No compatible version found: express#'>=3.0.0'
When deploying from Cloud9. Does heroku support express 3.0?

You probably haven't specified what version of Nodejs your app supports.
By default, it uses Node 0.4.7, which will not work with express 3.x. I think you will need at least Node >= 0.5.0.


When you start Electron, you get an error that the version of Node.js is not supported

When you start Electron, you get an error that the version of Node.js is not supported.
The operating system is Windows.
When I update Node.js and do node -v, it shows v16.17.1.
When I start it with npm run electron:serve, the following error appears again.
What could be the cause?
The following modules are used to start Electron.
You are running Node.js 12.14.1.
Playwright requires Node.js 14 or higher.
Please update your version of Node.js.

what's the comand to know the Node.js version in angular's eyes(opinion)?

when I do mvn compiling for flink source code,I get:
Node.js version v9.0.3 detected.
The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of eithor v10.13 or v12.0
when I input node -v, the result is 12.18
so,what's the comand to know the Node.js version in angular's eyes?
and where does the old version v9.0.3 come from?
I restart my computer and the error remains.
Thanks for your help.
(Python3.6) appleyuchi#Desktop:~$ which npm
(Python3.6) appleyuchi#Desktop:~$ which nodejs
(Python3.6) appleyuchi#Desktop:~$ which node
I compile and get the following message again
Node.js version v10.9.0 detected.
what do you mean by angular's eyes? There is no different node for angular. if it is installed then the node is same for all framework.
Follow this link to check Angular, Node.js and TypeScript compatibility.
You can use nvm if you want to work with multiple node versions
this link will help in using nvm

Azure Deployment Angular .NetCore

I have a project .NetCore Angular and i try to publish it on azure using FTP.
Once the FTP is done publishing the files, and i access the website i am getting an error
npm ERR! node -v v0.6.20
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.37
Please take note on my local environment i am using node version 12.14.0
I am suspecting the error happens of my node version on my Azure Enviroment. My Question right now,is that how do i update
node version on my azure environment.
Thanks In advance.
Sincerely yours,
You can set the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION in the portal by checking the nodejs version from D://program files(x86)/nodejs.-
From all the available versions, choose one and update WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION. Also keep in mind that Azure Functions runtime v1(~1) locks your node version at v6.11.
To use a configurable Node.js runtime, you'll, need to upgrade your Functions runtime to v2.x:
Go through this doc for more reference : NodeJS Version reference doc

npm can't install dependencie (sails-mysql) on openshift because no compatible target found

I'm trying to deploy a sails.js (node framework) application to openShift.
Everything went smooth until I added a new dependencie, the sails-mysql package, who is responsible for connecting node and mysql.
I'm getting an error as "Not compatible version found"
This is the simplified log...
Error: No compatible version found: sails-mysql#'^0.9.9
Valid install targets:
at installTargetsError
node -v v0.10.5
npm -v 1.2.17
For what I understand, node in the openshift server has the 0.10.15 version, which is not one the valid install targets for sails-mysql package...
So, han can I the 0.10.5 a valid target for this package?
Should I contact the framework developers in order for them to update the package definition or I can fake it someway from my end?
I think to lower the node version is not an option, since I'm using the openShift server...
It's easy:
"sails-mysql": "^0.9.9" to "sails-mysql": ">=0.9.9"
in your package.json
Openshift seem to have a problem whit "^"-indicator.

Issue with deployment of Meteor 0.7.0 app to Heroku - Node.js 0.10.22 is required

Meteor 0.7.0 now uses 0.10.22 version of Node.js but Heroku installs 0.10.21 by default.
Is there any way to specify custom version of Node.js for Heroku because as far as I know we can't create package.json file in Meteor apps.
Won't meteor just ignore the package.json? Try creating one that only specified Node version.
