iPhone 5 (4") bottom toolbar not responding - iphone-5

I'm trying to modify an app to work with the new iPhone 5, 4" screen.
I've added the new launch image, "Default-568h#2x.png".
After that everything seemed good. Middle portion of my views is resizing ok.
However I've noticed that in a view where I have a bottom toolbar, the buttons on the toolbar are unresponsive. It looks ok, but tapping buttons does nothing. Same code run in simulator with 3.5" screen works fine.
Any ideas?
This view is within a navigation controller. It consists of a table view and toolbar. The tableview is set to resize height.

I had the same problem and noticed that my window.frame.size.height was still 480.0.
Solved this problem by enabling Full Screen at Launch for the MainWindow.xib file:
Open MainWindow.xib
Select the Window element
Open the Attributes Inspector
Under Window section, enable Full Screen at Launch

There are two solution to this problem :
If you are using MainWindow follow these steps :
a. Select MainWindow.xib
b. Select 'Full Screen at Launch' from Windows option available in Attributes Inspector.
If your application doesn't contain MainWindow then just add 'Self.View.Frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds' in ViewDidLoad.

I your project has MainWindow.xib then you must have to set all splash images in order to compatible you app for iPhone 5 display.

My Project wasn't using MainWindow.xib. I added the following to viewDidLoad in View Controllers of all the screens:
self.view.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;

self.window.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
in this method:
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
in your %your app name%AppDelegate.m file


Android Studio (3.3.1). Layout decorations are not visible

Im learning Android studio now and encounter this problem with Layout Preview. I cant see phone frame.Ok, it's not big deal, but in result I see that the toolbar was not counted in design. For better understanding look at picture Virtual Device and Layout preview comparison. For layout preview and virtual device I picked Nexus 6. Screen sizes should be exactly the same. In the picture you can see the button in the layout preview. But in the virtual device the button is almost completely out of the screen bounds.
This is a link to my app
Click that 'eye' icon and select the 'Show layout decorations'. Done.
Try this,
Click on Preview-> Visibility Symbol which named as view options
There is one option, Show Layout Decorations , Select this options.
For reference find below image:
I hope its work for you.
You can try to select device and theme for your preview window see attached image
In the new version, you can see this feature in the 'layout validation' vertical bar on the right.

uiwebview preventing access to buttons on uitoolbar

Am I thick or what? I have a view controller, and within that there is a UIWebView. When I run the app, the WebView covers the UIToolbar at the bottom and the UIButtons there, and so you cannot navigate away from the WebView. I cannot figure out how to change the WebView size or behaviour.
Unfortunately I do not have sufficient rep to post screenshots. The WebView displays an html file with text. The WebView partially covers the status bar at the top and completely covers the taskbar at the bottom. I can touch and drag the view up to see the taskbar and buttons at the bottom, but cannot use them.
I am using storyboard to build the app, and have done similar apps before without issue (in iOS6) but iOS7 appears to have thrown me a curveball.
I cannot see how to change the size in Xcode - or should I be looking at the html code in the file that the WebView is calling?
Oddly enough this is no longer an issue, I have not made any changes to code or config, and the only thing different is I upgraded my version of X-Code

How to enable vertical scroll bar in windows app?

I added a TextBlock that have more text than visible. Now even thought I try to set every single properties about Scrollbars to be enabled or visible, I have none in the Simulator or even running the app from the START SCREEN. I also tried to add my TextBlock in a ScrollViewer, no luck !
I'm using HTML + Javascript
You can use overflow property of CSS.

Browser Window Gone in Latest Xcode?

Has the browser window been removed from the latest version of Xcode? I've seen this window in an iOS class I watched online and again in a book I have. I can't find anything in the View menu to turn it on.
I'm running Lion and the latest version of Xcode. I created a new project with Core Data turned on and then built it. I then clicked on .xcdatamodeld file and I get a graphic window with the default table in it.
Do you mean the project browser on the left? You enable that using the 'view' buttons on the right side of the toolbar.
The toolbar might be hidden though, so go to the view menu and select "Show toolbar" if needed.
Then select the fourth button from the right on the toolbar, it is the first button in the set of view buttons. This shows the Navigator View on the left of your screen, which has 7 selectors on the top. The leftmost will give you the project browser (project navigator), the one next to it is the symbol navigator.
I hate to be answering my own question again. I like to keep my answer rate at 100%. Since I didn't get a response here, I tried the Apple developer forums. It turn out the Xcode 4.* changed the interface and this series of windows no longer exist. The same functions can be found in other locations.

Is it possible to hide the RootViewController of a SplitView iPad app in landscape mode?

I have an iPad app that uses the RootViewController/DetailViewController pattern like most iPad apps. As usual, in landscape mode my RootViewController is "docked" to the left side of the screen, and the DetailViewController fills up the remainder of the screen.
What I would like to do is hide the RootViewController and allow the detail view to fill up the entire screen even in landscape mode. Is this possible?
I tried calling dismissPopoverAnimated, but this doesn't seem to have any effect in landscape mode.
since u have tagged ios4, I would like to say that that option has been disabled in ios 4.. it was possible in ios 3 but I am not able to find out how...
