Error downloading sharepoint 2007 audit logs - sharepoint

I extended the sharepoint 2007 webapp (uses SSL underneath ) to use extranet zone and also imported the Self signed certificate in IIS with the help of IIS tools for the webapp site. I also have Full control in webapp user policy to all Zones but when downloading the audit logs from site collection URLs it gives me exception saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". We use web service for fetching the audit logs by installing it as farm based solution and have a .Net client which contacts the web service. However, I am able to see the audit log report using the sharepoint audit report generated using the Sharepoint Web interface through "Site Settings". Any idea why this is happening?

Are you attempting to audit the activity happening in SharePoint? i.e. views, deletes, permission changes, etc...
If you are, I suggest you take a look at The LOGbinder SP product does exactly that.


TFS 2015 and Sharepoint integration; TF30063 error

Both TFS 2015 and Sharepoint 2013 Foundation are on-premise installations. They are on separate servers. Sharepoint is being configured post TFS installation - although I am not currently updating any existing projects.
Account being used to access the sharepoint site is a full admin on both sharepoint collection as well as TFS too.
TFS Extensions are installed, and configured on the Sharepoint server.
Can successfully create a new TFS 2015 project, and see it create the Sharepoint site - however upon accessing the Sharepoint portal site I see a number of TF30063: You are not authorized to access http://app-p-tfs01:8080/tfs errors.
I note that the collection is not listed on the url; I am looking to use the root web application of the sharepoint site as the root location.
Nothing appearing in Security event logs nor the TFS _oi audit.
Any pointers on where to look next?
The "TF30063" error message indicates that your account doesn't have permission to access TFS. As this blog described, it is caused when some permissions are denied somewhere because deny takes precedence over any other permission.
So, you can run the tfssecurity /imx command to check which group the account belongs to. Then check these group one by one to see the required permissions are not denied.
For the reporting service error, seems that the report doesn't run correctly. Firstly, go to the report server and ensure the data source can be connected successfully.
After discussing this with Microsoft Support today, it transpired the account Sharepoint was running under (which oddly is the same as TFS), did not have the relevant access - even though it WAS listed under the relevant Services group.
This was added to the Administrators group and all was well.
Very strange.

SharePoint 2013 - tagging service is currently unavaialble

When attempting to use hashtags in SharePoint 2013 users see "the tagging service is currently unavailable". I've googled this issue and have tried or validated the following without success:
The application pool for Managed Metadata Service is running with the correct credentials
The Managed Metadata Web Service is running on all WFE's and app servers
In Central Admin the Managed Metadata web service is the default location for keywords
In general this (test) farm looks identical to my production farm. The only difference is that I've applied the new service pack 1 to this test farm, and now this service appears to have broken.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Generally after installing a service pack, you are required to run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on each of the servers in the farm ( Also, sometimes a reboot may be required after running the configuration wizard. Have you done both/either of those things?

Sharepoint 2013 Search: Error while crawling LOB contents System.UnauthorizedAcessException

I have configured and run sample code taken from the MSDN website for a custom BCS indexing connector sample for Sharepoint 2013:
During it's intent to crawl, the crawler shows this error in the crawl log:
Error while crawling LOB contents. ( Error caused by exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException Access to the path '\servername\CustomConnectorTest\MyFileModel.xml' is denied. )
Any ideas on why I'm getting this error? I covered all of the obvious (fileshare/folder has the correct permissions, default content access account has the correct permissions, etc).
Figured it out:
You have to make sure that the account running the Sharepoint (Search) Web Service in IIS has access to the repository. OR you can change the service accounts that manage the security components. You need to go to: Central Administration>Security>Configure Service Accounts. From there select an account for "Windows Service - SharePoint Server Search" and "Windows Service - Search Host Controller Service" that has access to the repository. If you don't have one set up then click register new managed account.
Basically it.

Site Usage Reports web User Interface not working

When we go to a subsite of a web application, we get the message:
"No data is available for this report. Usage analysis might have been enabled recently, or there might have been insufficient usage to report in any values for the report"
We have followed the instructions to configure the site usage reports on the farm and have checked to see whether the reports feature is activated etc. We do have the logs folder location at default path and have ensured the wss_adm groups have the appropriate permission. We also have logs turned on at the iis web app area.
This problem is farm wide and occurs on the different web applications we have in the farm.
so plz any help???
the configure from:

Unable to Deploy PerformancePoint Dashboard Page to SharePoint 2007

I'm creating a PerformancePoint (henceforth PP) Dashboard that contains a web report to be deployed to the a SharePoint web application that I had created. I followed the instruction in the link below.
Deploy a PerformancePoint dashboard to a SharePoint site
In summary, following the instructions in the link, I published the Dashboard to the PP site. Then, I added my account in PP as Creator in the Application level, Editor in both the Dashboard and the Web Report. In the SharePoint site, I added my account under Contributor. I even added the PerformancePointDefault.master just to be sure.
Now, when I deploy my Dashboard to a Report Library, I was able deploy the folder for the Dashboard, but not the Dashboard Page file.
I googled for this, but I could not find any article helpful.
UPDATE 2009-09-30:
I was able to resolve the issue by creating another site collection. Maybe the first site collection is messed up.
I had the EXACT same problem. I was about to take the best advice I could find and delete my site collection and create a new one from scratch, but by the grace of God, I had one final thought.
In our case, the site created was originally http://ServerName but we later added a host header (i.e. http://BiSite). I had been deploying the dashboard using the host header the entire time, so I decided to try using the original name of the site using the server name and viola, the dashboard finally deployed correctly, pages and all.
When you publish a dashboard in MOSS, you have to make sure that you select Publish a Major Version in the dashboard page's drop-down in the report library.
Why is this a community wiki? Seems like there should be a right answer to this question...
