some vimrc commands not loaded at startup - vim

Some time ago the line in my vimrc (d:/programs/vim/_vimrc) stopped working (not the only one):
nnoremap <unique> ç :execute ':let #/ = "\\<' . expand('<cword>') . '\\>"'<CR>:set hlsearch<CR>
(This line overwrite the functionality of * but without jumping to the next observation, just highlight the word under the cursor. I mapped it to ç because this char is in my keyboard near * and vim does not uses it, but you could map any other key)
The problem is that for some time it stopped working if placed in _vimrc, but works if placed in $VIM/vimfiles/plugins/myPlugins.vim
Have you experienced this issue?
It could be because of installing a new plugin?
I am mostly intrigued for this behavior. I have tried with :scriptnames and other copies of _vimrc, .vimrc, .vim/vimrc, etc., but can not find the source of the misbehavior.

From :h <unique>:
If the first argument to one of these commands is "" and it is used to
define a new mapping or abbreviation, the command will fail if the mapping or
abbreviation already exists.
Use :verbose nmap ç to see where it is defined.
Or simply drop <unique> which doesn't seem useful at all.


Vim, when exiting without editing, creates unsaved buffer

I am having some weird behavior when it comes to VIM.
The behavior that I'm expecting:
When editing a file, if one is in insert mode and doesn't make any file modifications when you exit insert mode the buffer should be considered "saved".
The behavior that I'm actually getting:
When editing a file and when I exit insert mode while making NO MODIFICATIONS, the buffer says that the file has been edited. Even though
I tested if this behavior was normal in vim by opening a clean version of vim, and it seems that the behavior I'm expecting is the default.
This a snippet of my config, my full configuration is here: (
I'm assuming whatever is causing this behavior is here otherwise it might be a plugin
set shell=bash
set nowrap
set number
set nocompatible
set noshowmode
set directory^=$HOME/.vim/.swapfiles
set undofile
set mouse=a
syntax on
colorscheme neodark
hi Normal ctermbg=none
sign define transparent_sign
augroup SignColFixAu
au BufReadPost *.c,*.cc,*.h,*.cpp,*.hh,*.hpp,*.py,*.js,*.php,*.rs exe "sign place 1111 name=transparent_sign line=1 file=".#%
augroup end
inoremap <cr> <space><bs><cr>
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
inoremap <expr> <up> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<up>"
inoremap <expr> <down> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<down>"
inoremap <Esc>x <Esc>x
set listchars=tab:➡\
set list
set autoindent
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
Plugin 'LukeLike/auto-pairs'
Plugin 'ananagame/vimsence'
Plugin 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
Thank you for any help!
The problem is caused by your <Esc> mapping:
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
This mapping is inserting a ~ character then backspacing over it, which in practice doesn't change the contents, but still marks the buffer as modified. (Vim doesn't really track the exact contents of the buffer, but tracks whether any change was introduced, and both inserting ~ and backspacing over a character count as such.)
You mentioned in the comments you use this mapping (together with the <CR> mapping) to change how Vim behaves with indentation. The usual behavior of Vim is to remove auto-indentation when you move to a new line (with <CR> on an otherwise blank line) or leave Insert mode (with <Esc>.)
There doesn't seem to be a way to change this behavior in Vim. But the default Vim behavior is actually very useful, as it prevents ending up with lines with trailing spaces all over the place. (Many use Vim autocmd's to trim trailing whitespace on save and others use git hooks or code review bots to block source code files that have trailing whitespace.)
I imagine your motivation to keep the trailing whitespace is so that you can leave Insert mode and then later enter Insert mode again on that same line, while preserving indentation. But it turns out you don't really need to do that, since Vim has many ways to start Insert mode again with the proper indentation.
For example, if you insert a line above (with O) or below the current one (with o), Vim will insert the appropriate indentation on the new line. If you're on a blank line and want to start inserting there, then instead of using i to start Insert mode, use S to replace the contents of the current line. Since the line is empty, there won't be anything to replace, but the S command will start the replacement with the current indentation, so that should solve that too.
If you're already in Insert mode (and not necessarily at the beginning of a line), you can also use Ctrl+F to have Vim apply the proper indentation to the current line, so that's an option too. With some languages (notably Python), Vim can't always figure out the proper indentation (since you indent to end a block), so Vim might not be able to guess right. In those cases, you also have Ctrl+T to increase indentation and Ctrl+D to decrease it. Both are Insert mode commands and can be executed anywhere in the line.
Hopefully with the use of these commands you'll be able to let go of the trailing spaces that you're using to track indentation and also drop those mappings.
A good starting point to debug this might be comparing both original and modified versions after vim says its been edited.
To see the changes, use git diff if the file is VCS controlled, or vim -d original_copy edited_copy if it's not.
The diff-ed characters should give you an idea of the side-effect of the code that might be causing this. Paste the diff here if you can't figure that out.

Vim simple mapping

I started using Vim recently, just installed NERDTree (a plugin to navigate files).
The command to access that plugin is :NERDTree so I though it's a good idea to start learning mappings by assigning one to that command.
So I added to my .vimrc file the following line: map :nt :NERDTree - but when I type :nt in a vim file (even after restarting) I receive the following error message: not an editor command: nt
I also tried to add the mapping directly while editing a file by typing :map :nt :NERDTree but it returned the same error when I tried to use the command.
I checked that answer:What is the difference between the remap, noremap, nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in vim?, so it seems to me that :map (opposed to noremap etc.) is the good command for that.
The plugin works fine when typing the original command.
What am I doing wrong? (sorry for the noob question)
:NERDTree is a command, not a mapping, so there's no reason for creating a recursive mapping, here.
:map is too overreaching. You should use :<mode>map (for recursive mappings) or :<mode>noremap (for nn-recursive mappings).
You are missing a <CR> at the end of your mapping to tell Vim to actually execute the :NERDTree command.
In this specific case, the right mapping would be:
nnoremap :tn :NERDTree<CR>
But mapping something to :<anything> is not a good idea because it will introduce a timeout whenever you try to execute an Ex command. This means that you need to find another combo. Why not <Space>n?
nnoremap <Space>n :NERDTree<CR>
With the mapping that you have, it will be require multiple keystroke. Will it be okay for you to use a single key like F2?
nnoremap <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
This will toggle open/close NERDTree upon pressing F2 and save you some key stroke.
you can figure out, how vim's mapping work and look like ;). Don't forget to source your new .vimrc before using.

Setting mouse=a and mapping <esc> to :noh breaks mouse working on vim? [duplicate]

I am a happy VIM user, although I admit I'm quite far from being fluent. I found this nice post:
Vim clear last search highlighting and I thought I'd become a better person if I didn't have to hammer away a random character sequence every time I did a search. Now, I'm also using the vimrc config from here:
and the problem I have is that when I add the line nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc> to it (it doesn't seem to make a difference where I put it) I get awkward behaviour when I use arrows in command mode, namely letters from A to D appear in a newline and I get switched to insert mode.
There has to be some mapping conflict but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is.
EDIT: As it follows from the answers it turns out the Ultimate vimrc part is not relevant, the mentioned nnoremap command will cause altered arrow behaviour even if it's the only vimrc entry. Changing title to a more informative one.
PS. I know I shouldn't use arrows, hopefully I'll get there one day.
The mapping
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
will conflict with so called "grey keys" and I believe that it should be used either in GVim only or in terminal Vim by someone who does not use special keys like arrows.
From what I know (and guess) how Vim processes keys, I would say that it's impossible to do anything with this. For Vim to recognize special key all its components should go in a row, so when you press Arrow Left Vim gets the following sequence of codes:
<esc> [ D
But after your mapping Arrow Left becomes:
: n o h l <cr> <esc>
[ D
Vim sees two separate sequences and treats <esc> as a single press of Escape key, thus next two codes of Left Arrow key lose their special meaning.
So I suggest you to map :noh to some other key sequence (e.g. to one starting with <leader>, see :help mapleader; I don't recommend you to use F-keys, using them is as bad as using of arrow keys).
The cause had been explained well, but solution was not mentioned. However there is a straight one.
If you’ll tell to Vim explicitly that there are key sequences starting from <esc>[
:nnoremap <silent><esc> :noh<CR>
:nnoremap <esc>[ <esc>[
than when single <esc> will be pressed Vim will wait for a second (or different time, see :h 'timeoutlen') or for a next key (second <esc> for example) and only then replace it with :noh<CR>.
This solution preserves the ESC mapping to :nohlsearch.
The comment on this answer explaining why this is happening tells us that the root cause is the TermResponse behavior of vim. This can be compensated for by wrapping the mapping in an autocommand for the TermResponse event.
This ensures that the binding doesn't happen until after the term response is set, which prevents Esc from also sending a string like ]>1;3201;0c to vim.
Change your line in vimrc to this:
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
The augroup commands are not strictly necessary, but they prevent multiple mappings when you reload your vimrc without quitting vim.
EDIT: If you also use a graphical vim like Gvim or Macvim, the TermResponse event will not fire. Assuming you use a single vimrc, you'll need some additional code like
if has('gui_running')
nnoremap <silent> <esc> :nohlsearch<return><esc>
" code from above
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
Problem is that when you press an arrow terminal emits something like <Esc>OA. Vim part that supports terminal seems to use the same mapping mechanism to do the job as you are using: while nmap <Esc>OA will tell you nothing, call feedkeys("\eOA") will move one line up and call feedkeys("\eOA", 'n') will add letter A beyond current line. With your mapping being noremappable you forbid vim to use <Esc> as a part of the key. The problem is that you need remappable mapping here, but can have remappable mapping without it being recursive as well only if it starts with {lhs}, but <Esc>:noh<CR>OA is not going to work. I thought the following code will (it uses <expr> and function with side effect to make <Esc> be the first character of the actual {rhs} and still launch :noh), but in fact it does not:
function s:NoHlSearch()
return "\e"
nmap <expr> <Esc> <SID>NoHlSearch()
. I have no other idea how to solve the problem of having non-recursive remappable mapping which includes {lhs} but not at the start.
I have had good luck with this
if $TERM =~ 'xterm'
set noek
nnoremap <silent> <esc> <esc>:noh<cr>
The disadvantage is that function keys can not be used in insert mode.
:h ek

How to prevent <Esc> from waiting for more input in Insert Mode

When I leave insert mode by pressing Esc, there is a half-second pause before Vim actually returns to normal mode.
Normally this wouldn't be an issue, since pressing a normal mode command like j after pressing Esc executes the normal-mode command immediately (without the above-mentioned wait), but I have the mapping inoremap <Esc> <Esc>:w<CR>, so that every time I leave insert mode the file is written. I would like the write to occur immediately when I press Esc, but instead there is that half-second pause.
I'm assuming that the pause is because Vim is waiting for more input before it decides that I just meant to type a single, simple Esc. This must be because there is a mapping somewhere who's first character is <Esc>, but I've looked in my .vimrc and there is no such mapping.
Furthermore, I even ran :map <Esc>, and it returned No such mapping. So, if there is no such mapping, why does Vim appear to be waiting for more input, and how can I avoid that behavior?
Extra Information
It appears that this is not reproduceable, so here is some more information in case anyone really wants to get to the bottom of this:
I am using Steve Francia's spf13 distribution of Vim, with my own .vimrc.local on top of it. I have also installed several additional plugins using Vundle.
Notes: .vimrc.local is sourced last in .vimrc.
UPDATE (3/19/2014)
I found a far better solution than trying to hunt down all the mappings that start with <Esc>, courtesy of Powerline, from the Tips & Tricks section of the docs. Put this somewhere in your .vimrc:
" leave insert mode quickly
if ! has('gui_running')
set ttimeoutlen=10
augroup FastEscape
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
augroup END
Note that this will make it impossible to use mappings that start with <Esc> while in insert mode, but there shouldn't be any of those anyway, because of the problem this solves.
I found the lines in spf13's .vimrc that were causing the problem:
" Fix home and end keybindings for screen, particularly on mac
" - for some reason this fixes the arrow keys too. huh.
map ^[F $
imap ^[F $
map ^[H g0
imap ^[H g0
The reason I couldn't find them before is because they weren't mapped using <Esc>, but ^[ instead. Very irritating! Hope this helps some equally disgruntled spf13 user :)
If removing those mappings doesn't work, then it's probably a mapping from a plugin.
Type :verbose map <Esc> to get a list of all mappings involving Esc. The verbose part instructs Vim to print where the mapping was set. That should help find out what's causing the problem.
Also, the command unmap <Esc> might be useful—it removes any mappings for the Esc key.
Note that unmap does not remove mappings in all modes; type :h unmap for more info.
In my case, it was tmux injecting that delay (this came as a complete surprise for me!).
I fixed it by adding set -g escape-time 0 to my tmux.conf.
This may not strictly help the author, but this question comes up first when searching for this issue with many different keyword combinations, so I hope it helps someone.
Source: first comment from here.
I'm not exactly sure what the problem is with the mapping you describe, in my opinion it should be fine. However, I think that what you want to accomplish can be reached in a better way. Your mapping is basically an attempt at creating a InsertLeave event, which Vim actually already has built in!
Try adding something like this to your .vimrc:
au InsertLeave * if &mod && expand('%')!=''|write|endif
As an added bonus, this one only saves your buffer if it has a filename and was actually modified.
set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0
timeoutlen - mapping delays.
ttimeoutlen - key code delays.

Mapping <esc> in vimrc causes bizarre arrow behaviour

I am a happy VIM user, although I admit I'm quite far from being fluent. I found this nice post:
Vim clear last search highlighting and I thought I'd become a better person if I didn't have to hammer away a random character sequence every time I did a search. Now, I'm also using the vimrc config from here:
and the problem I have is that when I add the line nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc> to it (it doesn't seem to make a difference where I put it) I get awkward behaviour when I use arrows in command mode, namely letters from A to D appear in a newline and I get switched to insert mode.
There has to be some mapping conflict but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is.
EDIT: As it follows from the answers it turns out the Ultimate vimrc part is not relevant, the mentioned nnoremap command will cause altered arrow behaviour even if it's the only vimrc entry. Changing title to a more informative one.
PS. I know I shouldn't use arrows, hopefully I'll get there one day.
The mapping
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
will conflict with so called "grey keys" and I believe that it should be used either in GVim only or in terminal Vim by someone who does not use special keys like arrows.
From what I know (and guess) how Vim processes keys, I would say that it's impossible to do anything with this. For Vim to recognize special key all its components should go in a row, so when you press Arrow Left Vim gets the following sequence of codes:
<esc> [ D
But after your mapping Arrow Left becomes:
: n o h l <cr> <esc>
[ D
Vim sees two separate sequences and treats <esc> as a single press of Escape key, thus next two codes of Left Arrow key lose their special meaning.
So I suggest you to map :noh to some other key sequence (e.g. to one starting with <leader>, see :help mapleader; I don't recommend you to use F-keys, using them is as bad as using of arrow keys).
The cause had been explained well, but solution was not mentioned. However there is a straight one.
If you’ll tell to Vim explicitly that there are key sequences starting from <esc>[
:nnoremap <silent><esc> :noh<CR>
:nnoremap <esc>[ <esc>[
than when single <esc> will be pressed Vim will wait for a second (or different time, see :h 'timeoutlen') or for a next key (second <esc> for example) and only then replace it with :noh<CR>.
This solution preserves the ESC mapping to :nohlsearch.
The comment on this answer explaining why this is happening tells us that the root cause is the TermResponse behavior of vim. This can be compensated for by wrapping the mapping in an autocommand for the TermResponse event.
This ensures that the binding doesn't happen until after the term response is set, which prevents Esc from also sending a string like ]>1;3201;0c to vim.
Change your line in vimrc to this:
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
The augroup commands are not strictly necessary, but they prevent multiple mappings when you reload your vimrc without quitting vim.
EDIT: If you also use a graphical vim like Gvim or Macvim, the TermResponse event will not fire. Assuming you use a single vimrc, you'll need some additional code like
if has('gui_running')
nnoremap <silent> <esc> :nohlsearch<return><esc>
" code from above
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
Problem is that when you press an arrow terminal emits something like <Esc>OA. Vim part that supports terminal seems to use the same mapping mechanism to do the job as you are using: while nmap <Esc>OA will tell you nothing, call feedkeys("\eOA") will move one line up and call feedkeys("\eOA", 'n') will add letter A beyond current line. With your mapping being noremappable you forbid vim to use <Esc> as a part of the key. The problem is that you need remappable mapping here, but can have remappable mapping without it being recursive as well only if it starts with {lhs}, but <Esc>:noh<CR>OA is not going to work. I thought the following code will (it uses <expr> and function with side effect to make <Esc> be the first character of the actual {rhs} and still launch :noh), but in fact it does not:
function s:NoHlSearch()
return "\e"
nmap <expr> <Esc> <SID>NoHlSearch()
. I have no other idea how to solve the problem of having non-recursive remappable mapping which includes {lhs} but not at the start.
I have had good luck with this
if $TERM =~ 'xterm'
set noek
nnoremap <silent> <esc> <esc>:noh<cr>
The disadvantage is that function keys can not be used in insert mode.
:h ek
