Can we deploy sharepoint workflow (made in sharepoint designer) as feature - sharepoint

I am newbie to Sharepoint.
I want to create workflow as template using Sharepoint designer and deploy it as feature.
Following link Workflow Deployment Using Features suggests, this can be achieved in visual studio.
I have following questions
1. Can sharepoint foundation has workflow as template
2. Can we deploy workflow made in designer as feature
If answer to both these is yes, please share some links to get started for these.

You can use Reusable workflow for this.
Assuming you are on SharePoint 2010,
Create a new reusable workflow.
Save it and publish it and test that it works fine
In the ribbon, use Save as Template option to save it.
It will get saved in Site Assets Library as wsp form where you can download it and upload to other sites as wsp and activate the feature to use it there.
More information can be found here:


Why would I want to install SharePoint with TFS

I'm looking at upgrading my current TFS instance and planning to copy and restore databases as per Microsofts Advanced Upgrade which means I am pretty much installing the new product from scratch and restoring the databases then running a migration tool.
I see in the installation notes that you can integrate SharePoint with it as an optional extra. Why would I do this? Is the idea to store project documentation in a SharePoint Document library per project and be able to link to that content rather than as an attachment to the Backlog Items and Bugs in TFS?
I'm having trouble finding any documentation of team workflows with SharePoint and TFS and I suspect that its because no one really does it.
More importantly would SharePoint integration impede future product upgrades or moving to Visual Studio Online?
In my eyes, SharePoint as a TFS portal has become much less desirable due to the improvements in Team Web Access (eg Charting) but it still has some uses.
With the integration enabled, you will see a Documents tab in Team Explorer which will take you to the dedicated SharePoint Portal (created when you create the TFS Team Project) where all your documentation can be stored. Of course without SharePoint integration you can still happily link Work Items to documents in SharePoint, you just don't have a dedicated portal created for you.
If you are using one of the MSF process templates then some useful documents are created for you on SharePoint when you create the Team Project (xlsx reports etc). However, if you are using the much better VS Scrum template then no documents are created even if you have SharePoint integration enabled.
If you are using the Enterprise edition of SharePoint then you get some good dashboards (bugs, code quality etc.) and you can also publish your custom excel reports easily. This functionality requires Excel Services and so is not available in the standard edition (there are some dashboards created but they aren't that useful).
Share information using the project portal
Your team can use the SharePoint portal to share information in the following ways:
Share data contained in reports or dashboards
Share team progress using predefined or customized dashboards.
Share documents, files, images.
Share team knowledge and processes using the SharePoint wiki.
Reference process guidance for select team project artifacts.
If you want to add a portal to an existing project:
Configure or add a project portal

How to create customized web parts using sharepoint designer 2007?

I want to create a new customized web part through sharepoint designer not using the default one. Can anyone tell me is this possible to do it in sharepoint designer? or do I need any other software to do this?
Generally speaking, SharePoint designer doesn't do custom web parts. You can do some work with dataview web parts to retrieve data from external systems, but for the most part you need Visual Studio to create a custom web part. Here is a basic tutorial.

Sharepoint 2007 - Custom webpart deployment doesn't work

I have a custom webpart for Sharepoint 2007. I am trying to deploy it to a new Sharepoint web application. I am using WSPBuilder with VS2010 to do the deploy. When I examine the wss\VirtualDirectories\ folder for the web app, the wpcatalog folder does not exist there. When I go to the Web Part Gallery and click "New" button, the web part is no there either. What could be causing this behavior? Are there any other ways to troubleshoot it?
the wpcatalog is actually a document library containing the .webpart definition files. It is stored in the content database, not the file system.
You need to verify the solution is in fact deployed to your web application, and then activate any features if necessary. You can verify the solution deployment under central administration\operations\solution management.

Transferring Nintex workflows to another site

In production environment, we have a SharePoint site with some Nintex 2007 workflows. Now we need to replicate the production site for testing purposes.
The target server already had Nintex installed when I restored the SharePoint backup.
Unfortunately, it turned out Nintex license has expired on it so we're a little paralyzed.
The workflows seem to have been moved with the backup, however some workflow steps in Nintex designer show exclamation marks with this tooltip:
queryListActivity1 of type Nintex.Workflow.Activities.QueryListActivity is unrecognized by Nintex Workflow
When I activate Nintex license, how can I ensure that Nintex workflow is deployed correctly? I see the following options:
copy Nintex database to the new server and try hook it up with Nintex instance (how?);
save existing workflows on source server using Nintex Export feature and upload them on target server.
What is the best one, or are there any other options available?
The preferred method is to export your workflow from the Developer License site and then import the workflow in your newly licensed site.
Once you have imported the workflow, simply save and publish.
Be aware that copying workflows between sites doesn't always result in a working result.
For example if your workflow queries a list, the connection to the list is implicitly based on the List unique ID (GUID) on the development server. When you move the workflow to the production server the equivalent list will have a different GUID.
You will often have to open these steps in the editor and re-create the list query (pointing at the right list) to get them to run.
I would be very keen to find a tool that can migrate Nintex workflows and automatically fix up things like site URLs and list GUIDs myself.

Is it possible to apply a template to SharePoint online services "home" tab?

I can apply a template to a subsite when creating it, however, on the home/parent site, there does not seem to be an option to apply a template. You can only list the templates.
Note: This is for: Microsoft
SharePoint Online.
It is not possible.
You can use MetaVis Architect to create a SharePoint Site Template and then use MetaVis Site Creator to deploy that MetaVis SharePoint Template to BPOS Microsoft online. You can get a free trial at You can also use MetaVis Architect Suite to move your site structure and content to BPOS Microsoft online.
