Virtual machine in Azure not quite the same as a real machine - azure

Hope somebody could give me a hint?
When trying to use an Azure virtual machine to host a database I have problems with the hostname:port way to access the virtual machine instead of just hostname.
For example, I got a preview virtual machine. When I try to access the database hosted in there, my application thinks I´m trying to comunicate with the database thru this port.
Is there a way to define a url that does not show the port? Something like ?
I´m sure there are a lot of applications that may have this type of problem, so I suppose there is a way to do it?

So you want to host a database in a Virtual Machine, so I'm assuming you're trying to host an instance of SQL Server. If you want to connect to the hostname without having to specify the port you should start by doing the following:
Create an unnamed instance in your SQL Server installation
Add an endpoint for port 1433 to your virtual machine (see this link)
Also, if you're using .NET to connect to that database it's pretty easy to specify the port if you don't use port 1433:
Data,4999;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
In your question I also see that you're talking about Note that 51165 is probably the random port that is used for remote desktop, and you can't use that same port to connect to your database.


Can't connect remotely to Jenkins being run on a Debian 8 VM

I've recently set up a Debian 8 Jessie VM on Google Cloud. I've installed Jenkins and have the service up and running(verified by "sudo service jenkins status"), yet I can't connect to the VM's external IP from another machine. I used to run Jenkins from my personal computer until I decided I needed a dedicated server to run it continuously. When I was running it on my personal machine I would just access localhost:8080 and the Jenkins dashboard would load fairly quickly. However, upon trying to access the external IP address of the VM running Jenkins, I'm usually greeted with "Connection refused" in my web browser.
At the suggestion of most posts I've seen regarding such issues, I've lifted all firewalls on the VM and have tried to ensure that the VM is listening at the correct IP address, but nothing seems to be able to change the outcome presented by my browser. Where does the issue most likely reside: the VM, Google Cloud, or Jenkins? I'm at a loss.
My first guess is a connection/firewall issue. To test this, you could try a port forward using SSH: SSH into your server with a local port forward: ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 yourserver. You should then be able to direct your web browser at http://localhost:8080/ and your packets flow through the SSH connection. If that makes it work, have a good look at
How to open a specific port such as 9090 in Google Compute Engine . Or better yet, if you are the only one to use that Jenkins server, just keep using the SSH tunnel. It's much more secure than opening jenkins to the public world.
Have you tried installing tcpdump on the VM and doing a packet capture? That way you can determine where the traffic is being dropped. If you don't see any traffic, then it is being dropped somewhere in the cloud before it gets to your VM. If you are seeing traffic, then you need to determine is it Jenkins or some agent on the host (perhaps a firewall but you mentioned you cleared all the rules) ... I would suggest stopping the Jenkins service and then trying to access it again. Do you get the same "Connection Refused" message? If so, then it is something on the VM. If not, then it something at the application layer, i.e. Jenkins.
Happy hunting!!!

Tunnel between local linux machine( behind NAT) to aws instance(linux)

Is there any utility through which i can create a tunnel between local linux machine and aws instance..
I used this
Its good, but multiple connections don't work properly.
Please suggest me other possibilities
The simplest way I see it's establishing a VPN connection between your external machine and your AWS VPC. You could just have an EC2 instance running OpenVPN facing internet on AWS, and set a client on the other end. You could even use Amazon VPN, but it implements IPSEC, which could be a little more tricky to connect from you Linux box. Another advantage of OpenVPN is that you can have as many clients as you want coming from anywhere.

Setting up a web server for access outside of subnetwork (Node.js, Nginx maybe, Ubuntu server)

A little bit of context. I have developped a webapp on node.js (and a glamourous set of extensions). It has been approved for testing with true users at my company and i am supposed to deploy it now. Problem is that basically i have no idea unto how attack this problem. I have so many questions.
For the moment i have created a virtual machine on the local server. I have installed ubuntu server unto it and i have the intuition about how to deploy the app in this part (i suppose following the same steps as when i started to work on this project). I do not know however if i can have remote access from the outside of my network to this virtual machine. I also dont know if additional configuration in ubuntu's side is needed to make such an idea work (for example: in the installation there was a part about proxies that at the moment i decided to ignore)
From the few documents i have read about it since i was assigned this, a solution may lie in using nginx. The logic behind it if i am not mistaken (and please correct me if i am) is that nginx can help linking the HTTP requests (through the port 80 which is normally opened for access in most machines) and link it to a specific port on the machine (The sexy app i have developped).
In a more early stage, what ressources would i need to start this off? Would i need a domain name? IS it necessary? Do i need a different virtual server to link the apps or can they be on the same machine?
If you have additional comments or tips for someone that is learning to do this kind of thing, please do.
For remote access, you will need a couple of things. First of all, you will need to make sure that your virtual machine is on a bridged adapter. I'm not sure what virtual machine you are on, or I'd give you more detail on how to do this. Second, you will need to make sure that your router has port 80 (or whatever port you chose to use) setup via port forwarding so that requests coming in map to the server (a request comes to the router on the port, the router must then know where to send those requests to). Finally, if you want to use a port other than port 80, you should be able to configure this in the nodejs configuration. This may also be configurable in the router so that requests coming in on port 80 are mapped to, say 8080, but, given that this is a company, it's probably easier to reconfigure the nodejs server than have it set up special mapping.
This experience comes from personal experience with hosting web servers at home. Corporate routers should need similar configuration unless each system has a public IP address on the internet, which is unlikely.

PostgreSQL via pgAdmin III - Server Doesn't Listen

Our company has an old linux server that runs a few tomcat web applications. One of those applications is connecting to PostgreSQL. While I'm a C#.Net/Windows coder, I need to connect to this database from my computer using pGAdmin III (or any suggested equivalent). When attempting the connection, pgAdmin says Server Not Listening.
Without knowing much about linux I'm using WinSCP to connect to the file structure. I have ZERO documentation on the old apps, any data sources, or their data connections. I've been able to determine the following, assuming the location of the web app is actuallly legit and not some non-running copy.
In one app's connection information:
After some digging, I found the following possible instances of postgresql on the server file structure.
There's also \etc\postgresql-common with very different types of files in there.
If there are other instances or related folder, I am unaware and wouldn't know where to look. It's a labyrinthine beast.
I ensured in the config file for both that listening="*", which was supposed to be one of two fixes. It was already set to *, so assuming one of these is the right one, I should be good there.
I know that at least some instance of postgresql is turned on because the old app is running and fetching data, so that's the other of the two fixes.
I heard in a separate thread here that reinstalling pgAdmin might solve the problem, but it did not. I tried with and without ssl.
Here is how I'm trying to set up the connection in pgAdmin III:
Name: SomeName
Host: I've tried a few combinations here. //servername/somename, or just //servername
Port: 5432 (matches what was expected, also the port from the connection)
Service: Blank
MaintenanceDB: I tried the default in pgadmin, postgres and the actual db I'm trying to connect to.
username & Password: the credentials from the connection info in the old app.
I'm getting the Server Doesn't Listen, suggesting that either it's not on (Well...some data source is on and working and the data in WEB-INF suggests it's postgresql), or it's not accepting TCP/IP connections, which it is according to the instances of postgresql I was able to find.
Long Story Short
At this point I'm assuming that one of the following is the problem...
The connection information I'm entering into postgreSQL is not being entered correctly, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The source of the connection information (the web application) is bad/old/not from a running instance (and in this case I don't know how to tell, not in linux).
The instances of postgresql I found are not the instances it's using, and I have no idea how to find it.
Something's fishy network-wise, but since both my computer and the linux server are on the same network, it doesn't seem too likely.
Also, everyone, please document your stuff for the poor souls of the future. I greatly appreciate any assistance you are able to offer me.
You may want to use a tunnel:
ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 user#server
After you log into the remote server, you'll have mapped port 5432 on your computer to the remote one. Then you can use pgAdmin to connect to your localhost on port 5432. Make sure you don't have anything running on this port on your computer.
Edit: Look at these examples on how to setup tunnels using putty

Put node app online privately so my team can preview it before launch?

I'm building a Node app and need to put it online so my team can access it. We are concerned about the content of the app leaking and need some security.
Is a VPN the best way? Could I set one up easily on Digital Ocean or elsewhere? I have only set up a VPN for tunnelling before, and don't have a local computer or server that is always on.
I first thought about putting it on a randomly generated subdomain on my regular domain, or controlling it with .htaccess and password, but I'm not sure if this is doable with Node.
EDIT: what about just setting up with pptp and then editing the hosts file to point to localhost?
This problem is relevant because you don't have a local area network that your team all has access to. The way I've solved this in the past is to set up your application listening on the on a server that is accessible to the internet. Allow your team to have SSH access, and set it up so they forward localhost and port 80 on their local machine to whatever port your application is listening on. You can do this with openssh and putty.
