Gnuplot error bars values below 1 doesn't appear - gnuplot
I have those data:
Length A B C D E F A_err B_err C_err D_err E_err F_err
17 0,51 1,4 0 0 0 0,07 0,11 0,33 0 0 0 0,08
18 1,33 2,49 1,88 0,51 1,21 0,2 0,18 0,43 1,05 0,5 0,5 0,14
19 2,56 3,83 3,75 0,76 4,22 0,81 0,25 0,53 1,47 0,61 0,92 0,28
20 8,28 7,22 3,44 5,46 5,16 9,19 0,44 0,72 1,41 1,59 1,02 0,89
21 29,96 20 15,78 16,65 13,66 62,58 0,74 1,11 2,82 2,6 1,58 1,49
22 34,16 42,3 56,25 31,51 37,14 16 0,76 1,37 3,84 3,25 2,22 1,13
23 14,23 16,59 17,03 29,86 21,28 1,55 0,56 1,03 2,91 3,2 1,88 0,38
24 6,98 4,39 1,72 12,58 9,6 9,54 0,41 0,57 1,01 2,32 1,35 0,9
25 1,23 1,02 0,16 1,65 4,55 0,05 0,18 0,28 0,31 0,89 0,96 0,07
26 0,45 0,44 0 0,89 1,76 0 0,11 0,18 0 0,66 0,6 0
27 0,18 0,1 0 0 1,04 0 0,07 0,09 0 0 0,47 0
With this code, I obtain a nice histogram with error bars:
set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "arial,15" fontscale 2.0 size 1600,900
set output 'length.png'
set style fill solid 0.7 border lt -1
set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse noenhanced autotitles columnhead nobox
set grid ytics
set nokey
set style histogram errorbars linewidth 1 gap 3 title offset character 0, 0, 0
set datafile missing '-'
set style data histograms
set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror offset character 0, 0, 0 autojustify
set xtics norangelimit font ",12"
set xtics ()
set xlabel "n"
set ylabel "Percentage (%)"
set title "length"
set bars 0.3 front
set datafile separator "\t"
set yrange [ 0 : * ] noreverse nowriteback
plot 'length.dat' using 2:8:xtic(1), '' u 3:9:xtic(1), '' u 4:10:xtic(1), '' u 5:11:xtic(1), '' u 6:12:xtic(1), '' u 7:13:xtic(1)
The obtained image is here:
But, some error bars just not appear. I notice that is because the error value is below 1. But why ? I'd like all error bars appearing. Is there a problem in the code that forbid errors below 1 to appear ?
Thanks for your help
To me, it looks like your problem is that you're using , as a decimal point character in your file instead of . that gnuplot understands natively. There are two possible solutions. The first I found from googling, but can't test:
set locale
set locale "ja_JP.UTF-8" #gnuplot complains this isn't available for me ...
or perhaps set decimalsign local "..."
The second solution is a little less elegant, but it involves converting all of your , to . in your datafile. That's a trivial thing to do using sed:
sed -e 's/,/\./g' length.dat > length2.dat
Now you can just plot using length2.dat and it should work OK (it did for me). As an aside, I think that's quite a nicely colorful plot. The pngcairo terminal does a good job with it.
How do I limit a gnuplot polar to a 180 degree range for Gnuplot 5.2?
I am creating a seemingly duplicate question posted by Matt in 2015, however, the answer posted by Christoph doesn't work at the moment for me, since I'm using Gnuplot 5.2. When I use Matt's input date and Christoph's script, I end up with this result: Picture here As can be seen, the bottom half (3rd & 4th quadrant) of the plot is plotted, yet it should not be. reset set terminal pngcairo font ',10' set polar set angle degrees set size ratio 1 set lmargin 8 set style line 11 lc rgb 'gray80' lt -1 set grid polar ls 11 unset border unset tics set xrange [-1:1] set yrange [0:1] set size ratio -1 r = 1 set rtics 0.166 format '' scale 0 set label '0°' center at first 0, first r*1.05 set label '-90°' right at first -r*1.05, 0 set label '+90°' left at first r*1.05, 0 set for [i=1:5] label at first r*0.02, first r*((i/6.0) + 0.03) sprintf("%d dB", -30+(i*5)) unset raxis set key outside top right set output 'polar.png' plot 'norm_polar_1000.txt' w lp ls 1 t '1k' Data: 180 0.657067 172.5 0.6832 165 0.717767 157.5 0.7461 150 0.7747 142.5 0.806167 135 0.835633 127.5 0.865167 120 0.890533 112.5 0.918133 105 0.929633 97.5 0.9566 90 0.9632 82.5 0.9566 75 0.929633 67.5 0.918133 60 0.890533 52.5 0.865167 45 0.835633 37.5 0.806167 30 0.7747 22.5 0.7461 15 0.717767 7.5 0.6832 0 0.657067 To get to my own problem, I would like to get a very similar plot but with only 2nd and 3rd quadrant instead. My code: reset set terminal pngcairo font ',12' set polar set angle degrees set size ratio -1 set tmargin 3 set bmargin 3 set style line 11 lc rgb 'gray80' lt -1 set grid polar ls 11 unset border unset tics unset key r=1 set rrange [0:r] set xrange [-1:0] set yrange [-1:1] rOffset = 1.1 set rtics 0.166 format '' scale 0 set label '0°' center at first 0, first r*rOffset set label '90°' right at first -r*rOffset, 0 set label '180°' center at first 0, first -r*rOffset set output 'TestPolar.png' plot 'exampleData.txt' u ($1+90):2 exampleData.txt: 10 0.1 30 0.2 50 0.3 70 0.4 90 0.5 110 0.6 130 0.7 150 0.8 170 0.9 Current resulting picture here Any ideas?
It looks to me that gnuplot's trange in 5.2 is always in radians rather than degrees, even if the data itself is in degrees. That seems like a bug but you can work around it. In 5.2 do not set xrange or yrange to limit data in polar mode; use rrange and trange. xrange and yrange affect the entire plot layout, not just the data. Also note that you can move the origin on theta to the top using command set theta top. If you do this you need not add 90° to each data point. Assuming that by "only the 2nd and 3rd quadrant" you mean 90 < theta < 270, your script becomes set polar set angle degrees set size ratio -1 set tmargin 3 set bmargin 3 set style line 11 lc rgb 'gray80' lt -1 set grid polar ls 11 unset border unset tics unset key r=1 set rrange [0:r] set trange [ pi/2 : 3*pi/2 ] set theta top set rtics 0.166 format '' scale 0 set ttics (0,90,180) format "%g°" plot 'exampleData.txt' using ($1):2 with lines Note that I set trange in radians rather than degrees to work around the bug. Output using gnuplot 5.2.4 is attached
histogram with errorbars, pb with the titles of the columns
these are my data : TABLE11-mol+func.dat #mol PBE optPBE optB86b BEEF Exp IncertitudeBEEF 0 0 PBE-PBE optPBE-vdW1 optB86b-vdW1 BEEF-vdW2 Exp Incert.BEEF 0 1 0.014 0.226 0.210 0.125 0.155 0.10444 0 2 0.033 0.362 0.392 0.223 0 0.16794 0 3 1.742 1.755 2.152 1.432 1.36 0.29116 0 4 1.206 1.441 1.724 1.115 0 0.17857 0 5 0.934 1.533 1.857 1.063 0 0.30034 0 6 0.777 1.514 1.843 0.959 1.295 0.31264 0 7 2.018 2.298 2.858 1.751 0 0.37737 0 8 1.084 1.648 2.336 1.033 1.762 0.60643 0 9 1.504 2.355 3.451 1.449 2.694 1.0138 0 this is my code : set key left set auto x set ylabel "- E_{ads} (eV)" font "Times-Roman, 18" set yrange [0:3.5] set ytics (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5) font "Times-Roman, 18" set style data histograms set style histogram errorbars lw 1 set style fill solid border -1 set boxwidth 0.9 set xtics ("Methane" 0, "Ethane" 1, "Ethylidyne" 2, "Ethylene" 3, "Butene" 4, "Cyclohexene" 5, "Butadiene" 6, "Benzene" 7, "Naphtalene" 8) font "Times-Roman, 15" set xtic nomirror rotate by -45 scale 0 set grid y plot 'TABLE11-mol+func.dat' using 2:8 ti col, '' u 3:8 ti col, '' u 4:8 ti col, '' u 5:7 ti col, '' u 6:8 ti col this gives an histogram with wrong title for each color so I tried to add them "with my hands" with this line instead of the last one : plot 'TABLE11-mol+func.dat' using 2:8 ti 'PBE', '' u 3:8 ti 'optPBE', '' u 4:8 ti 'optB86b', '' u 5:7 ti 'BEEF', '' u 6:8 ti 'Exp' and this messes up my histogram, with weird stuffs who appear all over the diagram, and it adds an xtic and bars... somebody could help me ? it's even more weird because it use to work some month ago... maybe it's because I have a new version of gnuplot ?
Gnuplot fails to select the correct column to get the title from. It tries to always use the 8th column, as given by the second column in the using option, although this gives the error estimate and not the y-value. You must explicitely give the column number as e.g. ti col(3): set key left set yrange [0:3.5] set ytics 0.5 set style data histograms set style histogram errorbars lw 1 set style fill solid border -1 set boxwidth 0.9 set xtics ("Methane" 0, "Ethane" 1, "Ethylidyne" 2, "Ethylene" 3, "Butene" 4, "Cyclohexene" 5, "Butadiene" 6, "Benzene" 7, "Naphtalene" 8) set xtic nomirror rotate by -45 scale 0 set grid y plot 'TABLE11-mol+func.dat' u 2:8 t col(2), '' u 3:8 t col(3), '' u 4:8 t col(4), '' u 5:7 t col(5), '' u 6:8 t col(6)
Gnuplot: how to write the z values in a heatmap plot
I am using Gnuplot 4.6.5 I want to write the z value in a heatmap plot. Here is the code for producing the heatmap: # # Two ways of generating a 2D heat map from ascii data # set title "Heat Map generated from a file containing Z values only" unset key set tic scale 0 # Color runs from white to green set palette rgbformula -7,2,-7 set cbrange [0:5] set cblabel "Score" unset cbtics set xrange [-0.5:1.5] set yrange [-0.5:1.5] set view map plot '-' using 1:2:3 with image 0 0 5 0 1 4 1 0 2 1 1 2 e This gives: I want to write the z values in the figure: My actually data is much larger than the demonstration data used here. So it is almost impractical to write each point manually. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use the labels plotting style for this. See also gnuplot matrix or plot : display both color and point value for a very similar question: unset key set palette rgbformula -7,2,-7 set cbrange [0:5] set cblabel "Score" unset cbtics set autoscale fix plot '-' using 1:2:3 with image, \ '-' using 1:2:(strcol(3)) with labels 0 0 5 0 1 4 1 0 2 1 1 2 e 0 0 5 0 1 4 1 0 2 1 1 2 e
Show Y Label in groups with Gnuplot
I have this points: 0.00049 1.509 0.00098 1.510 0.00195 1.511 0.00293 1.509 0.00391 1.510 0.00586 1.523 0.00781 1.512 0.01172 1.514 0.01562 1.510 0.02344 1.511 0.03125 1.510 0.04688 7.053 0.06250 7.054 0.09375 7.187 0.125 7.184 0.1875 7.177 0.25 7.207 0.375 16.588 0.5 24.930 0.75 39.394 1 56.615 1.5 77.308 2 84.909 3 89.056 4 88.485 6 88.678 8 89.022 12 88.513 16 88.369 24 88.512 32 88.536 48 87.792 64 87.716 96 87.589 128 87.608 192 87.457 256 87.388 And this gnuplot script: #! /usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal png set output "lat_mem_rd.png" set title "Memory Latency Benchmark (Stride 512)" set xlabel "Memory Depth (MB)" set ylabel "Latency (ns)" set xtics rotate by 45 offset 0,-1 set xtics font "Times-Roman, 8" set grid set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1 # --- blue plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using (log($1)):2:xtic(1) smooth unique title "" with linespoints ls 1 which generates this graphic: But i want to show the y values in the y label with one of the approximated values in those approximations, for example, for all of the values with x values between 3 and 256, the y label is set to just one, maybe 88.513 that corresponds to x=12 or other (or maybe the average of those points if its not very difficult)... The same for x values between 0 and 0.02344 and for x values between 0.03125 and 0.1875. This y values will substitute the values 10, 20, ..., 90.
Here is a modification of your script that might do what you want, if I understand you correctly: set title "Memory Latency Benchmark (Stride 512)" set xlabel "Memory Depth (MB)" set ylabel "Latency (ns)" set xtics rotate by 45 offset 0,-1 set xtics font "Times-Roman, 8" set grid a = ""; p = 0; nn = 1; nt = 37; d = 4; s = 0 f(x) = (x>p+d || nn >= nt)?(nn=nn+1, p=x, a=a." ".sprintf("%5.2f", s/n), n=1, s=x):(nn=nn+1, p=x, s=s+x, n=n+1) plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using 1:(f($2)) # Just to set array "a" set ytics 0,0,0 set yrange [0:90] set for [aa in a] ytics add (aa aa) set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1 # --- blue set terminal png set output "lat_mem_rd.png" plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using (log($1)):2:xtic(1) smooth unique title "" with linespoints ls 1 This script produces this plot: The strategy is to accumulate a sum of Y-values and calculate an average every time the Y-value increases by at least an amount d; these averages are stored in a string variable "a", which is looped over to set the ytic values before the final plot command. This way clusters of closely-spaced Y-values give rise to a ytic at their average value; I think that was what you wanted.
Plotting a histogram, wrong alignment of bars and labelling
I'm having trouble with a gnuplot, somehow the x labelling shifts to the right (or the bars to the left) when defining set style data histograms The Plotscript: set boxwidth 0.9 absolute set style fill solid 1.00 border lt -1 set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse noenhanced autotitles nobox set style histogram clustered gap 5 title offset character 0, 0, 0 set datafile missing '-' set style data histograms set xtics border in scale 0,0 nomirror rotate by -45 offset character 0, 0, 0 set xtics norangelimit font ",8" set xlabel "Scaling Factor" set ylabel "Execution time [ms]" set title "Database performance db4o vs Sqlite - Testcase 1 [indexed]" set logscale y set terminal pdf set output 'db4o_vs_sqlite_indexed.pdf' plot 'db4o_sb1-5idx.dat' using 3:xtic(1) title 'db4o', 'sqlite_sb1-5idx.dat' using 3 title 'Sqlite' The data: "Scaling Factor" "Testcase 1" "Testcase 2" "Testcase 3" "Testcase 4" 1 0 34 28 11 2 1 136 91 65 3 0 297 198 101 4 0 487 297 214 10 0 3124 1896 1567 20 0 13000 7907 7628