Related to -useproxyclass converter option - javacard

What does -useproxyclass option does for JCDK 3.0.1 and above? Can you please share some links, materials related to this.
The reason I am asking this is if my applet has any references to global platform libraries the converter is failing with the error:
error: Could not find a java compiler (javac). Do you have a Java JRE (not SDK) installed?
But If I am passing this -useproxyclass option to the converter, the error is not shown.


Jboss tools configuration

I have literally got confused about the below mentioned error:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in was unable to load class**
Kindly help me in resolving it.
User JDK 1.6.0_05 or higher version for resolution.

Error registering GPP device on a domain

I am using REDHAWK 2.0.5, and I am attempting to launch a domain using the instructions in section '11.1.1 Launching a Domain' of the REDHAWK documentation:
I receive the following error after clicking OK in step 3 when attempting to register the GPP device on the Domain Manager:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost:exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::bad_lexical_cast> >'
what(): bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target
Does anyone have experience with this issue? Or, any suggestions about what the cause might be?
This sounds like it could be an issue with the version of boost libraries you have installed. Can you tell me which linux flavor and version you're using, and how you installed the Redhawk framework itself?

Package javacardx.framework does not exist

Im new here and trying to develop a applet for Javacard. While following a sample code from a website, I get stuck here. NetBeans says the Package javacardx.framework does not exist.
Im using NetBeans 7.3.1
I would have not linked the Java Classic Jar file properly. Please help me
You cannot program against the standard Java API for Java Card. Java Card only uses (most of the) Java syntax and .class files as intermediate compilation results. Instead you need to configure the libraries of the Java Card SDK. Furthermore you need to run the Java Card converter, and for this you need the converted binaries and "export files" of those libraries.
More information can be found in the Java Card Development Quickstart Guide of the Java Card Netbeans plugin.

MonoDevelop unsupported project type vcxproj

I have been a long-time visual studio developer, and I am trying to switch over to using mono so I can port my applications to Ubuntu. I have been trying to get some of my VS2010 C++ projects (.vcxproj file types) to load into MD on my Ubunutu 12.04 machine. According to the documentation I have read online this should work, however, every time I try and load a project I get the error shown below. Is there something else I need to be installing in order to be able to load C++ projects in monodevelop? I have done some searching, but have not yet found anything related to this particular question.
VC2010Test.sln(4): Unsupported or unrecognized project : '/home/me/Projects/Test/VC2010Test/VC2010Test.vcxproj'.
MonoDevelop has a C/C++ binding, called CBinding.
Beware, it's not meant to target managed C++.
AFAIK, it only works in Unix-like platforms.
So, if you still target non-managed C++ and are not using MonoDevelop for Windows, two questions:
Did you make sure that the binding (addin) is installed and enabled?
If the answer to the above question is yes, you may want to try this: the binding creates projects with the extension ".proj" by default, I think, so maybe you can change this to ".vcxproj", recompile, and test again. If it works, then it should be easy to create a pull request to include this extension of possible file types that this addin can handle?

Jaxb system path

I just installed java Web Service Developer Pack 2.0 to use JAXB for xml operations. The tutorial says me add "C:\Sun\jwsdp-2.0\jaxb\bin" to the system path.I select Computer->Properties->Advanced System Settings. I come to the Advanced tab I open the window Environment variables. and i selected PATH from user variables,selected edit and append "C:\Sun\jwsdp-2.0\jaxb\bin" to here. But when i write xjc,it is still not recognized. What should i do more ?
I just checked the release notes for JWSDP 2.0, and they're copy right 2005.
If you're just looking to run XJC it is also included as part of Java SE 6. You can run it as:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\xjc
As for JAXB implementations you can choose from:
EclipseLink JAXB (MOXY)
Metro JAXB (the reference implementation, included in JAVA SE 6.
