Adding padding to the inside of a container - susy-compass

I have designed a layout using 978px as the grid width, with 12px of grid padding. I've never really understood the purpose of grid padding, to be honest, and now I am even more confused, because I thought the grid padding would apply to the inside of my total width so things don't rest right at the edge of the grid.
For example, my header has a background color of #333. I span the logo section 3 columns, but it doesn't look good because it's right at the edge. If I add 12px of padding to the inside of the header, it messes up my column flow, obviously. I tried adding it to the span-columns mixin, like #include span-columns(3, 12, 12px 0px), but the padding is too wide, and I don't think this would be efficient because I would want it on everything that is on the left and right.
So what is the best way to get padding on the inside of the grid?
Here is a little structure:
page-wrapper (container)
I tried adding padding to the #page-wrapper and #page divs, but this didn't work.
/***** UPDATE *****/
Here is a screen shot of what I am trying to achieve:
This is the desktop layout, that I want responsive, so the padding effect I would like to be the same throughout layouts. Basically, the grid in the screen shot is a total width of 1002, with 12px on the side, 12- 54px columns, and 11- 30px gutters.
this is a fireworks template, so my 320 page is 8 columns, 27px wide, with 12px gutters, and 10px gutter width. I am starting to think I am designing wrong, as I mentioned before, I don't really understand the point of grid padding.
As you can see, I would like there to be padding on the sides of the container which by default everything rests on the edges.
Here is a code snippet of my set up:
$total-columns : 8;
$column-width : 27px;
$gutter-width : 12px;
$grid-padding : 10px;
$container-style: fluid;
$full: 747px 12;
$tablet: 747px 12 977px;
$desktop: 978px 12;
#include container;
#include susy-grid-background;
#include at-breakpoint(747px 12 977px){
#include set-container-width;
max-width: 747px;
#include susy-grid-background;
#include at-breakpoint(978px 12){
#include set-container-width;
max-width: 1002px;
#include susy-grid-background;
Now here is something I did by checking on that other post, and it seems to work, but I am not sure if it is the right way to do it:
margin-left: -$grid-padding;
margin-right: -$grid-padding;
padding: 0 $grid-padding;
margin-bottom: 1em;

Your screenshot link is broken, but if I understand right you simply want your outer grid elements to span the grid padding. For that, I use the technique you mentioned, although doing it by hand can be a pain if you want it too many places on the site. Here's a mixin that I've created to handle this kind of "bleed" in a flexible way:
#mixin bleed($padding: $grid-padding, $sides: left right) {
#if $sides == 'all' {
margin: - $padding;
padding: $padding;
} #else {
#each $side in $sides {
margin-#{$side}: - $padding;
padding-#{$side}: $padding;
The default setting there is to add $grid-padding bleed to the left and right. You can change the size of the bleed, and also the sides that it should apply to. You can apply it like this:
#header { #include bleed; }
#nav { #include bleed($sides: left); }
#main { #include bleed($sides: right); }
You have a few other strange bits of code. By default, Susy build what I call a magic grid: fluid with a max width. Instead of allowing that to happen by default, you are forcing your grids fully-fluid ($container-style: fluid;), including set-container-width (which would set the max-width if you hadn't turned it off, but is now doing nothing useful for you) and then adding a max-width by hand.
You also mention wanting different column and gutter widths at your different sizes. For that you will want to use with-grid-settings inside your breakpoints. e.g:
#include at-breakpoint($desktop){
#include with-grid-settings(12,54px,30px,12px) {
#include set-container-width;
#include susy-grid-background;


Color points on CGAL Triangulation_3

I am trying to give a color to the points into a triangulation_3 on CGAL. I just take the example from CGAL describe here
I made a simple modification on this example to be able to draw the triangulation:
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_3.h>
#include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_cell_base_3.h>
#include <CGAL/Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_3.h>
#include <CGAL/IO/Color.h>
#include <CGAL/draw_triangulation_3.h>
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_3<CGAL::Color, K> Vb;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_cell_base_3<K> Cb;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_3<Vb, Cb> Tds;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_3<K, Tds> Delaunay;
typedef Delaunay::Point Point;
int main()
Delaunay T;
// Set the color of finite vertices of degree 6 to red.
Delaunay::Finite_vertices_iterator vit;
for (Delaunay::Vertex_handle v : T.finite_vertex_handles())
if ( == 6)
v->info() = CGAL::Color(0,255,0);
return 0;
But no matter which color I put on v->info() = CGAL::Color(0,255,0); the method draw always give the same red points in the window displayed:
I understand that the code is constructing a data structure that contains color information but this could be independent of the draw method, so i think that the window doesn't show me green points because this is not the way to color the points. If so, what is the way to get a triangulation with green points using the draw method?'.
In its current form, the viewer is not able to change the color of vertices nor edges.
But it is easy to change the code.
Copy the file draw_triangulation_3.h in your project
edit the method void compute_vertex(Vertex_const_handle vh), (line 92 in this file) to use the add_point method with a color as parameter: add_point(vh->point(), vh->info());

piechart using svg and react

I created a pie chart in React using the svg pattern from this tutorial
With four pieces I have
For all four pieces:
stroke-dasharray: 25, 100;
For each piece I also have:
stroke-dashoffset: 0;,
stroke-dashoffset: -25;,
stroke-dashoffset: -50; and
stroke-dashoffset: -75;
Problem is I get a gap between the first and the last piece so the pieces does not fully fill the circle.
I managed to figure out the answer by looking at this similar thread SVG circle has a gap
It turned out I had a radius of 16 the full circle was more than 100%. Setting stroke-dasharray: 100,53and dividing my radius by 1.0053 helped.

set column position with Susy

How do I set where the columns show up in Susy?
I thought this would work:
#include span(1 at 1 first);
#include span(1 at 2);
#include span(1 at 3 last);
The html code has the order middle column, left column and then right column.
The website is showing the middle column first. This is the order in the source code.
Here is the full code:
Susy uses standard float layout by default. Because floats stack up in the flow, you can't position them in any "absolute" way — you have to push or pull them from one position to another. Susy has no way of knowing their default position in the flow, but you can do it manually with the push() and pull() mixins.
Or you can use the isolation output option, which uses negative margins to pull everything flush left — and then allows you to position them in the way you are attempting above.
You can either do that inline:
#include span(1 at 1 isolate); // "at 1 first" is redundant
#include span(1 at 2 isolate);
Or you can do it globally:
#include layout(isolate);
#include span(1 at 1); // "at 1 first" is redundant
#include span(1 at 2);

LWJGL Fullscreen while keeping aspect ratio?

I want to have a fullscreen mode that keeps the aspect ratio by adding black bars on either side. I tried just creating a display mode, but I can't make it fullscreen unless it's a pre-approved resolution, and when I use a bigger diaplay than the native resolution the pixels become messed up, and lines appeared between all of the tiles in the game for some reason.
I think I need to use FBOs to render the scenario to a texture instead of the window, and then just use a fullscreen approved resolution and render the texture properly stretched out in the center of the screen, but I just don't understand how to render to a texture in order to do that, or how to stretch an image. Could someone please help me?
I got fullscreen working, but it makes everything all broken looking There are random lines on the edges of anything that's written to the window. There are no glitchy lines when it's in native resolution though. Here's my code:
Display.setTitle("Mega Man");
}catch(LWJGLException e){
try{Display.setFullscreen(true);}catch(Exception e){}
int sh=Display.getHeight();
int sw=WIDTH*sh/HEIGHT;
GL11.glViewport(Display.getWidth()/2-sw/2, 0, sw, sh);
Screenshot of the glitchy fullscreen here:
Here is the texture rendering code that I use to draw everything:
public static void DrawQuadTex(Texture tex, int x, int y, float width, float height, float texWidth, float texHeight, float subx, float suby, float subd, String mirror){
if (tex==null){return;}
if (mirror==null){mirror = "";}
//subx, suby, and subd are to grab sprites from a sprite sheet. subd is the measure of both the width and length of the sprite, as only images with dimensions that are the same and are powers of 2 are properly displayed.
int xinner = 0;
int xouter = (int) width;
int yinner = 0;
int youter = (int) height;
if (mirror.indexOf("h")>-1){
xinner = xouter;
xouter = 0;
if (mirror.indexOf("v")>-1){
yinner = youter;
youter = 0;
Just to keep it clean I give you a real answer and not just a comment.
The aspect ratio problem can be solved with help of glViewport. Using this method you can decide which area of the surface that will be rendered to. The default viewport will cover the whole surface.
Since the second problem with the corrupt rendering (also described here appeared after changing viewport I will give my thought about it in this answer as well.
Without knowing exactly how the rendering code for the tile background looks. I would guess that the problem is due to any differences in the resolution between the glViewport and glOrtho calls.
Example: If the glOrtho resolution is half the viewport resolution then each openGL unit is actually 2 pixels. If you then renders a tile between x=0 and x=9 and then the next one between x=10 and x=19 you will get an empty space between them.
To solve this you can change the resolution so that they are the same. Or you can render the tile to overlap, first one x=0 to x=10 second one x=10 to x=20 and so on.
Without seeing the tile rendering code I can't verify it this is the problem though.

Susy maths adjustment to particular layout

Working on a Drupal site with a Zen sub theme, I ditched zen-grids for susy. I have been playing around with Susy and it works nicely. But here is my question.
I have a layout with two main columns: #content (holding the main content; a grid of three rows of four images with a width of 181px) and div.region-sidebar-second (holding the main navigation).
My designer came up with a 960px layout, where the #content container’s width is 750px then there is a 8px right-margin and div.region-sidebar-second has a width of 202px.
In my responsive.scss I put:
.sidebar-second {
#content {
#include span-columns(9, 12);
.region-sidebar-second {
#include span-columns(3 omega, 12);
So #content uses the first 9 columns and .region-sidebar-second uses the last 3 columns. But this does not translate to 750px/8px/202px.
The percentages that susy calculates are correct, of course, but for my layout I would need Susy to calculate different percentages.
E.g. Susy calculates for #content
.sidebar-second #content {
float: left;
margin-right: 1.40845%;
width: 74.6479%;
and for
.sidebar-second .region-sidebar-second {
float: right;
margin-right: 0;
width: 23.9437%;
In order to meet the design requirements I would need a width: 78.125% for #content, .833333% for margin-right and a width: 21.0416666% for .region-sidebar-second
Not sure whether this can be achieved with Susy span-columns. If you have a quick idea this would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
