tcm:Error ErrorCode="80040302" can someone explain this error? - iis

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<tcm:Error ErrorCode="80040302" Category="16" Source="Kernel" Severity="2" xmlns:tcm=""><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="false" MessageID="4613"><![CDATA[Unable to get list of Publication items.]]><tcm:Token>RESID_4485</tcm:Token><tcm:Token>RESID_4452</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="false" MessageID="4394"><![CDATA[Unable to Initialize TDSE object.]]><tcm:Token>RESID_4537</tcm:Token><tcm:Token>TDSE</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040302" Cause="true" MessageID="16226"><![CDATA[Access is denied for the user IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist.]]><tcm:Token>IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist</tcm:Token></tcm:Line><tcm:Details><tcm:CallStack><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Security.AuthorizationManager.LoadAccessToken(String,IEnumerable`1,IEnumerable`1)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Security.AuthorizationManager.LoadAccessToken(String,String)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.Session..ctor(String,String,UserContext)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>Tridion.ContentManager.BLFacade.SystemFacade.InitializeUserContext(UserContext,String,String)</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>UtilitiesTDS.GetUserContext</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>TDSE.Initialize</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>TDSE.GetListPublications</tcm:Location></tcm:CallStack></tcm:Details></tcm:Error>
this error occurs while executing this line :
TridionCollection<Component> components = new TridionCollection<Component>(folder.GetListItems(ListColumnFilter.XMLListExtended, rowFilter), "[contains(#IsShared,'false') and contains(#IsLocalized,'false') ]");

I think the error itself is quite clear: User IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist has no permission to access Tridion. Now you need to understand why this user is trying to connect. There are several ways to resolve it. Try to figure out who is trying to connect with this user. Apparently IIS, but why (is it expected to connect with this user?)
If you are logging in with user A and you see error like this, it means that you want to impersonate user A with IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist. Just add IIS APPPOOL\publishedlist to impersonation users of Tridion and it will be fine.
If this user is some kind of service user that you are want to use to perform maintenance tasks or so - just create user in CM
Next time, please post some more details of what you were trying to do and where exactly you have a problem, otherwise your question will be downvoted and you will hardly get any answer.


Modx give to a user permissions to add new users

I am using Modx, and I try to give to a user permission to add/edit/delete new users.. So far so good, the user can do that, the thing is that I get an annoying error message. (even everything works).
The message appears when I access the user info.
Code: 200 OK {"success":false,"message":"Permission
Action for requests where I have this error:
action: workspace/namespace/getlist
action: security/user/setting/getList
It seems you don't have some other permission. Shortly here is how you should get some hint what permission: when user edition is in progress please open browser console and check all AJAX calls via Network should return JSON from above. If so please check what MODX processor was requested in action form parameter.. f.e. it can be /users/getlist.. so you should update your ACLs and add the permissions for the user list.

eg-01-java-jwt example returning empty body

I'm trying to use the example project, but I keep getting this message:
DocuSign Exception!
Reason: 0
Error Reponse: null
I have configured everything following the instructions in the repository page.
I have tried debugging the class responsible for the HTTP Post, but so far I got nothing.
Probably you need to grant consent for the integration key to impersonate the user.

Excel Online Add in- 403 when trying to autoshow and addin using a dev tenant

Update: It seems like the XML is not the problem and the issue has to do with using a dev tenant. As far as I can tell, it behaves properly using an Office 365 Home account, but throws a 403 when using an Office 365 Enterprise E3 Developer account. Why does this throw a 403? Is there anything I can do so we can test if we can get an addin taskpane to auto show with our templates?
Title Edit: from "Excel Online Add in- How to auto show taskpane" to "Excel Online Add in- 403 when trying to autoshow and addin using a dev tenant"
I'm trying to auto show an addin following this guide:
Since the manifest we currently have in the store doesn't use
<TaskpaneId>Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument</TaskpaneId> I'm trying to test it out using Script Lab
The <we:webextension> xml is below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<we:webextension xmlns:we=""
<we:reference id="WA104380862" version="" store="en-US" storeType="OMEX"/>
<we:property name="Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument" value="true"/>
<we:snapshot xmlns:r=""/>
In my <wetp:taskpane> I've tried setting visibility="1" and visibility="0", but neither seem to work. When it is 1 I get a 403 and this is my console
OsfRuntimeExcelWac.js:12 GET 403 ()
e5191e878673e5c7.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
at t.n (e5191e878673e5c7.js:1)
at new t (e5191e878673e5c7.js:1)
at e5191e878673e5c7.js:1
MicrosoftAjax.js:5 Refused to set unsafe header "Cookie"
HEAD 403 ()
MicrosoftAjax.js:5 Request to /gatedserviceextension.aspx?fromAR=3&corr=41fa9016-d510-90be-877b-25c612f780bb came back with the status code:
When it's 0, there is nothing unusual in the console, but nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong? Am I just misunderstanding what this is supposed to accomplish? When visibility="1" it looks like it's trying to do something, but isn't allowed. Does it just mean I can't auto load Script Lab? Their manifest suggests that I can.
Any help is appreciated. We're looking at pushing a new version of our Manifest with the proper <TaskpaneId> to test this, but we wanted a proof of concept first.
This is indeed an issue with our code and a fix is underway. It only reproed in certain variations Office 365 for business customers. I'll update my answer once I get confirmation the fix has been fully rolled out.
How did you set
<we:property name="Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument" value="true"/>
in webextension?
Did you modify it directly?
You could try to set it by api in script Lab:
Office.context.document.settings.set("Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument", true);

Adding scopes to instagram app?

I am trying to give my app the ability to use other scopes besides the basic permissions, but when I try it with other scopes I get the following error:
Something went wrong :(stdClass Object ( [meta] => stdClass Object (
[error_type] => OAuthPermissionsException [code] => 400
[error_message] => This request requires scope=likes, but this access
token is not authorized with this scope. The user must re-authorize
your application with scope=likes to be granted write permissions. ) )
The problem is that when I try to re-authorize the user nothing happens. So I went to the documentation again and it says:
Note that in order to use these extended permissions, first you need
to submit your app for review
But there is nowhere in the developer website where I can see a any submit app link.
Does anyone has any idea how to proceed?
And help will be appreciated,
Your login URL must be like :
where xxxxxx is your client_id and zzzzzz is your redirect_uri that you had defined in your application ;)
Hope i helped ^^
I just found the answer. It looks like the changed the mechanism. Existing apps are fine till april 28 2015 after that all apps will have to follow new rules here:

Sharepoint Crawler is denied access to sites

We create all our site collections programatically with a custom site def/template. Everything works as expected, except for the crawler. It's apparently denied access to the sites. The crawl logs says:
The object was not found. (The item
was deleted because it was either not
found or the crawler was denied access
to it.)
And in the log files I'm getting this:
08/11/2009 14:20:34.01 OWSTIMER.EXE
0x1560 Search Server Common
MS Search Administration
7hmh High exception in
SearchUpgradeProvisioner Keyword
jobServerSearchServiceInstance is null
searchServiceInstance) at
If I create a site collection manually the crawler is able to access it. The same users/accounts have the same access on both sites, so that shouldn't be the issue.
The code we use to actually create the site collection looks a little like this:
SPWebApplication app = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri("WebApplicationUrl"));
app.FormDigestSettings.Enabled = false;
app.Sites.Add("url", "title", "description", "language code", "SiteTemplateName", "Owner.Username", "Owner.Fullname", "Owner.Email");
app.FormDigestSettings.Enabled = true;
The code has been slightly altered to protect the innocent... ;)
Any idea what we're doing wrong?
(Please note, I'm not sure if this is a programming error or a config/setup error, so I'm cross-posting with Serverfault)
If you receive this error whilst the crawler account (the default content access account) has read permission to all your sites then you most likely need to disable the loopback check.
