Marshalling nested Structs in C to C# - struct

I'm again stuck with marshalling C structs into C#. Here is what I want to marshal to C#.
The C function signature is as below
int GetParametersDescription(unsigned int *numParams,
OP_PARAMETER_INFO **parameterInfo,
unsigned int *numVars,
OP_VARIABLE_INFO **variableInfo);
Output Arguments
numParams: number of model’s parameters.
parameterInfo: List of parameters’ structures returned.Size of the list is numParams.
numVars: number of model’s variables.
variableInfo: List of variables’ structures returned.Size of the list is numVars.
OP_PARAMETER_INFO struct signature in C
typedef struct OP_PARAMETER_INFO {
unsigned id; // Parameter Id
char *path; // Parameter's path in the model
char *name; // Parameter's label if any
char *alias; // Parameter's alias if any.
struct OP_VARIABLE_INFO *varInfo; // Pointer on OP_VARIABLE_INFO if variable exist
unsigned nbRows; // Number of rows for this parameter
unsigned nbCols; // Number of cols for this parameter
double *values; // List of values, nbValue = nbRows * nbCols
OP_SEARCH_RESULTS exist; // This is an enum
unsigned newParamId; // ID of the estimated parameter if does not exist
OP_VARIABLE_INFO struct signature in C
typedef struct OP_VARIABLE_INFO {
unsigned id; // Variable Id
char *name; // Variable name
unsigned int nbParams; // Number of parameters associated with the variable
struct OP_PARAMETER_INFO** param; // List of pointers of OP_PARAMETER_INFO structure
OP_SEARCH_RESULTS is an enum and the signature look as below
typedef enum {
I did try out making structs in C#, but none of them seem to work.
Could you pls help me defining these structs in C# and calling them in P/invoke methods and to extract the structs information.....


Assigning to a Reference Inside a Struct

I created a struct with a reference to a vector and I'm having problems assigning to it after I created an array of structs.
This is my struct:
struct name{
std::vector<Student> &A;
int a;
int b;
In my main, I have created a vector of class type, Student, and I have assigned values to the vector, which I called StudentVector. I'm trying to declare an array of struct name that contains a reference to my vector, StudentVector:
void main(){
std::vector <Student> StudentVector;
name data[5];
for (int i=0;i<5;i++){
data[i].A = StudentVector;
When I do this, it compiles, but I get a segmentation fault when I run my code.
Thank you in advance for the help!
It should not compile, because there is no way how to initialize the reference 'A'. If you really need to do it this way, replace the reference with a pointer:
struct name {
std::vector<Student> *A;
int a;
int b;
std::vector<Student> StudentVector;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
data[i].A = &StudentVector;
But it would be wise to avoid it completely.

c++ parse from string using template

In C++, I want to get value from string.
I know there are functions like stoi, stol, stof...
But can I write a function that includes all of them? like using a template to infer the data type?
template<typename T>
T fromString(const std::string& s){
// do something here
// call stoi, stof according to typename T
string si = "1234";
int integer = fromString<int>(si);
string sf = "1234.1234";
float float_point = fromString<float>(sf);
Cannot comment yet, hence this ...
Not clear if you're looking for a single function, or templated (overloaded) functions? This would work: Have no default implementation with return type T, and specializations / usage so:
template<typename T> foo(const std::string& str) {}
template<> int foo(const std::string& str) {return atoi(str.c_str());}
template<> double foo(const std::string& str) {return atof(str.c_str());}
const std::string str1("1234"); const std::string str2("12.34");
const auto iVal = foo<int>(str1);
const auto dVal = foo<double>(str2);
Note the absence of specialization in the function name with the template function specialization, of course it appears as a return type.

Use structure member within s a structure using typedef

When I compile the following I get use of undeclared identifier 'rsdtHeader'
How can I do the following operation using typedef?
typedef struct
int length;
int x;
int y;
} SdtHeader_s;
typedef struct
SdtHeader_s rsdtHeader;
SdtHeader_s* rsdtEntry[(rsdtHeader.length - sizeof(rsdtHeader))/4];
} Rsdt_s;

why to use these weird nesting structure

i'm trying to study the linux kernel and reading the kernel code,
but i can't understand the structure they use for the page structure as shown below:
i mean,why they use union nested in the struct which nested in the union
(the code is simplified...)
struct page {
unsigned long flags;
struct address_space *mapping;
struct {
union {
pgoff_t index;
void *freelist;
union {
unsigned counters;
struct {
union {
atomic_t _mapcount;
struct {
unsigned inuse:16;
unsigned objects:15;
unsigned frozen:1;
atomic_t _count;
It is used to bring clarity into the code. It will be easier to read and understand if members are grouped.
Since you are not using the 'sub-structures' in any other data-structure, they are nested. Else, they would be declared separate and included as members, like below:
struct list_based{
pgoff_t index;
void *freelist;
struct page {
unsigned long flags;
struct address_space *mapping;
struct list_based lpage;
struct sector {
unsigned long sub sect;
struct list_based lsect;


I have this struct:
struct foo {
int a;
union {
struct {
int b;
struct bar
int c;
int d;
} *aBar;
} in;
} u;
How I need to declare a variable of type bar, in Visual C++ ?
When you declare an structure like this:
int b;
} in;
You are actually creating an object with name in, having unnamed-data type. This data-type would be named internally by compiler, and depends on compiler. The style given above does not declare in to be a type, but a variable!
If you want to make it a type, use either of given approaches:
// Approach 1
struct in{...};
// Approach 2
typedef struct {..} in; // in is now a type, because of `typedef`
If you have compiler that supports C++0x, and specifically type decltype keyword, you can use it against the first style (which makes in a variable). Example:
decltype(in) in_var;
in_var.b = 10;
Thanks Ajay, I solved that way:
foo *k;
decltype(k-> j;
j->c = 1;
j->d = 1;
