Subsonic 3 Saving into different databases - subsonic

Using subsonic 3 I have a project with a bit of a weird scenario. I have a .net windows service that needs to connect to a master database which stores connections to other database servers and also a set of tables for processing automated SMS messages. Then I have identical databases on the other servers (the connection string table is empty on the other db's) that handle the messages for other applications.
So, subsonic can call to all of the DB's just fine using the connection string/provider name options.
public static List<SMSRequestWithResponseList> SMSRequestListGetAll(string applicationName)
string connStr = GetConnectionStringByApplicationName(applicationName);
List<SMSRequestWithResponseList> response = new List<SMSRequestWithResponseList>();
List<DAL.CDYNESMSRequest> lst = DAL.CDYNESMSRequest.All(connStr, providerName).ToList();
foreach (DAL.CDYNESMSRequest mitm in lst)
SMSRequestWithResponseList itm = new SMSRequestWithResponseList(mitm, mitm.CDYNESMSResponses.ToList(), string.Empty);
return response;
The issue is saving...Insert seems to be working.
DAL.CDYNESMSRequest itm = new DAL.CDYNESMSRequest(connStr, providerName).;
itm.KeyCode = KeyCode;
itm.ApplicationName = ApplicationName;
itm.BatchTransaction = BatchTransaction;
itm.AssignedDID = GetParameter("AssignedDID");
itm.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber;
itm.MessageDetail = MessageText;
itm.MessageCancelled = false;
itm.MessageQueued = false;
itm.MessageSent = false;
itm.IsImmediate = SendImmediate;
itm.InQueue = false;
itm.ScheduledDateTime = ScheduledDateTime;
itm.CreateDT = dt;
itm.ModifiedDT = dt;
But it doesn't seem to want to update...
DAL.CDYNESMSRequest itm = DAL.CDYNESMSRequest.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RequestID == requestID, connStr, providerName);
if (itm != null)
itm.MessageID = messageGUID;
itm.MessageCancelled = messageCancelled;
itm.MessageQueued = messageQueued;
itm.ReferenceID = messageReferenceID;
itm.MessageSent = messageSent;
if (messageSentDT < new DateTime(1753, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
itm.MessageSentDT = null;
itm.MessageSentDT = messageSentDT;
itm.MessageSMSError = messageSMSError;
itm.ModifiedDT = dt;
I'm calling using the connection string from the correct database but it doesn't update the record.
If I'm saving it incorrectly please let me know. I did try to create a new provider and set it on the save but it barked at me saying it already had an open connection.

Don't use ActiveRecord pattern, but the SimpleRepository which allows you to setup multiple repos and you can specify a connectionstring per repo.
// not sure if this is the right constructor or if it's providerName, connectionString
var repo1 = new SimpleRepository(connectionString1, providerName);
var repo2 = new SimpleRepository(connectionString2, providerName);
var item = repo1.Single<Product>(1);
if (repo2.Exists<Product>(x => x.Id == item.Id))


Upload CSV to BigQuery in C#

Basically what I want to do is to submit a job to BigQuery (Asynchronously), check job status after and print out corresponding status info or error info. I created a frame as below. But I need help on:
GoogleApiException: Not Found Job exception when "BigQueryService.Jobs.Get(jobReference.ProjectId, jobReference.JobId).Execute()" was called. My gut is that the job wasn't submit correctly, but I don't know how to do it correctly.
How should I handle GoogleApiExceptions?
Firt step: create a Job (uploading CSV file into BigQuery), return the JobReference
TableReference DestTable = new TableReference();
DestTable.ProjectId = project;
DestTable.DatasetId = dataset;
DestTable.TableId = tableId;
Job Job = new Job();
JobConfiguration Config = new JobConfiguration();
JobConfigurationLoad ConfigLoad = new JobConfigurationLoad();
ConfigLoad.Schema = schema;
ConfigLoad.DestinationTable = DestTable;
ConfigLoad.Encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
ConfigLoad.CreateDisposition = "CREATE_IF_NEEDED";
ConfigLoad.WriteDisposition = createDisposition;
ConfigLoad.FieldDelimiter = delimiter.ToString();
ConfigLoad.AllowJaggedRows = true;
Config.Load = ConfigLoad;
Job.Configuration = Config;
//set job reference (mainly job id)
JobReference JobRef = new JobReference();
JobRef.JobId = GenerateJobID("Upload");
JobRef.ProjectId = project;
Job.JobReference = JobRef;
using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath,FileMode.Open)){
var JobInfo = BigQueryService.Jobs.Insert(Job,project,fileStream,"text/csv");//application/octet-stream
return JobRef;
Then, Pull Job status using projectId and jobId in the returned JobReference from the first step:
while (true)
pollJob = BigQueryService.Jobs.Get(jobReference.ProjectId, jobReference.JobId).Execute();
i = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Job status" + jobReference.JobId + ": " + pollJob.Status.State);
if (pollJob.Status.State.Equals("DONE"))
return pollJob;
// Pause execution for pauseSeconds before polling job status again,
// to reduce unnecessary calls to the BigQuery API and lower overall
// application bandwidth.
Thread.Sleep(pauseSeconds * 1000);
There's hardly any useful sample code out there showing how to upload a local CSV file to Bigquery table. I eventually get something to work. It might not be the best solution, but it at least works. It's open to any improvement.
private JobReference JobUpload(string project, string dataset, string tableId, string filePath, TableSchema schema, string createDisposition, char delimiter)
TableReference DestTable = new TableReference();
DestTable.ProjectId = project;
DestTable.DatasetId = dataset;
DestTable.TableId = tableId;
Job Job = new Job();
JobConfiguration Config = new JobConfiguration();
JobConfigurationLoad ConfigLoad = new JobConfigurationLoad();
ConfigLoad.Schema = schema;
ConfigLoad.DestinationTable = DestTable;
ConfigLoad.Encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
ConfigLoad.CreateDisposition = "CREATE_IF_NEEDED";
ConfigLoad.WriteDisposition = createDisposition;
ConfigLoad.FieldDelimiter = delimiter.ToString();
ConfigLoad.AllowJaggedRows = true;
ConfigLoad.SourceFormat = "CSV";
Config.Load = ConfigLoad;
Job.Configuration = Config;
//set job reference (mainly job id)
JobReference JobRef = new JobReference();
JobRef.JobId = GenerateJobID("Upload");
JobRef.ProjectId = project;
Job.JobReference = JobRef;
using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath,FileMode.Open)){
JobsResource.InsertMediaUpload InsertMediaUpload = new JobsResource.InsertMediaUpload(BigQueryService,Job,Job.JobReference.ProjectId,fileStream,"application/octet-stream");
var JobInfo = InsertMediaUpload.UploadAsync();
while (!JobInfo.IsCompleted)
//wait for the job to be activated and run
return JobRef;
After this, you can actually use the returned JobRef to pull job status, almost the same as we do with Java API:
PollJob = BigQueryService.Jobs.Get(jobReference.ProjectId, jobReference.JobId).Execute();
Console.WriteLine("Job status" + jobReference.JobId + ": " + PollJob.Status.State);
if (PollJob.Status.State.Equals("DONE"))
return PollJob;

WQL query returns multiple instances in collection

I'm running a WQL query in VBScript to pull data from our SCCM database. I can do other queries that all work as expected. They usually return an object collection that I can loop through and access using the standard method:
For Each objGroup in colGroups
when using the the objgroup.GetObjectText_ method to display the data within one of the collection objects in a working query, I typically see something like:
instance of SMS_R_UserGroup
Name = "whatevername";
UsergroupName = "whatever";
WindowsNTDomain = "whatever";
There is essentially a single instance (please correct me if my terminology is wrong) within each object with properties that I can easily access.
With the problematic query, I'm seeing multiple instances within each object:
instance of __GENERIC
DefaultIPGateway = "xxxx";
DHCPEnabled = 1;
DHCPServer = "xxxx";
DNSDomain = "xxxx";
DNSHostName = "xxxx";
GroupID = 4;
Index = 9;
IPAddress = "xxxxxx";
IPEnabled = 1;
IPSubnet = "xxxx";
MACAddress = "xxxx";
ResourceID = 74762;
RevisionID = 11;
ServiceName = "xxxxxx";
TimeStamp = "xxxxx";
SMS_R_System =
instance of SMS_R_System
Active = 1;
ADSiteName = "xxxxxx";
AgentName = {"xxxxxx"};
AgentSite = {"xxxxx"};
AgentTime = {"xxxxxx"};
AlwaysInternet = 0;
Client = 1;
ClientType = 1;
ClientVersion = "xxxx";
How do I access the properties in an object with multiple instances? Why is it returning multiple instances?
By the way, here is the query I'm running:
WHERE SMS_R_System.Name = 'xxxxxx' AND
You're JOIN'ing SMS_R_System and SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION. This will yield one record for each NIC config. If the device has multiple NICs (including virtual ones) with non-null IP addresses (which could include private networks), you will get one JOIN'ed record for each. You should be able to see differences in NIC data for each "duplicate" record.

Converting Hand Written DI to Windsor Provided DI

For the past six or seven months I have been doing DI in some of my components as result they have grown to become little bit of complicated. In the past I have been creating Object graphs with hand written Factories. Since it is becoming unmanageable I am trying to move that code to Framework dependent DI(by code and not by some XML files). I am posting my Code as well as issues I am stuck with.
Here is my composition layer (it is big, so bear with me :) ):
IAgentFactory GetAgentFactory()
string errorMessage;
IDictionary<AgentType, ServiceParameters> agentFactoryPrerequisite = new Dictionary<AgentType, ServiceParameters>();
string restResponseHeaderStatus = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("RestResponseHeaderStatus", out errorMessage);
var service1Parameters = new ServiceParameters();
service1Parameters.BindingName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1WebHttpBindingConfiguration", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.HeaderPassword = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1HeaderPassword", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.HeaderUserName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1HeaderUserName", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ResponseHeaderStatus = restResponseHeaderStatus;
service1Parameters.ServicePassword = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1ServicePassword", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ServiceUrl = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1URL", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ServiceUserName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1ServiceUserName", out errorMessage).ToString();
agentFactoryPrerequisite.Add(new KeyValuePair<AgentType, ServiceParameters>(AgentType.Service1, service1Parameters));
var agentFactory = new AgentFactory(agentFactoryPrerequisite);
return agentFactory;
protected DatalayerSettings GetDataLayerSettings()
var datalayerSettings = new DatalayerSettings();
datalayerSettings.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
datalayerSettings.MySchemaName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyDatabaseSchema"];
datalayerSettings.UpdatingUser = "Admin";
return datalayerSettings;
PostgersDAFactory GetPostGresDaFactory()
var datalayerSettings = GetDataLayerSettings();
return new PostgersDAFactory(datalayerSettings, "MyAssembly.PostgresDA", "MyDifferentAssembly.CommonDatalayer", "MyServiceLogPath");
public class PostgersDAFactory
readonly DatalayerSettings _datalayerSettings;
readonly string _assemblyName;
readonly string _logPath;
readonly string _mySecondAssemblyName;
public PostgersDAFactory(DatalayerSettings datalayerSettings, string assemblyName, string mySecondAssemblyName, string logPath)
_datalayerSettings = datalayerSettings;
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_logPath = logPath;
_commonDaAssemblyName = commonDaAssemblyName;
public IDA1 GetDA1Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly.PostgresDA.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA1," + _assemblyName);
return (IDA1)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings, _logPath);
public IDA2 GetDA2Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly.PostgresDA.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA2," + _assemblyName);
return (IDA2)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings);
public IDA3 GetDA3Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly2.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA3," + _commonDaAssemblyName);
return (IDA3)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings);
public BaseFileHandler GetFileHandler(FileProvider fileprovider, MockedServiceCalculator mockedServicecalculator = null)
string errorMessage;
var postgresFactory = GetPostGresDaFactory();
var Da1Instance = postgresFactory.GetDA1Instance();
var fileSyncBusiness = new FileSyncBusiness(Da1Instance);
var interfaceConfiguratonParameters = fileSyncBusiness.GetInterfaceConfigurationParameters();
var servicePointDetailsSettings = new ServicePointDetailsSettings();
var nullDate = new DateTime(2099, 1, 1);
CommonValidations commonValidations;
if (mockedServicecalculator == null)
commonValidations = GetStubbedCommonValidations(nullDate);
commonValidations = GetCommonValidations_WithMockedServiceCalculator(nullDate, mockedServicecalculator);
switch (fileprovider)
case FileProvider.Type1:
var type1Adapter = new Type1Adaptor(false, nullDate);
servicePointDetailsSettings = GetUtiltaParameters(interfaceConfiguratonParameters);
return new Type1FileHandler(servicePointDetailsSettings, fileSyncBusiness, commonValidations, type1Adapter);
case FileProvider.Type2:
var type2Adapter = new Type2Adaptor(true, nullDate);
servicePointDetailsSettings.ApplicableParameters = MyApplicationCommonMethods.ConvertConfigurationTableToDictonary(interfaceConfiguratonParameters, "applicableintype2");
servicePointDetailsSettings.BadFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2BadFileLocation", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.DateFormat = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2DateFormat", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.FailureFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2FailureFile", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.LogFileName = "Type2LogFile";
servicePointDetailsSettings.LogPath = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2ErrorLog", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.MandatoryParameters = MyApplicationCommonMethods.GetDictonaryForMandatoryParameters(interfaceConfiguratonParameters, "applicableintype2", "mandatoryintype2");
servicePointDetailsSettings.SourceFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2FileLocation", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.SuccessFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2SuccessFile", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.TargetFileExtension = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2SupportedFileType", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.Type2RecordTag = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("MyApplicationtype2RecordTag", out errorMessage);
return new Type2FileHandler(servicePointDetailsSettings, fileSyncBusiness, commonValidations, type2Adapter);
throw new NotImplementedException("FileProvider type: " + Convert.ToInt32(fileprovider) + " is not implemented");
While moving towards Windsor, I am facing several issues, as I have never used this product, it seems it is very complicated.
How to pass parameters to object when they have parameterised
I know there is a better way to write this "PostgersDAFactory"
class, but simply don't know.
There are some Factory methods Such as GetAgentFactory(), which are
dependent on some static method of other project, which in turn
gives me configuration values(I ahd to store them in the database),
another method GetDataLayerSettings is dependent on app config as
well as some static string.
I am likely to change parameter names in my classes in order to
promote readability, so how to turn on the logging for Windsor?
Finally another complicated method GetFileHandler, has some logic
(switch case).
I have tried going on there website but I found it totally difficult to digest information, there API is huge and learning curve seems to be mammoth.
Note: I had to change the variable names due to security reasons.

Content query web part not updating

I built a content by query web part programmatically. The problem is that when I deploy the solution, the web part doesn't update the items automatically. I must go to "edit webpart" and just push ok, nothing more. Then it updates and I can see my items. I have tried using UseCatch = false, as you can see in my code below, but it's not working:
public void contentQuery(SPWeb web, SPList list)
ContentByQueryWebPart queryWP = new ContentByQueryWebPart();
queryWP.Title = "Aktuella Dokument";
queryWP.ChromeType = PartChromeType.TitleAndBorder;
//Query from list
queryWP.ListName = list.ID.ToString("B").ToUpper();
queryWP.ListGuid = list.ID.ToString("B").ToUpper();
queryWP.WebUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl;
//Query field
SPField fieldToQuery = list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName("Aktuellt");
string fieldAsString = fieldToQuery.ToString();
string FieldValue = fieldToQuery.DefaultValue;
//queryWP.ListsOverride = fieldAsString;
queryWP.AdditionalFilterFields = fieldAsString;
queryWP.FilterField1 = fieldAsString;
queryWP.FilterOperator1 = ContentByQueryWebPart.FilterFieldQueryOperator.Eq;
queryWP.FilterValue1 = FieldValue;
queryWP.InitialAsyncDataFetch = true;
queryWP.UseCache = false;
AddWebPart(queryWP, web, "TopColumnZone", 0);

Issue with SqlScalar<T> and SqlList<T> when calling stored procedure with parameters

The new API for Servicestack.OrmLite dictates that when calling fx a stored procedure you should use either SqlScalar or SqlList like this:
List<Poco> results = db.SqlList<Poco>("EXEC GetAnalyticsForWeek 1");
List<Poco> results = db.SqlList<Poco>("EXEC GetAnalyticsForWeek #weekNo", new { weekNo = 1 });
List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC GetTotalsForWeek 1");
List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC GetTotalsForWeek #weekNo", new { weekNo = 1 });
However the named parameters doesn't work. You HAVE to respect the order of the parameters in the SP. I think it is because the SP is executed using CommandType=CommandType.Text instead of CommandType.StoredProcedure, and the parameters are added as dbCmd.Parameters.Add(). It seems that because the CommandType is Text it expects the parameters to be added in the SQL querystring, and not as Parameters.Add(), because it ignores the naming.
An example:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords]
#JobNo int = 0
,#SyncStatus int = -1
, FSR.JobNo
, FSR.BatchNo
, FSR.BagNo
, FSR.ScanType
, FSR.ScanDate
, FSR.ScanTime
, FSR.ScanStatus
, FSR.SyncStatus
, FSR.JobId
FROM dbo.SCAN_FeedScanRecords FSR
WHERE ((FSR.JobNo = #JobNo) OR (#JobNo = 0) OR (ISNULL(#JobNo,1) = 1))
AND ((FSR.SyncStatus = #SyncStatus) OR (#SyncStatus = -1) OR (ISNULL(#SyncStatus,-1) = -1))
When calling this SP as this:
db.SqlList<ScanRecord>("EXEC sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords #SyncStatus",new {SyncStatus = 1});
It returns all records with JobNo = 1 instead of SyncStatus=1 because it ignores the named parameter and add by the order in which they are defined in the SP.
I have to call it like this:
db.SqlList<ScanRecord>("EXEC sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords #SyncStatus=1");
Is this expected behavior? I think it defeats the anonymous type parameters if I can't trust it
My solution was to roll my own methods for stored procedures. If people finds them handy, I could add them to the project
public static void StoredProcedure(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
public static T StoredProcedureScalar<T>(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
return dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
using (IDataReader reader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader())
return GetScalar<T>(reader);
public static List<T> StoredProcedureList<T>(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
return dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
using (var dbReader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader())
return IsScalar<T>()
? dbReader.GetFirstColumn<T>()
: dbReader.ConvertToList<T>();
They are just modified versions of the SqlScalar and SqlList plus the ExecuteNonQuery
