CLIPS Conflict Resolution Strategies - expert-system

From what I read there are 7 strategies in CLIPS : Depth, Breadth, Simplicity, Complexity, Random, LEX and MEA.
The ones that i have problems with are LEX an MEA. I have read their description on [1], but I did not quite understood them. An example will also be welcomed.

These are strategies used by the OPS5 expert system shell. OPS5 didn't support rule priorities, so these strategies were used to control rule execution using the recency of the facts and in the case of mea the first pattern is given priority. Pretty much the only reason you'd want to use these strategies is to assist in converting an OPS5 program to CLIPS.


Functional approaches to designing the discrete side of hybrid systems

I'm working on developing controllers for hybrid systems in Haskell.
FRP libraries (right now I'm using netwire, but there are several good ones and a lot of interesting research on future ones) provide a great solution for the continuous-time side of the problem. Augmenting them with signal names, dimensions, preferred units, and so forth gets you a system that has modularity, is self-describing, and has a straightforward path to confidence in correctness.
I'm looking for information, folklore, or papers that provide similar properties for the discrete-time side. In some sense the problem is much easier, state machines are well-studied and simple. In other senses it's more difficult, I'll briefly explain how.
Correctness is obviously the most important thing, and thankfully it's also straightforward.
Self-description is more of a problem. You'd like the controller not just to be in the correct state, but to be capable of telling you what state it's in. Also how it got there. And where it might go next. So you can tack names on to everything, and it works, but it conflicts somewhat with modularity. You'd also like to be able to build complex discrete time behaviors from simpler ones. But when you ask the system what state it's in, generally the high-level answer is more interesting (or at least, as interesting) as the low level answer. How do you get this cleanly? I've tried a few naive approaches and have wrapped myself in spaghetti a few different ways, but it seems like there must be elegant solutions?
Another problem I've had with self-description is that I'd like to have a list of self-describing conditions (generally comparisons: has it been 10 seconds? am I within 3 feet of the next waypoint? has the battery power fallen below 15%? etc) that are being monitored which might trigger the next state transition. There are tricky questions of what even are the desirable semantics here, since it seems like some of these events are better handled "from the bottom up" (e.g. expected termination conditions of whatever low level step you are performing) and some "from the top down" (e.g. equipment failure detection, geofencing, ...). This can lead to spaghetti of its own even if you relax the goal of self-description.
In addition to diagnostics, accurate self-description information here could also be very useful for abstract interpretation, projecting the state of the system into the future by guessing which events are likely to occur when. Many of the event conditions lead themselves to fairly simple guesses (e.g. using velocity made good, fuel consumption rate, timers). Others are more complicated but might still be worth the effort to develop projections for some applications (e.g. expected orders from operators, weather forecasts, projected tracks for moving objects of interest). It would be nice to find a design that annotates conditions not only with names, but also with functions for this sort of stuff.
Does anyone have experience with this that they are willing to share?
Okay, so I would say the "real" answer to your question is that some of things that you are asking for are open areas of research --- in particular I think some of the self-describing features you desire may necessitate some degree of "spaghetti" simply because the problem you are trying to solve is inherently complicated.
That being said, your focus on modularity is exactly the right approach. I would say, take a look at Keymaera as I believe it has the features you are looking for despite being in Java. I would also recommend looking at the publications page on the Keymaera website as this should provide you valuable insight to the problem in general.
If you do not like Keymaera's approach you can also look into using Timed Automata which is another direction modeling-wise that should be sufficient for your problem description.

Logical fallacy detection and/or identification with natural-language-processing

Is there a package or methodology in existence for the detection of flawed logical arguments in text?
I was hoping for something that would work for text that is not written in an academic setting (such as a logic class). It might be a stretch but I would like something that can identify where logic is trying to be used and identify the logical error. A possible use for this would be marking errors in editorial articles.
I don't need anything that is polished. I wouldn't mind working to develop something either so I'm really looking for what's out there in the wild now.
That's a difficult problem, because you'll have to map natural language to some logical representation, and deal with ambiguity in the process.
Attempto Project may be interesting for you. It has several tools that you can try online. In particular, RACE may be doing something you wanted to do. It checks for consistency on the given assertions. But the bigger issue here is in transforming them to logical forms.
For an onology of logical axioms, OpenCyc and the commercial full Cyc ontologies might be worth investigating as well. CycML is used as a language to model the logical assertions, and the Cyc engine is capable of logical inference. The source for OpenCyc can be found in the OpenCyc SourceForge project. The Cyc Wikipedia page also has great information.
Yes, this is a very nasty problem. I would suggest you try to focus in on a narrow domain. For example, if you are looking for logic errors in cancer determination, you have to focus on which type of cancer as well as what are you trying to resolve eg: correct treatment plans, correct observations, correct procedures, correct stage determination, etc. Then you have to find the taxonomy or ontology for that specific cancer, eg: Medline. So for example, you will likely have to focus in on ONLY lung cancer and then only a subset of lung cancer types and only observations indicating lung cancer. Then you will have identify your corpus, knowledge trees, entity relationships and then worry about negation detection, hypotheticals and subject detection. If Healthcare doesn float your boat, I hear another challenging domain for logic errors is the legal/law industry.

Expression trees vs IL.Emit for runtime code specialization

I recently learned that it is possible to generate C# code at runtime and I would like to put this feature to use. I have code that does some very basic geometric calculations like computing line-plane intersections and I think I could gain some performance benefits by generating specialized code for some of the methods because many of the calculations are performed for the same plane or the same line over and over again. By specializing the code that computes the intersections I think I should be able to gain some performance benefits.
The problem is that I'm not sure where to begin. From reading a few blog posts and browsing MSDN documentation I've come across two possible strategies for generating code at runtime: Expression trees and IL.Emit. Using expression trees seems much easier because there is no need to learn anything about OpCodes and various other MSIL related intricacies but I'm not sure if expression trees are as fast as manually generated MSIL. So are there any suggestions on which method I should go with?
The performance of both is generally same, as expression trees internally are traversed and emitted as IL using the same underlying system functions that you would be using yourself. It is theoretically possible to emit a more efficient IL using low-level functions, but I doubt that there would be any practically important performance gain. That would depend on the task, but I have not come of any practical optimisation of emitted IL, compared to one emitted by expression trees.
I highly suggest getting the tool called ILSpy that reverse-compiles CLR assemblies. With that you can look at the code actually traversing the expression trees and actually emitting IL.
Finally, a caveat. I have used expression trees in a language parser, where function calls are bound to grammar rules that are compiled from a file at runtime. Compiled is a key here. For many problems I came across, when what you want to achieve is known at compile time, then you would not gain much performance by runtime code generation. Some CLR JIT optimizations might be also unavailable to dynamic code. This is only an opinion from my practice, and your domain would be different, but if performance is critical, I would rather look at native code, highly optimized libraries. Some of the work I have done would be snail slow if not using LAPACK/MKL. But that is only a piece of the advice not asked for, so take it with a grain of salt.
If I were in your situation, I would try alternatives from high level to low level, in increasing "needed time & effort" and decreasing reusability order, and I would stop as soon as the performance is good enough for the time being, i.e.:
first, I'd check to see if Math.NET, LAPACK or some similar numeric library already has similar functionality, or I can adapt/extend the code to my needs;
second, I'd try Expression Trees;
third, I'd check Roslyn Project (even though it is in prerelease version);
fourth, I'd think about writing common routines with unsafe C code;
[fifth, I'd think about quitting and starting a new career in a different profession :) ],
and only if none of these work out, would I be so hopeless to try emitting IL at run time.
But perhaps I'm biased against low level approaches; your expertise, experience and point of view might be different.

Software to Tune/Calibrate Properties for Heuristic Algorithms

Today I read that there is a software called WinCalibra (scroll a bit down) which can take a text file with properties as input.
This program can then optimize the input properties based on the output values of your algorithm. See this paper or the user documentation for more information (see link above; sadly doc is a zipped exe).
Do you know other software which can do the same which runs under Linux? (preferable Open Source)
EDIT: Since I need this for a java application: should I invest my research in java libraries like gaul or watchmaker? The problem is that I don't want to roll out my own solution nor I have time to do so. Do you have pointers to an out-of-the-box applications like Calibra? (internet searches weren't successfull; I only found libraries)
I decided to give away the bounty (otherwise no one would have a benefit) although I didn't found a satisfactory solution :-( (out-of-the-box application)
Some kind of (Metropolis algorithm-like) probability selected random walk is a possibility in this instance. Perhaps with simulated annealing to improve the final selection. Though the timing parameters you've supplied are not optimal for getting a really great result this way.
It works like this:
You start at some point. Use your existing data to pick one that look promising (like the highest value you've got). Set o to the output value at this point.
You propose a randomly selected step in the input space, assign the output value there to n.
Accept the step (that is update the working position) if 1) n>o or 2) the new value is lower, but a random number on [0,1) is less than f(n/o) for some monotonically increasing f() with range and domain on [0,1).
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as long as you can afford, collecting statistics at each step.
Finally compute the result. In your case an average of all points is probably sufficient.
Important frill: This approach has trouble if the space has many local maxima with deep dips between them unless the step size is big enough to get past the dips; but big steps makes the whole thing slow to converge. To fix this you do two things:
Do simulated annealing (start with a large step size and gradually reduce it, thus allowing the walker to move between local maxima early on, but trapping it in one region later to accumulate precision results.
Use several (many if you can afford it) independent walkers so that they can get trapped in different local maxima. The more you use, and the bigger the difference in output values, the more likely you are to get the best maxima.
This is not necessary if you know that you only have one, big, broad, nicely behaved local extreme.
Finally, the selection of f(). You can just use f(x) = x, but you'll get optimal convergence if you use f(x) = exp(-(1/x)).
Again, you don't have enough time for a great many steps (though if you have multiple computers, you can run separate instances to get the multiple walkers effect, which will help), so you might be better off with some kind of deterministic approach. But that is not a subject I know enough about to offer any advice.
There are a lot of genetic algorithm based software that can do exactly that. Wrote a PHD about it a decade or two ago.
A google for Genetic Algorithms Linux shows a load of starting points.
Intrigued by the question, I did a bit of poking around, trying to get a better understanding of the nature of CALIBRA, its standing in academic circles and the existence of similar software of projects, in the Open Source and Linux world.
Please be kind (and, please, edit directly, or suggest editing) for the likely instances where my assertions are incomplete, inexact and even flat-out incorrect. While working in related fields, I'm by no mean an Operational Research (OR) authority!
[Algorithm] Parameter tuning problem is a relatively well defined problem, typically framed as one of a solution search problem whereby, the combination of all possible parameter values constitute a solution space and the parameter tuning logic's aim is to "navigate" [portions of] this space in search of an optimal (or locally optimal) set of parameters.
The optimality of a given solution is measured in various ways and such metrics help direct the search. In the case of the Parameter Tuning problem, the validity of a given solution is measured, directly or through a function, from the output of the algorithm [i.e. the algorithm being tuned not the algorithm of the tuning logic!].
Framed as a search problem, the discipline of Algorithm Parameter Tuning doesn't differ significantly from other other Solution Search problems where the solution space is defined by something else than the parameters to a given algorithm. But because it works on algorithms which are in themselves solutions of sorts, this discipline is sometimes referred as Metaheuristics or Metasearch. (A metaheuristics approach can be applied to various algorihms)
Certainly there are many specific features of the parameter tuning problem as compared to the other optimization applications but with regard to the solution searching per-se, the approaches and problems are generally the same.
Indeed, while well defined, the search problem is generally still broadly unsolved, and is the object of active research in very many different directions, for many different domains. Various approaches offer mixed success depending on the specific conditions and requirements of the domain, and this vibrant and diverse mix of academic research and practical applications is a common trait to Metaheuristics and to Optimization at large.
So... back to CALIBRA...
From its own authors' admission, Calibra has several limitations
Limit of 5 parameters, maximum
Requirement of a range of values for [some of ?] the parameters
Works better when the parameters are relatively independent (but... wait, when that is the case, isn't the whole search problem much easier ;-) )
CALIBRA is based on a combination of approaches, which are repeated in a sequence. A mix of guided search and local optimization.
The paper where CALIBRA was presented is dated 2006. Since then, there's been relatively few references to this paper and to CALIBRA at large. Its two authors have since published several other papers in various disciplines related to Operational Research (OR).
This may be indicative that CALIBRA hasn't been perceived as a breakthrough.
State of the art in that area ("parameter tuning", "algorithm configuration") is the SPOT package in R. You can connect external fitness functions using a language of your choice. It is really powerful.
I am working on adapters for e.g. C++ and Java that simplify the experimental setup, which requires some getting used to in SPOT. The project goes under name InPUT, and a first version of the tuning part will be up soon.

Threading paradigm?

Are there any paradigm that give you a different mindset or have a different take to writing multi thread applications? Perhaps something that feels vastly different like procedural programming to function programming.
Concurrency has many different models for different problems. The Wikipedia page for concurrency lists a few models and there's also a page for concurrency patterns which has some good starting point for different kinds of ways to approach concurrency.
The approach you take is very dependent on the problem at hand. Different models solve various different issues that can arise in concurrent applications, and some build on others.
In class I was taught that concurrency uses mutual exclusion and synchronization together to solve concurrency issues. Some solutions only require one, but with both you should be able to solve any concurrency issue.
For a vastly different concept you could look at immutability and concurrency. If all data is immutable then the conventional approaches to concurrency aren't even required. This article explores that topic.
I don't really understand the question, but if you start doing some coding using CUDA give you some different way of thinking about multi-threading applications.
It differs from general multi-threading technics, like Semaphores, Monitors, etc. because you have thousands of threads concurrently. So the problem of parallelism in CUDA resides more in partitioning your data and mixing the chunks of data later.
Just a small example of a complete rethinking of a common serial problem is the SCAN algorithm. It is as simple as:
Given a SET {a,b,c,d,e}
I want the following set:
{a, a+b, a+b+c, a+b+c+d, a+b+c+d+e}
Where the symbol '+' in this case is any Commutattive operator (not only plus, you can do multiplication also).
How to do this in parallel? It's a complete rethink of the problem, it is described in this paper.
Many more implementations of different algorithms in CUDA can be found in the NVIDIA website
Well, a very conservative paradigm shift is from thread-centric concurrency (share everything) towards process-centric concurrency (address-space separation). This way one can avoid unintended data sharing and it's easier to enforce a communication policy between different sub-systems.
This idea is old and was propagated (among others) by the Micro-Kernel OS community to build more reliable operating systems. Interestingly, the Singularity OS prototype by Microsoft Research shows that traditional address spaces are not even required when working with this model.
The relatively new idea I like best is transactional memory: avoid concurrency issues by making sure updates are always atomic.
Have a looksee at OpenMP for an interesting variation.
