How to use Drupal View - drupal-6

i am using Drupal 6.x
I had created two users i.e. a user with all permission i.e. Webmaster and other is member. The permissions of member are restricted and are allowed only to create story, delete own story and edit own story. However when i logged in with member name i got only three option i.e.:
My account
Create Content
Log Out
The post submitted by that user is not visible. I want to display all post published by that user in its account detail, and here he/she can easily edit, delete or modify his/her content. How it can be possible. Have you any idea. If yes then please guide me step by step. waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance for this support.

This is because of permission issue, steps to solve this issue
Create a view to list the story with edit button.
Go to the admin/user/permissions and give create, edit and view permission for the user.
publish the created article via admin user.
Last assign the created view block to users home page.


Pimcore specific user roles

I'm testing Pimcore right now, to see if it's a good fit for our company.
I was wondering if there is a way to give a user specific rights, like an author only being able to make content and edit his own content?
Yes you can provide user or role based permission to documents, assets or objects. Click here to see the screenshot of the user screen
Steps are as follows -
Go to settings -> User
Click on the specific user on which you want add some permissions.
On the right screen part go to the workflow tab.
Click on the add button present near Document title if you want to add permissions on documents. Same can be done on Assets and on Objects
Drag and drop documents on which you want to allow permissions.
Check the boxes if you want to allow user to publish, unpublish, delete etc.
Same can be done on roles as well. If you want same set of permissions on couple of users then you can make a specific role, assign the desired permissions and then assign that role to multiple users.

Make the posts visible only to administrators in Drupal 6?

I have an administrator account in Drupal 6 and I have a lot of posts. I have then created a new authenticated user. When I log in using the new account, I can see all the posts the admin had posted even though the account I'm logged is not administrator account. I want to specify what posts the new account can only see. Is it on how my posts were posted using the administrator account or how my new account is created. Is there a way I can manage the administrator posts such that only administrator accounts can see it? Guide me here.. Thanks.
You're probably looking for the Content Access module:
This module allows you to manage permissions for content types by role and author. It allows you to specifiy custom view, edit and delete permissions for each content type. Optionally you can enable per content access settings, so you can customize the access for each content node.

minimum access to login to a sharepoint site

I am giving full control permission to a document under the shared library to a user that does not have any permission to the site. Sharepoint 2010 adds limited access to this user to the site itself, I believe so that user can login and see the the document.
However I can not login with this user's credentials.
What is wrong and what is the minimum access level that can be given to a user so that they only login, and see the documents they are supposed see?
You would have to provide Viewer rights to the user on document library so that user can open the document library and provide the user direct link to the view which you want to show him.
Second method is what ever rights you have provided is enough for the user just provide him direct link to the document Which would be <>/Documentname.extension
eg. http://sharepointserver:1234/shareddocuments/abc.docx
Limited access is a bit confusing because this permission level is only used to allow a user to traverse the site in order to access the items on which they have explicit (at least read) permission access. Traverse unfortunately doesn't mean browse the site, it's only used to avoid triggering the credentials prompt when accessing the ressource.
If it's just for a specific document, you should link straight to the document, like Ashutosh Singh suggested
Otherwise, if there are no sensitive information, you can add this user in the dedicated visitor group, that will grant him enough access to browse up to the relevant library and access the document.
Another solution is to create a document workspace sub site (with unique permission) and set this user as the owner / contributor. By doing so you'll allow him to have more freedom in his own little shell. While this seems like a big job, it's only a few click away and a few seconds / minutes of configuration if you have enough right on the site collection (which I presume is the case since you are able to give full right to an external user on a specific document).
Hope that helped :)

Need a separate role for adding Users in MOSS 2007

I want to have user rights split into two. Some of the policies at the client's side mention that we should have a seperate user who has only the rights to add users and nothing else, and the Site Administrator should not be able to add users.
As of now, the Site Admin is used to Add users and to manage other configuration. Can we remove the User Addition role from Site Admin?
Is there a way to create a new User Role by writing some code?
I don't think it is possible to remove any permissions from the site administrator. You could do something wild like add security code to your master page, however. That could detect the current user and the current page, and throw an error if the site administrator were in the wrong place.
You can create a custom permission level, provided your permission sets summarise to one of the options offered by the SPBasePermissions enumeration. Unfortunately there is no specific 'add user' permission, only ManagePermissions. For reference anyway, here's a basic code sample.
I think the best approach is that given by strongopinions where a piece of code runs to check who the user is if they visit the Add User page.

SharePoint Document Workspace Permissions

Does anyone know the minimum permissions as user must have to create a document workspace? The problem I have is that I want to users to be able to create document workspaces but to do this I have had to grant the user Create Subsites permission, this however means they can now create other subsites.
Is there a workaround for this?
Unfortunately, if you want a user to be able to create a document workspace, they will also have to have rights to create subsites.
If you're able to remove the need for the user to create document workspaces, then you probably have more options. But this may not be possible for you.
To get around this I simply wrapped the Site Action menu on the master page in a placeholder. Then in the code behind page tested for a permission that I knew the user wouldn't have. This does stop the user from having any access to the Site Action menu but this is fine for my solution.
actionMenuPlaceholder.Visible = (
SPContext.Current.Web.UserIsWebAdmin ||
SPContext.Current.Web.UserIsSiteAdmin ||
