Access to only few fields of a content type for specific user - drupal-6

I have created one content type 'video' in which I have many fields like url,language,locations etc. I have created 1 role, Now I just want to give permissions to that particular role so that he can only add fields like url,locations. He shouldn't be able to use other fields.
I am using drupal 6.
Please help if you have any idea.
Thanks in advance.

Go to /admin/build/modules, CCK portion, and enable the Content Permissions module. This will allow you to restrict "field-level permissions for CCK fields".
After that, go in and go to /admin/user/permissions. Grant access to "Create Video Content" in the "node module" section. Then, scroll up to the content_permissions module, and check the "Edit field_NAME_OF_FIELD" to grant access. If you don't check, it should show up.
All of the checks should be applied to the role for which you created.


Pimcore specific user roles

I'm testing Pimcore right now, to see if it's a good fit for our company.
I was wondering if there is a way to give a user specific rights, like an author only being able to make content and edit his own content?
Yes you can provide user or role based permission to documents, assets or objects. Click here to see the screenshot of the user screen
Steps are as follows -
Go to settings -> User
Click on the specific user on which you want add some permissions.
On the right screen part go to the workflow tab.
Click on the add button present near Document title if you want to add permissions on documents. Same can be done on Assets and on Objects
Drag and drop documents on which you want to allow permissions.
Check the boxes if you want to allow user to publish, unpublish, delete etc.
Same can be done on roles as well. If you want same set of permissions on couple of users then you can make a specific role, assign the desired permissions and then assign that role to multiple users.

Kentico roles and ui personalization

I need to give permissions to edit/create/destroy pages in a node to a group of users.
I've created a group and added a test user to that group.
I can't seem to give permission to the Pages application so see if i can see the node.
I also added game this role permissions at the node level too.
Ideally this editor role would be able to create new sub pages, which also means being able to upload media.
Your new user must have editor privilege level (you can edit user in Users application). If you want to provide ability to see content in Pages app you have to grant the user with Browse tree and Read permission (content module). To satisfy your scenario you need to grand user with Modify and Create permissions, too (maybe Design?).
Just FYI: The approach provided by Brenden (cloning the role) is very handy but there a is chance you grant the user with permission you don`t want to provide (inappropriate permissions for original role).
I've found the most efficient method is review the out of the box roles provided by Kentico and clone the one which fits closest to your needs. Then modify your cloned role to add/remove abilities and permissions.
If you're unsure of what each role can and cannot do, create a new test user with one of the roles assigned to them and log in as them. Do the same for all the roles you want to test until you find the one closest to what you're looking for.

How to hide site membership option for site owner/admin in liferay

I have created a separate module for creating and assigning users for site admin/owners. So I don't want to show the "Site Membership" option under Users tab for both Site admin and owner.
How can I hide the Site Membership option?
Is there any way that the permission or configuration will do the
required change? Or do I need to create the hook?
Any suggestions please?
Rather than changing the semantics of Liferay's built-in roles, rather introduce your own custom roles and define the permissions that you want them to have. Create a "site role", choose "Define Permissions" and add what you need.
From your comment I understand that you want to use Site Admin, just not with everything this role comes with. It sounds strange to me that you're demanding a certain solution and favor one that doesn't work, but so be it.
You can check if it's possible to remove some permissions from the "Site Admin" role, but I'd expect a very hard-to-maintain-system resulting from this. Liferay has no means of "maintaining only the users that a certain Administrator has created". What you can do is: An Organization Administrator can administer all users in the organizations they're administering. This might be another solution for you.
Or alternatively, implement your own UI and do your custom (non-Liferay-based) permission checks in it. This UI will then enable your custom admins to administer the users that the UI provides for them.
But if you're stuck to a certain solution, you might be out of luck. Give us more details of your problem and we might come up with a solution unless you insist that your solution is the way to go.
With Permissions, no you can't. You can't change the permissions of the LR default role by UI at least.
You might have to go with hook or ext. One other way around is to do it with the theme. You might have to hook into Liferay's control panel theme.

Can I Restrict "Add Items" Permission

I am been looking at the different permissions and I am wondering is it possible to restrict what a person can add?
I just see "add Item" and this seems to allow a user to add anything. Weere I want some users to be only able to add a "page" were other users can add a "page" and a "category"
Just a thought. If we go to the root site -> site settings -> Site permissions. you will be listed with site permissions of the site. Clicking on settings of the list, you get Permission levels, where you can add a new permission level.
In your case, there can be 2 permission levels created - one which allows adding items to lists and other which allows adding pages. These permissions can be used while creating users or groups to assign permissions.
Hope this helps.
Add an event receiver to the list, and if they try to add something of the wrong content type, cancel the add in the event receiver.

How to make webpart properties customizable only by an Administrator

I am developing a sharepoint 2010 visual webpart that will show some sort of ajax content.
I have a property on the webpart for the refresh rate, but I want this property to be set only by an Administrator (or any specific group).
What is the best way to achieve this?
Thank you.
In our organization, everyone by default is granted "Read" permission to our SharePoint sites through an "All Employees" Active Directory group. This allows users to browse the pages, but not edit them; and if you can't edit a page, you can't edit any web parts on the page.
Those who should have elevated privileges are added to other AD groups (you could use SharePoint groups too), and those groups are granted appropriate permissions.
You could create a custom Toolpart. Take a look at this example for a tutorial on how to create one.
Overall, your general steps will be:
Create your custom Toolpart class inheriting from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ToolPart
In your custom Toolpart, override CreateChildControls, write the code to display your textbox as long as the current user has permission (based on whatever rules you choose, ex: SharePoint group).
In your webpart, override GetToolParts and add your custom ToolPart so that it shows up in the right hand side
