CRM 2011 using pre-image in plugin - dynamics-crm-2011

I'm looking at using a pre-image for one of my plugins so i can get values in fields that haven't been changed. I've registered a pre-image for the entity in the plugin registration tool but when I've put some code in that tries to check it it doesn't find the image. So i was wondering what it was that I've missed that is stopping it from working. I've searched Google but couldn't really find anything, cant anyone help?

Have you ensured your string key in your code matches the image you have registerd for your plugin step?
For example.
Your code: Entity entity = (Entity)context.PreEntityImages["Target"];
Then your Entity Alias and Name when registering the image should also be named to Target.

Jimmy, assume you are not triggering the plugin during a create operation as the pre images are not available during create.
This is another possibility that the one mentioned by peter and robben above.


How to correctly utilize Zip Code entity for DialogFlow?

I'm currently trying to use the built in entity '' from DialogFlow (formerly API.AI) for capturing Zip Codes. However so far it does not seem to recognize any actual zipcodes except those which I explicitly set through training. It also does not recognize the '5 digit' pattern as a possible match if is used in another intent (ex: 54545 gets recognized as a phone number, rather than a zip).
Should I upload a list of known zipcodes through the training section to get this working? Or is there something I'm missing from the built in functionality? Haven't seen a ton of info online on how to best utilize this entity, so figured I'd ask here before coming up with a custom solution.
Thanks in advance!
I think the best way to prompt a user when the bot says something like "could I get your name and zip code? ".The intent which i have created contains multiple combinations of “User says”.They are as below
#" #sys.given-name"
and I also have required Parameters setup to pick these values with prompt messages.
So I have attached a picture for this which i have iterated

Grav - Parse URL

I want to define a new template called "product".
This template calls an external service and retrieves the information about that specific product. That is easily done with a custom plugin that access the product information. Information on how to do that has been found here.
However, I would like that the URL of the page would be something like:
So I can retrieve in the Twig template both <id> and <seo-friendly-description> which will be used later to retrieve the specific product information.
I have tried to find something that could help in the documentation, without success. Could someone either point me to the right doc section or highlight the basic steps that shall be achieved so I can start solving this issue?
Just in case it helps, I am trying to find something similar to how bottle or other web frameworks work:
def greet(name):
return 'Hello ' + name
I've been building a family recipebook into my own website and I've been working through a similar problem. I haven't quite worked out all the kinks, but my solution is mostly working if you want to checkout my github repo.
In short, you need the plugin to watch what the active route is. If the route matches, you then create the page and populate it using your plugin data.
I haven't quite figured out how to get the active page to highlight in the navigation menu for generated pages, but you might still find this solution helpful.

Azure Search suggestions setup

I've created an instance of Azure Search and I'm trying to make use of the suggesters functionality but struggling to find any useful information on how to get started (poor and out of date documentation from Microsoft).
I would like to use a suggestion on the name field below.
The issue is that fields require unique names and I'm unable to edit existing fields. I'm a little unsure of how the suggester tab differs from basic.
Does anyone have any advice on how best to add suggesters to my index? I am all for deleting the index and starting again if I've missed something critical.
I'm really sorry you're disappointed by the documentation. We take it very seriously and will make sure to address your feedback. Feel free to make suggestions.
On the screen you provided, you should specify a name for the suggester. Once you do that, checkboxes will show up next to your field names. Using the check boxes you will enable the Suggestions API on selected fields.
Use the name of the suggester as a value for the suggesterName parameter when using the Suggestions API :
Please find more details in this article about suggestions in Azure Search. It describes a sample application with code attached.
Hope that helps.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 best solution to change entity's field data type

I'm having an issue on changing data type of a field in Dynamics CRM 2011 On Premise deployment.
In my managed solution, name it "Solution 1", I have a custom field in contact entity: "new_usernumber" of type number (int). I want to change it to string as per new client's requirement (for new users they want to add prefix to it).
I can uninstall the solution and deploy the new "fixed" managed solution, but this requires me to delete the value on my custom fields. Is there any better solution for this?
There is no easy way to do this. If you don't already have data deployed in the instance using the managed solution I recommend deleting it and importing a corrected managed solution file.
There is no supported or unsupported process of changing the data type(or logical name) of a field without data loss. What you will need to do is add the new field and then write a quick update utility to copy the data from the old field to the new field.
Here is a great article on exactly how to pull off deleting a field in a managed solution. Note, if you are trying to preserve data you'll need to run the update after the step "Import"
Have fun...this is a pain, but certainly doable!
A few months ago I recreated fields in a solution (from double to int). That was a huge mistake. I'm still not sure where things went wrong but they did go wrong. Not only did I lose the date. I managed to introduce errors in the meta-layer so our MVP had to sit dear help me get it running again. He wasn't happy. I wasn't happy. The customer wasn't happy (ex-customer today, mostly because of that).
So, my humble advice - don't do that. Declare a new field instead. If you have usernumber, keep it but start using userNumberString (or userString, userName etc.). My guess is you'll keep your hair longer that way.
And if you manage to succeed, please do tell. :)

Can I associate custom metadata with an ALAsset?

I'm building an iPhone app that, among other things, allows the user to take and store photographs associated with locations. I am currently using the ALAssetLibrary to allow the photographs to be stored in Photos and be accessible outside the app (on a computer for instance via the built-in mechanisms). There is not a lot of technical content out there for working with the ALAssetLibrary but from what there is I have managed to cobble together a working version of this. I have had to resort to storing a dictionary of photo URLS in my app and manually detecting if the photo still exists when displaying lists of them because there does not seem to be a way to add custom metadata to an ALAsset.
What I would really like to do is add two custom metadata fields to each asset to provide it with a title and a custom id value that I can use to filter on when enumerating the asset library.
As a secondary task, I'd like the user to be able to update the title metadata.
Can it be done? At this point, I really don't think it can because the API really doesn't seem to provide the necessary methods to get/set custom metadata. I'm hoping against all odds that there is some other aspect to the AssetLibrary framework that I have not yet discovered.
At a minimum, if someone can authoritatively say "NO" then at least others might find this breadcrumb on their own trail of hope and change tack more quickly!
And, having 0 reputation I can't tag it with AssetLibrary :( wow, this day is just going downhill. FML
I've been looking over the documentation and I dont think it is possible to tack on additional fields to the ALAsset object, well you can create your own object or extend theirs but that wont help you when your pulling back assets because you'll need to init yours and populate it then.
Look I know this falls short of a really good answer but I had to try.
The ALAsset class documentation describes a property - customMetadata. This is documented to be an NSDictionary of whatever custom tags you want. Currently, however, it is not implemented in the class (I've raised a bug on Apple's developer site to bring the issue up).
