how do i start the LWUIT resource editor in linux system? - linux

i am trying to explore LWUIT using NetBeans 7.2
I am working on Linux Machine.
After a week working with LWUIT, I got to know about LWUIT Designer or known as LWUIT Resource Editor.... But i am not getting how to install / run it on my linux system.
Kindly help regarding this

You need to install a J2ME simulator such as the WTK. Most aren't available for Linux and only work on Windows there might be an old version of the WTK that might work on Linux.
Alternatively you can use Codename One, which is developed by the authors of LWUIT (myself included) and doesn't require all that hassle (works on Linux seamlessly).


J2ME-based platform won't work on Netbeans 8 under macOS but works just fine on Windows

I am trying very hard to install this 3rd-party J2ME platform on Netbeans 8.2 on my Mac (running macOS Sierra), but it simply won't work. I have installed all the J2ME plug-ins on my Mac Netbeans app, and have tried to add this 3rd-party J2ME platform to Netbeans, but it does not recognize the folder I am selecting as a platform.
I was able to install the very same 3rd-party platform on Netbeans under a Windows 10 VM, but obviously it is a VM (Parallels) so it's really slow and sluggish, and just overall a worse experience than on native macOS.
Does anyone know how to properly install a 3rd-party platform to Netbeans on a Mac ? It would help me tremendously if I could work with this library under native macOS and not a VM.
The platform I am trying to install is the Java ETK for eWON products
EDIT 1 I was told the emulator is an .exe file which explains the whole thing...
Turns out the emulator is an .exe file. That would explain a thing or two...

How portable is JavaFX 2?

I am thinking of kicking off a JavaFX project on my 64-bit Windows 7 machine. What I am doing is designing a full-screen console application. It's not interactive aside from a barcode scanner.
I'm designing this for what I think would be an Ubuntu laptop or some other Linux variation, although a different Windows OS is a possibility too (as well as 32 bit). From what I understand Java FX version 2.x has made great advancements in portability from its predecessor, but I wanted to ask the community here what their experience was in deploying JavaFX apps.
Have you had success using them on a variety of different architectures? What are some problems you have encountered?
Checkout EstiMate for an example of an all-in-one jar which is runnable via double click.
It requires Java7u10 installed. I plan to make a proper installer for it later on, using the javafx maven plugin. I haven't tested it on Linux or Mac but it does work across winXP 32bit and 64bit windows7.
As long as your barcode scanner works the same on ubuntu as on win and you are not using any external libraries, you won't notice the difference between those systems from your app.
I found installing oracle JRE on ubuntu the most difficult task. (with JRE_HOME, etc.) Even on Archlinux was easier than ubuntu.
Nevertheless, once the JRE is set, your app will run even on Raspberry Pi (which is ARM not x86)
Remember about file system differences between systems.

How do I install the Mono Winforms Designer on Mac OS X?

I've searched around but was unable to find a good, clear, answer. Can someone please explain to me how I can install the Mono Winforms Designer on Mac OS X? If it's not possible on OS X, can it be done on Linux? And if so, how?
Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks.
Although you probably could install the Mono Winforms designer on OS X or Linux, you will quickly find that it is a very rough prototype that is not suitable for use. Development on it was abandoned a couple of years ago.
You will be able to use MonoDevelop for the Mac OSX. Go to here and you will find the information on how to install it on Mac OSX. The download page for Mac OSX is here, click on the Mac OSX icon and you should be good to go after downloading the appropriate packages.
There is a caveat emptor which I'll quote from the page - Gtk# and System.Windows.Forms applications require X11. Installing on a machine without X11 installed will result in errors during install, and these components will not function correctly.
I would guess it has to do with the Mac OS X's GUI conflicting with X...I'd imagine..not 100% sure.
For MonoDevelop, click here, click on the Mac OSX Icon..this will sit on top of the Mono will need to dig around a bit to see if this will co-exist with your existing setup... not sure here...
The good news on the Linux side, is it works, if you are building mono from scratch, using the Mono-2.6.1. sources here, build in this order...
The rest of them are optional.
Edit: I have added a few more bits of information. There is a cross-platform alternative to designing GUI's with Mono, it is Gtk# and Glade#. The Gtk# toolkit is a wrapper around the GTK tools that is used by Gnome. Glade# is a UI designer toolkit that uses Gtk#. This answer would not be complete without mentioning a couple of links to some tutorials on Gtk#.
Gtk# Tutorial on CodeProject.
Calc# - an intro to Gtk#
Custom controls with Mono and Gtk# here
Glade code changer here
All of the above links reside at CodeProject.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,

Java Micro Edition (JME) SDK for Mac OS X or Linux

The question is clear from the title.
Is there an SDK for the Java Micro Edition available for Mac OS X or Linux? Or does one need Windows XP to develop JME applications?
No, with a 'but'
There is no WTK (Wireless Toolkit) from the main vendors available for Mac (NetBeans Wiki reference) so basically you can't debug nor test the code. But, you can use an emulator from a third co: MPowerPlayer
If you are using netbeans in any other OS but windows, you still can download and add the J2ME packages using the tools/plugins menu.
Then you can add the MPowerPlayer to the IDE as a J2ME platform. Netbeans (and i guess any other IDE with J2ME WTK support) will recognize it as a valid WTK,
I've posted an specific entry about this in my blog, but it's in spanish, although maybe you can follow the images. Give it a try, and don't hesitate to ask anything:
J2ME in Mac Os with NetBeans
Offically Sun's WTK is available only on Linux and Windows, however both SDKs can be used on Mac to compile J2ME applications.
Unfortunately the emulator and the preverifier will not work (since they are not Java based) so you will not be able to test your application.
To solve this problem you can use MicroEmulator or MPowerPlayer for both emulation and preverification (you can also use PhoneME for preverification).
This is a good guide to setup you development environment using Eclipse and this one is good for Netbeans.
But, if I can give an advice (I'm working since two years on J2ME development and I'm a Mac user), it is better if you develop on Windows or Linux through a virtual machine, because the two emulators do not have a very good compliance to the JSR's standard and do not include all of them.
Moreover on OSX it will be very difficult for you to test features like Bluetooth or LocationAPIs.
Netbeans has a JME SDK
May be this is helpful, I've found a Java ME Developer Studio for Mac OS X, developed by Motorola, I haven't tested yet, it's only and EA Release, I'll try this one, and I'll let u know in a subsequent post,
Oddly enough ... I just set this up 5 minutes ago on Linux.
You will need: <-- WTK
The WTK installer will ask where your JDK is. Do
find . -name "jar" -type f
and then where you have
Knock of the 'jar' and give that path to the installer. This will install ktoolbar which includes a phone emulator.
The download netbeans and install the mobile addons
This is not pure J2ME, but includes most of the API
I am using it to develop an application for my SE-C902
Yes, the official SDK for OSX can be downloaded here: Microemulator,, also works well, and I've heard people use MPowerPlayer with success.

How do I get started with J2ME?

i am new to J2ME. Please tell me how can I install it and where from.
What else do I have to download to install J2ME with JDK.
If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with Netbeans IDE. Download the version that includes the Mobility Pack. There are many tutorials available for developing mobile applications with Netbeans.
You may also need the WTK (don't remember if it comes with Netbeans),
It's not easy to start out with J2ME development (such as with MIDP) if you haven't done any Java programming before. You might want to start with this NetBeans quickstart.
There are also a bunch of emulators, requiring some configuration to do on your IDE (e.g. Netbeans or Eclipse). This is because different cell-phone manufacturers have their own implementation SDK's on J2ME (e.g. SonyEricsson).
The basic tool for j2me development is WTK(Wireless tool kit) from SUN which contains the emulator and other libraries needed for development. WTK also contains utilities for signing ,preverifying ,network monitoring tools.The IDEs like Netbeans and Eclipse are having plug ins for j2me development. These plugins will integrate the WTK and libraries.
For netbeans all are bundled into one package ,so easy to install and configure. For Eclipse you have to install the MTJ(mobile tools for java) plugin.
You can check both IDEs and select the one which your most comfortable with.
There is no such thing like a complete package. You need a basic setup and optional device-provider packages (mostly emulators).
Basic setup:
SUN WTK (includes basic J2ME SDK)
Eclipse Plugin
Optional packages:
You need the Sun wireless toolkit. You need this for the libraries, and also to 'preverify' your class files, otherwise they won't load on a mobile VM.
You can download J2ME from the Sun Microsystems website
