Gnuplot change color of bars in histogram - gnuplot

is it possible to change the color of bars in a Gnuplot script dynamically?
I have the following script
fontsize = 12
set term postscript enhanced eps fontsize
set output "bargraph_speedup.eps"
set style fill solid 1.00 border 0
set style histogram
set style data histogram
set xtics rotate by -45
set grid ytics linestyle 1
set xlabel "Benchmarks" font "bold"
set ylabel "Relative execution time vs. reference implementation" font "bold"
set datafile separator ","
plot 'bm_speedup.dat' using 2:xtic(1) ti "Speedup" linecolor rgb "#00FF00"
which generates this plot:
Is it possible to make the color of the bars which are below zero red?

You can mimic this behavior using the boxes style:
My test data:
zip 2
baz 2
bar -1
cat 4
foo -3
And then plotting with gnuplot:
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "green"
set style line 2 lt 1 lc rgb "red"
set style fill solid
plot 'test.dat' u (column(0)):2:(0.5):($2>0?1:2):xtic(1) w boxes lc variable
# #xval:ydata:boxwidth:color_index:xtic_labels

You could split your data file into two parts, positive values and negative, and plot them separately:
plot 'bm_speedup_pos.dat' using 2:xtic(1) ti "Faster" linecolor rgb "#00FF00", \
'bm_speedup_neg.dat' using 2:xtic(1) ti "Slower" linecolor rgb "#FF0000"
Or, if you only need to generate a few graphs, a few times, a common technique is to generate the raw graph in gnuplot, then post-process it in an image editor to adjust the colors. If you go that route, I suggest having gnuplot generate the graph in SVG format, which will give you much better looking graphs than any of the bitmap formats.

Doesn't seem like histogram lets you do it. May be like this:
set boxwidth 0.3
plot 'bm_speedup.dat' using 0:2:(f($2)):xticlabels(1) with boxes ti "Speedup" lc variable

Actually you can also use linecolor rgb variable and give the color like this:
plot 'bm_speedup.dat' using 2:xtic(1):($2 >= 0 ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000) ti Speedup lc rgb variable


Bubble graphs - how to use?

Is it possible to combinate "normal points" and "bubble points"? I have two sets of data - file1.txt and file2.txt and for one of them (file2.txt) I would like to use points like
How to compose this into code please? When I use the code from that webpage how to plot another data. I tried this:
f(x) = A*exp(-x*x/B/B)
rx=0.107071; ry=0.057876; A = 1; B = 0.2; C=0.5*rx; D=-0.4*ry
g(u,v) = (2*cos(u)*v*rx+C)*(2*cos(u)*v*rx+C)+(3.5*sin(u)*v*ry+D)*(3.5*sin(u)*v*ry+D)
unset key; unset colorbox; set view map
set xrange [-0.15:5.2]; set yrange [-0.7:0.95]
set parametric; set urange [0:2*pi]; set vrange [0:1]
set isosamples 20, 20; set samples 30
set palette model HSV functions 1, 1-f(gray), 1+2*f(gray)
splot cos(u)*rx*v-0.13335347,sin(u)*ry*v+2.7730389, g(u,v) w pm3d, \
cos(u)*rx*v-0.11625481,sin(u)*ry*v+3.5312312, g(u,v) w pm3d, \
cos(u)*rx*v-0.14454222,sin(u)*ry*v+3.6412394, g(u,v) w pm3d, \
cos(u)*rx*v-0.070272446,sin(u)*ry*v+3.8070912, g(u,v) w pm3d, \
cos(u)*rx*v-0.10077238,sin(u)*ry*v+4.090774, g(u,v) w pm3d, \
'file1.txt' using 2:1:(0.0):2 with points pt 7 ps 1 palette
but file2 is not splot. Thank you very much
Here is a variant of the "trick" shown in your second link. I have extracted the customized point styles into a pre-defined set of linetypes. This makes the plot command itself simpler, and it is easier to reuse the definitions in multiple plots.
set linetype 101 ps 3.0 pt 7 lc rgb "#ff0000"
set linetype 102 ps 2.6 pt 7 lc rgb "#ff2222"
set linetype 103 ps 2.2 pt 7 lc rgb "#ff4444"
set linetype 104 ps 1.8 pt 7 lc rgb "#ff6666"
set linetype 105 ps 1.4 pt 7 lc rgb "#ff8888"
set linetype 106 ps 1.0 pt 7 lc rgb "#ffaaaa"
set linetype 107 ps 0.6 pt 7 lc rgb "#ffcccc"
set linetype 108 ps 0.2 pt 7 lc rgb "#ffeeee"
set border back
plot for [LT=101:108] 'silver.dat' using 1:2 with point lt LT notitle
Please clarify what exactly what properties your plot needs to have.
(1) The term "bubble plot" usually refers to a plot in which each point is drawn as a circle with additional properties encoded by changing the size, color, or other property of the circle. Gnuplot can do that quite well. A good example can be found in the online demo collection: Hypertext bubble chart In this case the size of the circle is used to indicate relative population and additional information is encoded as hypertext (pop-up text box) attached to that point. Variable color could easily be added as well. The png version below does not include the hypertext.
(2) The example you link in the query does not appear to encode any additional information into the shape or color of the point but it does use a fancy glyph for each point rather than a simple dot or cross. Gnuplot can do that also. It depends on exactly what set of symbols or glyphs you want to use. If you can find a font providing appropriate glyphs then one way is shown here:
shape(i) = (i%4 == 0) ? "⊕" : (i%4 == 1) ? "⊙" : (i%4 == 2) ? "⊚" : "⦾"
set grid x y z vertical
splot 'silver.dat' using 1:2:3:(shape(int(column(0))) with labels textcolor "forest-green"
More complicated options are also possible but may depend on exactly what you need and what output format (gnuplot "terminal type") is acceptable.

gnuplot partially stacked bars

I would like to make a gnuplot graph with one full bar and another one stacked.
The data is something like
x data E M L
[10,20) 0.000000 1.081916 2.0958133 5.473606
[20,40) 0.000000 2.331769 2.1402838 4.528341
[40,80) 3.262375 2.201788 1.3499280 3.023847
>80 2.368121 2.132216 0.7322889 2.610368
where E, M and L are the three "green" components.
I have tried to do something like
set style data histograms
set style histogram rowstacked
#set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid
plot newhistogram, "size_class_data/tree_paracou.txt" using 2:xticlabel(1) linecolor rgb data_color title "Model",\
newhistogram, '' using 3:xticlabel(1) linecolor rgb early_color title "d",\
'' using 4 linecolor rgb mid_color title "g",\
'' using 5 linecolor rgb late_color title "f"
but the two graphs lie on two different parts of the x axis.
The newhistogram command has an option at for setting the coordinate of the first box.
In you case you can fix the boxwidth, and start the second histogram at 0 + boxwidth:
set style data histograms
set style histogram rowstacked
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.33 absolute
plot "foo.dat" using 2:xticlabel(1) skip 1 linecolor rgb "black" title "Model",\
newhistogram at 0.33, '' using 3 skip 1 linecolor rgb "red" title "d",\
'' using 4 skip 1 linecolor rgb "green" title "g",\
'' using 5 skip 1 linecolor rgb "blue" title "f"

gnuplot histogram chart with overlap

I would like to plot a bar chart or histogram like this in gnuplot.
I tried set style histogram rowstacked which is a start but it adds the columns on top of each other while I need them overlapped. Next is the issue of transparent color shading.
Thanks for your feedback.
UPDATE: user8153 asked for additional data.
The set style histogram clustered gap 0.0 is doing the cluster mode of the histogram bars. If you blur the eye it sort-of shows what I want but with overlap and transparent shading.
The only other histogram modes given in the docs are rowstacked and columnstacked. I never got a plot out of columnstacked so I discarded it. Now rowstacked stacks the histogram bars.
The overlay appearance is there but it is wrong. I don't want the stacked appearance. The histograms have to overlay.
Code :
set boxwidth 1.0 absolute
set style fill solid 0.5 noborder
set style data histogram
set style histogram clustered gap 0.0
#set style histogram rowstacked gap 0.0
set xtics in rotate by 90 offset first +0.5,0 right
set yrange [0:8000]
set xrange [90:180]
plot 'dat1.raw' using 3 lc rgb 'orange', \
'dat2.raw' using 3 lc rgb 'blue', \
'dat3.raw' using 3 lc rgb 'magenta'
Thanks for your feedback.
Given a sample datafile test.dat
-10 4.5399929762484854e-05
-9 0.0003035391380788668
-8 0.001661557273173934
-7 0.007446583070924338
-6 0.02732372244729256
-5 0.0820849986238988
-4 0.20189651799465538
-3 0.4065696597405991
-2 0.6703200460356393
-1 0.9048374180359595
0 1.0
1 0.9048374180359595
2 0.6703200460356393
3 0.4065696597405991
4 0.20189651799465538
5 0.0820849986238988
6 0.02732372244729256
7 0.007446583070924338
8 0.001661557273173934
9 0.0003035391380788668
10 4.5399929762484854e-05
you can use the following commands
set style fill transparent solid 0.7
plot "test.dat" with boxes, \
"test.dat" u ($1+4):2 with boxes
to get the following result (using the pngcairo terminal):
Using transparency as in user8153's solution is certainly the easiest way to visualize an overlap of two histograms.
This works even if the two histogram do not have identical bins or x-data-ranges.
However, the color of the overlap is pretty much bound to the colors of the two histogram and the level of transparency. Furthermore, if you want to show the overlap in the key you have to do it "manually".
Here is a solution where you can choose an independent color for the overlap area.
The overlap is basically the minimum y-value from both histograms for each x-value.
For this you need to compare the y-values for each x-value. This can be done in gnuplot with some "trick" by merging the two files line by line. This requires the data in a datablock (how to get it there from a file). Since this merging procedure is using indexing of datablock lines, it requires gnuplot>=5.2.0.
This assumes that you have the same x-range and bins for each histogram. If this is not the case, you have to implement some further steps.
Script: (works with gnuplot>=5.2.0, Sept. 2017)
### plot overlap of two histograms
reset session
# create some random test data
set samples 21
f(x,a,b) = 1./(a*(x-b)**4+1)
set table $Data1
plot '+' u 1:(f(x,0.01,-2)) w table
set table $Data2
plot '+' u 1:(f(x,0.02,4)) w table
unset table
set boxwidth 1.0
set grid y
set ytics 0.2
set multiplot layout 2,1
set style fill transparent solid 0.3
plot $Data1 u 1:2 w boxes lc 1 ti "Data1", \
$Data2 u 1:2 w boxes lc 2 ti "Data2"
set print $Overlap
do for [i=1:|$Data1|] { print $Data1[i].$Data2[i] }
set print
set style fill solid 0.3
plot $Data1 u 1:2 w boxes lc 1 ti "Data1", \
$Data2 u 1:2 w boxes lc 2 ti "Data2", \
$Overlap u 1:($2>$4?$4:$2) w boxes lc "red" ti "Overlap"
unset multiplot
### end of script

grayscale histogram with gnuplot

I'm new to gnuplot and I want to draw a triple histogram for a set of data of any length.
Here is my code but the line set palette gray seems to have no effect -- everything is still in RGB. What am I missing here?
set terminal pdf enhanced
set output 'out.pdf'
set palette gray
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid 1
set auto x
set yrange [0:*]
plot 'in.dat' using 2:xtic(1) title col, \
'' using 3:xtic(1) title col, \
'' using 4:xtic(1) title col
The set palette command influences only images, pm3d surfaces and if used explicitely with e.g. linecolor palette.
The terminal option monochrome also doesn't help you, because that sets the color of all lines to black and uses different dash patterns.
You can e.g. redefine the color of the linetypes:
set linetype 1 lc rgb 'black'
set linetype 2 lc rgb '#555555'
set linetype 3 lc rgb '#999999'
plot 'in.dat' u 2:xtic(1) t col, '' u 3 t col, '' u 4 t col
Note, that reset doesn't revert this line type changes. For this you must restart gnuplot.
Alternatively, you could also use set terminal pdf monochrome and set style fill pattern.

Plotting graph using gnuplot

htmlResponseBytes 39842 397888
cssResponseBytes 109265 108988
imageResponseBytes 205179 206662
javascriptResponseBytes 468573 476888
otherResponseBytes 4326 4378
I want to plot Bar graph this data using gnuplot. 1st column should be present on x-axis, 2nd and 3rd column should be plotted using bar chart. 2nd column should have legend today and 3rd column should have legend yesterday. Also the values should be present on top of each bar.
I have tried this
set term png truecolor
set output "profit.png"
set xlabel "Year"
set ylabel "Profit(Million Dollars)"
set grid
set boxwidth total_box_width_relative/n relative
set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder
plot "profit.dat" u 1:2 w boxes lc rgb"green" notitle,\
"profit.dat" u ($1+d_width):3 w boxes lc rgb"red" notitle
Copied this code from here, works fine for his data file but doesn't work for mine data file pasted at the top
How about this:
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set xtics rotate by 90
set style fill solid
plot 'test.dat' using 2:xtic(1) lc rgb "blue", \
'' using 3
