Appointment Send and Send Update - c#-4.0

How can I know if for any appointment "Send" was clicked or " Send Update" or "Send Cancellation" was clicked.I have Application_ItemSend event which fires for both Send,Send Update and Send Cancellation. One way would be add a custom property and set some value when the appointment is initially created. But I don't seem to find a way to differentiate the button click. Is adding custom property the only way or is there any built in property which I can use. Appointment item I am assigning as below.
var appointment = Globals.MedearcOutlook2010AddIn.Application.ActiveInspector().CurrentItem as Outlook.AppointmentItem;

You can check the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME to see whether the appointment has been sent yet (isUpdate=false) or it is an update to an existing appointment (isUpdate=true). I didn't see a native property member for doing this.
bool isUpdate = false;
DateTime message_delivery = appointment.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME);
isUpdate = true; // if it makes it here then the message has been delivered
catch { }


How to prevent full refresh using onChange event SSJS

(You may be able to figure out an answer by ONLY reading the last question by itself, but I included everything for reference if necessary)
The onChange of one field is causing displayErrors to show validation results prior to when I need it to do that.
On an xpage, I have these two comboboxes:
1.) locationType
2.) locationEtc
Choices for locationEtc are dependent on what was selected in locationType field.
In the locationEtc field, the choices are using one computed value with this code:
var locType = getComponent("locationType").getValue();
var key = '';
switch(locType) {
case 'Commuity Service Center':
key = 'loc_cso';
case 'RYDC':
key = 'loc_rydc';
case 'YDC':
key = 'loc_ydc';
case 'HQ':
key = 'loc_hq';
key = 'facilities';
var luChoices = #DbLookup('','keywords', key, 'choices');
luChoices.unshift("Select one|''");
return luChoices;
The choices were NOT changing for locationEtc whenever I pick a locationType, but then they do when I add code to clear the location field whenever locationType changes, using a simple action for onChange event of locationType field:
This is great, but when it all refreshes, my displayErrors control appears (yellow background area) showing required field validation results, and a lot of the fields are not filled in yet by design.
How can I make the displayErrors to show ONLY when tying to submit?
Thanks everyone who can help.
Set disableValidators="true" on the simple action that you created

How to Create a Purchase Receipt with Document Details via code

The Goal is creating a Purchase Order and then its corresponding Purchase Order receipt via code with 2 separate actions/buttons.
The PO (Type Normal) is created without any issues. And is then Approved via code making it visible in the "Add Purchase Order" smartpanel from the Purchase Receipt page.
The UI workflow would be the selection of the PO order and then pressing on "ADD PO".
I'm looking to replicate that via code.
Looking at the page's ASPX definition I can see that the smartpanel button is associated to action AddPOOrder2
I'm creating the Purchase receipt like this:
if (orderRecord.Approved == true)
poReceiptEntryGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<POReceiptEntry>();
receiptRow = new POReceipt();
receiptRow.ReceiptType = "RT";
receiptRow = poReceiptEntryGraph.Document.Insert(receiptRow);
receiptRow.Hold = false;
receiptRow.ReceiptDate = DateTime.Now;
receiptRow.VendorID = orderRecord.VendorID;
receiptRow.InvoiceNbr = "123";
Then I create a PXView:
int startActualRow = PXView.StartRow;
int totalActualRows = 1;
List<Object> createdView = new PXView(poReceiptEntryGraph, false, PXSelect<POOrder, Where<POOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Required<POOrder.orderNbr>>>>
.GetCommand()).Select(PXView.Currents, /*Filter value from the BQL Required*/ new object[] { "PO000683"/*orderRecord.OrderNbr*/ },
PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters,
ref startActualRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalActualRows);
PXView dummyActualView = new DummyView(poReceiptEntryGraph, poReceiptEntryGraph.Document.View.BqlSelect, createdView);
Finally, the PXView is used to press on the AddPOOrder2 action:
poReceiptEntryGraph.addPOOrder2.Press(new PXAdapter(dummyActualView));
No error messages are received and the summary section of the Receipt gets created correctly but without any content in the grid.
I also attempted to use addPOOrder which is another Acumatica action that executes addPOOrder2 but the result was the same.
Any ideas if I'm missing something?
I found the solution for this.
Acumatica's AddPOOrder2 action iterates over the selected records and invokes method AddPurchaseOrder
Invoking the method directly in my action worked correctly:
if (orderRecord.Approved == true)
poReceiptEntryGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<POReceiptEntry>();
receiptRow = new POReceipt();
receiptRow.ReceiptType = "RT";
receiptRow = poReceiptEntryGraph.Document.Insert(receiptRow);
receiptRow.Hold = false;
receiptRow.ReceiptDate = DateTime.Now;
receiptRow.VendorID = orderRecord.VendorID;
However, I wonder, had the method not existed, was I in the correct path with the use of the PXView and the PXAdapter? Is it possible to execute other similar actions that may not have a method?

Write the plugin when Selecting the lookup flied and according to filed selection Show/Hide Address filed in form.....?

We Have Contact Entities in contact Entitie one lookup filed company Name in that lookup having two values 1.Account and 2.Contact . When we are selecting contact show the address filed when we select account hide the address filed we needs to write the plugin to Execute that works. Kindly any one help me on the same.
Rajesh Singh
First, if you need to make change on a form, you can't use plug-ins. Plug-ins are made for bussinees logics, like Update another record when the first one is created, make complex logic, etc...
What you need it is a javascript that executes on the OnLoad of the form and OnChange event in that OptionSet.
The lines you are looking for are:
function ShowField()
// The field is present on the form so we can access to its methods
var optionSet = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("custom_attribute");
if (optionSet == undefined)
// The control is present on the form so we can access to its methods
var controlAddress = Xrm.Page.getControl("custom_address");
if (controlAddress == undefined)
var valueOptionSet = optionSet.getValue(); // This is the value you set creating the OptionSet
switch (valueOptionSet)
case 0: // Your account value, show
case 1: // Your contact value, hide
You need to register a web resource and register the event, if you need more information about the code or why this stuff is here and why this not just tell me.

CRM form. Preset Field is not saved on after Clicking Save button

I am working on CRM 2011.
On Form_onLoad event I am presetting the value of a field.
but after clicking on save button my field address1_line1 is blank.
To check I put a alert on Form_onsave function.
alert("address =" + (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue()));
In alert,I get the value of address1_line1 field but finally address1_line1 is blank.
mdg.PresetField function is as follows
mdg.PreSetField = function(attributeName, value) {
var attribute;
if (attributeName.setSubmitMode) {
attribute = attributeName;
else {
attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
attribute.addOnChange(function() {
I solved it..
in my custom mdg.PresetField function earlier code was
I changed never to always and now it is working..
This code is not part of the CRM JavaScript API so I assume it's a custom library? Have you added this script to the list of webresources available on the form? Also make sure it comes before the script you are trying to use it in.

The file has been modifed by error in sharepoint

I am getting the following error when i try to update the item's name in the sharepoint
document library. The item is of type document set and its default values is loaded using javascript. In the Item added event we are updating with the new changed item's name value. But in the item.update() code statement i am getting following error.
The File CZY14389 has been modified by domain\username on current date.
Please provide your commens on resolving this.
You cannot change the name of a sharepoint document like that. You need to "move it".
Item.File.MoveTo(Item.ParentList.RootFolder.Url + "/" + newFileName, false);
Item.File.Item["FileRef"] = newFileName;
before you update item name and call item.update(), can you try to refresh your item like this:
item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID); = "xyz";
this can sometimes happen in event handler. the problem is the updation process in the event handler is not as the same of the workflow. In event handler for updating you have to use the followitn steps. Dont use Item.Update() as in workflow.
Follow the steps:
• call and disable event firing before your code with : base.EventFiringEnabled = false;
•update your item by calling item.systemUpdate(false);
•enable event firing with : base.EventFiringEnabled = true;
Disable event firing and call your update code, dont forget to enable event firing.
HandleEventFiring handleEventFiring = new HandleEventFiring();
//if item.Update doesnt work then use(For me item.update worked only on my local not on prod then i used the below)
public class HandleEventFiring : SPItemEventReceiver
public void DisableHandleEventFiring()
this.EventFiringEnabled = false;
public void EnableHandleEventFiring()
this.EventFiringEnabled = true;
