How to organize my spec files? - node.js

I'm using mocha to test my node.js application.
I notice that my spec files getting bigger and bigger over time. Are there any pattern to organize the test files (e.g. one specs file per test)? Or are there other frameworks on top of mocha to help me structure the tests? Or do you prefere other test frameworks for that reason?

Large test/spec files tend to mean the code under test might be doing too much. This is not always the case though, often your test code will always out weigh the code under test, but if you are finding them hard to manage this might be a sign.
I tend to group tests based on functionality. Imagine if we have example.js, I would expect example.tests.js to begin with.
Rather than one spec called ExampleSpec I tend to have many specs/tests based around different contexts. For example I might have EmptyExample, ErrorExample, and DefaultExample which have different pre-condidtions. If these become too large, you either have missing abstractions, or should then think about splitting the files out. So you could end up with a directory structure such as:
To begin with though, one test/spec file per production file should be the starting point. Only separate if needs be.


Independent vs Dependent Scenarios in feature files (Cucumber Java-Maven)?

We have 30 000 Scenarios and trying to use cucumber with maven(No test NG), and really big project. Dependent scenarios will stop us to pick only one part of Test Suit or one Test Case from Manual Test Plan on the other hand Independent scenarios will significantly increase time for test execution (if you start regression than it is almost waist of time).
Is answerer something between?
Use independent where can, and divide dependent into functionalities and put them into separate feature files which are based on functionalities?
What is the best practice for writing feature files for big projects?
Dependent VS Independent
Functional Feature Files vs US feature files.
That is question for you and your team, you have to get together and decide what is the best solution for you guys.
Someone here can give you his point of view, but you guys know what is best for your project needs.
In general, it is not a good idea to have dependent tests, as they are harder to maintain and if dependency breaks then all of your tests will fail and produce false negatives. Also if your important factor is time when doing automated regression testing then perhaps find middle ground, and your solution will be there.

Can I reuse a cucumber/gherkin Example block?

I've got two different scenarios that use the same example block. I need to run the example block for two different times of the day and I'm looking for a succinct way to do this (without copy+pasting my example block).
I'm replacing the yyymmdd with an actual date in my stepdef.
I'd like to reuse my Example block because in real life it's a MUCH longer list.
Scenario Outline: File arrives in the morning
Given a file <file> arrives in the morning
When our app runs
Then The file should be moved to <newFile>
And the date should be today
Scenario Outline: File arrives in the evening
Given a file <file> arrives in the evening
When our app runs
Then The file should be moved to <newFile>
And the date should be tomorrow
I'm implementing this in java, though I don't know if that's a relevant detail.
No, this is not supported in the Gherkin syntax. I don't often advised copy-and-paste, but this is one case where it is warranted due to a missing feature of the language.
Generally this should not be a big deal, as the example size should be small. It you really need a large number of examples then recreating this test in code only (Java, Python, C#, etc.) might be the best idea. Most unit test libraries offer some form of data driven tests that might provide a DRYer, more maintainable solution than Gherkin.
This is something thats better tested at a lower level. What you are testing here is your file renaming algorithm. You could write a unit test to do this which would
run much much faster (100 1000 or even 10K times faster is perfectly realistic)
be much more expressive
deal with edge cases better
Once you have that done I would write a single scenario that deals with the whole end to end process, and just ensures that the file is moved and renamed e.g.
Given a file has arrived
When our app runs
Then the file should be moved
And it should be renamed
And the new name should contain the current date
Cukes are expensive to create and particularly to run, so you need to get lots of functionality exercised for each one. When you use outlines and create identical scenarios you are just wasting loads of runtime and adding complexity for little benefit.

How to avoid code redundancy in large amounts of Node.JS BDD tests

For the last few months, I was working on the backend (REST API) of a quite big project that we started from scratch. We were following BDD (behavior-driven-development) standards, so now we have a large amount of tests (~1000). The tests were written using chai - a BDD framework for Node.JS, but I think that this question can be expanded to general good practices when writing tests.
At first, we tried to avoid code redundancy as much as possible and it went quite well. As the number of lines of code and people working on the project grew it was becoming more and more chaotical, but readable. Sometimes minor changes in the code that could be applied in 15 minutes caused the need to change e.g. mock data and methods in 30+ files etc which meant 6 hours of changes and running tests (extreme example).
We want to refactor now these BDD tests. As an example we have such a function:
function RegisterUserAndGetJWTToken(user_data, next: any){
chai.request(server).post(REGISTER_URL).send(user_data).end((err: any, res: any) => {
token = res.body.token;
This function is used in most of our test files. Does it make sense to create something like a test-suite that would contain this kind of functions or are there better ways to avoid redundancy when writing tests? Then we could use imports like these:
import {RegisterUserAndGetJWTToken} from "./test-suite";
import {user_data} from "./test-mock-data";
Do you have any good practices that you can share?
Are there any npm packages that could be useful (or packages for
other programming languages)?
Do you think that this approach has also downsides (like chaos when
there would be multiple imports)?
Maybe there is a way to inject or inherit the test-suite for
each file, to avoid imports and have it by default in each file?
EDIT: Forgot to mention - I mean integration tests.
Thanks in advance!
Refactoring current test suite
Your principle should be raising the level of abstraction in the tests themselves. This means that a test should consist of high-level method calls, expressed in domain language. For example:
registerUser('John', '')
lastEmail = getLastEmailSent() ''
lastEmail.contents.should.contain 'Dear John'
Now in the implementation of those methods, there could be a lot of things happening. In particular, the registerUser function could do a post request (like in your example). The getLastEmailSent could read from a message queue or a fake SMTP server. The thing is you hide the details behind an API.
If you follow this principle, you end up creating an Automation Layer - a domain-oriented, programmatic API to your system. When creating this layer, you follow all the good design principles, like DRY.
The benefit is that when a change in the code happens, there will be only one place to change in the test code - in the Automation Layer, and not in the test themselves.
I see that what you propose (extracting the RegisterUserAndGetJWTToken and test data) is a good step towards creating an automation layer. I wouldn't worry about the require calls. I don't see any reason for not being explicit about what our test depends on. Maybe at a later stage some of those could be gathered in larger modules (registration, emailing etc.).
Good practices towards a maintainable test suite
Automate at the right level.
Sometimes it's better to go through the UI or REST, but often a direct call to a function will be more sensible. For example, if you write a test for calculating taxes on an invoice, going through the whole application for each of the test-cases would be an overkill. It's much better to leave one end-to-end test see if all the pieces act together, and automate all the specific cases at the lowest possible level. That way we get both good coverage, as well as speed and robustness of the test-suite.
The guiding principle when writing a test is readability.
You can refer to this discussion for a good explanation.
Treat your test helper code / Automation Layer with the same care as you treat your production code.
This means you should refactor it with great care and attention, following all the good design principles.

Maximum/Optimal number of Cucumber test scenarios in one file

I have a Cucumber feature file with over 66 scenarios! The title of the feature file does represent what the scenarios are all about.
But 66 (200 steps) feels like quite a large number. Does this suggest that my feature title is too broad?
What is the maximum number of scenarios one should have in a single feature file (from a best practice point of view)?
Thanks in advance :)
Although I don't know your system and feature file, I can surely say that there is a misunderstanding of scenarios and their purpose.
The purpose of scenarios is to bring a clarification for the feature by examples. Usually, people tend to write scenarios to cover all use cases. If you do scenarios that way, the feature loses the ability to be human-readable.
Keep in mind that acceptance tests are expensive to write and expensive to change. Write the minimum scenarios. If there is a scenario that doesn't bring any additional value for the understanding of the feature, then that scenario shouldn't be there. Move all use cases into a lower level of testing - unit tests.
In most cases, the feature has the number of scenarios in units, or tens if it's a complex feature.
Edit: If the number of scenarios would go close to 10, I would rather split the feature file into more files describing deeper part of the feature.
Yes, 200 is an unusually large number of scenarios for a single file. It is likely to be hard to find a particular scenario in the file or to keep it organized. (Multiple smaller files are easier to organize; a directory of files is easier for people to understand and maintain than a long file with comments or worse yet some uncommented ordering scheme.) It will also take a long time to run the file, which will make development difficult.
More importantly, 200 scenarios for a single feature might mean that the feature is extremely complex or that it is very broad. In either case it can probably be broken up into multiple smaller feature files. It also might mean that there are too many scenarios. There might be a scenario for every value of some variable (it might be sufficient to write a single scenario and not worry about different values) or a scenario for every detail of every feature (it might be better to write unit tests, which are smaller and more focused and faster, for details).
But, as with any software metric about the size of a piece of code, there might be a typical size, but every problem is different. Your feature might really be that complex. We can't say without understanding the domain and seeing the feature file.

Suitescript - 1 big script file, or multiple smaller files

From a performance/maintenance point of view, is it better to write my custom modules with netsuite all as one big JS, or multiple segmented script files.
If you compare it with a server side javascript language, say - Node.js the most popular, every module is written into separate file.
I generally take the approach of Object oriented javascript and put each class in a separate file which helps to organise the code.
One of the approach you can take is in development keep separate files and finally merge all files using js minifier tool like Google closure compiler when you deploy your code for production usage which can give you best of both worlds, if you are really bothered about every nano/mini seconds of performance.
If you see SuiteScript 2.0 architecture, it encourages module architecture which is easier to manage as load only those modules that you need, and it is easier to maintain multiple code files i.e. one per module considering future enhancements, bug fixes and code reuse.
Performance can never be judge by the line count of your module. We generally maintain modules for maintaining the readability and simplicity of the code. It is a good practice to put all generic functionalities in to an Utility script and use it as a library across all the modules. Again it depends on your code logic and programming style. So if you want to create multiple segments of your js file for more readability I dont think its a bad idea.
