web hosting and websocket technologies [closed] - web

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write a web application that needs a websocket server.
I want to host this websocket server on some famous web hosting provider (such as 1&1 by example).
Which web hosting provider should I use?

If you want to use a websocket server which you can start and stop at will I would much rather recommend a cloud solution. It's cheap and lets you interact with the server directly, which is most likely impossible with more traditional hosting providers. I've only used Amazon Web Services and Google App Engine myself, they both have a free tier which you can use to build and test your websocket application. There are many more providers, also have a look at PaaS services like Nodejitsu. It all depends on what specific technologies you want to use I guess.
(note: AWS lets you SSH into your instance and you can use any platform/technology you want while GAE is web based and limited to Go, Java and Python. It doesn't mean AWS is better, again it depends on your case.)

You can use WebSockets for your .NET apps with GearHost at www.gearhost.com. It's free and gives you 100 free CloudSites and 100 free databases.


Google Cloud Storage - options for upload/download [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What are people's recommendations for working with Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for applications served by the browser - both upload and subsequent download/stream of video? Particular in a primarily GCP PaaS based environment
My current environment is a React JS Single Page Application (SPA) served by Firebase hosting. The SPA currently communicates with NodeJS Express backends that are served by Google App Engine (GAE)
Ideally I would use Express with a combination of the Multer module and Google Storage API's on the backend - however GAE has a 32Mb limit for requests and the file uploads are expected to be larger than this limit.
For this environment I'd like to PaaS as much as possible and whilst I'm a big fan of Kubernetes/Container environments I'm trying to leverage as much 'turn key' solutions from GCP as much.
Look forward to hearing people's opinions
Give the clients a signed url so they can talk directly to GCS rather than going through your app: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signed-urls

PaaS Offerings for Node.js [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I keep finding blogs and articles that list Digital Ocean and Linode as having PaaS offerings for Node.js. This is bothering me because I've hosted apps on both Linode and Digital Ocean and although they do have one-click installs of Node.js or MongoDB stacks, You are still responsible as a developer for securing your infrastructure, managing it, upgrading it, etc.
Modulus is something i've been looking at that seems to be a truly PaaS platform for Node.js.
Am i misunderstanding the definition of PaaS or are all these blogs/articles talking about Digital Ocean and Linode having PaaS offerings for Node.js actually incorrect?
I align with your definition that VPS ≠ PaaS. Modulus has turned into Xervo. And Xervo has turned into dust. All the hip Node kids are with zeit now. This question is product related, not sure if this OK here on SO.
Digital Ocean is an IaaS (infrastructure as a service) which means that they offer you VMs (virtual machines) that you have to control (manage, update etc).
I read and article that they raised some money to offer PaaS offerings also.
PaaS is Platform as a service. Most notable may be Heroku which will run the app for you, but won't give you access to the underlying VM. Your headache is only the app and they manage the rest.
I can't say much about the individual offerings as one service may offer both PaaS and IaaS, but I hope I was clear about the difference.

How to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Im trying to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc,
does someone knows with whitch tool can I test that application.
also I`d like to know if i can use Jmeter and if so , how can i use it ?
thanks a head
When it comes to load testing, WebRTC is different. And that's because WebRTC is peer-to-peer and not client server.
What you can test is the client server part, more specifically the signaling server and the STUN/TURN server. For these, you can easily use JMeter as for any web server. For STUN/TURN just follow the specs (though if you're using an existing server, I would leave this into the authors hands, unless you want to involve in that project too). For the signaling server, it depends on how you build it.
What you can also do with WebRTC is try to test with a controlled limited bandwidth and delay/jitter. This will be more like a smoke test, than a load one. To do this automatically is a little bit more complicated. especially if you want to do it with audio/video, not data.

Asp.net MVC and SQL Server hosting services available [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am creating a small website on Asp.net MVC and SQL server. After the development is over Client is now asking help for me to deploy the code. I don’t have any idea how to host this application in Production environment. Can anyone please list all requirements to me like
Buy Domain name like www.example.com
Do they need to buy SQL Server license as I use basic table and store procedure only
Do they have to buy windows OS? As this is very low budget website, could you please suggest the best cost effective option?
I have heard of hosting in Azure and other services are they cheaper? Do I have to buy SQL server license Azure?
The client is a startup company and the also don’t have any idea how to host a website.
For starters a shared asp.net web host will do
1.You can purchase shared hosting from many of the available hosting providers you can get a comprehensive list from - http://www.asp.net/hosting/home. Shared hosting is really cheap.You can get it for as low as 50 USD / year and you also get to create a SQL Server(usually providers have the latest version supported) DB for which you do not need a license.You could deploy your stored procedures,tables, views or use Entity framework .
2.Usually when you purchase shared hosting - the provider also takes care of registering a domain for you at a small fee
3.Once you get shared hosting , login with your credentials,you will see options in the Control panel to Deploy your website and you are ready to go.
If you anticipate heavy traffic on your website you could think of using Windows Azure later.

Node JS app hosting [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am relatively new to Node JS, I've built three small application I would like to host. Is there anyone who could provide a good starting point to learn how to deploy an app to one of the many services available? So far I am astonished by the lack of support from the companies who offer this service, as well as the vast amount of problems I am running into so if anyone has any tips, please help.
This is cloud platforms compatible with node.js. The most popular heroku, nodejitsu, appfog (my choice).
It's super easy to use and provides easy integration of mongo db
Also If in future u create ionic app , u can host them too
I've been trying several of those options, and on my opinion Nodejitsu is by far the best, the thing is that is not free (just the first month). So, because of that you may wanna try Heroku (it didnt like me). Another option in beta is Cloudno.de.
