What are circular symlinks in Unix-like systems used for? [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was browsing a directory on a Linux machine, and when doing a detailed listing I noticed that a link is pointing to itself, for example:
somelink -> /path/to/directory/somelink
I am wondering what is the reason for doing such a thing?

If the somelink is in /path/to/directory then this is an invalid symlink. If you try to access it, the filesystem will give you an error (probably something like too many levels of symbolic links*). It could have been a typo (or some other mistake) when it was created, or the symlink got moved somehow and ended up linking to itself.

There's no good reason for a circular symlink. Most probably, it was created by accident.


Cygwin - setting up $PATH [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've found it's really difficult to setup path variable. I've tried a lot of combinations but nothing works at all. My over 1h work results are but as you see on screenshot (http://puu.sh/33n0X.png )
echo $PATH
give strange directory and
rm -rf k.txt
doesn't work at all. Does anyone has idea what is wrong there? I'm totally confused about it
If you want something a little more "normal", you can suppress the current PATH being appended, and just build your own.
In your ~/.bash_profile, put something to this effect
and if you want System32 you can add it as well

Behaviour of soft links pointing to each other in unix filesystem? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When I made two soft links in a directory pointing to each other
abc->xyz and xyz->abc
I was not able to open that directory graphically in ubuntu.
When I clicked that dierctory it instantly opened and that gets closed immediately.
what may be the reason for that and how can it be sorted except deleting those soft links?
You probably mean circular symbolic links (or symlinks). What would you expect? Any open(2) (or others) syscall would fail with errno set to
ELOOP Too many symbolic links encountered while traversing the path.
You should remove one of the links, with the unlink(2) syscall, e.g. called by the rm command; so you could open a terminal, cd to the directory containing that mess, then
rm -v abc xyz

Is there a way to view who viewed/accessed a file in linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hi I am a noob with linux server stuff.
I was wondering if there is a command in linux or there is a way to see which "user" has viewed or accessed a file in linux?
is there a such command?
I thought 'stat' command works could be a possible option, but after googling, I found out that someone posted here at the bottom:
that there is not a way to view 'who' accessed a file. Is this true?
The audit subsystem can tell you who or what has accessed a filesystem object.

Where can specific files for an old Linux kernel (2.6.x) be found? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I need to find an old driver (kernel/drivers/hid/hid-picolcd.c) located into the old kernel
But I cannot find the version on http://kernel.org
I need just this file, or just one file. Is it possible to navigate a chosen version of the Linux kernel?
This guy? http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.35.14/drivers/hid/hid-picolcd.c
This website is pretty good for viewing linux source code:
Ofcourse you can browse through gitweb of all the different version of the kernel. The file you are looking for is in the kernel git repository for
Just click on the version you'd like to see at

synchronize two linux over area [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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is it possible to synchronize two linux machine over internet? thanks
Any solutions using any Technique
E.g. rsync. "Synchronize" can mean a lot of different things though, below is a prototype rsync-command:
rsync --archive --delete --update /directory/to/sync $REMOTE_HOST:/directory/on/remote/host
You will have to carefully read man rsync or other resources on the available switches and behaviours though, it is a versatile program.
Most often, I find rsync the "correct" way to do it, without reinventing the wheel.
