Converting double to numeric - Sybase - sap-ase

I have a column with type double precision and I'd like copy values from this column to another column with type numeric(19,2).
When I do select CONVERT( numeric(19,2), PriceNettoTmp) from Table it works but when I do update Table set PriceNetto = CONVERT( numeric(19,2), PriceNettoTmp) it doesn't.
Error message for update when executing in Squirrel SQL:
Data Truncation error occured on a write of column -1Data was -1
bytes long and -1 bytes were transferred.
Error message for update when executing in Sybase Central:
Could not execute statement. Arithmetic overflow during explicit
conversion of FLOAT NULL value '10,449999999999999.0' to a NUMERIC
field . Sybase error code=247 Severity Level=16, State=1, Transaction
State=0 Line 1
Anybody knows what can be wrong?
I found a solution which works: update Table set PriceNetto = CONVERT( numeric(19,2), str_replace(str(PriceNettoTmp,19,2),',','.'))
Although I still don't understand why select was working and update not. And is there any simpler solution than my?

Solution (as stated by OP)
update Table set PriceNetto = CONVERT( numeric(19,2), str_replace(str(PriceNettoTmp,19,2),',','.'))


Update multiple column with bind variable using cx_Oracle.executemany()

I have been trying to update some columns of a database table using cx_Oracle in Python. I created a list named check_to_process which is a result of another sql query. I am creating log_msg in the program based on success or failure and want to update same in the table only for records in check_to_process list. When I update the table without using bind variable <MESSAGE = %s>, it works fine. But when I try to use bind variable to update the columns it gives me error :
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
Below is the code, I am using:
import cx_Oracle
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user=os.environ['ORA_DB_USR'], password=os.environ['ORA_DB_PWD'], dsn=os.environ['ORA_DSN'])
cursor = connection.cursor()
check_to_process = ['ACHRMUS-20-OCT-2021 00:12:57', 'ACHRMUS-12-OCT-2021 16:12:01']
placeholders = ','.join(":x%d" % i for i,_ in enumerate(check_to_process))
log_msg = 'Success'
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
[(i,) for i in check_to_process], log_msg, arraydmlrowcounts=True)
Many thanks for suggestions and insights!
Your code has an odd mix of string substitution (the %s) and bind variable placeholders (the :1). And odd code that creates bind variable placeholders that aren't used. Passing log_msg the way you do isn't going to work, since executemany() syntax doesn't support string substitution.
You probably want to use some kind of IN list, as shown in the cx_Oracle documentation Binding Multiple Values to a SQL WHERE IN Clause. Various solutions are shown there, depending on the number of values and frequency that the statement will be re-executed.
Use only bind variables. You should be able to use execute() instead of executemany(). Effectively you would do:
cursor.execute("""UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH
WHERE PAYMENT_BATCH_NAME IN (something goes here - see the doc)""",
The bottom line is: read the documentation and review examples like If you still have problems, refine your question, correct it, and add more detail.

If i store index number fetched from db in variable & using in select from list by index, m getting err as expected string, int found-Robot Framework

enter image description here
select from list by index ${locator_var} ${inp_msge_type}
--getting error as expected string, int found
select from list by index ${locator_var} 7
-----not getting any error
${inp_msge_type}----contains 7 from DB query the result is stored in this variable, to avoid hard coding we need to do this
Is there any way to write
Do not add links to screenshots of code, or error messages, and format the code pieces accordingly - use the ` (tick) symbol to surround them.
The rant now behind us, your issue is that the keyword Select From List By Index expects the type of the index argument to be a string.
When you called it
Select From List By Index ${locator_var} 7
, that "7" is actually a string (though it looks like a number), because this is what the framework defaults to on any typed text. And so it works.
When you get the value from the DB, it is of the type that the DB stores it with; and probably the table schema says it is int. So now you pass an int to the keyword - and it fails.
The fix is simple - just cast (convert) the variable to a string type:
${inp_msge_type}= Convert To String ${inp_msge_type}
, and now you can call the keyword as you did before.

Replace all error values of all columns after importing datas (while keeping the rows)

An Excel table as data source may contain error values (#NA, #DIV/0), which could disturbe later some steps during the transformation process in Power Query.
Depending of the following steps, we may get no output but an error. So how to handle this cases?
I found two standard steps in Power Query to catch them:
Remove errors (UI: Home/Remove Rows/Remove Errors) -> all rows with an error will be removed
Replace error values (UI: Transform/Replace Errors) -> the columns have first to be selected for performing this operations.
The first possibility is not a solution for me, since I want to keep the rows and just replace the error values.
In my case, my data table will change over the time, means the column name may change (e.g. years), or new columns appear. So the second possibility is too static, since I do not want to change the script each time.
So I've tried to get a dynamic way to clean all columns, indepent from the column names (and number of columns). It replaces the errors by a null value.
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Tabelle1"]}[Content],
//Remove errors of all columns of the data source. ColumnName doesn't play any role
Cols = Table.ColumnNames(Source),
ColumnListWithParameter = Table.FromColumns({Cols, List.Repeat({""}, List.Count(Cols))}, {"ColName" as text, "ErrorHandling" as text}),
ParameterList = Table.ToRows(ColumnListWithParameter ),
ReplaceErrorSource = Table.ReplaceErrorValues(Source, ParameterList)
Here the different three queries messages, after I've added two new column (with errors) to the source:
If anybody has another solution to make this kind of data cleaning, please write your post here.
src = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Tabelle1"]}[Content],
cols = Table.ColumnNames(src),
replace = Table.ReplaceErrorValues(src, List.Transform(cols, each {_, "!"}))
Just for novices like me in Power Query
"!" could be any string as substitute for error values. I initially thought it was a wild card.
List.Transform(cols, each {_, "!"}) generates the list of error handling by column for the main funcion:
Table.ReplaceErrorValues(table_with errors, {{col1,error_str1},{col2,error_str2},{},{}, ...,{coln,error_strn}})
Nice elegant solution, Sergei

Condition IF In Power Query's Advanced Editor

I have a field named field, and I would like to see if it is null, but I get an error in the query, my code is this:
Condition= Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}[Content],
field= Condition{0}[fieldColumn],
query1="select * from students",
if field <> null then query1=query1 & " where id = '"& field &"',
exec= Oracle.Database("TESTING",[Query=query1])
but I get an error in the condition, do you identify the mistake?
I got Expression.SyntaxError: Token Identifier expected.
You need to assign the if line to a variable. Each M line needs to start with an assignment:
Condition= Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}[Content],
field= Condition{0}[fieldColumn],
query1="select * from students",
query2 = if field <> null then query1 & " some stuff" else " some other stuff",
exec= Oracle.Database("TESTING",[Query=query2])
In query2 you can build the select statement. I simplified it, because you also have conflicts with the double quotes.
I think you're looking for:
if Not IsNull(field) then ....
Some data types you may have to check using IsEmpty() or 'field is Not Nothing' too. Depending on the datatype and what you are using.
To troubleshoot, it's best to try to set a breakpoint and locate where the error is happening and watch the variable to prevent against that specific value.
To meet this requirement, I would build a fresh Query using the PQ UI to select the students table/view from Oracle, and then use the UI to Filter the [id] column on any value.
Then in the advanced editor I would edit the generated FilteredRows line using code from your Condition + field steps, e.g.
FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(TESTING_students, each [id] = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}{0}[fieldColumn])
This is a minor change from a generated script, rather than trying to write the whole thing from scratch.

Lotus Notes Script Error: Field count mismatch

In my Lotus Notes script, i do have this piece of logic as shown below. This is basically for two SELECT statements, followed by Fetch for each of the SELECT statement separately and the SELECT is for the same DB2 table with a variation in WHERE clause. The error i'm getting is for the second FETCH. The error i'm getting is ---> Field count mismatch error:
count = 0
If (srccon.Execute(selectstatement, fldLst1) = 0) Then
Goto GetNextDoc
End If
count = srccon.Fetch(fldLst1)
If ( count = 0 ) Then
Goto GetNextDoc
End If
The above cursor select and fetch does not give me any error.
The cursor down which is for the same DB2 table with a slight variation
in WHERE clause is causing the error:
count1 = 0
If (srccon.Execute(selectstatement1, fldLst) = 0) Then
Goto GetNextDoc
End If
count1 = srccon.Fetch(fldLst) ---> The error is pointing to this line
and the error is
I would appreciate any help in this regard. I would also thank the gentleman who
did excellent solution for my previous problem for current date minus 30 days.
With much thanks
I suspect it's because when you call Execute, you're reusing the same LCFieldList object from a previous call. Execute and Select statements append their list of result fields to the object you pass them, so you must pass them an empty fieldlist -- one you just created. Otherwise you get a combined fieldlist of all the fields in the result sets of multiple calls to Select or Execute.
You may find the LotusScript chapter of this Redbook useful.
