how can i assign indented block in vim a special syntax highlighter? - vim

for convenience in grouping couchdb functions
i created a file format that groups separate things together using yaml
it basically contains entries in the form of name.ext: |
followed by a intended block of code in the language fitting to .ext
for more pleasant editing i'd like to have vim use the correct syntax highlighters for them
some code examples as requested
simple: |
(doc) ->
for item in doc.items:
emit [doc.category, item], null
reduce: _count
more complex: |
(doc) ->
emit doc.category, {items: 1, val: doc.value}
return |
(keys, values, rereduce) ->
ret = {items: 0, val: 0}
for v in values
ret.items += doc.items
ret.val += doc.val
return ret

I believe that what you want it to make use of Vim's syntax regions (:help syn-region). But regions take delimiters as parameters.
You have a well defined start but not a defined end, maybe you could work your way around by establishing some conventions here like "2 empty new lines at the end".
There are similar answers that might give you a hint (including the docs) on how to implement a solution, like: Embedded syntax highligting in Vim
Also interesting and similar approach is this Vimtip:

You have to write your own syntax file, and define a syntax region for each of your entries. Inside that region, you can then syntax-include the corresponding language as defined by your ext. Read all the details at :help :syn-include.
If that sounds too complicated, check out my SyntaxRange plugin. It is based on the Vimtip mentioned by alfredodeza. With it, you can quickly assign a syntax to a range of lines, e.g. :11,42SyntaxInclude perl


Read multiple hash keys and keep only unique values

If I have data in Hiera like:
adapter_plan_dir: "/opt/weblogic/middleware"
adapter_plan: 'Plan_DB.xml'
adapter_plan_dir: "/opt/weblogic/middleware"
adapter_plan: 'ODB_Plan_DB.xml'
adapter_plan_dir: "/opt/weblogic/middleware"
adapter_plan: 'Plan_DB.xml'
And I need to transform this into an array like this, noting duplicates are removed:
[/opt/weblogic/middleware/Plan_DB.xml, /opt/weblogic/middleware/ODB_Plan_DB.xml]
I know I have to use Puppet's map but I am really struggling with it.
I tried this:
$resource_adapter_instances = hiera('resource_adapter_instances', {})
$resource_adapter_paths = $ |$h|{$h['adapter_plan_dir']},{$h['adapter_plan']}.join('/').uniq
But that doesn't work, and emits syntax errors. How do I do this?
You are on the right track. A possible solution is as follows:
$resource_adapter_instances = lookup('resource_adapter_instances', {})
$resource_adapter_paths =
$ |$x| {
[$x[1]['adapter_plan_dir'], $x[1]['adapter_plan']].join('/')
A few further notes:
The hiera function is deprecated so I rewrote using lookup and you should too.
Puppet's map function can be a little confusing - especially if you need to iterate with it through a nested Hash, as in your case. On each iteration, Puppet passes each key and value pair as an array in the form [key, value]. Thus, $x[0] gets your Hash key (Adp1 etc) and $x[1] gets the data on the right hand side.
Puppet's unique function is not uniq as in Bash, Ruby etc but actually is spelt out as unique.
Note I've rewritten it without the massively long lines. It's much easier to read.
If you puppet apply that you'll get:
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): [/opt/weblogic/middleware/Plan_DB.xml,

formatting text output in terminals

I'm currently writing a command line tool for myself, that needs to print some information on the terminal. I'm a little annoyed of the whole formatting. Here is my example.
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt = '%(message)s')
console_logger = logging.getLogger("console_logger")
console_logger_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
console_logger.propagate = False
here goes some further code and then I have the printing function
for element in open_orders:"Type: {}, Rate: {}, amount: {}, state: {}, pair: {}/{}, creation: {}, id: {}".format(element.type,
I rather would like to have this as a column where the output is aligned at the colon. after each element a line of underscores or minusses would be nice as well, this should respect terminal width. I know this can be hardcoded in some manner, but isn't there a better way? Some kind of templating engine that can handle multiline output?
So here is an example:
Type : buy
Rate : 1234
amount : 1
state : active
pair : usd/eur
creation : 2017.12.12
I know this can be printed line by line with format but I need to determine the length of the longest string on my own and I was wondering if there isn a framework or something more elegant doing this for me.
id : 123456
Use format, add with your data :
for element in open_orders:"Type: {:25s}, Rate: {:25s}, amount: {:07.2f}, state: {:25s}, pair: {:25s}/{:25s}, creation: {:25s}, id: {:25s}".format(element.type,
You can also visit this site :
In addition, you could try to use Colorama.
You have to install it, tipically, from pypi.
It allows you to handle cursor positioning, so you can control in which position at the screen (terminal) you want to print data, using "coordinates". Also, you can apply colors to text, which could give you a cleaner and prettier look if you want to.
So what I finally found which helps a lot at least in case of lists and formatting of them is this

Updating a single field in a record with Haskell #

I need to update one field of a very large default record.
As the default may change I don't want to rebuild the entire record manually.
Now I have come across the following way of doing this, but I am not sure how it works:
unaggregate :: MyResult -> MyResult
unaggregate calc#MyResult{..} = calc{ the_defaults = the_override
`mappend` the_defaults }
the_override = create ("aggregation" := False)
I have tried searching for 'Haskell # operator' in Google but it does not return immediately useful information.
I saw somewhere calc#MyResult{..} does pattern matching on variables but I don't see what variable calc does for the MyResult record...
Also I have looked up mappend (and Monoids) and I am not sure how these work either...
Thank you for any help
The # symbol is called an "as-pattern". In the example above, you can use calc to mean the whole record. Usually you'd use it like this: calc#(MyResult someResult) -- so you can have both the whole thing and the pieces that you're matching. You can do the same thing with lists (myList#(myHead:myTail)) or tuples (myTuple#(myFst, mySnd). It's pretty handy!
MyResult{..} uses RecordWildcards. Which is a neat extension! BUT RecordWildcards doesn't help you update just one field of a record.
You can do this instead: calc { theFieldYouWantToUpdate = somethingNew }.

Vim: Adding automatic alphabetic and/or numeric index to current file name?

I want to implement a loose version of Niklas Luhmann's
in Vim. At the core of his method are note snippets that Continue the current
note or Brahch off from it, introducing a slightly different topic or
concept. In the note name, letters indicate branches and numerals
indicate continuations. Like so:
note101a # branches off from note100 (related topic)
note101b # also branches off from note100 (related topic)
note101b01 # continues note101b (same topic)
note101b02 # also continues note101b (same topic)
To implement this in Vim, I need new file
names that are automatically enumerated either as a "continuation" or
a "branch" of the note in current buffer. As a non-coder making first "real" steps in Vimscript, this is where I'm at with the Branching Note function:
function! ZettelkastenNewBranchingNote()
let b:current_note_name = expand('%:t:r')
let b:new_branching_note = call(BranchingFunctionThatReturnsNewNoteName)
silent execute 'edit' b:new_branching_note
echomsg 'New branching note ' b:new_branching_note 'created.'
The BranchingFunctionThatReturnsNewNoteName() should take
b:current_note_name and extend it with automatic alphabetical(!)
index (counting alphabetically upwards). How could I accomplish this?
Also, for my New Continued Note function: how could I numerically
count upwards from the last numeric part of the current file name? (E.g. 100a01 > 100a02.)
Thanks for any advice!
(Somewhat relatedly, here
the Nexus plugin is suggested, but I'd prefer to keep my script
You provide a great deal of context (which is great), but are light on the needed algorithm. To me, it looks like this: If the current file ends with a letter, increase it, else (it's a number), append an a to start the alphabetical sequence.
Checks are done in Vim with regular expressions; \a is a short form for [A-Za-z] (you could also write [[:alpha:]]; yes it's that flexible), and $ anchors it to the end of the name:
if b:current_note_name =~ '\a$'
Extract the last character with matchstr().
let lastAlpha = matchstr(b:current_note_name, '\a$')
if lastAlpha ==? 'z'
" TODO: Handle overflow
To "increase" an alphabetical character, convert it first to a number, increase, then back:
let newAlpha = nr2char(char2nr(lastAlpha) + 1)
To replace, you use substitute(), again with the same regexp.
let b:new_branching_note = substitute(b:current_note_name, '\a$', newAlpha, '')
Appending is simple:
let b:new_branching_note = b:current_note_name . 'a'

How do I use a map in combination with search matches?

How do I use a map on every match found after a search?
I have created various functions which I invoke using a map.
I would like to use the maps on every search matches found.
If I search for dates in my text, how would I apply a i/v/nmap on every search-match found?
something like this?
%s/search-pattern/=\normal mode map/g
%s/search-pattern/=\insert mode map/g
Is it possible also to combine maps?
Hope I made myself clear.
Vim is quite powerful, and I suspect insert mode/normal mode maps are not the most convenient approach here.
Some idioms that may get you started:
Edit: I've built on your earlier question (
How do I visual select a calculation backwards?
) and provided a demo, explained in
1. Record a macro:
This will insert 'MyText' at each match position. Now, repeat a hundred times: 100#q
(consider setting :se nowrapscan to avoid restarting from the top).
2. Use :global
:g/somepattern/norm! Aappended<Esc>
will append the text 'appended' to each line containing the search pattern
3. Use smart substitutions:
You can do some 'static' edit actions using replacement patterns:
To transform dd-mm-yyyy into yyyymmdd date stamps.
To do a dynamically evaluated substitution (using vimscript with \= in the replacement expression) you can do virtually anything (including, sending mail or printing a document, if you would really want to):
:%s/\v<DB_\w+>/\=substitute(submatch(0), '\v_?([^_])([^_]*)', '\U\1\L\2', 'g')/g
To transform 'database style' names like
var DB_USER_ID = f();
var DB_USER_LAST_NAME = f();
into 'camel case style names' like:
var DbUserId = f();
var DbUserFirstName = f();
var DbUserLastName = f();
var DbUserHomeAddress = f();
Live demo with expression evaluations
Edit In response to the comment/chat: You can use the approach #1 for this quite easily:
Now you can repeat for all of the document:
:set nowrapscan
If there's only one match in every line, you could use :global instead of :s:
:%g/search-pattern/normal nrX
The :[range]normal positions the cursor at the beginning of the line, therefore the n to go to the first match before the mapping (I use rX as an example). You could write a custom command that would handle all matches in a line, but I would solve your use case with a recursive macro instead:
First, perform the search: /search-pattern, then record a macro containing your mapping, which jumps to the next match at the end: qarXnq. You can now manually apply the macro repeatedly via #a, or make it recursive via qA#aq, or :let #a .= '#a'. Execute this once #a, and it will run until it runs out of matches.
