Using the Intel Fortran Composer XE for Linux under Cygwin - cygwin

I have previously used the GNU FORTRAN compiler gfortran. But since the Intel FORTRAN compiler for Linux is available for personal non-commercial use I decided to give it a try. Is it possible to use it under Cygwin? I wouldn't know where to begin to get it to work, so all help is welcome.

My earlier comment turned into an answer of sorts ...
At first glance an interesting question. But what will you do with the executables that the compiler creates, if you manage to get that far ? I doubt that you will, but if you did you would have a Linux executable on a Windows platform (and cross-compiling for Windows from Linux is not supported by the Intel compiler). Don't forget that Cygwin is not Linux, it's a (DOS/Windows) program that provides Windows users with some of the facilities that Linux provides its users. To run an executable from the Cygwin command line the executable must have been built for DOS/Windows.
You might, and I have no experience either way, get further installing a Linux VM on your Windows PC and installing the compiler on the VM. You're still not going to get Windows executables out of a Linux compiler, but you would get, if success greeted you, executables running under the VM.


Labview .VI application from Window to Linux application

Due to now I just finish my application .VI and compile .exe (Windows with Labview).
Then if I want to take my application from windows to linux. And running on linux without MONO or Wine. Because I want to interface with NI-6008.
How can I do?(Step by step)
Please help me. Thank You.
AFAIK, LabVIEW does not offer Windows->Linux cross-compilation e.g. see here. So you must have a licensed and installed version of LabVIEW for Linux. Then you move the project files (or just the VI file) and build it anew in Linux.
If you have the NI LabWindows™/CVI™ Run-Time Module for Linux, you use a Windows machine to compile to supported Linux distributions.

How do I run Intel Fortran Composer XE after installing it?

I installed the Intel Fortran Composer XE from this link on my Debian Linux system, which includes the Intel Fortran Compiler. I installed it to opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080, but now I'm not sure how to run it. I followed the instructions in this question to install the environment variables, but now I'm trying to run the IDE.
Does Intel Fortran on Linux not come with an IDE? On Windows everyone talks about integrating it with Visual Studio, so do I need to integrate it with Eclipse (somehow?), or what? Can someone point me to resources telling me about this? I don't see information anywhere, so I feel like... I'm just supposed to know and that this is a really stupid question. What is the composer if not an IDE? Is the composer different from the compiler?
You need to source two files into your environment (and possibly specify your architecture)
source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080/bin/ intel64
source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080/bin/ intel64
To find out what architectures are supported run
without any arguments
You can create a file named /etc/profile.d/, and insert these lines into it. after editing you should log out and log in back again, then try
which icc
which ifort
To see if your environment knows the correct location of everything
If you cannot edit files under /etc (no super user privileges), just add these two 'source' lines into your ~/.bashrc, then log out and log in again
Just put source to jour .profile or /etc/profile.d. No need to create symlinks for everything.
As to IDE, there is no own IDE in Intel Composer. People even don't use IDE's that much on Linux, when they are used to vi, emacs, kate or whatever.
Intel Parallel Studio comes with eclipse plug-in for C++, but not for Fortran. You may use Photran as a Fortran Eclipse plugin.
In response to Part A about using ifort, you need to create a symbolic link to ifort:
ln -s path/to/ifort /usr/bin/ifort
Then you should be able to just type ifort code.f90 into your terminal and have an executable.
As to Part B about an IDE: my $0.02 is that they as a whole are a dime a dozen. I usually use a text editor or terminal (I'm a nano user). I don't know squat about Intel's IDE, but Steve Lionel has been hanging around SO lately, so he might be able to better serve you on this note.
Here's an excellent article by Intel on Using Intel® C++ Compiler with the Eclipse* IDE on Linux*. Hope this helps. I'm amazed people think they can get by with no debugger on Linux. They must be writing some very flat, mono-threaded code. Also, here's a good expose on the features of the debugger. It's about time SOMEBODY went beyond GDB and provided a reasonable debugging environment in Linux. Intel® Debugger for Linux* (IDB)

Generate Linux executable on QtCreator

I'm working under Windows and I'm looking for a simple solution that could make me able to cross compile for both Windows and Linux.
I've found this topic :
But the reference of the answer is broken and I don't understand it very well.
I'm using QtCreator and what I want is a kit with something that gives me a Windows executable and another kit with which I would have a executable for Linux.
So far I've been using the Visual Studio compiler MSVC on one kit. That gives me a compilation for Windows.
I'm using MinGW with GCC on another kit. I hoped it could give me a Linux executable. But this gives me a Windows executable too.
How can I get a compiler that could work under QtCreator on Windows and generate Linux executable ?
I've found a solution a long time ago so I'm posting it. Maybe it could be useful.
I've used Cygwin and Crosstools. This makes me able to cross-compile for Linux while being under Windows.

NSIS support for Linux and Solaris

Does NSIS support Linux and Solaris? I read somewhere that we can compile nsis script on Linux but cant execute the .exe generated on any other platforms but Windows. Can somebody put more light in this?
See the NSIS feature list for more information ...
Portable Compiler
The NSIS compiler can be compiled for POSIX platforms like
Linux and *BSD. Generated installer
will still run on Windows only, but
this way they can be generated without
Windows or WINE.
You can compile installers on POSIX and Windows systems, but it always produces a Win32 PE file that only runs on Windows (And maybe under WINE on *nix)
Check the NSIS manual for more info
The installer systems for Windows and Linux are completely different.
Whereas Windows' only contribution to a software management system is one registry entry pointing to the uninstaller, Linux has a full working software management system. There are apt, yum, pacman and many more out there, which are supporting many more features and possibilities including automatic execution of scripts and pulling in/installing dependencies. If you have a cross platform application you wanna share, you're either stuck with creating a tar-ball, or you learn how to build deb/rpm etc. packages.
Linux and Windows are not binary compatible, so you can't do that.
But, most of the windows binary installer could able to install at WINE

Building Solaris packages on Linux?

One of our projects is a cross-platform piece of code. We build it on Windows, Linux, and Solaris/SPARC mostly. Of the 3, we deal with Solaris the least and it's a maintenance pain to keep our SPARC box up and running and in general Solaris administration is not our competency.
A few years back I built a working cross-compiler for SPARC64 on Linux, and that part worked great. What stopped us from going forward was the last part of our build process, which involves building a Solaris package with pkgmk and pkgtrans.
I was never able to find a Linux solution for building pkg files that can be installed on SPARC Solaris -- does anyone know if one exists today?
I have personally used the tools from Heirloom project:
The idea was to cross compile for Sparc on a faster Linux machine and build also the package.
I don't know that anyone has done the work to build it on Linux, but Sun has released the pkgmk sources as part of the OpenSolaris source base.
See for the source to the entire suite of SVR4 pkg* commands, though it may have dependencies on other libraries as well.
