NodeJS getting and passing variables - node.js

I am having some trouble figuring out variables "passing" (I know it's not the right term, I'll explain), given the asynchronous nature of node.js.
Please have a look at the following:
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
if(err) {
throw err;
var solution = rows[0].solution;
res.render('index', { title: solution });
As you can imagine, I am getting a reference error, solution is not defined.
This is because the res.render is done before getting the solution from the mysql server.
How can I make it render the page once the solution is defined? I know it's something really little and stupid and is really at the very core of node, but please help me understand.

The second parameter of the connection.query is your callback which gets run after the database returns. Why not put the res.render line inside the callback? That way the render function isn't called until you have your data ready.
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
if(err) throw err;
var solution = rows[0].solution;
res.render('index', { title: solution });
Callbacks can be a little tricky when you're first getting started with Node. You just have to think out the steps that need to happen and which are async. From there you just need to make sure your callbacks allow the process to continue.


How can I execute queries one after the other and extract value from 1st query and use it in the 2nd using expressJS?"/application_action", function(req,res){
var Employee = req.body.Employee;
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
oauth2 : salesforce_credential.oauth2
var username = salesforce_credential.username;
var password = salesforce_credential.password;
conn.login(username, password, function(err, userInfo, next) {
if (err) { return console.error(err); res.json(false);}
// I want this conn.query to execute first and then conn.sobject
conn.query("SELECT id FROM SFDC_Employee__c WHERE Auth0_Id__c = '" + + "'" , function(err, result) {
if (err) { return console.error(err); }
Employee["Id"] = result.records[0].Id;
//I want this to execute after the execution of above query i.e. conn.query
conn.sobject("SFDC_Emp__c").update(Employee, function(err, ret) {
if (err || !ret.success) { return console.error(err, ret);}
console.log('Updated Successfully : ' +;
I have provided my code above. I need to modify Employee in the conn.query and use it in conn.sobject. I need to make sure that my first query executes before 2nd because I am getting value from 1st and using in the 2nd. Please do let me know if you know how to accomplish this.
New Answer Based on Edit to Question
To execute one query based on the results of the other, you put the second query inside the completion callback of the first like this:"/application_action", function (req, res) {
var Employee = req.body.Employee;
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
oauth2: salesforce_credential.oauth2
var username = salesforce_credential.username;
var password = salesforce_credential.password;
conn.login(username, password, function (err, userInfo, next) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
// I want this conn.query to execute first and then conn.sobject
conn.query("SELECT id FROM SFDC_Employee__c WHERE Auth0_Id__c = '" + + "'", function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
Employee["Id"] = result.records[0].Id;
//I want this to execute after the execution of above query i.e. conn.query
conn.sobject("SFDC_Emp__c").update(Employee, function (err, ret) {
if (err || !ret.success) {
return console.error(err, ret);
console.log('Updated Successfully : ' +;
The only place that the first query results are valid is inside that callback because otherwise, you have no way of knowing when those asynchronous results are actually available and valid.
Please note that your error handling is unfinished since you don't finish the response in any of the error conditions and even in the success case, you have not yet actually sent a response to finish the request.
Original Answer
First off, your code shows a route handler, not middleware. So, if you really intend to ask about middleware, you will have to show your actual middleware. Middleware that does not end the request needs to declare next as an argument and then call it when it is done with it's processing. That's how processing continues after the middleware.
Secondly, your console.log() statements are all going to show undefined because they execute BEFORE the conn.query() callback that contains the code that sets those variables.
conn.query() is an asynchronous operation. It calls its callback sometime IN THE FUTURE. Meanwhile, your console.log() statements execute immediately.
You can see the results of the console.log() by putting the statements inside the conn.query() callback, but that is probably only part of your problem. If you explain what you're really trying to accomplish, then we could probably help with a complete solution. Right now, you're just asking questions about flawed code, but not explaining the higher level problem you're trying to solve so you're making it hard for us to give you the best answer to your actual problem.
app.locals - properties scoped to your app, available to all request handlers.
res.locals - properties scoped to a specific request, available only to middleware or request handlers involved in processing this specific request/response.
req.locals - I can't find any documentation on this in Express or HTTP module. There is discussion of this as basically serving the same purpose as res.locals, though it is not documented.
Other relevants answers:
req.locals vs. res.locals vs. vs. vs. app.locals in Express middleware
Express.js: app.locals vs req.locals vs req.session
You miss the basics of the asynchronous flow in javascript. All the callbacks are set to the end of event loop, so the callback of the conn.query will be executed after console.logs from the outside. Here is a good article where the the basic concepts of asynchronous programming in JavaScript are explained.

Set variable equal to mongodb key value

var userLat = db.collection('users', function (err, document){
document.findOne({_id: loggedUserID}, function(err, docs) {
This is my code, I'm trying to get the value that's console logged into the variable. I just can't find the correct syntax to do this. The console log does return the correct value just need to drop it into the variable. Grateful for some help.
What do you want to do with 'docs.currentUserLat'?
You can do what you need to do without saving docs.currentUserLat to a variable that has scope outside of your db.collection call. Some examples:
If you simply want to change the document in your database, take advantage of the many methods specified in the Collections API: For example, to update the document and simultaneously resave it in the database:
db.collection('users', function (err, document){
document.findOneAndUpdate({_id: loggedUserID},
{currentUserLat: [updated value]},
function(err, docs) {
if(err) console.log(err);
If you just wanted to use docs.currentUserLat inside some node function, you'll need to properly nest the document.findOne function inside a callback (or vice versa). For example, to write currentUserLat to a file using the fs module:
var fs = require('fs');
db.collection('users', function (err, document){
document.findOne({_id: loggedUserID}, function(err, docs) {
fs.writeFile("pathToYourFile", docs.currentUserLat, function(err) {
if(err) {return console.log(err);}
Or, if you want to send it in response to a simple http request:
var http = require('http');
db.collection('users', function (err, document){
document.findOne({_id: loggedUserID}, function(err, docs) {
The key thing to remember is what JohnnyHK said in their comment: docs.currentUserLat is only available inside the anonymous function passed to findOne. So, whatever it is that you need to do, do it inside this function.
(Reading the link JohnnyHK provided is a great way to get started with understanding asynchronous functions in Node. Another is
First of all you have to understand how javascript callback works. After that you will see that nothing assigns docs.currentUserLat to your userLat variable. The reason behind this is that your docs.currentUserLat is available only inside the callback. Think about it in the following way:
You program started to execute and encountered the line: var userLat = .... This line tells: do a callback (which basically asks someone else to do the job), your while your job is being executed the program continues, by assigning userLat to undefined and executes further. Then at some period of time callback finishes and console.log your docs.currentUserLat.
One way to have the desired behavior is to make userLat global and instead of console.log(docs.currentUserLat); do userLat = docs.currentUserLat. The problem that if you will do this, your userLat eventually will have the desired value (if callback will not fail), but you can not predict when. So if you will do
var userLat = db.collection('users', function (err, document){ ... });
.. some other code
you will not be sure that you will get the output. Another way to do put everything in another callback.

Is there a way to overcome the callback if(err) boilerplate in Node.js?

As your project grows, we started to have this much appreciated, defensive code snippet pretty much everywhere :
func(err, result){
console.log('An error occurred!, #myModule :' + err);
return callback(err);
//then the rest..
A quick google search reveals some libs that attempt to overcome this common concern, e.g.
But what is the best approach to minimize the boilerplate coding without compromising the early error handling mechanism we have?
There are a couple of ways you can help to alleviate this issue, both use external modules.
Firstly, and my preferred method, is to use async, and in particular, async.series, async.parallel or async.waterfall. Each of these methods will skip straight to the last function if an error occurs in any of your async calls, thus preventing the splattering of if(err) conditions throughout your callbacks.
For example:
function(cb) {
function(result, cb) {
doSomethingAsyncWithResult(result, cb);
], function(err, result) {
if(err) {
// Handle error - could have come from any of the above function blocks
} else {
// Do something with overall result
The other option is to use a promise library, such as q. This has a function Q.denodeify to help you wrap callback-style code into promise-style. With promises, you use .then., .catch and .done:
var qSomeAsyncOperation = Q.denodeify(someAsyncOperation);
var qDoSomethingAsyncWithResult = Q.denodeify(doSomethingAsyncWithResult);
.done(function(result) {
// Do something with overall result
}, function(err) {
// Handle error - could have come from any of the above function blocks
I prefer using async because it is easier to understand what is going on, and it is closer to the true callback-style that node.js has adopted.

Refactoring mongoose queries

I been using mongoose a consider amount and I cant seem to get around "callback hell" and polluting my queries with error treatments.
For example here is a route I have:
var homePage = function(req, res) {
var companyUrl = buildingId =
.findOne({ companyUrl: companyUrl })
.exec(function (err, doc) {
if (err)
return HandleError(req, res, err)
if( !doc )
return NoResult(req, res, {msg: 'Aint there'})
.find({ propertyManager: })
.exec(function (err, rentals) {
if (err)
return HandleError(req, res, err)
if( !doc )
return NoResult(req, res, {msg: 'Aint there'})
var data = doc.toJSON() = rentals
res.render('homePage', data)
my question: is there a more succinct way of writing this?
So perhaps what you have above is just a small example, but it doesn't appear to me that there's too much "callback hell" going on in your code (in my opinion). However, you can certainly refactor your code. Just know in doing so you can make it more difficult to understand or follow from a maintenance perspective.
One thing you can do is simply refactor your database layer. If you always find yourself querying one collection and then turning right around and querying another, you could consider merging those collections, or at least the documents that you're looking for. In a relational database you might separate out these tables and do merges, however in a document-based database, it sometimes makes more sense to combine the data within each document. This allows for easier queries and simpler logic in your code.
Another solution is to refactor your calls into separate functions, and control the flow in a different way. A popular library to help with this is async which provides many helper functions to assist in the asynchronous world of JavaScript. There are many to choose from, but one suggestion would be to use the waterfall function for your situation (since each call must be made before the next). It would then look something like this:
findCompany(companyUrl, callback);
function(id, callback){
findPropertyManager(id, callback);
], function (err, rentals) {
You would still need to handle the errors in each function, but you could even refactor that out into a helper function. Furthermore, you could choose to code up something yourself to help with the control flow rather than using async.
But again, the code you showed above is understandable and readable, and only contains a couple inline callbacks. In this way, there's a lot less going on and may make debugging it later (if things go wrong) easier.

'Condtions hell' in node js

I have two layers in my application(express), first is module with function which is handling database queries, fs , and so on. Second is handling requests(also known as controller/route). I just tired of all this conditions.
Sample code:
exports.updateImage = function(image, userId, callback) {
fs.readFile(image.path, function (err, imageBinary) {
if (err) callback(err);
else {
pg.connect(conString, function(err, client, done) {
if (err) callback(err);
else {
client.query('UPDATE images SET data=$1, filesize=$2, filename=$3 WHERE user_id=$4', [imageBinary, image.size, image.originalFilename, userId], function(err) {
if (err) callback(err);
else callback(null);
As you can see, I callback all my errors to my controller, then it handled as internal server error. I handle database, file system possible errors, and there is too much repetitions in my code. I suppose it is bad design, and it hard to support in production. Please help me.
When you say "tired of all these conditions" I assume you're talking about all the nested callbacks and the "march off the right side of the screen" that results from that kind of directly nested callbacks? If I'm assuming incorrectly please clarify your question and I'll delete everything I'm about to write as not related. :-)
One cheap way to avoid the else structure is to instead of doing
if(err) callback(err);
else { ... stuff ... }
is to do this:
if(err) return callback(err);
Note the return: that causes execution of your function to end, nobody cares about the return values from a callback so they just get ignored. So that potentially gets rid of a layer of braces and elses.
To handle this better in general, you'll want to look at some sort of async helpers. There's three general categories of these things:
Helper libraries that manage the sequencing of multiple callbacks,
Promises, which let you represent async operations as objects, or
Language support to hide the details.
Examples of the three different types of libraries include step, flow, or async as helper libraries, for promises there's Q or when.js, and for language support look at streamline.
For more details, I did a presentation on exactly this topic about a year ago; the slides are here are there's a recording of the presentation as well.
