How to position and delay the tooltipDialog in Extension Library - dialog

I am using the tooltipDialog from extlib and want to position the tooltip to the left and right instead of the default which seem to be below.
any idea how to do this?
== Update ==
Found the following code in extlib
so I tried a few different options, but could not get it to work
XSP.openTooltipDialog = function xe_otd(dialogId,_for,options,params) {
var created = false
var dlg = dijit.byId(dialogId)
if(!dlg) {
options = dojo.mixin({dojoType:"extlib.dijit.TooltipDialog"},options)
dlg = dijit.byId(dialogId)
created = true;
} else {
if(dlg.keepComponents) {{
popup: dlg,
around: dojo.byId(_for)
if(created) {
dojo.connect(dlg, 'onBlur', function(){
dlg.attr("content", "<div id='"+dialogId+":_content'></div>");
var onComplete = function() {{
popup: dlg,
around: dojo.byId(_for)
var axOptions = {
"params": dojo.mixin({'$$showdialog':true,'$$created':created},params),
"onComplete": onComplete,
"formId": dialogId
btw: I also need to set the showDelay
also found these usefull links

I think you need to set the following dojo attribute:
<xp:dojoAttribute name="data-dojo-props" value="position:['before']">

Atleast in dojo-1.8.1,{
popup: dlg,
around: node,
orient: ["after-centered"]
places the ToolTipDialog to right of node.

The "position" attribute of the tooltip control supports values of "above", "below", "left", and "right".


noUISlider - How to destroy the noUiSlider without deleting the element?

I have an element in my HTML and it has some HTML inside it. I am converting that to noUISlider at the click of a button (Start Slider). There is another button to hide the slider (Hide Slider). I want to hide the slider but keep the and also the HTML inside it. I am trying the slider.nouislider.destroy(); but it deletes the element completely.
Any help on this is appreciated.
Thank you.
Okay, this is what I did and it worked for me. Hopefully, it could be helpful to someone or if there is a better way to do this, please let me know.
My HTML is
<div class="sliderContainer" id="slider">some HTML code</div>
And My JS code is
var sliderActive = false;
function createSlider() {
if (!sliderActive) {
sliderActive = true;
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: [360, 1080],
connect: true,
step: 15,
behaviour: 'drag',
tooltips: [
to: function (value) {
return processValue(value);
from: function (value) {
return processValue(value);
to: function (value) {
return processValue(value);
from: function (value) {
return processValue(value);
range: {
'min': 0,
'max': 1440,
function destroySlider() {
sliderActive = false;
$('.sliderContainer').attr('class', 'sliderContainer');
delete slider.noUiSlider;
slider = document.getElementById('slider');
Thank you.

AddEventListener to SharePoint Modal window, so that parent window can execute a function, declared inside the Modal

The following code, included in $(document).ready of the modal window, does not work. Apparently the iframe of the SharePoint modal window has not yet been loaded into DOM, when the addEventListener fires out.
What would be the correct approach to handle this?
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if( == "openpi");{
Thank you!
There is dialogReturnValueCallback option in SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog, you could get the value from dialog and then used in parent window.
<script type="text/javascript">
//******** Dialog with Data from Pop Up Starts Here ***********/
function openDialogAndReceiveData(tUrl, tTitle) {
var options = {
url: tUrl,
title: tTitle,
dialogReturnValueCallback: onPopUpCloseCallBackWithData
function onPopUpCloseCallBackWithData(result, returnValue) {
if(result== SP.UI.DialogResult.OK)
var sId = SP.UI.Status.addStatus("Data successfully populated to text boxes from Pop-up");
SP.UI.Status.setStatusPriColor(sId, 'green');
document.getElementById('<%= txtData1.ClientID %>').value = returnValue[0];
document.getElementById('<%= txtData2.ClientID %>').value = returnValue[1];
}else if(result== SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel)
var sId = SP.UI.Status.addStatus("You have cancelled the Operation !!!");
SP.UI.Status.setStatusPriColor(sId, 'yellow');
//******** Dialog with Data from Pop Up Ends Here ***********/
Check here for details

select2 plugin works fine when not inside a jquery modal dialog

I am using select2 plugin inside a jquery dialog but in does not work. When dropping down, the focus moves to the input control but immediately get out from it,not allowing me to type anything.
This is the HTML:
<div id="asignar_servicio" title="Asignar servicios a usuarios">
<input type="hidden" class="bigdrop" id="a_per_id" />
And this is the javascript code:
$( "#asignar_servicio" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 500,
width: 450,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Cancelar": function () {
placeholder: "Busque un funcionario",
width: 400,
minimumInputLength: 4,
ajax: {
url: "#Url.Action("Search", "Personal")",
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
q: term,
page_limit: 10,
results: function (data, page) {
return { results: data.results };
}).on("change", function (e) {
var texto = $('lista_personal_text').val().replace(/ /g, '');
if (texto != '')
texto += ',';
texto += e.added.text;
var ids = $('lista_personal_id').val().replace(/ /g, '');
if (ids != '')
ids += ',';
ids +=;
I have this same code in other page and it works.
Any help will be appreciated,
jstuardo's link is good, but there's a lot to sift through on that page. Here's the code you need:
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(e) {
return !!$('.ui-dialog, .ui-datepicker, .select2-drop').length;
Just add it next to wherever you are setting the select2 drop down.
An easy way:
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function (e) {
return true;
add this after whereever you set select2
Or try this from:
Select2 doesn't work when embedded in a bootstrap modal
Remove tabindex="-1" from the modal div
I have found this workaround.
There's a new version of the fix for select2 4.0 from the github issue thread about this problem:
if ($.ui && $.ui.dialog && $.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction) {
var ui_dialog_interaction = $.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(e) {
if ($('.select2-dropdown').length) return true;
return ui_dialog_interaction.apply(this, arguments);
Just run this before any modal dialogs that will have select2 in them are created.
JSFiddle of this fix in action
The best solution I found was just making the dialog not be a modal dialog by removing modal:true. Once you do this the page will function as desired.
After a while of battling with this I found another option that allows you to keep the dialog as a modal. If you modify the css for select2 to something like the following:
.select2-drop {
z-index: 1013;
.select2-results {
z-index: 999;
.select2-result {
z-index: 1010;
keep in mind that this works however if you open a lot of dialogs on the same page it will eventually exceed the z-index specified, however in my use case these numbers got the job done.
Not enough reputation to comment on a previous post, but I wanted to add this bit of code:
title: "Create Dialog",
height: 410,
width: 530,
resizable: false,
draggable: false,
closeOnEscape: false,
//in order for select2 search to work "modal: true" cannot be present.
//modal: true,
position: "center",
open: function () { },
close: function () { $(this).dialog("distroy").remove(); }
Updating to the newer version of JQuery and Select2 is not an option in our application at this time. (using JQueryUI v1.8 and Select2 v1)
Add this after your select2() declaration.
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function (e) {
return !!$('.ui-dialog, .ui-datepicker, .select2-dropdown').length;
I've used the following fix with success:
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
var that = this;
$(document).on('focusin.modal', function (e) {
if ($('select2-input')) {
return true;
if (that.$element[0] !== && !that.$element.has( {
I could fix this by removing the option: 'modal: true' from the dialog options.
It worked fine.
For anyone stumpling upon this with Select2 v4.0.12
I was using the Select2 option dropdownParent
i set the dropDownParent value, and still had the issue.
dropdownParent: $("#ReportFilterDialog")
What fixed it for me, was setting the value to, to select the outer layer of the modal dialog:
dropdownParent: $("#ReportFilterDialog").parent()

AngularJS : How to say to a directive to clone scope?

I have this fiddle, and can not make this work. I believe that the reason resides in that two li elements with a custom directive edit-in-place share scope.
The solution would be to say to the directive to create a copy of the scope that binds on the parent - can transclude help?
angular.module('bla', [])
.directive('editInPlace', ['$parse','$compile', function($parse, $compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
link: function (scope, element, attribs) {
var inputStart = '<input style="border: 2 solid black" name="inPlaceInput" style="display:none" value="';
var inputEnd = '">';
scope.editModeAccessor = $parse(attribs.editInPlace);
scope.modelAccessor = $parse(attribs.ngBind);
scope.$watch(attribs.editInPlace, function(newValue, oldValue){
if (newValue){
console.debug("value: " + scope.modelAccessor(scope));
var inputHtml = inputStart + scope.modelAccessor(scope) + inputEnd;
scope.inputElement = jQuery("input[name=inPlaceInput]");;
scope.inputElement.bind("blur", function() {
} else {
function blur(){
console.debug("blur secondary");
if (scope.inputElement){
console.debug("blur secondary inputElement found");
var value = scope.inputElement.val();
console.debug("input value: "+ value);
scope.editModeAccessor.assign(scope, false);
scope.modelAccessor.assign(scope, value);
function ContactsCtrl($scope, $timeout){
$scope.contacts = [{number:'+25480989333', name:'sharon'},{number:'+42079872232', name:''}];
$scope.editMode = false;
var editedId;
$scope.edit = function(id){
$scope.editMode = true;
editedId = id;
//TODO show delete button
$scope.$watch('editMode', function(newValue, oldValue){
if (!newValue && editedId){
<div ng-app="bla">
<div ng-controller="ContactsCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
<span edit-in-place="editMode" ng-bind="contact.number"></span>
<span edit-in-place="editMode" ng-bind=""></span>
<span id="{{$index}}" ng-click="edit($index)"><i class="icon-edit">CLICKtoEDIT</i></span>
I think cloning the scope is not the best solution.
When creating a directive in angular, you should encapsulate all the functionality within the directive. You should also avoid mixing jQuery in when you don't have to. Most of the time (as in this case) you're just introducing unnecessary complexity. Lastly, classes are the best way of controlling display, rather than the style attribute on an element.
I took the liberty of rewriting your directive in a more "angular" way - with no jQuery. As you can see from the updated jsFiddle, it is simpler and cleaner. Also, it works!
This directive can be easily modified to add lots of additional awesome functionality.
app.directive( 'editInPlace', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { value: '=' },
template: '<span ng-click="edit()" ng-bind="value"></span><input ng-model="value"></input>',
link: function ( $scope, element, attrs ) {
// Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.
var inputElement = angular.element( element.children()[1] );
// This directive should have a set class so we can style it.
element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );
// Initially, we're not editing.
$scope.editing = false;
// ng-click handler to activate edit-in-place
$scope.edit = function () {
$scope.editing = true;
// We control display through a class on the directive itself. See the CSS.
element.addClass( 'active' );
// And we must focus the element.
// `angular.element()` provides a chainable array, like jQuery so to access a native DOM function,
// we have to reference the first element in the array.
// When we leave the input, we're done editing.
inputElement.prop( 'onblur', function() {
$scope.editing = false;
element.removeClass( 'active' );

Backbone events applied to an el that is an svg element

I have an SVG canvas with text that I would like to respond to clicks. The code below isn't getting the job done:
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName : "text",
events : {
"click" : "clickhandler"
initialize : function() {
this.centerX = this.options.centerX;
this.centerY = this.options.centerY;
this.svg = this.options.svg;
this.tagText = this.model.get("tag_name");
clickhandler : function(event) {
console.log("I was clicked!"); //This is not firing on click
render : function() {
this.el = this.svg.text(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.tagText, {});
return this;
This is being called in the render function of another view as such :
onLoad : function(svg) {
for ( var i = 1; i < that.relatedTags.length; i++) {
tagView = new MyView({
model :,
centerX : 100,
centerY : 200,
svg : svg
It shows up just fine and if I throw this in at the end of the for loop :
$(tagView.el).click(function() {
Then the clicking works but I need to access the Backbone Model associated with the view so I'd much prefer the backbone event to a straight JQuery event.
The problem here is, that you set the element of the view in the render method. But backbone tries to add the events on initialization. So when backbone tries to add the events there is no element in you case. So either you have to start your view with your svg text, or you add the events by hand in your render method.
Maybe you can add the events on the svg itself and jquery is clever enough to handle the delegation. But I'm not sure in this case.
