Clean string with just specified value PHP? - string

I have this in PHP
I want new string like this
But i have more string similar
And new string
The value of letters at beggining is always the same, and i always need new string with same letters count, is posible to do that?
Txanks in advance

If you want to cut the string you should take a look on substr.
You can then cut the unneeded parts:
echo substr($string, 22, 9); // returns 'iwantthis'
Update because of your comment:
You can also split a string by a delimiter (here: with explode). E.g.
$string = "";
$parts = explode("/", $string);
echo $parts[1]; // prints 24076588
Or even nicer. Just extracting the numeric id from the URL with a regular expression using preg_match_all:
$string = "";
preg_match_all('/[\d]+/i',$string, $result);
This prints out
[0] => Array
[0] => 24076588


after trimming a string in php the string length is same is showing

$a=" just wait ";
echo "Before trimming string length=".strlen($a)."<br>";
echo trim($a)."<br>";
echo "After trimming string length=".strlen($a);
String length is same after trim a string. please help to me.
I tried number of times but not getting the correct output
You are not setting the value of $a when you trim it. See below
$a=" just wait ";
echo "Before trimming string length=".strlen($a)."<br>";
$a = trim($a)."<br>";
echo "After trimming string length=".strlen($a);

php strips [[:char_class:]] from the string

When concatenating mysql regex character classes in php they disappear from the resulting string i.e.:
$regexp_arr = array('(word1)', '(word2)');
$value = 'word3';
$regexp_str = implode('[[:space:]]', $regexp_arr);
$v1 = '[[:<:]](' . $value . ')';
echo $regexp_str;
// gives
// instead of
echo $v1;
// gives
//instead of
I've tried with double quotation marks ", the result still the same.
Is there a special way to concatenate this in php? Why are the '[[:char_class:]]' getting stripped?
server php version is 5.6.36
In MODX, [[ and ]] are special characters used to indicate they are tags MODX needs to process. Even when you echo or retrieve it from the database, MODX will process them when rendering.
For debugging, you can follow-up your echo with an exit().
echo $regexp_str;
That short-circuits MODX and gives you the actual value of the string including the square brackets.
If you want the value to be visible in a MODX-rendered resource or template, then you'll have to replace them with their html entities first:
$regexp_str = str_replace(['[',']'], ['[', ']'], $regexp_str);

Perl - Searching values in a log file and store/print them as a string.

I would like to search values after a specific word (Current Value = ) in a log file, and makes a string with values.
vcs_output.log: a log file
** Fault injection **
Count = 1533
0: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rcc_data_e[6]
0: Current value = x
1: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs3_data_e[51]
1: Current value = x
2: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs1_data_e[3]
2: Current value = 1
3: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.shft_alu_shift_out_e[18]
3: Current value = 0
4: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs3_data_e[17]
4: Current value = x
5: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs1_data_e[43]
5: Current value = 0
6: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rcc_data_e[38]
6: Current value = x
7: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs2_data_e_l[30]
7: Current value = 1
If I store values after "Current value = ", then x,x,1,0,x,0,x,1. I ultimately save/print them as a string such as xx10x0x1.
Here is my code
use strict;
use warnings;
##### Read input
open ( my $input_fh, '<', 'vcs_output.log' ) or die $!;
chomp ( my #input = <$input_fh> );
my $i=0;
my #arr;
while (#input) {
if (/Current value = /)
$arr[i]= $input; # put the matched value to array
## make a string from the array using an additional loop
close ( $input_fh );
I think there is a way to make a string in one loop (or even not using a loop). Please advise me to make it. Any suggestion is appreciated.
You can do both that you ask for.
To build a string directly, just append to it what you capture in the regex
my $string;
while (<$input_fh>)
my ($val) = /Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/;
$string .= $val;
If the match fails then $val is an empty string, so we don't have to test. You can also write the whole while loop in one line
$string .= (/Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/)[0] while <$input_fh>;
but I don't see why that would be necessary. Note that this reads from the filehandle, and line by line. There is no reason to first read all lines into an array.
To avoid (explicit) looping, you can read all lines and pass them through map, naively as
my $string = join '',
map { (/Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/) ? $1 : () } <$input_fh>;
Since map needs a list, the filehandle is in list context, returning the list of all lines in the file. Then each is processed by code in map's block, and its output list is then joined.
The trick map { ($test) ? $val : () } uses map to also do grep's job, to filter -- the empty list that is returned if $test fails is flattened into the output list, thus disappearing. The "test" here is the regex match, which in the scalar context returns true/false, while the capture sets $1.
But, like above, we can return the first element of the list that match returns, instead of testing whether the match was successful. And since we are in map we can in fact return the "whole" list
my $string = join '',
map { /Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/ } <$input_fh>;
what may be clearer here.
Comments on the code in the question
the while (#input) is an infinite loop, since #input never gets depleted. You'd need foreach (#input) -- but better just read the filehandle, while (<$input_fh>)
your regex does match on a line with that string, but it doesn't attempt to match the pattern that you need (what follows =). Once you add that, it need be captured as well, by ()
you can assign to the i-th element (which should be $i) but then you'd have to increment $i as you go. Most of the time it is better to just push #array, $value
You can use capturing parentheses to grab the string you want:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #arr;
open ( my $input_fh, '<', 'vcs_output.log' ) or die $!;
while (<$input_fh>) {
if (/Current value = (.)/) {
push #arr, $1;
close ( $input_fh );
print "#arr\n";
x x 1 0 x 0 x 1
Use grep and perlre
If on a non-Unix environment then...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open (my $fh, '<', "vcs_output.log");
chomp (my #lines = <$fh>);
# Filter for lines which contain string 'Current value'
#lines = grep{/Current value/} #lines;
# Substitute out what we don't want... leaving us with the 'xx10x0x1'
#lines = map { $_ =~ s/.*Current value = //;$_} #lines;
my $str = join('', #lines);
print $str;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $output = `grep "Current value" vcs_output.log | sed 's/.*Current value = //'`;
$output =~ s/\n//g;
print $output;

Perl: Transfer substring positions between two strings

I'm writing a Perl programm and I've got the following problem:
I have a large list of start and end positions in a string. This positions correspond to substrings in this string. I now want to transfer this positions to a second string. This second string is identical to the first string, except that it has additional hyphen.
Example for original String: "ABCDEF" and one Substring "BCDE"
What I have:
Positions of substring in this original string: Start = 1, End =
The original string with additional hyphen: "-AB---CD--E-F---"
What I want:
Position of the substring in the hyphen-string: Start=2, End=10
I have a large list of this substring positions.
I strongly suspect that you have shown a reduced version of the problem, in which case any solution may not work for the real situation.
However, it seems simplest to build a regex by interspersing -* (i.e. zero or more hyphens) between characters.
This program works that way, building a regex of B-*C-*D-*E and comparing it to both of your sample strings.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #strings = qw/ ABCDEF -AB---CD--E-F--- /;
my ($start, $end) = (1, 4);
my $substr = substr $strings[0], $start, $end-$start + 1;
my $regex = join '-*', split //, $substr;
$regex = qr/$regex/;
for my $string (#strings) {
if ($string =~ $regex) {
printf "Substring found at %d to %d in string %s\n", $-[0], $+[0]-1, $string;
Substring found at 1 to 4 in string ABCDEF
Substring found at 2 to 10 in string -AB---CD--E-F---
Does this work for you? It just searches for the characters specified by start and end in the hyphenated string and returns their indices.
sub hyphen_substrings {
my $original = shift;
my $hyphenated = shift;
my #substrings = #_;
my #return;
for my $substring (#substrings) {
my ($start, $end) = #{$substring}[0, 1];
my $start_h = index $hyphenated, substr $original, $start, 1;
my $end_h = index $hyphenated, substr $original, $end, 1;
push #return, [$start_h, $end_h];
return #return;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $theStringGivenAsAnInputExample="-AB---CD--E-F---";
my $start=1;
my $end=4;
my $theStringGivenAsAnotherInput="ABCDEF";
my $regexp=join("-*",split("",substr($theStringGivenAsAnotherInput,$start,$end))
$theStringGivenAsAnInputExample =~ /$regexp/p;
print ${^PREMATCH},"\n";
print ${^POSTMATCH},"\n";
print ${^MATCH},"\n";
my $startPosition = length(${^PREMATCH});
my $finishPosition = length(${^PREMATCH})+length(${^MATCH})-1;
print "start, $startPosition finish, $finishPosition\n";

Appending a string variable to a fixed string in Perl

I have a variable that is entered at a prompt:
my $name = <>;
I want to append a fixed string '_one'to this (in a separate variable).
E.g. if $name = Smith then it becomes 'Smith_one'
I have tried several various ways which do not give me the right results, such as:
my $one = "${name}_one";
^ The _one appears on the next line when I print it out and when I use it, the _one is not included at all.
my $one = $name."_one";
^ The '_one' appears at the beginning of the string.
my $end = '_one';
my $one = $name.$end;
my $one = "$name$end";
None of these produce the result I want, so I must be missing something related to how the input is formatted from the prompt, perhaps. Ideas appreciated!
Your problem is unrelated to string appending: When you read a line (e.g. via <>), then the record input separator is included in that string; this is usually a newline \n. To remove the newline, chomp the variable:
my $name = <STDIN>; # better use explicit filehandle unless you know what you are doing
# now $name eq "Smith\n"
chomp $name;
# now $name eq "Smith"
To interpolate a variable into a string, you usually don't need the ${name} syntax you used. These lines will all append _one to your string and create a new string:
"${name}_one" # what you used
"$name\_one" # _ must be escaped, else the variable $name_one would be interpolated
$name . "_one"
sprintf "%s_one", $name
# etc.
And this will append _one to your string and still store it in $name:
$name .= "_one"
