Setting Page.Title from the codebehind of a Sitecore sublayout (user control) doesn't work - user-controls

I'm having an issue setting Page.Title for a page from the codebehind of a usercontrol (sublayout).
We have a layout, MainLayout.aspx. I can set the page title from the codebehind of this page, and it works fine. However, if, after this, I try to set the page title in the codebehind of MySublayout1, the new value is set for the Page.Title property, but the change is not reflected on the page.
I've tried moving the code from the Page_Load to the OnInit events for both the page and the control, but nothing seems to work. Any idea why this doesn't work?

The best approach for this is creating an new rendering or sublayout that renders the -section of your page. So you can set the values in literals or sc:text controls in the sublayout instead of setting only the Page.Title from codebehind.
This way you can set more properties all at once like the meta-keywords and meta-description, based on the current Sitecore Item.

I'd add the following to the layout or sublayout that is in it:
<head runat="server" id="_Head">
<title><sc:FieldRenderer ID="frTitle" runat="server" FieldName="title" /></title>
Also make sure that you call DataBind(); or set Sitecore.Context.State.DataBind to true.

If you want the Sublayout to override the title set in the Layout, you can move the code in the Layout to Page_Init and use Page_Load in your Sublayout.
If that doesn't work, then your Sublayout may have trouble accessing the Page. You can try using WebUtil.CurrentPage.Title to access the current page title. It might also require that you set runat="server" on the head and title elements as follows:
<head runat="server">
<title runat="server"></title>

You can simply use this:
< title> <%=Sitecore.Context.Item["PageTitleFieldName"] %> < /title>
It works fine to render page title from given field.


Remove <div> tag from DOM

I am building an XPages application based on a custom theme I bought.
I want to use include pages to display custom 'widgets' in the header
Unfortunatelly, the included pages are rendered in a tag, which is incompatible with the css stylesheet from the theme.
Here's the code including the pages (the idea is to make this configurable in the future)
<xp:panel styleClass="navbar-account">
<ul class="account-area">
<xp:include pageName="/nav_VisitIn.xsp"></xp:include>
<xp:include pageName="/nav_MyVisit.xsp"></xp:include>
<xp:include pageName="/nav_Profile.xsp"></xp:include>
The rendered html looks something like this
The css for the list item tags (and all elements below) are similar to
.navbar-account .account-area > li {...}
I want to avoid having to modify all related styles from the theme.
Is there a way to make sure the include page is rendered without the div tag or can I remove the generated div tag (but not its content) from the DOM?
Try adding disableOutputTag="true" in your <xp:include> tags.

Kentico meta data information

Using a Head HTML code webpart, i'm adding OG meta data:
<meta property="og:title" content="{% CurrentDocument.DocumentName #%}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="{% CurrentDocument.AbsoluteURL #%}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="{% StripTags(CurrentDocument.Summary) #%}" />
How would i then change the current title and standard description tag?
On your parent page for example /blog set the page title and description under Properties>Metadata using a macro. Then on the sub-pages let it automatically inherit that content. Take a look at this macro for the page description:
{% if(CurrentDocument.ClassName == "cms.blogpost"){BlogPostSummary}else{"Kentico MVP Brenden Kehren talks about Kentico how tos, provides code samples and education and just life in general."} #%}
What's happening here is the macro is checking the current page's class and if it's a blog post, then it uses the BlogPostSummary field and sets the description using that, otherwise if it's a blog or blog month, it uses the other text.
There should be no need to manually set those on each page unless you really have crazy SEO requirements. Even if so, you can create fields in your page type for those and still dynamically set them vs. manually set each one under metadata.
Are you looking for changing title and description HTML tags by a web part or just configuring it for some page?
If you just want to configure title and description of the HTML page then you can just select the document in the Pages application and then go to Properties -> Metadata. Documentation for that is here
If you are looking to somehow change the title and description by a web part then you would actually need to develop a custom web part and access the current page title of the page in code behind. Something like this works.
Even using the selected item transformation, transformatted item is a page from your content tree and as such has the Properties -> Metadata section. Moreover, titles and descriptions are inherited by default so you can just change or odd macros to their parent and it changes the title and description for pages in your selected transformation.

Change the subsite Logo URL IN SharePoint

I have created a main site and I have created many subsite under the main site.
When I am in any main page and click on the logo icon, the page redirects to the home page.
But, when I am in any subsite and click on the logo icon, the page redirects to the subsite homepage rather than the main hompage.
I would like to change the navigation URL to the root site. Let me know if I have to edit any masterpage, or is there any common page that will inherit to all the child application.
We have 2 ways to do this.
Method 1:
From the Snippet Gallery, copy and paste the default SiteLogo code snippet into your master page into the appropriate place you want it to be displayed.
In the SiteLogo code, search for SharePoint:SPSimpleSiteLink to find the relevant opening and closing tags. Now simply change the tag names to SharePoint:SPLinkButton instead.
Then simply add the attribute NavigateUrl to this tag and set it’s value to “~sitecollection/”.
Default snippet code:
<!--MS:<SharePoint:SPSimpleSiteLink runat="server" CssClass="ms-siteicon-a" ID="x7917ecc8c38d4bd69f58e338eab54c8c">-->
Should become this:
<!--MS:<SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat="server" NavigateUrl="~sitecollection/" CssClass="ms-siteicon-a" ID="x7917ecc8c38d4bd69f58e338eab54c8c">-->
Ref link
Method 2:
We are going to add custom js in the master page => our site is a publishing site
We find the site logo in the below hierarchy(in a rendered page).
<div id='DeltaSiteLogo'>
<a href='site url'>
<img src='siteIconPath.png/whatever extension'/>
So we may try the following for redirecting to the site collection/root web url on click of the logo.
// Add the following js in the '.html' design file that associates with the corresponding masterpage.
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
$("div#DeltaSiteLogo a").attr("href",_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl);
It works.
Edit on the SharePoint Designer Master Pages > seattle.master .
Crtl F - Search for DeltaSiteLogo
<SharePoint:SPSimpleSiteLink CssClass="ms-siteicon-a" runat="server" id="onetidProjectPropertyTitleGraphic" >
<SharePoint:SiteLogoImage CssClass="ms-siteicon-img" name="onetidHeadbnnr0" id="onetidHeadbnnr2" LogoImageUrl="/_layouts/15/images/siteIcon.png?rev=47" runat="server"/>
Change To This (copy & paste the script):
<SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat="server" NavigateUrl="~sitecollection/" CssClass="ms-siteicon-a" ID="x7917ecc8c38d4bd69f58e338eab54c8c">
<SharePoint:SiteLogoImage CssClass="ms-siteicon-img" name="onetidHeadbnnr0" id="onetidHeadbnnr2" LogoImageUrl="/_layouts/15/images/siteIcon.png?rev=47" runat="server"/>

Sharepoint calendar web part not working in Chrome Browser

I have a calendar web part in my SharePoint site which works fine in Firefox and IE but does not work in chrome browser.
This is the same situation i am facing.
Any suggestions ?
One more thing to add here is that , I have a content Query web part which will rotate the Promotions using JQuery cycle plug in. It is on the same page where I have put the list and library web part with calendar Month view as a default view.
If I remove that CQWP with Promotions everything works fine but if it there it wont work
Any suggestions? I have checked for the Jquery conflicts but could not find any of them .
I think that I have find the root cause of my problem
There is one CQWP placed on the same page with this Calendar view list.
This CQWP ha call to jquery cycle plugin which will cycle the content after some interval , due to this JQuery conflicts my calendar control is not working in chrome.
Whem I Remove this CQWP everything works like a charm!!!
1st, try to revert back to the OOB v4.master to see if the problem disappears. If it works as expected, this mean that your masterpage have some issue.
One of the most ridiculous bug in SP is that if you don't have the SiteAction control declared before the ribbon control, some javascript codes will fails.
In one of my custom master page, I have to create a second siteactions control, just before the ribbon control. I've put it into a invisible DIV to completely hide it from the user.
It ends with something like this :
<SharePoint:SPRibbon ID="SPRibbon1" runat="server" PlaceholderElementId="RibbonContainer"
<SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent ID="SPRibbonPeripheralContent1" runat="server"
Location="TabRowLeft" CssClass="ms-siteactionscontainer s4-notdlg">
<!-- Here is the hidden site actions control -->
<div style="display: none">
<SharePoint:SiteActions runat="server" AccessKey="<%$Resources:wss,tb_SiteActions_AK%>"
ID="SiteActionsMenuMain" PrefixHtml="" SuffixHtml="" MenuNotVisibleHtml="&nbsp;">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderGlobalNavigation" runat="server" Visible="false">
.... Removed for readability ....
<div class="s4-die">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderGlobalNavigationSiteMap" runat="server" Visible="false">
<SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent runat="server" Location="TabRowRight" ID="RibbonTabRowRight"
CssClass="s4-trc-container s4-notdlg">
.... Removed for readability ....
For your information, this behavior is due to one the inner control of the site action (PublishingConsole if I'm right). This inner control will produces some javascript global variable declaration (language and one another). This global variables are required by the ribbon control to works as expected.

Dojo layout rendering problem

Press F5 in this example: DojoToolkit.
First the content is shown, and after that the layout gets into it's final state. In my application I want the opposite, so that the layout gets rendered, and after that the content is displayed. I don't want that 'jumping' phenomenon when loading. Is it possible to fix this somehow?
No, I don't think that there is such an option. Anyway, you could use a container div (with all the dojo layout elements in it) with initial state visbility:hidden, and after the page is loaded and parsed change it's visibility to "visible".
<div id="container" style="visibility:hidden">
<!-- dijit widgets inside the "container"-->
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.ready(function(){"container:, "visibility", "visible");
