Split string and replace dot char in Lua - string

I have a string stored in sqlite database and I've assigned it to a var, e.g. string
string = "First line and string. This should be another string in a new line"
I want to split this string into two separated strings, the dot (.) must be replace with (\n) new line char
At the moment I'm stuck and any help would be great!!
for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM contents WHERE section='accounts'") do
tabledata[int] = string.gsub(row.contentName, "%.", "\n")
int = int+1
I tried the other questions posted here in stachoverflow but with zero luck

What about this solution:`
s = "First line and string. This should be another string in a new line"

Are you looking to actually split the string into two different string objects? If so maybe this can help. It's a function I wrote to add some additional functionality to the standard string library. You can use it as-is or rename it to what ever you like.
string.split (s, p)
Splits the string [s] into substrings wherever pattern [p] occurs.
Returns: a table of substrings or, if no match is made [nil].
string.split = function(s, p)
local temp = {}
local index = 0
local last_index = string.len(s)
while true do
local i, e = string.find(s, p, index)
if i and e then
local next_index = e + 1
local word_bound = i - 1
table.insert(temp, string.sub(s, index, word_bound))
index = next_index
if index > 0 and index <= last_index then
table.insert(temp, string.sub(s, index, last_index))
elseif index == 0 then
temp = nil
return temp
Using it is very simple, it returns a tables of strings.
Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> s = "First line and string. This should be another string in a new line"
> t = string.split(s, "%.")
> print(table.concat(t, "\n"))
First line and string
This should be another string in a new line
> print(table.maxn(t))


LUA: Generating Unique Mac from given Number Value

I am trying to generate a unique MAC id from given a number value. The length on the number is between 1 to 5 digit. I have formatted the MAC table to place each digit starting from first value of MAC.
local MacFormat ={[1] = "0A:BC:DE:FA:BC:DE",[2] = "00:BC:DE:FA:BC:DE",[3] = "00:0C:DE:FA:BC:DE",[4] = "00:00:DE:FA:BC:DE",[5] = "00:00:0E:FA:BC:DE"}
local idNumbers = {[1] = "1",[2]="12",[3]="123",[4]="1234",[5]="12345"}
for w in string.gfind(idNumbers[3], "(%d)") do
str = string.gsub(MacFormat[3],"0",tonumber(w))
---output 33:3C:DE:FA:BC:DE
--- Desired Output 12:3C:DE:FA:BC:DE
I have tried multiple Patterns with *, +, ., but none is working.
for w in string.gfind(idNumbers[3], "(%d)") do
str = string.gsub(MacFormat[3],"0",tonumber(w))
Your loop body is equivalent to
str = string.gsub("00:0C:DE:FA:BC:DE", "0",1)
str = string.gsub("00:0C:DE:FA:BC:DE", "0", 2)
str = string.gsub("00:0C:DE:FA:BC:DE", "0", 3)
So str is "33:3C:DE:FA:BC:DE"
MacFormat[3] is never altered and the result of gsub is overwritten in each line.
You can build the pattern and replacement dynamically:
local MacFormat ={[1] = "0A:BC:DE:FA:BC:DE",[2] = "00:BC:DE:FA:BC:DE",[3] = "00:0C:DE:FA:BC:DE",[4] = "00:00:DE:FA:BC:DE",[5] = "00:00:0E:FA:BC:DE"}
local idNumbers = {[1] = "1",[2]="12",[3]="123",[4]="1234",[5]="12345"}
local p = "^" .. ("0"):rep(string.len(idNumbers[3])):gsub("(..)", "%1:")
local repl = idNumbers[3]:gsub("(..)", "%1:")
local str = MacFormat[3]:gsub(p, repl)
-- => 12:3C:DE:FA:BC:DE
See the online Lua demo.
The pattern is "^" .. ("0"):rep(string.len(idNumbers[3])):gsub("(..)", "%1:"): ^ matches the start of string, then a string of zeros (of the same size a idNumbers, see ("0"):rep(string.len(idNumbers[3]))) follows with a : after each pair of zeros (:gsub("(..)", "%1:")).
The replacement is the idNumbers item with a colon inserted after every second char with idNumbers[3]:gsub("(..)", "%1:").
In this current case, the pattern will be ^00:0 and the replacement will be 12:3.
See the full demo here.

Create a list of strings with one/multiple character replacement

How to create a whole list of string from one string where each string in the list containing exactly one character replacement? The string itself is consisted of only four characters (say: A, B, C, and D), so that the whole list of a string of length n would contain 3n+1 strings with exactly one character replacement.
inputstr = 'ABCD'
output = ['ABCD', 'BBCD', 'CBCD', 'DBCD', 'AACD', 'ACCD', 'ADCD', 'ABAD', 'ABBD', 'ABDD', 'ABCA', 'ABCB', 'ABCC']
I write the following python code:
strin = 'ABCD'
strout = set()
tempstr1 = ''
tempstr2 = ''
tempstr3 = ''
tempstr4 = ''
for base in range(len(strin)):
if strin[base] == 'A': #this block will be repeated for char B, C and D
tempstr1 = strin.replace(strin[base], 'A')
tempstr1 = ''
tempstr2 = strin.replace(strin[base], 'B')
tempstr2 = ''
tempstr3 = strin.replace(strin[base], 'C')
tempstr3 = ''
tempstr4 = strin.replace(strin[base], 'D')
tempstr4 = ''
return strout
and it works well as long as there is no repeated character (such as 'ABCD'). However, when the input string contains repeated character (such as 'AACD'), it will return less than 3n+1 string. I tried with 'AACD' string and it returns only 10 instead of 13 strings.
Anyone can help?
strout = set() ===> strout = list()
I found it. I used a slicing method to create a list of total combination of strings with one replacement.
for i in range(len(seq)):
seqxlist.append(seq[:i] + 'x' + seq[i+1:])
and after that I filter out all the x-replaced strings which are longer than the original string length:
seqxlist = [x for x in seqxlist if (len(x) == len(seq))]
Then, I changed x into any of the substitution characters:
for m in seqxlist:
tempseq1 = m.replace('x', 'A')
tempseq2 = m.replace('x', 'B')
tempseq3 = m.replace('x', 'C')
tempseq4 = m.replace('x', 'D')
This will create all the possible combinations of string replacement, but still contains duplicates. To remove duplicates, I use set() to the outseq list.

Matlab String Conversion to Array

I got a string array of the format
sLine =
[1,1] = 13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,2] = 12-Jul-16,10.47,100.64,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,3] = 11-Jul-16,10.48,100.65,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,4] = 10-Jul-16,10.49,100.66,15.7,54.4,55656465
In which each element is a string ("13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465" is a string).
I need to convert this to 6 vectors, something like
[a b c d e f] = ...
such a way, for example, for the 1st column, it would be
a = [13-Jul-16;12-Jul-16;11-Jul-16;10-Jul-16]
I tried to use cell2mat function, but for some reason it does not separate the fields into matrix elements, but it concatenates the whole string into something like
ans =
So, how can I solve this?
I got the sLine matrix following the steps
pFile = urlread('http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q=BVMF:PETR4&num=365&output=csv');
sLine = strsplit(pFile,'\n');
Thanks to #Suever I could get now the column dates. So the updated last version of the code is
pFile = urlread('http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q=BVMF:PETR4&num=365&output=csv');
sLine = strsplit(pFile,'\n');
split_values = regexp(sLine, ',', 'split');
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
Your data is all strings, therefore you will need to do some string manipulation rather than using cell2mat.
You will want to split each element at the ,characters and then concatenate the result together.
sLine = {'13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465',
split_values = cellfun(#(x)strsplit(x, ','), sLine, 'uniformoutput', 0);
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
% {
% [1,1] = 13-Jul-16
% [2,1] = 12-Jul-16
% [3,1] = 11-Jul-16
% [4,1] = 10-Jul-16
% }
If you want it to be more concise, we can just use regexp to split it up instead of strsplit since it can accept a cell array as input.
split_values = regexp(sLine, ',', 'split');
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
The issue with the code that you've posted is that there is a trailing newline in the input and when you split on newlines the last element of your sLine cell array is empty causing your issues. You'll want to use strtrim on pFile before creating the cell array to remove trailing newlines.
sLine = strsplit(strtrim(pFile), '\n');
sLine(:,1) = [];

How to concatenate strings into one using loop?

can someone help me with string concatenate problem. I read data from register. It's function utf(regAddr, length). I get table with decimal numbers, then I transform it into hex and to string in loop. I need concatenate these strings into one.
there is not in Lua something like .= operator
function utf(regAddr, length)
stringTable = {}
table.insert(stringTable, {mb:readregisters(regAddr-1,length)})
for key, value in pairs(stringTable) do
for i=1, length do
v = value[i]
v = lmcore.inttohex(v, 4)
v = cnv.hextostr(v)
-- function(regAddr, length)
There is no append operator for strings. Strings are immutable values.
The .. operator concatenates two string, producing a third string as a result:
local b = "con"
local c = "catenate"
local a = b .. c -- "concatenate"
The table.concat function concatenates strings in a table, producing a string result:
local t = { "con", "catenate" }
local a = table.concat(t) -- "concatenate"
local t = { "two", "words" }
local a = table.concat(t, " ") -- "two words"
The string.format function takes a format pattern with a list of compatible values, producing a string result:
local b = 2
local c = "words"
local a = string.format("%i %s", b, c) -- "2 words"
local t = { 2, "words" }
local a = string.format("%i %s", unpack(t)) -- "2 words"
If you are accumulating a lot of strings that you eventually want to concatenate, you can use a table as a temporary data structure and concatenate when you are done accumulating:
local t = {}
for i = 1, 1000 do
table.insert(t, tostring(i))
local a = table.concat(t) -- "1234...9991000"
For a very large number of strings, you can concatenate incrementally. See LTN 9: Creating Strings Piece by Piece and related discussions.
You should try the table.concat method.
Maybe this other question can help you:
Lua table.concat
Checkout this tutorial http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableLibraryTutorial
this code works:
function utf(regAddr, length)
stringTable = {}
table.insert(stringTable, {mb:readregisters(regAddr-1,length)})
for key, value in pairs(stringTable) do
t = {}
for i=1, length do
v = value[i]
v = lmcore.inttohex(v, 4)
v = cnv.hextostr(v)
table.insert(t, v)
a = table.concat(t)
-- function(regAddr, length)

String Manipulation in Lua: Make the odd char uppercase

I'm trying to do a library in Lua with some function that manipulate strings.
I want to do a function that changes the letter case to upper only on odd characters of the word.
This is an example:
Input: This LIBRARY should work with any string!
Result: ThIs LiBrArY ShOuLd WoRk WiTh AnY StRiNg!
I tried with the "gsub" function but i found it really difficult to use.
This almost works:
original = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
print(original:gsub("(.)(.)",function (x,y) return x:upper()..y end))
It fails when the string has odd length and the last char is a letter, as in
original = "This LIBRARY should work with any strings"
I'll leave that case as an exercise.
First, split the string into an array of words:
local original = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
local words = {}
for v in original:gmatch("%w+") do
words[#words + 1] = v
Then, make a function to turn words like expected, odd characters to upper, even characters to lower:
function changeCase(str)
local u = ""
for i = 1, #str do
if i % 2 == 1 then
u = u .. string.upper(str:sub(i, i))
u = u .. string.lower(str:sub(i, i))
return u
Using the function to modify every words:
for i,v in ipairs(words) do
words[i] = changeCase(v)
Finally, using table.concat to concatenate to one string:
local result = table.concat(words, " ")
-- Output: ThIs LiBrArY ShOuLd WoRk WiTh AnY StRiNg
Since I am coding mostly in Haskell lately, functional-ish solution comes to mind:
local function head(str) return str[1] end
local function tail(str) return substr(str, 2) end
local function helper(str, c)
if #str == 0 then
return ""
if c % 2 == 1 then
return toupper(head(str)) .. helper(tail(str),c+1)
return head(str) .. helper(tail(str), c+1)
function foo(str)
return helper(str, 1)
Disclaimer: Not tested, just showing the idea.
And now for real, you can treat a string like a list of characters with random-access with reference semantics on []. Simple for loop with index should do the trick just fine.
