redhat yum heartbeat - linux

I'n newby with linux and I'm learning on LINUX heartbeat. I'm trying to do
"yum install heartbeat" which shows me like below...
# cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)
# yum install heartbeat
Loaded plugins: katello, product-id, rhnplugin, security, subscription-manager
Updating certificate-based repositories.
Unable to read consumer identity
Setting up Install Process
No package heartbeat available.
Nothing to do
Centos on my local does work. Can anyone explain me why redhat doesn't work and what i should do?

Red Hat EL does not come with EPEL configured by default. See
In your case, install and repeat your command.

you can get heatbeat from EPEL repository
for 32bits
su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
replace i386 with x86_64 for 64bits


Unable to find the libnl RPM package for RHEL 8?

I have to install falcon-sensor rpm package for Crowdstrike to be present on server and it needed libn1 RPM package as dependencies.
I can get it from as below and able to install on RHEL8.
#dnf install
but i do not want to download it from rpm finder website.
I would like to do it using redhat repository similarly we do for other rpm packages ex. telnet,
#yum install libnl
Whenever i am hitting above command getting below error.
No match for argument: libnl
Error: Unable to find a match: libnl
I have tried enabling below repositories of RHEL 8.
codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms Red Hat CodeReady L enabled: 1,842
codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-source-rpms Red Hat CodeReady L enabled: 489
*epel Extra Packages for enabled: 4,401
rhel-8-appstream-rhui-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 8,420
rhel-8-baseos-rhui-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 3,378
rhel-8-baseos-rhui-source-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 779
rhui-client-config-server-8 Red Hat Update Infr enabled: 5
How can i get libnl rpm by enabling repositories in RHEL 8?
It looks like libnl was explicitly removed in RHEL8, so you need to find the RHEL8 version of the RPM you are trying to install.
You can go the link and this will take you the rpm and then you can download it ad install it manually using rpm command.
But the package was never added to RedHat global repository for RHEL8 so you might not find it in the repository.

Yum cannot find the package I want to install

I am trying to a simple command sudo yum install SDL2. I know that this package exists as per the SDL website:
Red Hat-based systems (including Fedora) can simply do "sudo yum install SDL2" to get the library installed system-wide, or "sudo yum install SDL2-devel" to get headers and other build requirements ready for compiling your own SDL programs.
However, when I try to execute my command, I get the following:
Setting up Install Process
No package SDL2 available.
Error: Nothing to do
I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga). How can I go about getting yum to locate this package?
ONLY SDL is available on redhat 5.3
uname -r
yum search sdl-devel --verbose
SDL-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : base
With Fedora 26, SDL2 is available in repo fedora
uname -r
dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="fedora" search sdl2-devel --verbose
SDL2-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : fedora

Unable to run yum command on RHEL 7

I have a new Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3, I am trying to install Ambari Server on this machine by following the steps in the link
I am able to run the first step i.e
wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
But when I am executing the next steps yum repolist or yum install ambari-server I am getting the following error.
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, rhnplugin, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
rhn-plugin: RPM error. The message was:
Could not determine what version of Red Hat Linux you are running.
If you get this error, try running
rpm --rebuilddb
I ran the above command but it did not solve my problem. I tried to search for the answer but I did not find anything on the internet.
Can anyone identify this problem?

RH 7.1 Linux, yum install issue

The Host is registered with Redhat, when I try yum install it says
There are no enabled repos
How to enable repos.
There is similar question here which is unanswered.
[root## yum install pdksh.x86_64
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, subscription-manager
This system is registered to Red Hat Subscription Management, but is not receiving updates. You can use subscription-manager to assign subscriptions.
There are no enabled repos.
Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have.
You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>
To resolve your subscription related issue please follow this.
And regarding your pdksh installation, Pdksh was an open source version that had many of the ksh'88 shell features, which was only available for commercial Linux system and licensed by AT&T. Starting with RHEL 6, pdksh has been deprecated. If you need the Korn shell, use the standard public domain ksh (ksh'93)
yum install ksh
Hope this helps

Installing libjson-rpc-perl on Linux

I am trying to install libjson-rpc-perl on my linux server but facing an error. Could anyone guide me in right direction ?
Details :
09:04:02 # lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-4.0-amd64:graphics-4.0-noarch:printing-4.0-amd64:printing-4.0-noarch
Distributor ID: RedHatEnterpriseServer
Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago)
Release: 6.2
Codename: Santiago
Installing :
(perl) - done
09:01:26 # yum list available 'perl'
Loaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager
Updating certificate-based repositories.
(libjson-rpc-perl) - ERROR
09:03:40 # sudo yum install libjson-rpc-perl
Loaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager
Updating certificate-based repositories.
Setting up Install Process
No package libjson-rpc-perl available.
Error: Nothing to do
Install the package via your CPAN client; or (have someone) create an RPM package for it, and install that.
Thats definitely a debian package name, not a redhat one. Have had a search for the redhat package here but there doesn't seem to be one
