Press pageup/pagedown after press esc when use vim in tmux - vim

When I Press pageup/pagedown after press esc when use vim in tmux, it will lower-case/upper-case the three characters after current cursor, is there any way to fix it?

This is a bit of a non-answer, but don't!
Using arrow keys and special keys like Home, End, etc. is generally discouraged. In addition to the speed loss of moving your hands off the home row, there are often side effects like the ones you're seeing now.
Instead, use Ctrlf and Ctrlb to go forward and backward a page (same effect as Page Down/PageUp).
Alternatively, you can use Ctrlu and Ctrld to go up and down with smaller jumps.

Specifically, the page-up key will send a sequence of characters, not a single character, to the input stream, which must then be interpeted. That sequence might be something like "^[[5~" (escape [ 5 ~), which means vim sees the ~ and performs its case-changing behavior.

You may remap case-changing key or just disable it:
if &term =~ '^screen'
" disable case-changing command to fix esc-esc-pagedown misbehavior.
map ~ <Nop>


remap or ignore spacebar in vi

Vim/vi shortcuts are awesome, but there is one behavior that I would be very happy if it could be configured. My machine uses Brazilian Portuguese(abnt2) keyboard map,and some accents(like caret) needs an extra spacebar to be print, obviously because they wait/expect another character, mostly vowels. Example of the "cut until you find an empty line":
Keystrokes actually needed on br-abnt2:
d / <shift + ~ , spacebar>(to result ^) $ <enter>
I could use { d } as it is explained on this awesome thread, but i would benefit much more on other accents(backslash) where the extra backspace trick is needed, and most important, without change my keyboard mapping to "US" for example.
Edit: I also know that this is a keymap limitation, since our language expect something after the accent, and this is why i'm asking if there is a way to circunvent this limitation inside vim.
Any ideas?
The problem does not come from the editor, but your keymap. In fact, the caret is set to be a "dead key". Meaning that it should wait for other input before being printed.
What you probably need is a new keymap that has the caret as a non dead-key. As for example, uk-gb map has caret on the key as well as another dead-key ( if I remember correctly).
If you don't want/can't remap your keyboard, you can use vim mapping function do act so.
Just choose an unused key and map it like this:
imap g ^
This will insert ^ while typing g on insert mode (other mapping for other- mode exists, nmap, ...).
For example, to use the vim mapping in the vim command-line, you shall use :
cmap g ^
Then your example will be working.

How to remap keyboard keys to avoid RSI in VIM

I hope this does not come across as an attempt to spark conversation purely for the sake of doing so.
I use vim a great deal (5-10 hours a day) and I noticed my left wrist is the first to start aching. The standard keyboard layout (see image below) is almost guaranteed to give you arthritis.
Currently, I have remapped
Ctrl to Shift
Shift to Caps Lock
Caps Lock to Ctrl
This helps with common commands such as Ctrlf or Shift2 (#), but I still have to twist my wrist to get at those combinations. Is there anyway to remap the keys so as to avoid this twisting on the left wrist (maybe use the Tab key)? I just find it odd that for a text editor designed specifically for programmers, it would make heavy use of these out of the way keys. I have considered remapping to the old keyboard layout (see below image), but I don't want to learn that if it is going to have the same fundamental problems as my current remapping.
Note: I am not a doctor, just another typist that suffered from wrist pain.
In my experience, just mapping Caps to Ctrl (or swapping the two if you must have a Caps) and using Ctrl+[ instead of Esc make a big difference. Ctrl+[ does not require an additional mapping in vim as it is equivalent to Esc. If you can teach yourself this small change you reduce your movement by a great deal when you consider how often you use Esc in vim.
The Caps to Ctrl mapping can't be done inside vim and will have to be made system-wide, however, having Ctrl in the more convenient location will also help in other applications that use Ctrl combinations. There are different methods of remapping keys depending on which OS you're using. A few common options are:
xmodmap (GNU/Linux)
KeyRemap4Macbook (OSX)
KeyTweak (Windows)
While this will probably improve your situation you really should consider seeing a doctor and/or purchasing a more ergonomically designed keyboard if your pain persists. I own an older version of the Kinesis Advantage that I picked up used on Ebay for about $100 (USD) and I couldn't be happier. The keys can be programmed directly on the keyboard so no software is needed to swap keys or create your own keyboard macros for frequently used key strokes.
Edit: I see in your post you also mention combinations like Ctrl+f and Shift+2 requiring you to twist your wrist to press. It sounds to me like you're only using the Ctrl and Shift keys on the left side of your keyboard. You should really be using both sets of these keys, using whichever one is on the opposite hand of the key you're modifying. That would negate this wrist movement.
Use caps as ctrl systemwide. (How often do you cut/copy/paste?)
This also makes ctrl[ work in vim.
Alongside I use the vim 'arpeggio' plugin.
Arpeggio lets you define vim bindings that are activated when two keys are simultanously pressed.
jk pressed serves me as ESC.
Also the 'surround.vim' plugin might be interesting for you.
Eliminated all my wrist pains.
post scriptum:
Use 'vundle'!
Its the best vim plugin manager by far, and you will wonder how you could ever do without, especially if you use a customized vim on several machines. Don't be scared if you have trouble setting it up initially, take your time.
I switched to a Kinesis Advantage keyboard, and remapped Caps Lock to Esc. This effectively removed any wrist pain I felt as a vim user.Once again not a doctor, but looking at how my hands move, I don't see my wrist twisting even when I hit Shift.
You could probably do some great remappings to the thumb keys to further minimise tension, but to be honest I've never felt the need.
Not a $0 solution, I'm afraid, but it was very effective for me.
I mapped both Escape (single tap) and Ctrl (hold) to CapsLock:
xmodmap -e "remove Lock = Caps_Lock"
xmodmap -e "remove Control = Control_L"
xmodmap -e "keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock"
xmodmap -e "keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L"
xmodmap -e "add Control = Control_L"
xcape -t 1000 -e "Control_L=Escape" # Fire nothing if 1000ms hold time out
Probably I'm messing things up here, but xmodmap isn't the best option to modify mappings anyway, so I will change that to pure xkb config.
I have also swapped : with ; and ` with ~, since I use : and ~ more often:
xmodmap -e "keycode 47 = colon semicolon"
xmodmap -e "keycode 49 = asciitilde grave"
I also use Compose Key to be able to type ūmlauts et c.
In vim, the most useful change I have ever made is mapping of space to leader. All kinds of leader-key combinations will make your life easier.
I couldn't get used to H and L for _ and $, since it doesn't seem to work with surround.vim and some other tricks people advise.
Just don't use arrows!
I'd make this part a comment to Randy's answer on Esc if I could, but it demands a little more space. There's one important use case where you can't just remap Windows keys: Windows 7 without admin rights. It's common enough in an enterprise environment; at the very least, it describes me and that keyboard in the pic. keymapper's repo has decent info on this issue:
Important note for Windows 7 Users
Windows 7 does not support per-user key mappings. Until the next release of Key Mapper, you will have to manually switch to 'Boot' mappings from the Mappings menu, reboot to change the mappings, and you will need to have Administrative access to your computer to set key mappings that will work in Windows 7.
The same is true for any Microsoft tools, KeyTweak, SharpKey, etc.
So you'll have to use something like AutoHotkey. I personally prefer mapping Caps Lock directly to Esc for Vim, and I've had issues just mapping it to Ctrl:
#IfWinActive ahk_class Vim
Another alternative I like is inoremap jj <Esc>. Unless you plan to write about a hajj or something it works pretty well.
More to your point
In any case, have you considered doing the above for easy escaping and then remapping some of the hard-to-reach insert mode commands to Alt (hit it with your thumb) and then using mappings to your leader?
let mapleader=","
nnoremap <leader>f <C-F>
I would suggest remapping
Caps lock to left Control
Left Control to Escape
Escape to Caps lock
. If in linux first can be done by using setxkbmap -option '...,ctrl:nocaps' or changing XkbOptions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Second requires using of xmodmap. After some X server update I failed to get the third working, previously used xmodmap as well.
Using dvorak layout (maybe even programming) that is optimized for touch typing and mappings like ,s->()<Left> might also help.
Note: I am not a doctor as well. I am touch typist, but unlike #Randy Morris I never suffered from the wrist pain, just moved keys to the most convenient locations.
I always press the left ctrl key by curling up my pinky and pressing with the first knuckle. I find this requires less hand movement.
I don't find Shift uncomfortable, so I can't help you with
that. However Ctrl does bother me, and even with my
knuckle technique I prefer to avoid it where possible. So for
insert mode (and command-line mode) I use a leading ;
instead of Ctrl. E.g.
:map! ;w <C-W>
:map! ;a <C-A>
:map! ;r <C-R>
:ino ;t <C-T>
:ino ;d <C-D>
You get the idea.
In normal mode I use v and V instead of Ctrl+F and
Ctrl+B (I only use visual blockwise mode), though
I imagine most people would prefer to map different keys,
such as <Space> and - for paging (- isn't really
needed). Instead of F you could search forwards with f,
and then hit ,.
I've never really seen much point in Ctrl+D or Ctrl+U.
However I do find z., z<Enter>, and z- useful for
scrolling the line with the cursor to the middle, top, and
bottom of the window respectively. H, M and L are also
useful for moving the cursor around the screen. But in
general I prefer to just use / with 'incsearch' set for
navigating about.
There's no right or wrong way to do this, these are just my personal preferences, but I hope it gives you one or
two ideas. Try experimenting and see what works for you.
I've developed a vim module to do some simple remappings for exactly this issue:
The biggest things it does is make it easier to type bracket sets. It also makes it much easier to get into command mode (jj->ESC)
It runs on the principle that you hardly ever used the J key while editing, but it is right there in the home row... so let's abuse it!
from the documentation:
Remapping commonly used commands
key combo mapping purpose
; : removes the need to hit Shift to use commands
jj <ESC> can exit edit mode quickly and easily
Jj j can type 'j' when you need to
JJ J can type 'J' when you need to
Making it easier to insert various kinds of braces:
key combo mapping purpose
JU ()<left> easier to create parenthesis
JI []<left> easier to create square brackets
JM {}<left> eaiser to create curly braces
J< <><left> easier to create carrot braces
Make it easier to move small distances (especially useful with braces commands):
key combo mapping purpose
JL <left> move left in insert mode
JH <right> move right in insert mode
Removing any need for enter, backspace or delete:
key combo mapping purpose
JB <esc>ldbi delete the previous word
JW <esc>dwi delete the next word
JO <esc>oi insert line and go to it

Using alt+backspace key in vim command line to delete by words

Is there a way to use the alt+backspace in vim command line? It gets unruly when having to backspace /very/long/file/path individually instead of using alt+backspace to delete by words.
try using instead <c-w> (that is ctrl+w) to erase words or <c-u> (ctrl+u) to delete lines.
:imap <C-BS> <C-W>
sets ctrl backspace, i have to look at how to do alt
If you are at the end of the path you can hit B followed by a dW (case matters). This will jump you to the beginning of the word (ignoring the slashes) and subsequently delete the word (again ignoring the slashes).
Hope this helps.
Vim is unable to receive alt input. skeept's answer seems to be the best alternative.
See this answer:
The Alt/Meta key is problematic in Vim and most terminals, see this answer of mine for an overview of the situation (the situation is the same for Meta and Alt).
In short, Vim doesn't receive Alt at all: hitting Alt+Backspace is exactly the same as hitting Backspace.
Anyway, it will be better for you in the long term to learn and get accustomed to Vim's default key-mappings.
The answer marked as right does not correspond to the behaviour in most UI editors for Alt + BackSpace. The vim shortcut which correspond to this behaviour is db - aka delete back ( a word ?! ), dw would delete word forth, which would be the (Altr or Ctrl ) Del shortcut in most ui programs.
Those work basically the same way as the w - move the cursor to the words beginnings and b, move the cursor back to the words beginning ...
Disclaimer: I have used for more than 10 years my .vimrc. , which might have some freaky twist which changes the default behaviour as well ...
Sure, it's as easy as:
if has('gui_running')
imap <M-BS> <C-W>
imap <Esc><BS> <C-W>
The trick here is to know, given a hypothetical foo key, that after pressing a Alt+foo combination, many terminals will send an Escape code followed by foo. Apparently there are exceptions — some terminals do send something that vim can recognize as Alt. But if a imap <M-BS> <C-W> mapping doesn't work for you in terminal, then most likely your terminal sends an Esc instead, so the combination imap <Esc><BS> <C-W> should work for you.
You can read more about that in vim documentation by evaluating :help map-alt-keys
x then w should backspace per word as well.
d then w will also delete the current word the cursor is on.

Return to normal mode without leaving the home row

I've been trying out vim, and the emphasis on speed and accessibility makes sense for the veteran programmer. I've previously used emacs, and currently use a combination of nano, and stuff like gedit or geany.
I'm confused by the need to constantly switch modes, and that returning from insert mode to normal mode requires leaving the home row to press Esc. I've read that previously, this key was Tab on some systems where vim was first used, which makes a lot more sense, but not on current systems where tab is expected to participate in smart indenting when coding.
Returning to normal mode is an operation that you need to perform all the time. Is there some alternative key mapping that makes this quicker, or mappings that I simply don't know about that do this?
Ctrl+C also return you to normal mode
You can also use ^[. If you've mapped your caps lock key to control (highly recommended), this becomes a rather easy keystroke.
I personally use the Capslock key as the second Esc key, so it is very comfortable. You can do it by adding the following lines to your .xmodmap file:
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
You can map whatever you like to escape:
imap kj <Esc>
I haven't yet run across a situation where I need to type kj next to each other, besides when I talk about this mapping. I've seen other people use jk or jj, but kj works best for me.
I personally use ii to get out of insert mode while staying on the home row, but it is only a matter of personal preference:
inoremap ii <Esc>
i to go in insert and ii to go out. This is easy for your finger to remember. (I tend to still use <Esc> though)
I personally use Left Control as escape and Caps Lock as Left Control. It is not vim mapping, but some xmodmap+setxkbmap magic:
! ~/.Xmodmap
! Control_R
keycode 37 = Escape
and ctrl:nocaps in X keyboard options. You may have different keycode though.
Use Alt/Meta In a Terminal
If you use Vim in a terminal, simply press alt/meta+normal_mode_key. Most terminals send an escape character followed by the normal_mode_key that you pressed, removing the need to press escape yourself.
The terminals konsole and gnome terminal send the escape by default when you press alt/meta+normal_mode_key. For Xterm you can ctrl+click and select the option "Meta sends escape" or "Alt sends escape".
Thus in insert mode pressing alt+h alt+j alt+k alt+l all take you to normal mode and move in the expected direction. You can hold down alt when moving even while in normal mode since the additional ESC that is sent does no harm.
The advantage of using this scheme is that you can use the alt/meta+key combination with any normal mode key, e.g.
Alt+o opens a new line below the one you are currently editing,
Alt+A appends to the end of the current line,
Alt+p pastes at the current insert location.
Alt+k moves up
Thus using vim via a terminal gives you these short cut powers on any stock standard system without the need to edit each systems vim mappings.

Case-sensitive keyboard shortcuts

I'd like some map/remap/nmap/etc. commands to be case sensitive, e.g. "<C-I>" vs. "<C-i>".
I checked Google and :help map, but was unable to find this.
It appears you currently can't combine control with case-sensitivity in vim or gvim (I'm using 7.2). I might expect this to be a limitation of terminals for the former, but not the latter.
I tested it by typing this in a buffer:
map <c-i> :echo "c-i"<cr>
map <c-s-i> :echo "c-s-i"<cr>
Yank those lines, then :#" (when executes register " as commands). Verifying the maps with :map <c-i> and <c-s-i> shows the problem: <c-i> is <tab>, and only the last one takes effect, with the shift being ignored.
For alt, <a-i> and <a-s-i> do work as expected in gvim
In terminal vim, those two get mapped to é and É (at least here, check with ":map <a-i>" as above), and typing é/É directly (I use dead keys) does invoke the mapping. Actually doing a-i or a-s-i just enters insert mode.
Of course, non-control and non-alt maps work case-sensitively.
Add S for Shift
If you use your Caps Lock, (1) what on earth for?, and (2) you'll have problems. See here if this is your situation.
My bad.
Cannot be done, by design, with printable characters. The approach above does work with F1 et al, such as <C-S-F8>. See this thread for more.
My workaround would be to map it to something entirely different and obscure, and use AutoHotkey or similar to substitute the combination only for the uppercase variant.
Docs say that "CTRL-A and CTRL-a are equivalent".
Relevant part from :help notation
CTRL-{char} {char} typed as a control character; that is, typing {char}
while holding the CTRL key down. The case of {char} does not
matter; thus CTRL-A and CTRL-a are equivalent. But on some
terminals, using the SHIFT key will produce another code,
don't use it then.
(not intended as an answer, but as relevant info for anybody comming from search engine regarding case sensitivity)
