We have enable our website in Google Analytics and we have also used meta tags inside our jsp file.
Our website home page is not showing as first search term in Google and some sub pages are showed.
How can we get our homepage to show instead?
Use a sitemap.
You can find more info here: Sitemaps.org.
In a sitemap, you can set the priority of each page, so your homepage will appear above your other pages.
Keep in mind, though, you also have to have actual, relevant content on your homepage for it to show above others.
Their can multiple reasons. As you are saying, only homepage isn't showing. Then the mostly likely issue comes out is that it isn't indexed.
Another reason may be your is password-protected
Your page has "no index" tags
When we search in google engine it displays top web site tabs or links too. Like when we search "bing" or "net beans".
Q: How it displays those links. Do we have to tell it to display these links.
Q: Does it something have to do with sitemap.xml/robots.txt or it displays the links present in index.php of that website?
Robots.txt: allow/disallow bots to crawl which page.
sitemap.xml: tells the map/loc of your website pages and also tells the frequency.
Q: How does it display description of a website?
I have searched about description it has to do with meta tag name description. But i open the source file of net beans
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Welcome to NetBeans">
But the description google showing is
Fully-featured Java IDE written completely in Java, with many modules available, such as: debugger, form editor, object browser, CVS, emacs integration, ...
For your first question I should say that those links which you've mentioned are automatically genereted in top most visited websites and portals. If you'd set the sitemap.xml and robots.txt correctly in your website root folder, After a while if your website has a lot of visitors traffic, google detect your top most visited links which users most redirect to and show them in its result as you wish.
For the second question meta tags are not the only criteria the search engines show them in their results, Rather they catch the page content and extract the context from the text content of the page and show the description based on your entered keyword. However your meta description will be shown when keyword is the website name or its domain.
Take a look at Open Graph Protocol to extend your information about meta tags and your requirements for seo.
I've configured my IIS (asp.net site) to use URL Rewrite.
In particular this is my rule (dynamic one): whatever url in format number/string will be redirected to a special aspx page.
SSo whatever url starts with mysite/id/Name is redirected to showprof.aspx?id=id&title=Name. This works perfectly.
My question is about search engines. I don't have any "fixed" page that contains links like mysite/id/Name that the spider can scan, so I'm trying to figure it out how search engines could index my dynamic pages. Should I create a sitemap.xml? if yes in wich way? or should I create a "hidden" page that contains every link to all my dynamic contents like mysite/id1/Name1 mysite/id2/Name2 and so on?
thank you
A starting point is definitely a Sitemap.xml, You could try for example the IIS SEO Toolkit and see if it is able to index any of your pages: http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/search-engine-optimization-toolkit
It also has functionality to generate a sitemap.xml, although I'm guessing in your case you probably have some dynamic content, so a better approach would be to have a "handler" that generates it dynamically on demand (maybe cache it for performance reasons).
I would also recommend to have some pages that actually are accessible through normal links, for example maybe have in your home page of the site a link to a "site map" page (not sitemap.xml), where there you render a set of links that you want to index (at least the ones that are most important to you), and that will make them easy to discover.
If I go to this url
I get
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
That means that crawlers are allowed to fully access the website and index everything, then why site:sppp.rajasthan.gov.in on google search shows me only a few pages, where it contains lots of documents including pdf files.
There could be a lot of reasons for that.
You don't need a robots.txt for blanket allowing crawling. Everything is allowed by default.
http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html doesn't allow blank Disallow lines:
Also, you may not have blank lines in a record, as they are used to delimit multiple records.
Check google webmasters tools to see if some pages have been dissallowed for crawling.
Submit a sitemap to google.
Use "Fetch as google" to see if google can even see the site properly.
Try manually submitting a link through the fetch as google interface.
Looking closer at it.
Google doesn't know how to navigate some of the links on the site. Specifically http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in/bidlist.php the bottom navigation uses onclick javascript that gets dynamically loaded and it doesn't change the URL so google couldn't link to page 2 it even if it wanted to.
On the bidlist you can click into a bid list detailing the tender. These don't have public URLs. Google has no way of linking into them.
The PDFs I looked at were image scans in sanskrit put into PDF documents. While Google does OCR PDF documents (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.sg/2011/09/pdfs-in-google-search-results.html) it's possibly they can't do it with sanskrit. You'd be more likely to fidn them if they contained proper text as opposed to images.
My original points remain though. Google should be able to find http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in/sppp/upload/documents/5_GFAR.pdf which is on the http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in/actrulesprocedures.php page. If you have a question about why a specific page might be missing, I'll try to answer it.
But basically the website does some bizarre non-standard things, this is exactly what you need a sitemap for. Contrary to popular belief sitemaps are not for SEO, it's for when google can't locate your pages.
I want to put a secret page in my website (www.mywebsite.com). The page URL is "www.mywebsite.com/mysecretpage".
If there is no clickable link to this secret page in the home page (www.mywebsite.com), can search engines still find it?
If you want to hide from a web crawler: http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
A web crawler collects links, and looks them up. So if your not linking to the site, and no one else is, the site won't be found on any search engine.
But you can't be sure, that someone looking for your page won't find it. If you want secret data, you should use a script of some kind, to grant access to those, who shall get access.
Here is a more useful link : http://www.seomoz.org/blog/12-ways-to-keep-your-content-hidden-from-the-search-engines
No. A web spider crawls based on links from previous pages. If no page is linking it, search engine wouldn't be able to find it.
We have an IIS 404 asp.net handler that renders pages when an html page is not found. It uses the page's URL to query our Databases and builds rich relevant content on the fly. From what I can tell in the IIS logs and anaylyzing the pages from web browser tools there is NO indication the page does not actually exist and was dynamically generated.
In these cases is IIS actually sending a 404 to the client? Is there a redirect of any kind actually happening? Will Search engines punish me for this?
It's been 2 months and Google has indexed everything, but Bing and Yahoo have not indexed anything dynamic dispite my submitting various Directory pages, Sitemaps and Feeds with all my links. My home page is indexed on all search engines and has all my links. When I search very unique keywords in those links, I can see that bing and yahoo do see them on my Home Page links - but only there.
Is there anything I can run or check to make sure my dynamic pages are not somehow viewed as bad by Search engines? Any way to check if a 404 (whatever a 404 actually is to a client besides just another page) is returned to crawlers?
Many Thanks.
Is there anything I can run or check to make sure my dynamic pages are
not somehow viewed as bad by Search engines?
Dynamic pages are just fine. Most of the content on the Internet is dynamically produced. The search engines don't care if content is dynamic and, in fact, they usually do not know content is dynamic as all they see if the URL and the HTML that is produced by that URL.
Any way to check if a 404 (whatever a 404 actually is to a client
besides just another page) is returned to crawlers?
Use a tool like Firebug or the built in developer tools in Chrome to view your HTTP headers. Crawlers see the same headers a browser would see so that is an easy way to tell what headers your pages are sending out.