How to search for lines from one file in another in linux - linux

I have file1 and file2. I need to search and print out if any line in file1 exists in file2. If not exists, I need to know there is no entry exists by any way. How can I achieve this in linux command ?

Just need grep:
grep -f file1 file2
If you want process file1 as fixed string, not regex pattern, parameter -F need be added.
grep -F -f file1 file2

grep can do this task.
grep -f File1 File2
However other commands like diff and cmp can also be used.


How to compare the columns of file1 to the columns of file2, select matching values, and output to new file using grep or unix commands

I have two files, file1 and file2, where the target_id compose the first column in both.
I want to compare file1 to file2, and only keep the rows of file1 which match the target_id in file2.
Any help would be appreciated.
% grep -x -f file1 file2 resulted in no output in my terminal
Sample data that actually shows overlaps between the files.
Your grep command, but swapped:
$ grep -F -f file2.csv file1.csv
Edit: we can add the -F argument since it is a fixed-string search. Plus it adds protection against the . matching something else as a regex. Thanks to #Sundeep for the recommendation.

Linux File Manipulation

I have been trying to manipulate a file using tr and have a task on removing all punctuation in one file and moving the contents into another.
cat file1 | tr --delete [:punct:] | cp file1 file2
When this command is used I'm returned with a preview of the file with no punctuation but when I look at file2, all the punctuation is still there.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
You aren't changing file1, so the last cp just copies the old file. cp doesn't take input from stdin either, so you're not saving that translated output.
You can resolve this by piping your tr output directly into file2 with a > redirect.
tr --delete '[:punct:]' < file1 > file2
Note that I've also removed the useless use of cat.
Looks like you need a redirect rather than a pipe. That last command is not reading stdio, just copying the original file1 to file2. Try:
cat file1 | tr --delete [:punct:] > file2

shell script to compare two files and write the difference to third file

I want to compare two files and redirect the difference between the two files to third one.
In case any file has # before /opt/c/c.sql, it should skip #
I want to get the difference between the two files. In this case, /opt/b/b.sql should be stored in a different file. Can anyone help me to achieve the above scenarios?
$ cat file1 #both file1 and file2 may contain spaces which are ignored
$ cat file2
awk 'NR==FNR{line[$1];next}
{if(!($1 in line)){if($0!=""){print}}}
' file2 file1 > file3
$ cat file3
The order of files passed to awk is important here, pass the file to check - file2 here - first followed by the master file -file1.
Check awk documentation to understand what is done here.
You can use some tools like cat, sed, sort and uniq.
The main observation is this: if the line is in both files then it is not unique in cat file1 file2.
Furthermore in cat file1 file2| sort, all doubles are in sequence. Using uniq -u we get unique lines and have this pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u
Using sed to remove leading whitespace, empty and comment lines, we get this final pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sed -r 's/^[ \t]+//; /^#/ d; /^$/ d;' | sort | uniq -u > file3

Using file1 as an Index to search file2 when file1 contains extra informations

as you can read in the title Im dealing with two files. Her is the example how the look like.
Name (additional info separated by a tab from the name)
Peter Schwarzer<tab>Best friend of mine
Name (followed by a float separated by a tab from the name)
Peter Schwarzer<tab>1456
So what i want to do is use file1 one as an index for searching file2. If the Names match it should be written in file3 which should contain the Name followed by the float from file2 followed by the additional info from file1.
So file3 should look like:
Peter Schwarzer<tab>1456<tab>Best friend of mine
(everything separated by tab)
I tried grep -f to read a pattern from a file and without the additional information it works. So is there any way to get the desired result with grep or is AWK the answer?
Thanks in advance,
give this line a try, I didn't test, but should go:
awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t" 'NR==FNR{n[$1]=$2;next}$1 in n{print $0,n[$1]}' file1 file2 > file3
Try this awk one liner!
awk -v FS="\t" -v OFS="\t" 'FNR==NR{ A[$1]=$2; next}$1 in A{print $0,A[$1];}' file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt
To me this looks like a job for join:
join -t '\t' file1 file2
This assumes file1 and file2 are sorted. If not, sort them first:
sort -o file1 file1
sort -o file2 file2
join -t '\t' file1 file2
If you can't modify file1 and file2 (if you need to leave them in their original, unsorted state), use a temporary file:
sort file1 > $tmpfile
sort file2 | join -t '\t' $tmpfile -
If join says "illegal tab character specification" you'll have to use join -t ' ' where you type an actual tab between the single quotes (and depending on your shell, you may have to use control-V before that tab).

Separating a joined file to original files in Linux

I know that to append or join multiple files in Linux, we can use the command: cat file1 >> file2.
But I couldn't find any command to separate file1 from file2 after joining them. In other words, I want both original file1 and file2 back again. I tried to use the split command but it just dismembers a file into multiple files with the same size.
Is there a way to do it?
There is no such command, since no information about what was file1 or file2 is retained. The new combined file is just a data stream.
In order to "split" them back up, you need rules about how to do so (such as, how many bytes file1 and file2 were).
When you perform the concatenation, the system doesn't keep track of how the resulting file was created. So it has no way of remembering where the original split was located in that file.
Can you explain what you are trying to do ?
No problem, as long as you still have file1:
$ echo foobar >file1
$ echo blah >file2
$ cat file1 >> file2
$ truncate -s $(( $(stat -c '%s' file2) - $(stat -c '%s' file1) )) file2
$ cat file2
Also, instead of stat -c '%s' filename you can use wc -c filename | cut -f 1 -d ' ', which is longer but more portable.
