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Closed 10 years ago.
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is it possible to make vim scroll by screenlines instead of file lines?
More precisely: i edit texts with large paragraphs, and i put enter only at the end of a paragraph. Thus, for vim, each of my paragraphs is a single line, and these lines are very long. When moving around vim jumps very long distances and i get lost. Vim seems to be suitable only for editing programs?
I know about mapping j to gj and so on (i have done them). However just mapping these is not enough i also want the scrolling to be corrected for screenlines.
I have done some searching , but i cannot find a clear answer to whether screen line scrolling is possible or not.
If it is not possible, would somebody know of an, possibly ugly hack to do it? In its current setting vim is not usable, which is sad because i prefer its other features very much over the other editors around. (i do not like the idea of having to learn emacs ...)
Sorry, the answer is: no.
Browse through this [somewhat] recent nabble thread where Bram Moolenaar himself describes why this hasn't been implemented yet. (basically, it has too much potential for introducing bugs)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I understand and can write commands in Vim. But i would like to know what happens in the background in Vim. Like whats files are called and how plugins come into play?
Your question isn't very specific and clear. Basically, any configuration is put into a ~/.vimrc file, like with many other (Unix-based) programs (the native Windows way is more complex). Plugins go into a directory structure in ~/.vim/. It's basically just putting the files there, and restarting Vim. Many also use plugin managers like Pathogen, Vundle, etc.
You'll find all the details under :help startup. Learn how to look up commands and navigate the built-in :help; it is comprehensive and offers many tips. You won't learn Vim as fast as other editors, but if you commit to continuous learning, it'll prove a very powerful and efficient editor.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am an absolute starter with vim. Right now I am learning vim through vimtutor. To get better productivity where should my fingers be placed while using H,J,K, L keys . Any diagram will suffice here . I want to learn it correctly the first time.
You should hold Your fingers on home row.
Vim key positioning try to take advantage of this and positions commonly used functionalities around home row. By doing this you can quickly switch between navigation and edition.
You should learn touch typing.
There are lots of tutorials out there.
Once you do this you will be much more productive, not only with vim but with any other application which requires typing as well.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I just installed GVIM, went through the menus, and changed a bunch of settings.
I closed GVIM, and the settings were all lost. :(
I made my changes again.
Now how do I keep my settings?
You can use :set command to list all settings and put it to ${HOME}/.vimrc.
:se[t] Show all options that differ from their default value.
I wonder why nobody mentioned to use a vim session to save global settings and the views for all windows. Of course mastering .vimrc should be on the agenda of any serious vim user, but sessions can help further. Especially since they are similar to 'profiles' which are familiar to many people.
There also exist a plugin for gvim that facilitates the dealing with sessions further (sessions.vim : Easy session management for gvim.
You should really learn how to use .vimrc. Like VIM itself, learning to do this the hard way means more power and ease of use later.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool that will tell me what my keyboard is sending to the operating system when i push different keys.
This is to help me answer this question How to get Cmd-left/right working with iTerm2 and Vim (without requiring .vimrc changes)? which has me trying to figure out why Vim treats my iTerm2 mapping of Cmd-left to Escape-[H differently from Home.
I tried unix's read, and it says that Home and Cmd-left both produce "^[[H". I'm hoping that read is misleading me, and that some other tool will show how Home and Cmd-left are different (note: when I say, Cmd-left in this paragraph, it is when iTerm2's mapping is turned on).
You're doing all this in a terminal, right?
I'm afraid you're not going to do much better than read (my preferred approach is to do cat > file, type, press ^D, and then look at the file in a hex editor).
With regard to the underlying question, it's worth hunting for options in your terminal emulator. Right now it's emulating a terminal which doesn't distinguish between HOME and CMD+LEFT. It may be possible to tell it to emulate a different terminal, which does.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically, I really like vi[m]'s key-bindings, but not the rest of the editor. I really dislike emacs key-bindings, but like the rest of the editor.
viper-mode seems like the best of both worlds, but it's not perfect..
What vim features did you miss in emacs (and more importantly, how did you get them back)? What config-tweaks did you do to make viper-mode nicer to use?
As a start: I really missed vim's visual-selection mode.. vimpulse adds this to emacs!
As far as I know, VIM/VI has always had the :set nu feature to show line numbers along-side the lines themselves. By default, emacs only had line-number-mode which showed the line-number of the current line in the mode-line (not the same thing).
To fix that, I always found linum.el pretty useful. Starting with the upcoming emacs 23, the linum mode would be included in the standard distribution. But for emacs <= 22, one still needs to install it manually.
I also miss the incremental search with / and ? . Something like
what is posted here first in the TODO section.
If anyone can provide it, it would be great. Jurta ?
I would recommend you use my version of the emacs starter kit. It is totally customized for heavy (symbiotic) use of emacs and vi/vim (via viper and vimpulse) together.