How to modify a Label from another Controller (lookup + update)? - javafx-2

I have created a tabPane. Under each tab, I have included () an fxml to show the actual session user, with this code :
home-tab.fxml has this line :
<fx:include fx:id="topTab" source="../top-tab.fxml"/>
top-tab.fxml :
<AnchorPane maxHeight="20.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="wuendo.client.TopTabController">
<HBox id="hbox_top" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0">
<Label id="label_session" prefHeight="20.0" text="SESSION : " />
<Label fx:id="sessionLabel" prefHeight="20.0" text="" />
</AnchorPane> :
#FXML public Label sessionLabel; :
#FXML private TopTabController topTabController;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
URL location = getClass().getResource("../top-tab.fxml");
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(location);
AnchorPane root = null;
try {
root = (AnchorPane) fxmlLoader.load();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(HomeTabController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
topTabController = (TopTabController) fxmlLoader.getController();
Label txt = (Label) root.lookup("#sessionLabel");
System.out.println("sessionLabel= " + topTabController.sessionLabel.getText());
When I execute this, the console prints "blabla", but the label is not modified in the program (gui)
What do I have to do to see the value updated ?
Thank you all

The FXMLLoader is already created the TopTabController while the home-tab.fxml is being loaded. And it is the rendered one in the scene. However you are creating/loading another instance of TopTabController which is not added to the any scene. And you are changing the text of the label in the second one. The correct approach is to modify the already loaded 1st instance and not to load other one:
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
topTabController.sessionLabel.setText("Real blabla");
System.out.println("sessionLabel= " + topTabController.sessionLabel.getText());
Side note, The link you provided in the comment was useful.


How to make a dynamically generated URL redirect to another tab?

I'm using PrimeFaces 6.2
Hi everyone. As mentionned in the title, I need to open a new tab when a user clicks on a link (which is dynamically generated). I tried 2 solutions for now, and none of them works entirely :
1st solution : attributes url and target in PrimeFaces component
Facelet :
<p:contextMenu id="menuMesure" for="treeVArboParents" nodeType="3">
<p:menuitem value="OPL" url="#{arboParObjView.sessionService.lienUrl()}" target="_blank"/>
View :
public class ArboParObjView implements Serializable
SessionService sessionService;
private TreeNode selectedNode //changes everytime a node is selected - both right and left clicks work
...some code here...
public void genererLienBirt() //called everytime the selectedNode value is changed
String libelle="";
if (selectedNode != null)
//code to find the id of the associated to the selected node.
//I need the id because I want to pass it as a parameter of the link
//And this part of code works well
Session Service :
public class SessionService implements Serializable
private LienURL lienUrl = new LienURL();
public String lienUrl()
String lien = "";
if (idMesure != null)
lien = lienUrl.getUrl();
lien += idMesure.toString();
return lien;
return "";
Bean :
public class LienURL
private String url;
public LienURL()
this.url = "myLink&BirtParameter="; //The base link with a Birt parameter waiting for the idMesure to be passed.
This solution doesn't work. When the user click on the menu item of the context menu component, it's opening a new tab but the opened page is the same as the one the user just leaved. I think that's because the PF's attribute url loads the url once (and the first time, my url is null because the idMesure isn't filled yet), and it just ignores the good link I try to pass after idMesure is filled.
2nd solution : use the redirect of the FacesContext
Facelet :
<p:contextMenu id="menuMesure" for="treeVArboParents" nodeType="3">
<p:menuitem value="OPL" actionListener="#{arboParObjView.sessionService.lienUrl()}" />
Service :
public class SessionService implements Serializable
private LienURL lienUrl = new LienURL();
public void lienUrl() throws IOException
ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
String url = lienUrl.getUrl()+idMesure.toString();
The bean and the view don't change. It's the same as in the 1st solution.
The second solution works better than the first one. It is opening the good page with the good url, but in the same tab as the page where the user was. Is there a way to use the FacesContext redirect, but in another tab, as the target="_blank" do (the target only works with the url attribute) ? Or is there a way to make the url attribute read other urls than the first passed (which is null) ?
Thanks, and excuse my english.
Please use target="_blank" in p:menuitem only in second solution and it should work.
Below is updated code
<p:contextMenu id="menuMesure" for="treeVArboParents" nodeType="3">
<p:menuitem value="OPL" actionListener="#{arboParObjView.sessionService.lienUrl()}" target="_blank" />
public void lienUrl() throws IOException
ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
String url = lienUrl.getUrl()+idMesure.toString();
Thanks to all the contributors for their help. Solution below :
View :
public class ArboParObjView implements Serializable
private TreePodeService treePodeService;
private TreeNode selectedNode;
private Integer idMesure;
private String lienOplBirt;
//redirect to the generated link (called by the UI)
public void redirectOpl()
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
//generate the Birt Link
public void genererLienBirt()
String libelle = "";
if (selectedNode != null)
libelle = selectedNode.getData().toString();
VArboParObjectifsParents mesureSelected = treePodeService.getPodeArboObjParentDao().findByLibelle(libelle);
idMesure = mesureSelected.getIdRoot();
lienOplBirt = "https://theLinkToPass"+"&RP_idMesure="+this.idMesure;
//Execute the genererLienBirt() method everytime selectedNode's value changes
public void setSelectedTreeNode(TreeNode selectedNode) {
if (selectedNode != this.selectedNode)
this.selectedNode = selectedNode;
this.selectedNode = selectedNode;
Facelet (UI)
<p:menuitem value="OPL" includeViewParams="true" action="#{arboParObjView.redirectOpl()}" ajax="false" />

Getting Null Pointer Exception while removing a layer in Javafx

I have three layers
Root layout, home, content (rootLayout.fxml, home.fxml and content.fxml)
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
rootLayout = (AnchorPane) loader.load();
Scene scene = new Scene(rootLayout);
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
AnchorPane homeLayout = (AnchorPane) loader.load();
like this I am adding content layout. In rootLayout.fxml i have a home button. My requiredment is if a user clicks home button
then i want content layout to be removed and home layout to be visible.
<AnchorPane id="myContent" ... fx:controller="com.ReportController">
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" .. fx:controller="com.ReportController">
<Button fx:id="home" onAction="#homeBtn" .../>
In my Controller (In all the fxml file i am pointing to the same controller) class i created
private Button home;
private AnchorPane myContent;
protected void homeBtn(ActionEvent event) throws Exception {
System.out.println("click! homeBtn");
The problem i am facing is i am getting NullPointerException. i.e. myContent.getChildren() is returning null. Could anyone help me in resolving this issue.
You're getting a Null Pointer Exception because Javafx doesn't associate your myContent with the AnchorPane stored in the fxml, and does not attach a reference to that object.
Nodes in fxml files are given their name identifiers by using fx:id. Note, for example, that your #FXML private Button home is marked in the fxml as <Button fx:id="home"...>.
In this case, your #FXML AnchorPane myContent is marked in fxml as <AnchorPane id="myContent"...>, not <AnchorPane fx:id="myContent"...>.
id="" is used only in CSS.

JavaFX / how to load/populate values at start up?

I started working with JavaFX just today and already need some advise. I load the applicaton.fxml (created with Oracle SceneBuiler) using the FXMLLoader in the start(Stage ...) method of the MainApplication (which has an ApplicationController specified in my application.fxml file).
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" disable="false" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="600.0" prefWidth="800.0" styleClass="theme" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="" fx:controller="app.AppController">
...more code here...
<ComboBox id="cmb_locations" fx:id="cmb_locations">
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
<String fx:value="Item 1" />
<String fx:value="Item 2" />
<String fx:value="Item 3" />
Now, I have a ComboBox in the applicaton.fxml, which has three items (the default items). What I need is to populate that ComboBox during the startup with my own values. Does anyone know how to achieve that and where to put the relevant code snippets (app.AppController or something similar)? Thanks in advance.
You have some controller for you fxml file. There you have access to your ComboBox. You could put this code to setup list of elements (probably in initialize() method):
If you don't really want to edit your fxml file you can just clear the list first with cmb_locations.getItems().clear(); before you setup new list.
public class ApplicationController implements Initializable {
ComboBox cmb_locations;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add("Item A");
list.add("Item B");
list.add("Item C");
ObservableList obList = FXCollections.observableList(list);
Start by removing the default values on the FXML "Item 1" "Item 2" ...
just to have
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
and on your controller if you want retrieve your combobox you have to inject it by doing
ComboBox cmb_locations
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resource) {
//here populate your combobox
In your controller, you implement the Initializable interface.
Then in initialize method, you just add your code to load your combo box.

Adding JavaFX2 Controls dynamically

I'm quite new to java and javafx and have a problem which i could not solve.
I need to dynamically add new custom controlls to a javafx scene. Further i need interaction between the main control and the added controls.
I found already some useful information in the web but could not put it together.
So i build a little example for explanation:
main class:
public class Test_TwoController extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Fxml1.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
public static void main(String[] args) {
The main fxml:
<AnchorPane id="fxml1_anchorpane_id" fx:id="fxml1_anchorpane" prefHeight="206.0" prefWidth="406.0" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="test_twocontroller.Fxml1Controller">
<HBox id="fxml1_hbox_id" fx:id="fxml1_hbox" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="400.0">
<Button id="fxml1_button_id" fx:id="fxml1_button" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#button_action" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" text="Button" />
and its controller:
public class Fxml1Controller implements Initializable {
#FXML HBox hbox;
#FXML Button button;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { }
public void button_action(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
// 1. add an instance of Fxml2 to hbox
// 2. change to tab2 in new Fxml2
// or
// notify Fxml2Controller to change to tab2 in Fxml2
And now the control to dynamically add:
Its fxml:
<AnchorPane id="fxml2_anchorpane_id" fx:id="fxml2_anchorpane" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="test_twocontroller.Fxml2Controller">
<TabPane id="fxml2_tabpane_id" fx:id="fxml2_tabpane" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE">
<Tab id="fxml2_tab1_id" fx:id="fxml2_tab1" text="tab1">
<AnchorPane id="Content" minHeight="0.0" minWidth="0.0" prefHeight="180.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
<Tab id="fxml2_tab2_id" fx:id="fxml2_tab2" onSelectionChanged="#onSelectionChanged" text="tab2">
<AnchorPane id="Content" minHeight="0.0" minWidth="0.0" prefHeight="180.0" prefWidth="200.0" />
and the controler:
public class Fxml2Controller {
#FXML TabPane tabpane;
#FXML Tab tab1;
#FXML Tab tab2;
public Fxml2Controller() throws IOException {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Fxml2.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Stage stage = new Stage();
public void onSelectionChanged(Event e) throws IOException {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
// how can i get the current Fxml1 anchorpane instance?
AnchorPane root = (AnchorPane) loader.load(getClass().getResource("Fxml1.fxml").openStream());
Button b = (Button)root.lookup("#fxml1_button_id");
b.setText("New Button Text"); // dont change the buttons text!!!
The usage is: A fxml2 should be added to the hbox of fxml1. Then after a button click in fxml1 the tabs of fxml2 should change.
You may have a look at that image
So my questions are:
how can i add one or more of the fxml2 controller into the hbox of fxml1?
how can i access one control from another or communicate between controlls? See onSelectionChanged() method in Fxml2Controller for detail.
Thank you in advance,
You seem to have mixed quite a few concepts together which are distinct. First of all, a Stage can be understood as a window on the screen. It has a Scene object which holds the actual SceneGraph. In your example, you are creating a new Stage and a new Scene that get filled which the content of your second fxml-file. This means that, if working, a second window will pop up containing your stuff. I don't think that this is what you want to achieve.
Moreover, when the FXMLLoader reads a file, it looks for the class that is specified as its controller and constructs an instance of it via reflection. This means that when you call the load method in the constructor of the controller of the fxml-file you are loading with it, you are causing an infinite loop.
The last thing to understand is that the object that load() returns is an arbitrary node which can be put into the SceneGraph of your application just like any other node.
So to make your concept work, you should make the following:
Move the loading-code which is currently in the constructor of your second controller to the button_Action method of your first controller.
Throw away the new-stage-new-scene code in the button_action and take the Node returned by the FXMLLoader and add it to the children of the HBox.
For your second question, you can get the controller instance if you actually create an instance of an FXMLLoader instead of calling the static method, and use the load() method in it. After calling load() you can retrieve the controller and root object of the fxml-file via getController() and getRoot(). You can then use them just like any arbitrary object in your logic.

javafx - updating values in fxml object which was dynamically loaded on button click

I am creating a simple Weather Application
Here goes the details of my question :-
I have a main Controller ( When Appl is run, this class(GeoWeatherMain.class) gets loaded which loads an fxml file.
Below is code for it :-
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("GeoWeatherMainUI.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
Now, GeoWeatherMainUI.fxml has BorderPane object implementation. It consists of a button(on the left pane) which onclick loads another fxml file inside center pane. The skeleton of GeoWeatherMainUI.fxml looks like below:-
<BorderPane fx:id="MainBody" prefHeight="736.0" prefWidth="1140.0" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="geoweather.GeoWeatherUIActionHandlers">
<Button layoutX="91.0" layoutY="67.0" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#getCurrAndForecastWeatherCond" text="Get Weather Details" />
Now is another controller which takes care of different button action events.Below is its complete code
public class GeoWeatherUIActionHandlers implements Initializable{
BorderPane MainBody;
Label LocName;/*LocName is fx id for a label*/
private void getCurrAndForecastWeatherCond(ActionEvent event){
Pane centerPane = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("WeatherDetails.fxml"));
}catch (IOException ex){
TextArea excep = new TextArea(ex.toString());
}catch(Exception e){
TextArea excep = new TextArea("Inside Exception : \n" + e.toString());
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){}
Now, if I want to update the loaded WeatherDetails.fxml file with new values, how to do that? I tried as in the above commented code.(LocName.setText("xyz")). But, it didn't work (giving NullPointerException).
I went through complete documentation of javafx # No luck. Here also I didn't get the answer. Please guide.
If the LocName is located inside WeatherDetails.fxml then it is excepted behavior that the LocName will be null. Because #FXML Label LocName; is defined in which is a controller of GeoWeatherMainUI.fxml. Move LocName from WeatherDetails to GeoWeatherMainUI FXML file and see where you are still getting the error or not.
If your aim is to set the text of the label that is inside WeatherDetails.fxml, then do this work
in the controller of WeatherDetails similar to current GeoWeatherUIActionHandlers, or
in GeoWeatherUIActionHandlers, after loading the WeatherDetails.fxml
get the label by id (not fx:id) from centerPane with ((Label)centerPane.lookup("#myLabel")).setText("xyz"), or
get the controller of WeatherDetails and call getLocName().setText("xyz"). Assuming getter method exists in a controller class.
