Can Great Plains + Smartconnect integrate with cXML files? - dynamics-gp

I need to upload data from cXML files to Great Plains system. We use SmartConnect for GP tool to integrate data into Dynamics GP. Is this integration possible?

An integration like this is typically designed and scheduled through a tool called Integration Manager. This tool allows you to map custom XML or tables into GP through DTS-like routines. For more information on it's uses, you can find the user manual here:


Does Oracle's JavaCard SDK allow one to develop simtoolkit

I am trying to develop a SIMToolkit application.
i am complete new to this. I want to know what IDEs can be used to develop STK apps for SIM Cards.
Also I would like to know if JavaCard SDK allows to access call-related functions in STK.
Yes, it supports. You may use Gemalto's IDE which is actually an Eclipse integrated with JavaCard SDK. It is a pretty well-developed IDE which also supports STK apps for SIMCards with pretty much good ready-to-use examples.
All the APIs are documented in ETSI 102 241 specification. You don't need Gemalto's super expensive SDK. ETSI web site will provide all the documentation and JAR files.

Open source framework to build Web based BPMN designer

We have already built a BPMN designer on eclipse framework.It was easy to build with great support from eclipse based frameworks like EMF, Graphitti etc.
Now we want to build a web based BPMN designer. Can you suggest which open source frameworks i can use to do this ? I would expect the framework to support me in defining the bpmn metamodel, a graphical editor ect etc
Please share your ideas.
Oryx / Signavio Core Components
The Signavio Core Components are the "sucessor" of Oryx. A github mirror is available there:
The Signavio Core Components switched from MIT to GPL license. Furthermore, they are unmaintaned.
Wapama is a fork of Oryx. It seems that is the most recently updated fork with a tight JBPM integration.
Gemsbok is another fork of the Signavio Core Components.
process-designer seems to be actively maintained (as of 2013/06)
The dependency to ExtJS was removed in the context of the Flowable project. See for the current source.
Eclipse Stardust / Lightdust
There is also recent by the Eclipse community. Within the Stardust project, there is a web-based BPMN Modeler, accessible via git: Some basic information is in the Stardust Wiki, but no step-by-step-guide for using the web-based BPMN modeler standalone.
We made a comparison of all available web-based graph-libraries at
Example code of the best ones is available at The idea is similar to TodoMVC, but here a minimal example for graph creation is made.
(Some old comments follow)
There is the project, which is based on jsPlumb. It includes raphael, which is a SVG-based graph-drawing library.
Direct canvas drawing directly uses the 2d canvas to draw BPMN.
is the best answer if the license terms (include logo) work for you.
There is already one. Oryx. I believe some of the open source bpmn engines leverage the same.
For Stardust Web based BPMN modeller step-by-step usage, please refer to thsi link:

Is it possible to develop a Web Part without .NET

Is it possible to develop a Web Part without usage of .NET technologies? I'm looking for possibilities of integration of legacy (for example java) applications into SharePoint.
Any valid way for .Net CLR to call your code will do what you want. However with that said, it is likely to be very low level, very obscure and very difficult to do.
A more straightforward approach to reusing your Java or whatever code was if there was some sort of public cross language interface for you to exploit in your .Net skeleton. The obvious answer is a REST or SOAP wrapper around the Java code but it doesn't have to be that. It could be CORBA or JMS or all sorts of things.
Even if you want to integrate Java apps, the web Part will be coded in .NET.
There are a few ways to accomplish this, all of which involve a .NET web part exposing external data. All of your common integration methods apply including exposing the legacy application through web services or even directly accessing the database - you could use whatever your organization is accustomed to with other integrations.
Another possible option, depending on your SharePoint version is the Business Data Catalog (2007) or Business Connectivity Services (2010). These options, while can be a little bit of a pain to set up (though third party tools are available) do allow for some automatic integration of other applications into SharePoint.

Examples of Struts2 applications

I am working on a static analysis for detecting security vulnerabilities in web applications, and I am looking for some web applications to run my analysis on.
More specifically I am right now looking for open-source web applications that use the Struts2 framework, but I have a hard time finding such applications.
Does anyone know of some more or less complete and open-source web applications written using Struts2 (or possibly just plain JSP)?
The very complete and stable Struts2 application i use for log file analysis is KonaKart. The advantage is that you can set it up on your server, including demo data and configure it and use it as you wish.
In terms of openness:
"Only the customizable parts of KonaKart are open source. These include the Struts action classes and
forms, the JSPs, the payment modules, order total modules, shipping modules and the GWT One Page
Checkout code. They are shipped under the GNU Lesser General Public License."
If you need 100% open source it is not for you.
Projects Using WebWork or Struts2
Check these tutorials. there downloads are available. link1, link2

What are the pros and cons of developing a SharePoint component versus a standalone app?

A client wants us to develop a Picture Library system for them. The requirements are pretty typical - need to add pictures, tag them with metadata, store different sized versions and so on.
The client is keen on it being developed as a component which plugs into their existing SharePoint system. However, my feeling is that we would be better served building a standalone app - that way we don't have to shoehorn it into a SharePoint page and muck about integrating with SharePoint's APIs.
I am trying to look at this objectively and would welcome any arguments either way that people have.
Using an existing framework like Sharepoint imposes a lot of constraints on the design which makes the software architecture more uniform.
It does require some work on the part of the developer, because the developer does have to understand the API architecture and API's, etc.
However, developing a standalone application is the way that business's software architecture becomes a mix of 200 applications, using 20 different languages/architectures/platforms, half of which were developed by people no longer there - in short, a mess.
Sharepoint is documented, and will be supported probably long after you leave the company. Can you guarantee support for the application that you develop for as long as Microsoft will support Sharepoint?
You should do a cost/benefit analysis of integrating with SharePoint. You have listed some cons for integrating with SharePoint. Here are some pros.
Widely adopted platform.
Existing functionality to store/retreive/update images to data store.
Existing functionality to tag images.
Existing functionality to group several images together and treat as one virtual document (if using SharePoint 2010).
Keep in mind that you can integrate any custom ASP.NET page/application in Sharepoint so you can approach development like a standalone app. Your client wishes might include synchronization with Sharepoint's own picture library functionality and in that case you'll have to work with it's API.
It seems with SharePoint you are already done because it can more or less do what you describe already. What requirements do you have that cannot be met by OOB SharePoint?
I've used picture libraries for something similar before. While they have their quirks you do get a lot 'for free' like a UI, bulk uploading, metadata and 2 alternate sizes rendered.. My biggest gripe is they don't support the datagrid view so I cannot edit list metadata en masse like you can with other list types.
