Linux: how to detect if a process is thrashing too much? - linux

Is there a way to detect programmatically?
Also, what would be the linux commands to detect which processes are thrashing?

I'm assuming that "thrashing" here refers to a situation where the active memory set of all processes is too big to fit into memory. In such a situation every context switch causes reading and writing to disk, and eventually the server may become so thrashed that hardware reboot is the only option to regain control of the box.
There are global counters swin and swout in /proc/vmstat - if both of them increases during some short time interval the box is probably experiencing thrashing problems.
At the process level it's non-trivial AFAIK. /proc/$pid/status contains some useful stuff, but not swin and swout. From 2.6.34 there is a VmSwap entry, total amount of swap used, and the variable #12 in /proc/$pid/state is the number of major page faults. /proc/$pid/oom_score is also worth looking into. If VmSwap is increasing and/or the number of major page faults is increasing and/or oom_score is spectacularly high, then the process is likely to cause thrashing.
I wrote up a script thrash-protect - it's available at - it attempts to figure out what processes are causing the thrashing and temporary suspends processes. It has worked out great for me and rescued me from some server reboots eventually.
Update: newer versions of the kernel has useful statistics under /proc/pressure. Also, a computer set up without swap will also start "thrashing" as the memory is getting full, as lack of buffer space tends to cause excessive read operations on the disk.


vm/min_free_kbytes - Why Keep Minimum Reserved Memory?

According to this article:
/proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes: This controls the amount of memory that is kept free for use by special reserves including “atomic” allocations (those which cannot wait for reclaim)
My question is that what does it mean by "those which cannot wait for reclaim"? In other words, I would like to understand why there's a need to tell the system to always keep a certain minimum amount of memory free and under what circumstances will this memory be used? [It must be used by something; don't see the need otherwise]
My second question: does setting this memory to something higher than 4MB (on my system) leads to better performance? We have a server which occasionally exhibit very poor shell performance (e.g. ls -l takes 10-15 seconds to execute) when certain processes get going and if setting this number to something higher will lead to better shell performance?
(link is dead, looks like it's now here)
That text is referring to atomic allocations, which are requests for memory that must be satisfied without giving up control (i.e. the current thread can not be suspended). This happens most often in interrupt routines, but it applies to all cases where memory is needed while holding an essential lock. These allocations must be immediate, as you can't afford to wait for the swapper to free up memory.
See Linux-MM for a more thorough explanation, but here is the memory allocation process in short:
_alloc_pages first iterates over each memory zone looking for the first one that contains eligible free pages
_alloc_pages then wakes up the kswapd task [] tap into the reserve memory pools maintained for each zone.
If the memory allocation still does not succeed, _alloc pages will either give up [..] In this process _alloc_pages executes a cond_resched() which may cause a sleep, which is why this branch is forbidden to allocations with GFP_ATOMIC.
min_free_kbytes is unlikely to help much with the described "ls -l takes 10-15 seconds to execute"; that is likely caused by general memory pressure and swapping rather than zone exhaustion. The min_free_kbytes setting only needs to allow enough free pages to handle immediate requests. As soon as normal operation is resumed, the swapper process can be run to rebalance the memory zones. The only time I've had to increase min_free_kbytes is after enabling jumbo frames on a network card that didn't support dma scattering.
To expand on your second question a bit, you will have better results tuning vm.swappiness and the dirty ratios mentioned in the linked article. However, be aware that optimizing for "ls -l" performance may cause other processes to become slower. Never optimize for a non-primary usecase.
All linux systems will attempt to make use of all physical memory available to the system, often through the creation of a filesystem buffer cache, which put simply is an I/O buffer to help improve system performance. Technically this memory is not in use, even though it is allocated for caching.
"wait for reclaim", in your question, refers to the process of reclaiming that cache memory that is "not in use" so that it can be allocated to a process. This is supposed to be transparent but in the real world there are many processes that do not wait for this memory to become available. Java is a good example, especially where a large minimum heap size has been set. The process tries to allocate the memory and if it is not instantly available in one large contiguous (atomic?) chunk, the process dies.
Reserving a certain amount of memory with min_free_kbytes allows this memory to be instantly available and reduces the memory pressure when new processes need to start, run and finish while there is a high memory load and a full buffer cache.
4MB does seem rather low because if the buffer cache is full, any process that wants an immediate allocation of more than 4MB will likely fail. The setting is very tunable and system-specific, but if you have a few GB of memory available it can't hurt to bump up the reserve memory to 128MB. I'm not sure what effect it will have on shell interactivity, but likely positive.
This memory is kept free from use by normal processes. As #Arno mentioned, the special processes that can run include interrupt routines, which must be run now (as it's an interrupt), and finish before any other processes can run (atomic). This can include things like swapping out memory to disk when memory is full.
If the memory is filled an interrupt (memory management) process runs to swap some memory into disk so it can free some memory for use by normal processes. But if vm.min_free_kbytes is too small for it to run, then it locks up the system. This is because this interrupt process must run first to free memory so others can run, but then it's stuck because it doesn't have enough reserved memory vm.min_free_kbytes to do its task resulting in a deadlock.
Also see: and (where the memory management process has so little memory to work with it takes so long to swap little by little that it feels like a freeze.)

linux CPU cache slowdown

We're getting overnight lockups on our embedded (Arm) linux product but are having trouble pinning it down. It usually takes 12-16 hours from power on for the problem to manifest itself. I've installed sysstat so I can run sar logging, and I've got a bunch of data, but I'm having trouble interpreting the results.
The targets only have 512Mb RAM (we have other models which have 1Gb, but they see this issue much less often), and have no disk swap files to avoid wearing the eMMCs.
Some kind of paging / virtual memory event is initiating the problem. In the sar logs, pgpin/s, pgnscand/s and pgsteal/s, and majflt/s all increase steadily before snowballing to crazy levels. This puts the CPU up correspondingly high levels (30-60 on dual core Arm chips). At the same time, the frmpg/s values go very negative, whilst campg/s go highly positive. The upshot is that the system is trying to allocate a large amount of cache pages all at once. I don't understand why this would be.
The target then essentially locks up until it's rebooted or someone kills the main GUI process or it crashes and is restarted (We have a monolithic GUI application that runs all the time and generally does all the serious work on the product). The network shuts down, telnet blocks forever, as do /proc filesystem queries and things that rely on it like top. The memory allocation profile of the main application in this test is dominated by reading data in from file and caching it as textures in video memory (shared with main RAM) in an LRU using OpenGL ES 2.0. Most of the time it'll be accessing a single file (they are about 50Mb in size), but I guess it could be triggered by having to suddenly use a new file and trying to cache all 50Mb of it all in one go. I haven't done the test (putting more logging in) to correlate this event with these system effects yet.
The odd thing is that the actual free and cached RAM levels don't show an obvious lack of memory (I have seen oom-killer swoop in the kill the main application with >100Mb free and 40Mb cache RAM). The main application's memory usage seems reasonably well-behaved with a VmRSS value that seems pretty stable. Valgrind hasn't found any progressive leaks that would happen during operation.
The behaviour seems like that of a system frantically swapping out to disk and making everything run dog slow as a result, but I don't know if this is a known effect in a free<->cache RAM exchange system.
My problem is superficially similar to question: linux high kernel cpu usage on memory initialization but that issue seemed driven by disk swap file management. However, dirty page flushing does seem plausible for my issue.
I haven't tried playing with the various vm files under /proc/sys/vm yet. vfs_cache_pressure and possibly swappiness would seem good candidates for some tuning, but I'd like some insight into good values to try here. vfs_cache_pressure seems ill-defined as to what the difference between setting it to 200 as opposed to 10000 would be quantitatively.
The other interesting fact is that it is a progressive problem. It might take 12 hours for the effect to happen the first time. If the main app is killed and restarted, it seems to happen every 3 hours after that fact. A full cache purge might push this back out, though.
Here's a link to the log data with two files, sar1.log, which is the complete output of sar -A, and overview.log, a extract of free / cache mem, CPU load, MainGuiApp memory stats, and the -B and -R sar outputs for the interesting period between midnight and 3:40am:
So, to sum up, what's my best plan here? Tune vm to tend to recycle pages more often to make it less bursty? Are my assumptions about what's happening even valid given the log data? Is there a cleverer way of dealing with this memory usage model?
Thanks for your help.
Update 5th June 2013:
I've tried the brute force approach and put a script on which echoes 3 to drop_caches every hour. This seems to be maintaining the steady state of the system right now, and the sar -B stats stay on the flat portion, with very few major faults and 0.0 pgscand/s. However, I don't understand why keeping the cache RAM very low mitigates a problem where the kernel is trying to add the universe to cache RAM.

How to stop page cache for disk I/O in my linux system?

Here is my system based on Linux2.6.32.12:
1 It contains 20 processes which occupy a lot of usr cpu
2 It needs to write data on rate 100M/s to disk and those data would not be used recently.
What I expect:
It can run steadily and disk I/O would not affect my system.
My problem:
At the beginning, the system run as I thought. But as the time passed, Linux would cache a lot data for the disk I/O, that lead to physical memory reducing. At last, there will be not enough memory, then Linux will swap in/out my processes. It will cause I/O problem that a lot cpu time was used to I/O.
What I have try:
I try to solved the problem, by "fsync" everytime I write a large block.But the physical memory is still decreasing while cached increasing.
How to stop page cache here, it's useless for me
More infomation:
When Top show free 46963m, all is well including cpu %wa is low and vmstat shows no si or so.
When Top show free 273m, %wa is so high which affect my processes and vmstat shows a lot si and so.
I'm not sure that changing something will affect overall performance.
Maybe you might use posix_fadvise(2) and sync_file_range(2) in your program (and more rarely fsync(2) or fdatasync(2) or sync(2) or syncfs(2), ...). Also look at madvise(2), mlock(2) and munlock(2), and of course mmap(2) and munmap(2). Perhaps ionice(1) could help.
In the reader process, you might perhaps use readhahead(2) (perhaps in a separate thread).
Upgrading your kernel (to a 3.6 or better) could certainly help: Linux has improved significantly on these points since 2.6.32 which is really old.
To drop pagecache you can do the following:
"echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
drop_caches are usually 0. And, can be changed as per need. As you've identified yourself, that you need to free pagecache, so this is how to do it. You can also take a look at dirty_writeback_centisecs (and it's related tunables)(*/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt#L129) to make quick writeback, but note it might have consequences, as it calls up kernel flasher thread to write out dirty pages. Also, note the uses of dirty_expire_centices, which defines how much time some data needs to be eligible for writeout.

Preventing minor page faults in real time process on linux

I need to make the process to run in real time as much as possible.
All the communication is done via shared memory - memory mapped files - no system calls at all - it uses busy waiting on shared memory.
The process runs under real time priority and all memory is locked with mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE) which succeeds and process has enough ulimits
to have all the memory locked.
When I run it on it perf stat -p PID I still get counts of minor page faults.
I tested this with both process affinity and without.
Is it possible to eliminate them at all - even minor page faults?
I solved this problem by switching from memory mapped files to POSIX shared memory shm_open + memory locking.
If I understand the question correct, avoiding the minor page faults completely isn't possible. In most modern OS's including Linux, the OS doesn't load all the text and data segments into memory when the programs start. It allocates internal data structures and pages are essentially faulted in when the text and data are needed. This causing a page fault physical memory is made available to the process, swapping page from backing store. Therefore, minor page fault could be avoided without accessing backing store which might not possible.

Linux memory usage history

I had a problem in which my server began failing some of its normal processes and checks because the server's memory was completely full and taken.
I looked in the logging history and found that what it killed were some Java processes.
I used the "top" command to see what processes were taking up the most memory right now(after the issue was fixed) and it was a Java process. So in essence, I can tell what processes are taking up the most memory right now.
What I want to know is if there is a way to see what processes were taking up the most memory at the time when the failures started happening? Perhaps Linux keeps track or a log of the memory usage at particular times? I really have no idea but it would be great if I could see that kind of detail.
#Andy has answered your question. However, I'd like to add that for future reference use a monitoring tool. Something like these. These will give you what happened during a crash since you obviously cannot monitor all your servers all the time. Hope it helps.
Are you saying the kernel OOM killer went off? What does the log in dmesg say? Note that you can constrain a JVM to use a fixed heap size, which means it will fail affirmatively when full instead of letting the kernel kill something else. But the general answer to your question is no: there's no way to reliably run anything at the time of an OOM failure, because the system is out of memory! At best, you can use a separate process to poll the process table and log process sizes to catch memory leak conditions, etc...
There is no history of memory usage in linux be default, but you can achieve it with some simple command-line tool like sar.
Regarding your problem with memory:
If it was OOM-killer that did some mess on machine, then you have one great option to ensure it won't happen again (of course after reducing JVM heap size).
By default linux kernel allocates more memory than it has really. This, in some cases, can lead to OOM-killer killing the most memory-consumptive process if there is no memory for kernel tasks.
This behavior is controlled by vm.overcommit sysctl parameter.
So, you can try setting it to vm.overcommit = 2 is sysctl.conf and then run sysctl -p.
This will forbid overcommiting and make possibility of OOM-killer doing nasty things very low. Also you can think about adding a little-bit of swap space (if you don't have it already) and setting vm.swappiness to some really low value (like 5, for example. default value is 60), so in normal workflow your application won't go into swap, but if you'll be really short on memory, it will start using it temporarily and you will be able to see it even with df
WARNING this can lead to processes receiving "Cannot allocate memory" error if you have your server overloaded by memory. In this case:
Try to restrict memory usage by applications
Move part of them to another machine
