Azure .NET 4.5 support - azure

OK, I can't find a definitive answer on this online so I thought I'd ask the community on this one.
.NET 4.5 has gone RTM last week and were looking at upgrading our products to use it. Before we make this leap, I first need to check if this will impact any Azure deployments with our product (ASP.NET MVC stuff)
Does the latest production version of the Azure platform support .NET 4.5 in its web and worker roles yet?
I'm aware that the RC of the framework could be installed using a startup power shell script during the VM/role warm up but I don't want this burden on my application, I'm just looking to know of its safe to go live with .NET 4.5 and MVC 4 etc... in Azure's current state?

The Azure SDK v1.8 (October 2012) is out for download:
Supports: .NET 4.5, Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8.0:
To use Windows Server 2012 which supports .NET 4.5, change osFamily="2" to osFamily="3" in your Azure role .cscfg file.
Edit: I updated my two sites last night to Windows Server 2012/.NET 4.5 and they work like a champ. So, this is all the RTM/stable code just waiting for the announcement (maybe BUILD 2012?). If you are using Windows Server 2012, you need to enable .NET 3.5 features for backward compatibility with .NET 2.0-.NET 3.5 apps/modules.
Edit2: Azure 4.5 support was announced yesterday at the BUILD 2012 conference :)

Microsoft announced today that Azure will now support .NET 4.5.

Even after downloading and installing the October 2012 updates (through the WebPI link on the page) that #Bart listed above, you may still have to delete your Azure Project and remake it-- that was the only thing that removed the "Windows Azure Cloud Service projects currently support roles that run on .NET Framework version 3.5 and 4. Please set the Target Framework property in the project settings for project" error for me.
Even when i changed the osFamily to "3" the error continued until i blew the Azure proj away.
I didnt get to try this as a fix, but i wonder if setting the schemaVersion in the .cscfg to schemaVersion="2012-10.1.8" would've negated my need to blow it away.

If you need to user .Net 4.5 on Azure, please go to the Azure UserVoice site and vote for it:

For Windows Azure Cloud Services (PaaS) the Windows Azure SDK supports only .net 4.0 yet. As .net 4.5 is just RTM, it will take some time for the Windows Azure SDK to support .net 4.5 however there is not timeline discussed anywhere and if there will be any info on this regard, it will be communication to Windows Azure website.
If your application must have .net 4.5, you can use Windows Azure Virtual Machine with Windows OS and install .net 4.5 and build/deploy/run MVC4 application as you choose.

Windows Azure Web Sites are apparently adding support for .Net 4.5 within a preview.

Microsoft just announced today that .NET 4.5 support is coming very soon for Azure and sent out upgrade guides for existing apps.
Seems the concern was that some of the .NET 4.0 changes and bug fixes that are rolled in .NET 4.5 can adversely affect existing web applications. The e-mail implied that the upgrade was rolling out this weekend and asked people to upgrade to .NET 4.5 in Visual Studio 2012.

According to Scott Guthrie, as of October 25th, .NET 4.5 is supported on Windows Azure Web Sites
Windows Azure Cloud Services (Web and Worker Roles) will be supported "in the next few days" (presumably by the end of October 2012).


Can't create new .NET Core 3.1 web app in Azure under Windows operating system

I spent many hours trying to find some way to create a new .NET Core 3.1 web app under Windows subscription. I found that if you pick up the Runtime stack as .Net Core 3.1 (LTS) the only option is to create an app under the Linux. I tried to play with different regions and Sku and sizes as well but for all cases, it's just the same. There is no option to configure App Insight during the creation time either when using the Linux.
The interesting thing is that when I created the Web App under .net core 3.0 marked as current I was able to deploy .net core 3.1 web app and it all worked including the app insights stuff.
My question: is it just a bug in the Azure UI that you cannot create .net core 3.1 web app under Windows or there is some specific reason behind it?
This option is going to be available once the deployment of .NET Core 3.1 has been rolled out to all AppServices worldwide. So far, this is only been completed for Linux.
Windows hosted App Service option will be enabled once world wide rollout of 3.1 SDK to App Service backend is complete.
Since Windows AppServices have all required runtimes installed, you can select 3.0 and try to deploy your app regardles of what the portal says. I was able to host a WebApi in west Europe this week with .NET Core 3.1, but from what I read that might just have been luck.
Deploying a self contained version is probably also possible from what I read in the linked Github issue.
edit2:Note that the accouncement talks about the SDK. As of the writing of this post, most of the app services have the 3.1 runtime installed, while the SDK will take a while longer.
You can also check manually if your AppService has the runtimes installed already:
Go to Kudu (
Open the Debug console (e.g. CMD)
type in dotnet --list-runtimes
I had the same problem. I could not get windows selected in Azure.
What I did was let Visual Studio create the App in my App Services. (Note the app insights!)
When this profile finished creating I went into the created App in the Azure portal. Settings - Configuration and changed the stack from 4.7 to .Net Core (Sorry this is in dutch, I hope you can manage...)
And now I also had the standard documents available which I did not have creating it in Azure portal! I changed it to only have index as landing page :
After I did this the homepage of my website showed up. Hope this helps someone!

Error deploying .Net Core 3.0 Web API to Azure App Service

I recently upgraded my ASP .Net Core 2.2 Web API to .Net Core 3.0.
Now, when I publish to Azure App Service from within Visual Studio 2019 Community (latest updates installed) I get this message:
There was a problem starting PropWorx.API on propworx-api-san.
Your application requires the .NET Core 3.0.0 runtime, but Microsoft Azure App Service only supports the following versions: 2.1.12, 2.1.13, 2.2.6, 2.2.7 and 3.0.0.
Yet, the API appears to work just fine once deployed. Is this something I should be concerned about?
Don't worry much about it as its just a warning, You can keep track on the latest releases on the ASP.NET Core on App Service Dashboard

Azure SDK for .NET (VS2013) 2.5 requires Visual Studio 2013 update 3 or later

I wanted to install Azure 2.5 SDK for VS 2013 and that required updating VS 2013 to Update 3 or later. Update 4 was the recommended one so I installed it. Azure 2.5 SDK installation still broke at the same spot. When I checked about dialog in VS 2013 it said that my current version is 12.0.31101.00 Update 4 but my Extensions and Updates feature still offers me Update 4. When I select this update,Extensions and Updates window says that my current version is 12.0.21005.1 and new version will be the one mentioned above, 12.0.31101.00. Anyone had this kind of issue? Should I install some other version of Azure SDK?
Azure SDK 2.5.1 was released in March 2015. Along with support for Visual Studio 2015 Update 4 this release also updated the SDK for recent changes in the Azure Platform:
Azure Websites was renamed to Azure App Service.
Azure API Apps (Preview) support has been added.
The Websites node in Server Explorer has been deprecated.
Azure Mobile Apps (Preview) support has been added
Add > Azure API App Client gesture now supports local Swagger JSON files
Web App and API App publishing dialogs have been enhanced
Azure API App Server Explorer nodes provide links to the API Apps
There are a few known issues, so make sure you read those before you jump in.

Azure Websites, Can one deploy .NET 4.5.1 websites?

I notice that Azure Websites seems to offer .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.5. So I assume that one cannot deploy .NET 4.5.1 web applications yet?
I mention this as .NET 4.5.1 seems to have a useful new feature called "ASP.NET app suspension" which seems to pull back app images much more quickly into RAM. Perhaps Although this feature is targeted at hosters, one wonders whether this is a solution to the "Warm Up" issue?
Thanks in advance.
There are two questions here.
1) Azure Web Sites does support .NET 4.5.1, as in the update is installed on all Azure Web Site VMs. This has been available for several months now. So when you select 4.5, you are really running 4.5.1. The version reading "4.5" in the portal is misleading, unfortunately, and due to the fact the 4.5.1 upgrade did not change major/minor versions of framework so the "4.5" remains.
2) The specific "ASP.NET application suspension feature" unfortunately is part of a .NET 4.5.1 version that only ships in Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2. Azure Web Sites VMs currently only run Server 2012. Therefore ASP.NET application suspension is not supported in Azure Web Sites.
Azure Web Sites does other things to attempt to manage cold start performance issues (such as aggressive caching of compiled assemblies) but this is certainly a feature we would like to add in a future version of WAWS. Thanks for the feedback.
Cloud Services supports .NET 4.5.1
look here

ASP.Net API running on Windows Azure websites

I have an MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 RC which hosts an MVC web site and an ASP.NET API. I use routes to delegate the request to the correct controller.
On my local development machine both the website and api work fine. However when I push the change to Azure websites the website works, but the ASP.NET web api returns HTTP 500 errors.
The base site is:
One of the web site pages is
An example use of the API is
However this returns HTTP 500.
I have
Updated my project to use .net 4.0. By default it is set to .net 4.5 which does not work with Azure websites
Removed Entity Framework 5.0 reference which only works with .net 4.5
Any ideas why the api would not work in Azure websites?
There is a known issue when backing a project down from 4.5 to 4.0 using the RC release of Visual Studio 2012. I know this will be slightly painful to hear, but you'll be better off creating a new project and setting the project's framework version to 4 rather than 4.5. This is an issue that should be fixed prior to the product's release.
Hope this helps. Trust me, we know of it and in our own development work have had to re-create projects using the 4 framework.
Also - the 4.5 framework will be supported in Windows Azure Web Sites once the 4.5 framework has been officially released.
Please try to turn off custom error (, which may give more detailed information. If you’re working with a database, make sure you’ve updated the connection string to use Windows Azure SQL Database instead of a local database. There is also a possibility that Web API is not stood by web sites. The name web sites indicate it is used to build web sites, not web platforms. Web sites have limited features compared to web roles and virtual machines. If that’s the case, please use a web role or a virtual machine.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
