Full ajax/pjax site - pjax

I´m planning to make a full dynamic site using pjax, with static menu (only the content will be updated with pjax). How bad is this?
The site that i have planned to implat this on have a lots of data on it, most images.
I have tested my solution on my local machine and it seems to work but in production it will probably be slow or what do you guys think? Are this bad practise?
Now on pjax start i slide out my container to the left, and slide in the new content from the right. I have noticed a small performance lost when i do this in Safari and FireFox. Should i skip my solution and just do regular updates of the page? I want to do something like Twitters iPhone app, but on the web.
The reason i want to do this are that i have a full size google maps with a lot of pins that take some time to load.

I have found Tubrolinks (http://www.github.com/rails/turbolinks) that would be included in Rails 4.0, its great adn i think a good answer to my question.


how to solve website speed test delay

So I have this wordpress blog set up on a VPS with litespeed and cloudflare. The website loads some banners from a revive insallation on the same VPS server, only that domain doesn't have cloudflare installed.
Although the page speed and wslow scores are good, I still get a 3 to 5 secs page load. You can see the results here:
Although individual resources seem to load fast (including the revive banners), there seem to be inexplicable "delays" in the waterfall... I'm no wiz in website optimization but do have some experience.
Am I missing something? I couldn't find a decent resource on how to read the waterfall, although I figured out most of it. Thanks!
Overall you got pretty good results!
First of all deal with all those images gtmetrix displays: optimize them using photoshop, jpeg mini or sprites.
If you haven't already, install bj lazy load plugin and above the fold.
Install and configure W3C cache which will fix the YSLOW settings that still not green in gtmetrix.
I assume you use some kind of theme / page builder? see if you can reduce the number of dom elements in page. Use DOM Monster! to see how nested is your page.
For example if need to display an image dont nest it in div inside column inside row inside container div.
If your website is gonna be used by users in multiple countries I would suggest paying for MAXCDN. It also integrated into W3C cache plugin.
If you use google fonts try adding them locally to style instead of GETing them.

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT
Hi All.
I am currently creating a mobile version of an expression engine site that we use.
I am having problems with this, because typically I can just use media quires, or use redirect scripts.
However, the layout of the mobile site will be completely different from the desktop, so I can't just fiddle with a media quires for the CSS (as site just looks to different).
I was thinking of using a javascript to wipe the code or markup (php) if the device is mobile BUT it would mean perhaps loading two versions of code anytime a page loads up (not good for mobile). Eg one code for desktop and another for mobile.
I can't change the file names eg (mobile_index) because it is a CMS and the links wont link up correctly. I have tried this a few times , and also editing the .HTACCESS file, but it simply didnt work.
So if anyone knows how do I change the code of a page if the device mobile, but cant change file name, directory or any of that :-)
Why no redirect? If I was in your position, which I was a few months ago, I would handle this totally different:
Install Multiple Site Manager by ExpressionEngine: http://expressionengine.com/user_guide/cp/sites/index.html
Add another site -- mobile
Give it a proper domainname like m.domain.com
Give it its own template group
... and redirect with http://github.com/sebarmeli/JS-Redirection-Mobile-Site/
Now you can manage both installations from the same CMS and both installations can access existing channels, modules, extensions and members. This will keep your code fast and clean.
Adding a bunch of conditionals will only slow down installation.
Actually you could mess with media queries - it's the most flexible. JS is really overkill for something like this. At larger sizes, UL>LI menus could appear, and at smaller sizes they could be hidden (display:none) and swapped to select lists; divs can be replaced, elements dropped or resized. I also combine them with different snippets or embeds so you can tailor the content out as well.
You might try something like MX Mobile Device Detect. It gives you some variables that can detect if the user is on a mobile device that you could use in conditionals in your templates.

Create always-present sidebar with Chrome extension

How do I create an always-present sidebar in a Chrome browser extension? Do I have to inject something into each page the user views? That seems weird because it would disappear every time the user navigates to a new page. Also, I'd be worried about my code and HTML interfering with the page and I can't possibly test every page on the net to be sure it works everywhere.
It looks like there was an API for this that was just removed? Is this feature dead for good or are there any plans to bring it back?
You have to inject HTML into every page. There was an experimental Sidebar API for a while but it was never developed to state that the Chromium team was happy with. They are still keeping the issue open but it is not currently being developed. You should star the issue if you wish to get updates on it's progress.
The feature is removed and there is no further development on it.
Quoting from their site:
We will not be proceeding with this feature request. We recognize that there is a significant number of you who will be disappointed with this decision, evidenced in part by the many stars on this issue. We debated it extensively, both inside the team and with members of the community. In the end we decided that the WontFix resolution was more in keeping with Chrome's core value of simplicity.

How to create a Mobile Website

I'm working on a project for class. To create a website and a website for mobile users. The site is to recongize the type of device/browser accessing the page and send the appropiate form. So if I was to visit the site on IE8 it will direct me to the mainpage for IE8, if I was to access the site with a mobile device it will direct me to the mobile website main page automatically.
Also, I need to design the website for at least two different screen sizes.
I'm coding in HTML5, I do not know the type of server the site will be hosted on. The use of Javascript is extra credited. The project details are to "design a small mobile web site. The web site should be tested on one or more mobile devices. The iPod Touch device will be used as the base for testing."
I know how to do 8/10 of the requirements (except the two mentioned). I looked at W3C and didn't find anything.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Do a Google for:
CSS Browser Detection
JavaScript Browser Detection
Also you should think twice about creating multiple sites - with basically the same content - or creating proper stylesheets that are referred from the same site.
Hope that get's you the other 2 requirements
NOTE: Since this is homework I won't post any links...
I suspect that ServerFault isn't the best place for this question...but aside from that, your question is a little vague. A google search for "designing a mobile website" turns up what looks to be several pages of relevant information. If you first try working with the information in those documents and then come back with specific questions (e.g., "I tried this and it behaved this way instead of the way I expected") you're apt to get better answers.

Why does google.com look different on blackberry & phonegap vs. blackberry & browser

I'm tyring to get phonegap up and running on blackberry storm (9530 simulator). I had been testing my webapp from withing BB's built in browser, and it was looking ok, but then it totally bit once I tried to look at the some code from within phonegap, even though I was pointing phonegap to the same url (I hadn't yet gotten to the point of running code locally on the device).
I tried a test case on google and got similiar results. see below. I suspect that I'm missing something basic here. I would have expect both images to be nearly identical.
To shed some light on what is happening, I ran the browser and the embedded browser (phonegap) against the W3 mobile web acid test: http://www.w3.org/2008/06/mobile-test/
I definitely notice differences between the two, but I don't yet know the 'why' and the 'how-to-address'.
Acid via built-in browser
(source: eleganttechnologies.com)
BTW - I ran this earlier today and got a couple more green square than just now.
Acid via browser embedded into phonegap
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about phonegap, but have a pretty good theory. By default the embedded browser control on BlackBerry uses an older version of the rendering engine than the BlackBerry browser itself does.
At the BlackBerry developer conference last year, a talk was given about this, and there's an undocumented option to use the newer rendering engine. \
The option ID is 17000 (yes, a magic number, which could change, use at your own risk etc), and should be set to true. Not sure how you'd pass this option through phonegap (I'm not familiar with the toolkit) but using the BlackBerry APIs it's something like:
BrowserContent content;
content.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, 17000, true);
I don't know the specifics of the browsers you are using, but I do know that most of the big sites will detect your OS + browser combination to decide what HTML to show you.
If Google is seeing a different user agent, you might get a generic mobile version of the HTML instead os the Blackberry specific HTML you get for the built in browser.
If you have access to a web server, try hitting it with both browser setups and see if there is any difference in the log file. That might tell you something interesting.
As we can see in your Acid tests...
One browser (the built-in one) is reporting correctly as a BlackBerry9530, and the other (phonegap) is not presenting the user-agent ["Testing with ."].
In this case, Google is providing you with the default view of their homepage, whereas when you are reporting yourself as a BlackBerry device, you will get the BlackBerry specific rendering.
By the sounds of things, using phonegap is removing the default user-agent (most probably because it's not recognising your device). As phonegap is open-source, the best bet is to get in there, and debug it and find out what happens with the user-agent when the http requests leave the device and track it back from there.
Maybe one browser has capabilities that another one does not?
Hm. By looking at the screenshot I would say that the second page is probably missing some resources. It may be missing some images, scripts and the CSS files, which would explain different l&f. Knowing how Blackberry Browser Field API works, I would guess that the implementation that uses the BrowserField was not done correctly. Just my guess. In addition to that, when the browser field is initialized the caller needs to configure it properly by enabling the appropriate browser features - scripts, styles etc. Again, the API is done in a very weird way, I have gotten myself into this trap once. When setting the options, you cannot just create one mask (like CSS | WML | SCRIPT) and make one call. Options are numeric and, I believe, non-overlapping - but you still need to call the API for setting each option independently.
Also the way asynchronous loading of the resources for BrowserField takes time to understand.
Just my $0.02.
