Dynamics 2011 CRM - Visual Studio Developer Tools / Org Mismatch - dynamics-crm-2011

I'm creating a CRM 2011 plug-in. I created it with the Visual Studio Solution Template for Dynamics 2011, and authored it as a CRM 2011 Plug-In Library. After completing the iniital implementation and testing in CRM, I now need to associate the plugin with a different Entity / Attribute / SDK Message. So...I re-opened VS to try to create another plug-in or to otherwise edit it this one.
Oddly, I get a WCF Error from Visual Studio's IDE when I re-start an existing SLN that used to work. Specifically, I get the error when I start the CRM Explorer in VS. The error is pretty generic -
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. etc .etc.
The CRM Explorer tree shows 0 Entities and 0 Option Sets after the error, though the other tree nodes seem to have the correct content. It feels to me that something in my Org or CRM Server has broken the VS integration, but don't have any idea what that might have been. I mean I hadn't made any changes to the Org at all in a week or so (though I did apply August Windows Updates!). I'm on Cum Update 8 at the moment.
When I delete the hidden blah.SUO and the blah.docstates.suo files, and restart VS ... the CRM Explorer prompts for my server / credentials / Org as expected for the initial start. However, I get the above WCF error again and the CRM Explorer does not populate correctly following this "reset". I have also tried uninstalling the CRM Developer Toolkit without luck.
Anyone seen this behavior before, or have any suggestions?

I have seen something like that happen when the WCF endpoints were re-configured (CRM Deployment Manager). You can check to see what the endpoints are in the Settings - Customizations - Developer Resources

I had a similar issue: trying to connect to CRM Server through development toolkit add-in to VS.
Resolution: add the user to the CRM Organisation and assign role "System Administrator".


Setting up a sharepoint site for remote connection

I have been tasked with setting up a SharePoint 2013 site being a straight MVC developer has me scrambling to figure out how to implement a solution that works for everyone involved.
We have a server with SharePoint on it and visual stuido however RDC only has 2 connections (company will not pay for more connections, tried that route) and we have the potential for 8 developers to be logged in at once.
our local machine setup is windows 8.1 with visual studio 2013 on it.
I read somewhere you can do remote connections to SharePoint but have no clue how to set that up or if it's even possible for use.
if anyone can help point me in a direction that would be great.
If you are strictly developing Apps you can develop remotely and this TechNet covers the step-by-step for it (configure the server and infrastructure for Apps, create a developer site and give your Devs the required permissions).
If you want to develop components that use the server side Object model (Microsoft.SharePoint.dll) you MUST do so from a SharePoint server.
You can try to copy the DLL over to your dev machine, and you can successfully build. With this, though, you will lose many of Visual Studio's integrations and will not be able to deploy or debug from Visual Studio

TFS 2012-based reports and settings open in separate browser window instead of tab in VS 2012 IDE

In the process of switching my folks over to TFS 2012, I was evaluating the team project reports I moved over. When I double-clicked on a report to open it, instead of seeing it in a tab within my VS 2012 IDE, it opens in a separate web browser window.
This behavior exhibits in migrated team projects (from 2010 to 2012), as well as newly created team projects. I'm inclined to think it's a configuration issue missed on my part, but I can't seem to nail it down.
[Migration details: upgrade performed by detaching 2010 collection, reattaching to running instance of TFS2012 on new hardware. ReportServer database was moved separately. Hardware is all WinSrv2008R2, SQL2012 Standard.]
UPDATE: altered title as this is happening to any/all settings and controls, as well, for any given team project (Security, Group Membership, Work Item Areas, etc). Anything that is URL-based. So, at least it's misbehaving consistently.
If I'm understanding you correctly, this is the expected behavior for TFS 2012. All of the controls you mentioned are part of Web Access and should be viewed/altered in a browser and not VS.

How do I create an InstallShield LE project to install a windows service?

I downloaded Visual Studio 2012 yesterday when it was released on MSDN. I have noticed that a few of the project types that we had in 2010 are gone or different. The biggest difference for me right now is the removal of the Windows Installer project. Now we are being forced to use the InstallShield LE (Limited Edition). The problem here is that I write a ton of Windows Services and I can't see how to setup InstallShield LE. It appears that we (my company) will have to invest in licenses for the professional edition.
Has anyone found a way to install services in InstallShield LE? When using the Windows Installer project, you just set the custom actions.
For Visual Studio 2012 & InstallShield LE, do the following:
Run through the InstallShield project assistant and add the primary output of your service to the Application files section.
After you are done with the project assistant, double click the "Files" item under step two of the setup project.
Right click on the primary output of your service, and go to properties.
Click the "COM and .NET Settings" tab, and place a check in the "Installer Class" checkbox.
Click Ok
Now, once you build and run your install, your service will show up in the Windows Services snap in.
Note that this assumes you added a "Project Installer" to your service project (Right click on the service design sheet and click "add installer"). I can confirm this work on Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012 / InstallShield LE.
I've recently installed VS 2012 with Install Shield LE. At first I kept getting a ISEXP -5036 internal server error after a build (this was after setting up a ISLE project and running through the Install Shield Project Assistant). Eventually I found out that it was trying to create the MSI in the DVD-5 media type which is where it was failing. For some reason, creating the solution again from scratch somehow recognizes to only build to the CD_ROM and SingleImage media types which works.
Anyway to rectify the 5036 error, click the Build tab in VS 2012 (top menu), select configuration manager and you should see that your IS setup file is selected on the DVD-5 configuration. Change this to CD_ROM and click close. Once you build/rebuild it will complete with no IS 5036 error.
While using the installer class checkbox may work for some instances, you may experience the following error:
Error 1001.The specified service already exists
Here is an excerpt from this link on how to resolve this issue:
For Error: Error 1001.The specified service already exists
This error will occur if the component installing a .NET Service is
incorrectly configured with ".NET Installer Class" set to Yes. The
method to install a .NET Service is to use Component\Advanced
Settings\Services view, not the ".NET Installer Class" setting.
Making definitions in the Component\Advanced Settings\Services view
creates entries in the Windows Installer ServiceControl and
ServiceInstall Tables. These entries are used by the Windows
Installer "InstallServices" action to install the Service.
If your project is .NET, then try then you can use the ServiceProcessInstaller class with InstallShield LE.
To get it to work with InstallShield, you have to go into the InstallShield "files" tree and right click on your file. Then check the checkbox for "Installer class" on the "COM and .NET settings" tab.
I have gotten it to work, but I've had problems on some OS's like Windows 2008R2. Your mileage may vary.
Here is an example: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14353/Creating-a-Basic-Windows-Service-in-C
I had all sorts of problems with this.
As follows.
InstallShield takes ages to download
the registration process is a pain.
the configuration options are confusing and overly complex.
the accepted solution on this thread is a hack and it doesn't always work - see 1001 in the documentation - essentially you need to get through the paywall to get the right configuration options to install a windows service.
Solution for me as mentioned elsewhere - was to abandon InstallShield
Very easy from that point.
Edit: Update - install the latest version from here https://wix.codeplex.com/releases/view/115492 for vs 2013 / 2015
Visual Studio setup projects are back in VS 2013 as a visual studio extension.
Please update your solution and projects to VS 2013. If you are still in VS 2010, you are probably better off by upgrading directly to VS 2013.
My experience with Installsheild LE is that it is very quirky but once you figure out the tricks, it is easier to use. However, I think that the limited edition is a way by Microsoft and Flexera to sell the fully featured edition. In other words, first we pay Microsoft a lot of money for Visual Studio and then their partner (in crime) more for Installsheild. Bad strategy which did not work out since they had to bring back the setup projects in VS 2013.
I've written about this subject:
Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Windows Services
Basically you create a merge module using WiX to encapsulate the service and then add it to your installshield project. ( Be sure to associate to the INSTALLDIR directory to make sure your file goes where you expect ). Build and test on a VM. Piece of cake.
I'm using VS2012 and Installshield LE Spring Edition. I did not have to use Wix.
If you encounter the error "Could not create _isconfig.xml for use with InstallUtilLib.dll", please create a folder with the same name as your setup project and inside the setup project folder.
Credits to http://community.flexerasoftware.com/showthread.php?165929-Could-not-create-_isconfig-xml-for-use-with-InstallUtilLib-dll
I just got some problems finding where to add installer as referred in the answer. So here it is how.
Double click on your service class within your Windows service Project
A blank screen with the text "To add components to your class, drag them from the Toolbox and use the Properties window to set their properties..."
Right click anywhere but on the links and select "Add Installer"
see ya
Bear in mind that all the above explanation will not help you if you plan to create later an upgrade of that setup. InstallShiled LE can't stop the running service when you upgrade. You can't do it either from Window Service Installer -> BeforeInstall event.
Wanted to put this here;
On VS 2015, when doing this, I ran into the 1001 error upon installation repeatedly.
Answer on this page explained that on the newer versions (anything past 2012), apparently you need to explicitly leave the installer class option unchecked, and then add your windows service under the Services section under Step 3 of the installer project:
Error 1001 when installing custom Windows Service

How to ignore users in VS 11 Sql Server Database project publish

I can't figure out how to ignore users in my vs 11 beta sql server db project when publishing.
Why is this a problem
This is a problem because I want to keep the setting where I want to drop objects that are not in my project but are in the db being published to. If I delete a sproc in my project I'd like to drop the sproc in my db.
Any ideas? I've looked at all of the publish settings and just can't seem to figure it out....
Encountered this as well, since it persists in Visual Studio 2012 RTM / SP1 with SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). I reached out to Barclay Hill at Microsoft who works on the product, who confirmed that this is currently not possible:
It is frequently asked for i.e drop everything, but users, permissions
and roles. We have it on our backlog, but have not been able to get
to it yet.

Is there a method for getting the Excel VBA IDE working with TFS 2010?

I have team members that need to be able to checkin VBA modules/classes created in Excel 2007/2010.
I want to be able to use some TFS functionality, ideally from within the VBA IDE.
I don't want to checkin Excel files as artefacts. Ive seen the MSSCCI provider download from MS.
I don't think in this case the Windows shell extensions from the Power Toys helps because I don't want to have to create an additional process for developers to export and/or import class & module files from their work in VBA project maintenance.
Question: Can someone provide a way to use the MSSCCI provider with Excel 2007 (or even Excel 2010 only)? Do you think this would only be possible with custom VBA addin?
I've thought about using an approach such as making a custom VBA addin and adding some commands that make basic calls to the TFS client object model.
Just found this post from Codeproject from another question this time looking for the same thing but for SVN rather than TFS.
There is a Visual SorceSafe provider for VBE that comes with Office XP Developer. I used it for many years and still have it installed. It does what you want, but using VSS and not TFS.
Note that the product is not supported, but VBA/VBE has not changed since Office 2000. I used the provider for two years for Excel 2003 development with no problems.
I seem to remember recently an article describing how you can use VBA/VSS with the extra benefit of having the code also "posted" to TFS. Since I no longer professionally code in VBA/VSS, I didn't have a need for the article, but did find the topic interesting.
Office XP Developer has a few other tools that make it worth the time to install.
Access Source Code Control and Team Foundation Server
Today's guest writer is Mike Sullivan - a tester on the Access team
With the release of Visual Studio Team System 2008, we've recently received questions from several customers regarding whether or not Team Foundation Server (TFS) can act as a source code control provider for the Access source code control (SCC) component. The answer is yes!
Although many folks refer to Access’ source code control component as “SourceSafe integration,” that only tells part of the story. SCC integration within Access is fully compatible with any provider that implements the Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI). Although Visual SourceSafe is one of the more widely used MSSCCI providers, there are several other products that implement this interface, including Team Foundation Server 2005 & 2008 as well as IBM ClearCase.
However, MSSCCI support in Team Foundation Server is not native and requires an additional add-in available for download:
MSSCCI Add-in for Team Foundation Server 2005 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=87E1FFBD-A484-4C3A-8776-D560AB1E6198&displaylang=en
MSSCCI Add-in for Team Foundation Server 2008 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=faeb7636-644e-451a-90d4-7947217da0e7&displaylang=en
Of course, to enable SCC functionality from within Access, you’ll also need the Source Code Control add-in. This shipped as a free download as a part of the Access Developer Extensions for Access 2007 and as a separate free add-in for Access 2003:
Access 2007 Developer Extensions http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=D96A8358-ECE4-4BEE-A844-F81856DCEB67&displaylang=en
Access 2003 Source Code Control Add-in http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2ea45ff4-a916-48c5-8f84-44b91fa774bc&displaylang=en
If you’re interested in taking this configuration for a whirl, you might want to download the Team Foundation Server Virtual PC image that has been made available by the Visual Studio team. Included on this virtual PC are copies of Visual Studio Team System 2008 and Office 2007 Enterprise SP1 (though Access is not installed by default on this image – you’ll need to go to Add/Remove programs within Control panel and launch setup to install Access). This trial image is good through December 31, 2008.
To get the Virtual PC image working, you’ll also need to install the Access Developer Extensions (the MSSCCI add-in is preinstalled). Since VSS is the default MSSCCI provider on the machine, you’ll need to tweak a registry key to get Access to use Team Foundation instead:
Key: ProviderRegKey
Value: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider
Hopefully those of you curious about support for TFS have had your questions answered!
