Using .htaccess to style URL directory style - .htaccess

I have searched this question and looked around but can't seem to get this working in practice. This is my .htaccess file:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /poker/(.*)/(.*)/$ /poker/?$1=$2
I am trying to get my page to work like this:
But this just isn't working, I have used 3 different generators and tried typing it manually from tutorials but it is just returning a 404. Any idea's a greatly appreciated, it could be really obvious..

You do not have a trailing slash in your example, yet your rule requires one. You can make the trailing slash optional:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /poker/(.*)/(.*)/?$ /poker/?$1=$2
Note however, that a uri /poker/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/ is also a match here - a/b/c/d/e/f will match the first subpattern and g will match the second one, because (.*) is greedy. Be more specific if you wish to match only content between slashes - e.g. ([^/]*)

Well, there's really nothing wrong with the rules that you have if resolves correctly. The only thing is that if this is in an htaccess file, the leading slash is removed from the URI when it's matched against in a RewriteRule, so you need to remove it from your regular expression (or maky it optional):
RewriteRule ^poker/(.+)/(.+)/?$ /poker/?$1=$2
And maybe make the groupings (.+) instead so that there is at least one character there.


.htaccess not working as expected in sub-folder

I have this rewrite rule placed in /dashboard/.htaccess [dashboard is actually a folder]:
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L]
My structure is index.php?mode=support, even though, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] outputs this:
Example: should be
So , how can I make it parse the param value, and not the file itself.
Managed to solve it while doing more research on regular expressions.
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L,QSA]
Thi solved my problem, preferred plus instead asterisk because it tells the engine to repeat it zero or more times. (when i'm on index.php , query string is empty as needed)
Your rule is matching anything that starts with not a slash and doesnt contain a slash anywhere when your actual path is
to get the folder you actually want you need a base on there like this
RewriteBase /dashboard/
If that is placed above the rule, Then your redirect should be ok

mod_rewrite .htaccess with %20 translate to -

I have been reading about .htaccess files for a couple of hours now and I think I'm starting to get the idea but I still need some help. I found various answers around SO but still unsure how to do this.
As far as I understand you write a rule for each page extension you want to 'prettify', so if you have something.php , anotherpage.php, thispage.php etc and they are expecting(will receive??) arguments, each needs its own rule. Is this correct?
The site I want to change has urls like this,
and at least one page with two arguments
So what I would like to make is
Keeping this .php page and making it look like the directory. Most of the tutorials I have read deal with how to remove the .php page to which the argument is passed. But I want to keep it.
the problem I am forseeing is that all of the .php?r=parts of the url are the same ie sue.php?r=, kevin.php?r= and the .htaccess decides which URL to change based on the filename and then omits it. If I want to keep the file name will I have to change the ?r=
so that it is individual? I hope this make sense. So far I have this, but I'm sure it won't work.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$1.php?r=$1
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$1.php?r=$1&c=$1
And I think I have to add ([^-]*) this in some part or some way so that it detects the %20 part of the URL, but then how do I convert it to -. Also, how are my $_GET functions going to work??
I hope my question makes sense
You're missing a space somewhere in those rules, but I think you've got the right idea in making 2 separate rules. The harder problem is converting all the - to spaces. Let's start with the conversion to GET variables:
# check that the "sue.php" actually exists:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([^/]+)/?$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1.php -f
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /$1.php?r=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1.php -f
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /$1.php?r=$2&c=$3 [L,QSA]
Those will take a URI that looks like /sue/blah/ and:
Extract the sue part
Check that /document_root/sue.php actually exists
rewrite /sue/blah/ to /sue.php?r=blah
Same thing applies to 2 word URI's
Something like /kevin/foo/bar/:
Extract the kevin part
Check that /document_root/kevin.php actually exists
3 rewrite /kevin/foo/bar/ to /kevin.php?r=foo&c=bar
Now, to get rid of the "-" and change them to spaces:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)(c|r)=([^&]+)-(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1?%1%2=%3\ %4 [L]
This looks a little messy but the condition matches the query string, looks for a c= or r= in the query string, matches against a - in the value of a c= or r=, then rewrites the query string to replace the - with a (note that the space gets encoded as a %20). This will remove all the - instances in the values of the GET parameters c and r and replace them with a space.

.htaccess basic mod rewrite

I am only just starting to learn how to rewrite urls with the .htaccess file.
How would I change:
into this:
This is what I have been trying
RewriteRule ^/games/game-one.php ^/games/game-one/ [NC,L]
If you want people to use /games/game-one/ explicitly, you have to rewrite so that it requests /game/game-one.php. So the opposite way around than you have it in your question.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^games/game-one/$ /games/game-one.php
If you want to rewrite other URL's too, then you'd need to use a technique similar to the prior answer.
Try this:
RewriteRule ^(/games/game-one)\.php $1/
What that says is match anything starting with /games/game-one and remember the first part of that match, then replace it with the first part (capturing group in regex speak), and a slash character. Note that to match a period character you must precede it with a \ since . is a special character that means "any character" (at least if you care to avoid matching any character).

Mod_Rewrite to /subdirectory and /subdirectory/query

I'm having a difficult time getting into using mod_rewrite. I've been at this for about an hour googling stuff but nothing quite seems to work. What I want to do is change into
and also into
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^species/(.*)$ /species.php?name=$1
I can get to display as, and with
RewriteRule ^species/ /species.php
I can get to display as, but I can't get both of them to work at the same time.
Also, with no trailing slash always comes up as a 404.
I've considered just making a /species/ directory to catch any problems but I'd rather just have a few rules for one species.php file. Any help would gladly be appreciated!
Edit (because I can't answer my own question for 8 more hours):
I seem to have fixed both of my problems. I changed my .htaccess to:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^species/(.*)$ /species.php?name=$1
RewriteRule ^species/?$ /species.php
The second RewriteRule successfully redirects to while leaving the other RewriteRule working at the same time.
However, if I typed in with a trailing slash, it was being read as and would throw an error because no name was submitted, so I just added
if(isset($_GET['name']) && empty($_GET['name'])) {header('location:');}
so that if I used it would redirect to /species and work as desired.
If you change the * (match zero or more) to a + (match one or more) in your first RewriteRule then you should stop seeing species.php?name= if a trailing slash is used.
This is because the + will require that something appears after the slash, otherwise the rule will not match. Then your second RewriteRule will match because it ends with an optional slash, but will not add the name= query string to the target URL.
You may also want to add the [L] flag (last) after the first rule, because you don't need the second rule to execute if the first rule matches. (Note that this will not stop the RewriteCond and RewriteRule tests being run on the resulting redirect URL, which will have to go through the .htaccess file just like any other request.)
See the Reference Documentation for mod_rewrite in Apache 2.4 (or see the docs for the version of Apache you're actually using).

.htaccess file url rewrite keeps going to the wrong page

I am trying to get the follow urls to work
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$2&team_id=$1
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)/members$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2
but when i try the link with /members init it goes to the other page?
can someone help me please
[^-] and [^&] includes the / so /members is included with that. you could either add / to your negation character groups like [^-/] and [^&/] so it doesn't match / or move the bottom one up and add [L] after it to tell apache this is the [L]ast rule to check if it matches.
The trouble is, your second rule is being satisfied by the first rule. You could simply switch them around and it will work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)/members$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$2&team_id=$1
Although, a slight change in the first rule will also address the problem:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^/]+)[/]?$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$1&team_id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^/]+)/members[/]?$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2 [L]
Note, I changed the match string in the first rule from ([^&]+) to ([^/]+) - that way the forward slash isn't included in the match in cases like The [/]? rule at the end is an optional match for that trailing forward slash. I've likewise added one to the end of the members rule as well, now it works like this: - goes to index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=1&team_id=2 - goes to index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=1&team_id=2 - goes to index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=1&team_id=2 - goes to index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=1&team_id=2
